68 resultados para librarian in residence program


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A group of middle managers in the Australian arm of a large Global company participated in a program of experiential leadership training over a period of one year. One aim of the program was increased interpersonal skills and awareness. Change was measured using a mixed quantitative and qualitative longitudinal design. Pre and post-training measures of emotional intelligence were obtained using the EIQ (Dulewicz & Higgs, 2000) and compared with content analysis of journals kept by participants during the program. The dependent variable was measured by pre and post training measures of work performance. Findings are discussed in terms of their implications for management development as well as for further research.


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It is found that geographic diversity, respect for differing beliefs, encouraging feedback, active participation and interaction with the students, and techniques such as active listening, contribute an architecture and atmosphere to student learning, teacher effectiveness and program excellence in virtual education. One functioning teaching team in University of Maryland University College’s online MBA program provides the action research foundation underpinning the findings. A widely dispersed team of academics and assistants have documented the ways they enhance educational information for students in the program. Assessment activities, supplementary communications and biographical information contribute to student perception of the quality of management education in the program. Mechanisms for effectively tapping a global faculty team are discussed and are informative for administrators and academics alike.


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Young children have been identified as a high-risk group in relation to fire-related deaths because of their limited ability to understand the intinsic dangers of fire, to foresee the consequences of playing with fire, or to manage a fire if it were to become out of control.  Children are also not equipped to respond in a meaningful way in the event of a fire.  It is therefore essential that fire safety education be imparted to children in an effective manner so as to equip them to deal with a fire efficiently.  The objective of the present study was to evaluate the 'Fire Ed' program conducted by the Melbourne Metropolitan Fire Brigade for primary school children to determine whether exposure to the curriculum will influence children's knowledge of fire safety behaviours.  Although the program has numerous positive features, its overall effectivenedd has not been evaluated.  It was hypothesised that: a) children will not be aware of essential fire safety information prior to attending the 'Fire Ed' program, and b) children will display a significant gain in fire safety knowledge after participation in the program.  Sixty children from six primary schools participated in the study and they were tested on their level of fire safety knowledge prior to and after partcipation in the 'Fire Ed' program.  Results show that the children's knowledge of fire safety procedures improved significantly after participation in the program when tested after three weeks, however, when their knowledge was examined after five weeks, a significant decline was seen.  The findings show that regular evaluations of fire safety programs are required and that they could be improved by considering the different stages of cognitive development in children.


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This paper looks at an international collaborative project in teacher education between Malaysian Institutes of teacher training and an Australian university from the perspectives of four of the participants. Two of the stories are from participants who are co-ordinating aspects of the collaboration, and two stories come from participants who were involved closely in the curriculum and teaching aspects of the program. These personal stories reveal that international collaborative projects are indeed like the durian: there are both good and bad aspects. Our differing roles in the program allow us to provide rich insights into such an international collaboration that we believe will be of benefit to others attempting similar projects.


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This reflective paper began with a discussion of the online program design and delivery experiences of three senior faculty members at the University of Calgary (Canada) and Deakin University (Australia), which was recorded at Deakin University. After drawing on this recording in their research and practice, one faculty member from each institution decided to review and expanded upon their intervening experiences in terms of issues of quality program design, delivery, and support issues when teaching, and learning in different cultural contexts. The authors discovered that these issues are as important today as they were when they met to record the interview, and have concluded their discussion here with thoughts about the teaching, student, and administrative supports that institutions engaged in online program delivery cross-culturally must address in order to successfully deliver quality online programs worldwide.


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The complexity of relationships between social change and natural resource management has generated interest in the identification of indicators that might provide more streamlined means of monitoring and planning control programmes. This case study highlights the marketing paradigms of benchmarking and social marketing in a not-for-profit governmental environment. Publicly funded programs that require individual and community participation need to be marketed with a view to optimising involvement and commitment of the various stakeholders. A mail survey with a representative sample of 608 respondents was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of a social marketing program. This study highlights the use of social marketing in a program to overcome an environmental issue by a governmental agency. Changing attitudes and beliefs takes time and often the target audience may not even know they have a problem that needs fixing. This process influences the focus of the social marketing effort which might be organised into three phases: • Raise awareness and knowledge.   •Change attitudes.  • Encourage action. The research conducted in this study illustrates how the various stages in the social marketing process were achieved through knowledge enhancement in an environmental management case study.


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Framing the Future is a major staff development initiative of the Australian National Training Authority (ANTA), designed to support the implementation of the National Training Framework (NTF). Since 1997 over 20,000 vocational education and training (VET) practitioners have participated in the program. The program was renamed Reframing the Future in 2001.

This study reports on research conducted on the long-term impacts of projects funded by Framing the Future in 1999 and 2000. John Mitchell and Sarah Wood from John Mitchell & Associates conducted the research from May 2000–May 2001.

Using twenty four case studies and the results of interviews and an extensive survey, the report provides evidence of high-skilled VET practitioners and high-performing VET organisations who ensure that their involvement in Framing the Future projects leads to long-term gains, particularly in support of the implementation of the NTF.


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Alternative health care delivery models such as HITH facilitate the care of patients requiring acute treatments in their own homes. There are over 570 Diagnostic Related Groups managed in HITH programs and many of these are known to have associated physical pain. The impact of the home environment on patients’ experience of pain or how pain is managed is poorly understood. The purpose of this presentation is to
present the background and preliminary findings of a study that aims to increase our understanding of the issues related to providing optimal pain management for acute care patients who are transferred to Hospital in the Home. This knowledge will enable the development of effective practice guidelines to improve patient outcomes. More specifically, the aims are:
• To identify whether patients are transferred to HITH in pain or develop
   significant pain while in the program
• To identify the frequency and intensity of pain experienced by patients in 3      HITH programs.
• To describe patients’ experience of pain in the home environment.
• To investigate whether patients receive adequate pain relief once                      transferred to HITH.
• To explore the strategies patients use to manage pain at home.

The study will be carried out over 12 months in three HITH units in Victoria: Box Hill Hospital, Alfred Hospital and Epworth Hospital. The design is a descriptive survey of patients’ experience of pain and pain management using a modified version of The American Pain Society’s Patient Outcome Questionnaire. 360 consecutive surgical patients transferred to HITH care in the three participating programs will be interviewed by telephone between 48 and 72 hours of admission to the program.

The findings of this study will identify issues in providing optimum pain management for patients receiving acute care in non-traditional treatment environments.


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UK sound-artist Scanner (whom we met on the program earlier this year) has been Artist-in-Residence for BBC Radio 4's 'Front Row' arts program where he's been experimenting with the medium of broadcasting. We heard one piece which explores the idea of social spaces in the city - associated with the visionary architectural ideas of Buckminster Fuller.

This morning we are staying with ideas of housing for the modern world.

Stuttgart, Germany, is our place of disembarkation - where in 1927 a modern housing estate - the Weissenhof Seidlung - was built to showcase the very latest work from the biggest names in modern architecture. 33 houses and apartments of all shapes and sizes - unified by their white, cubic streamlined forms.

The Estate is now a national monument and is a site of pilgrimage for architecture fans the world over.

Melbourne's Span Gallery is showing photographs of the Weissenhof Seidlung - and waiting in the wings to take us through it is historian Judith Trimble, joined by our own Rhiannon Brown, and - making a few guest appearances - the master of the modern movement, Le Corbusier, caught on tape here in the late 1950s.


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Background : The Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) program matches vulnerable young people with a trained, supervised adult volunteer as mentor. The young people are typically seriously disadvantaged, with multiple psychosocial problems.

Methods : Threshold analysis was undertaken to determine whether investment in the program was a worthwhile use of limited public funds. The potential cost savings were based on US estimates of life-time costs associated with high-risk youth who drop out-of-school and become adult criminals. The intervention was modelled for children aged 10–14 years residing in Melbourne in 2004.

Results : If the program serviced 2,208 of the most vulnerable young people, it would cost AUD 39.5 M. Assuming 50% were high-risk, the associated costs of their adult criminality would be AUD 3.3 billion. To break even, the program would need to avert high-risk behaviours in only 1.3% (14/1,104) of participants.

Conclusion : This indicative evaluation suggests that the BBBS program represents excellent 'value for money'.


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Physical inactivity and related diseases are of global public health concern. In many developing countries, levels of health promoting physical activity (PA) are falling despite government initiatives. Previous work has identified that periods of transition across a life course, or ‘life-change events’ have implications for drop out from PA. As yet, there has been little work to understand the life course as a whole and to furnish a complete list of possible life changes that might affect participation in PA. Our paper presents a review of the published literature in which life events have been studied in relation to their effect on participation in PA. A literature search was conducted for papers published between 1977 and April 2007 and referenced in Pubmed. Papers were reviewed if they; reported the effect of a life-change event; had PA as an outcome; reported results in English; and reported results from observational studies. The references for studies identified during this first phase were searched for further papers. Eighty-seven papers were identified as potentially relevant on the basis of title, of which 19 papers met the inclusion criteria on the basis of full text. Five life changes were identified; change in employment status; change in residence; change in physical status; change in relationships; and change in family structure. It was noted that few longitudinal studies examined PA both before and after a life event. A list of possible life events which might effect participation in PA is presented. This paper represents a first step towards a detailed programme of work on life-change events and PA.


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Overall, this thesis was designed to explore the nature of adolescent boys' body image, the effects of body image on body change strategies and psychological adjustment, and the factors that influence body image. The first study examined body image in 362 adolescent boys. Body image was considered in terms of attitudes to different body parts and attributes, including, lower, middle and upper body, as well as weight, shape and muscles. The relationships between Body Mass Index (BMI), body image, sociocultural messages, psychological adjustment and body change strategies, including strategies to decrease weight and increase muscles using food and exercise, drive for thinness, bulimic attitudes and behaviour, excessive exercise, food supplements to lose weight, increase muscles and steroids, were also investigated. Multiple regression analyses were used to examine the role of body image, sociocultural messages and psychological adjustment to predict satisfaction with different body attributes and body change strategies. The findings from study one led to the development of a program aimed at preventing the development of unhealthy attitudes and behaviours among adolescent boys. Study two involved the implementation and evaluation of this prevention program. One hundred and twenty one boys participated in the program. The program was based on social-cognitive theory, and included a focus on accepting differences and the development of self-esteem. The boys who participated in the program indicated some change in existing attitudes and showed less development of risk behaviours relative to the control group. The implications of the findings from this thesis in relation to future research, as well as the prevention of adolescent boys' body image problems are discussed.


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Kids - 'Go for your life' (K-GFYL) is an award-based health promotion program being implemented across Victoria, Australia. The program aims to reduce the risk of childhood obesity by improving the socio-cultural, policy and physical environments in children's care and educational settings. Membership of the K-GFYL program is open to all primary and pre-schools and early childhood services across the State. Once in the program, member schools and services are centrally supported to undertake the health promotion (intervention) activities. Once the K-GFYL program 'criteria' are reached the school/service is assessed and 'awarded'. This paper describes the design of the evaluation of the statewide K-GFYL intervention program.

The evaluation is mixed method and cross sectional and aims to:
1) Determine if K-GFYL award status is associated with more health promoting environments in schools/services compared to those who are members only;
2) Determine if children attending K-GFYL award schools/services have higher levels of healthy eating and physical activity-related behaviors compared to those who are members only;
3) Examine the barriers to implementing and achieving the K-GFYL award; and
4) Determine the economic cost of implementing K-GFYL in primary schools
Parent surveys will capture information about the home environment and child dietary and physical activity-related behaviors. Environmental questionnaires in early childhood settings and schools will capture information on the physical activity and nutrition environment and current health promotion activities. Lunchbox surveys and a set of open-ended questions for kindergarten parents will provide additional data. Resource use associated with the intervention activities will be collected from primary schools for cost analysis.


The K-GFYL award program is a community-wide intervention that requires a comprehensive, multi-level evaluation. The evaluation design is constrained by the lack of a non-K-GFYL control group, short time frames and delayed funding of this large scale evaluation across all intervention settings. However, despite this, the evaluation will generate valuable evidence about the utility of a community-wide environmental approach to preventing childhood obesity which will inform future public health policies and health promotion programs internationally.

Trial Registration


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This article discusses a community music project in rural East Timor. Australian musician Gillian Howell lived for three months in the isolated town of Lospalos as an Asialink artist-in-residence, where she worked with local community members and visiting Australian musicians to share music and ideas, and to communicate across cultures. Three activities are described in detail: a songwriting project, a large-scale community music event and a series of informal jam sessions, particularly with respect to the context, teaching and learning models used. An evaluation of the impact of the project on participants, other community members and visiting musicians, indicated that stakeholders valued the project highly for a range of different reasons. These included fun and enjoyment, maintenance of cultural heritage, creative expression, English language learning and cross-cultural exchange. Learnings and recommendations for future similar cross-cultural collaborations include the value of integrating local music traditions with new participatory arts approaches.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the change in the relationship between play, language and social skills of children aged 5–8 years pre and post participation in the ‘Learn to Play’ program. The Learn to Play program is a child led play based intervention aimed at developing self-initiated pretend play skills in children.

All 19 participants attended a specialist school, with 10 of the 19 children having a diagnosis of autism. The play, language and social skills of the children were assessed at baseline and at follow up. Children were assessed using the Child-Initiated Pretend Play Assessment, the Preschool Language Scale and the Penn Interactive Peer Play Scale. Follow up data collection occurred after the children had been participating in the Learn to Play program for 1 hour twice a week for 6 months.

After 6 months in the program, typical indicators of play accounted for an increase of 47.3% in shared variance with social interaction and an increase of 36% in shared variance for social connection. For language, object substitution ability accounted for 50% of the shared variance, which was an increase of 27% from baseline.

The ‘Learn to Play’ program was associated with increases in children's language and social skills over a 6-month period within a special school setting, indicating the Learn to Play program is an effective intervention for children with developmental disabilities. This paper presents an example of how the Learn to Play program can be adapted into a classroom setting.