34 resultados para Orwig, Bernice


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This study investigated the cross-cultural factor stability and internal consistency of the Revised American Pain Society Patient Outcome Questionnaire (APS-POQ-R); a measure of the quality of postoperative pain management employed internationally. We conducted exploratory factor analysis (EFA) of APS-POQ-R data from two point-prevalence studies comprising 268 and 311 surveys of Danish and Australian medical-surgical patients. Parallel analysis indicated four and three factor solutions for Danish and Australian patients respectively, which accounted for 58.1% and 52.9% of variance. Internal consistency was unsatisfactory among both Danish (Cronbach α=.54) and Australian (Cronbach α=.63) cohorts. There was a high degree of between-group similarity in item-factor loadings of variables coded as "pain experience", but not "pain management". This reflected cross-cultural differences in ratings of treatment satisfaction. For Danish patients, satisfaction was associated with the degree of pain severity and activity interference whereas for Australian patients, satisfaction was associated with their perceived ability to participate in treatment. To facilitate further cross-cultural comparison, we compared our findings to past research conducted in the U.S. and Iceland. EFA supported the construct validity of the APS-POQ-R as a measure of "pain experience", but indicated that items measuring "pain management" may vary cross-culturally. Findings highlighted the need for further validation of the APS-POQ-R internationally. PERSPECTIVE: This study revealed the APS-POQ-R as a valid measure of postoperative pain experience for Danish and Australian patients. Measures of patients' perception of pain management were not robust to group differences in treatment expectations and demonstrated cross-cultural instability. Results highlighted difficulties in establishing stable cross-cultural, cross-population subscales for the APS-POQ-R.


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Aim: The purpose of this study was to explore clinician experiences of adopting quality improvement tools to standardise interprofessional (anaesthetist-to-nurse) handover communication when patients arrive in the post-anaesthetic care unit (PACU). Method: In this study, factors that impacted PACU nurses' adoption of the quality improvement tools were explored using pre- and postimplementation, semi-structured focus group interviews. Interview data was analysed using the PARiHS1 (context, evidence and facilitation) framework as a deductive analysis tool. Results: PACU nurses recognised that PACU handover from anaesthetists to PACU nurses was suboptimal and described the tools as useful for their practice. However, PACU nurses frequently cited fear of anaesthetists' reactions as reasons not to insist on the use of the handover improvement tools. PACU nurses at Hospital 2 identified lacking "authority" (Hospital 2 FG 2) in the OR as hindering their willingness to use the tools against these behaviours. In comparison, visible support from leadership at Hospital 1 was described as encouraging nurses to be "assertive" (Hospital 1 FG 2) and take charge of their patients' care. Conclusion: PACU nurses perceived the handover tools were useful and helped them identify gaps in handover practice; however, PACU nurses described difficult relationships as hindering communication effectiveness and discouraging their adoption of the tools. However, strong leadership and organisational support of change emerged as essential to mitigate the effects of these difficult relationships.


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AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To explore nurses' reactions to new novel technology for acute health care. BACKGROUND: Past failures of technology developers to deliver products that meet nurses' needs have led to resistance and reluctance in the technology adoption process. Thus, involving nurses in a collaborative process from early conceptualisation serves to inform design reflective upon current clinical practice, facilitating the cementing of 'vision' and expectations of the technology. DESIGN: An exploratory descriptive design to capture nurses' immediate impressions. METHODS: Four focus groups (52 nurses from medical and surgical wards at two hospitals in Australia; one private and one public). RESULTS: Nursing reactions towards the new technology illustrated a variance in barrier and enabler comments across multiple domains of the Theoretical Domains Framework. Most challenging for nurses were the perceived threat to their clinical skill, and the potential capability of the novel technology to capture their clinical workflow. Enabling reactions included visions that this could help integrate care between departments; help management and support of nursing processes; and coordinating their patients care between clinicians. Nurses' reactions differed across hospital sites, influenced by their experiences of using technology. For example, Site 1 nurses reported wide variability in their distribution of barrier and enabling comments and nurses at Site 2, where technology was prevalent, reported mostly positive responses. CONCLUSION: This early involvement offered nursing input and facilitated understanding of the potential capabilities of novel technology to support nursing work, particularly the characteristics seen as potentially beneficial (enabling technology) and those conflicting (barrier technology) with the delivery of both safe and effective patient care. RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE: Collaborative involvement of nurses from the early conceptualisation of technology development brings benefits that increase the likelihood of successful use of a tool intended to support the delivery of safe and efficient patient care.


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Nurses are the largest group of healthcare professionals in hospitals providing 24-hour care to patients. Hence, nurses are pivotal in coordinating and communicating patient care information in the complex network of healthcare professionals, services and other care processes. Yet, despite nurses' central role in health care delivery, intelligent systems have historically rarely been designed around nurses' operational needs. This could explain the poor integration of technologies into nursing work processes and consequent rejection by nursing professionals. The complex nature of acute care delivery in hospitals and the frequently interrupted patterns of nursing work suggest that nurses require flexible intelligent systems that can support and adapt to their variable workflow patterns. This study is designed to explore nurses' initial reactions to a new intelligent operational planning and support tool (IOPST) for acute healthcare. The following reports on the first stage of a longitudinal project to use an innovative approach involving nurses in the development of the IOPST; from conceptualization to implementation.


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This research focuses on a major health priority for Australia by addressing existing gaps in the implementation of nursing informatics solutions in healthcare. It serves to inform the successful deployment of IT solutions designed to support patient-centered, frontline acute healthcare delivery by multidisciplinary care teams. The outcomes can guide future evaluations of the contribution of IT solutions to the efficiency, safety and quality of care delivery in acute hospital settings.


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BACKGROUND: Standardising handover processes and content, and using context-specific checklists are proposed as solutions to mitigate risks for preventable errors and patient harm associated with clinical handovers. OBJECTIVES: Adapt existing tools to standardise nursing handover from the intensive care unit (ICU) to the cardiac ward and assess patient safety risks before and after pilot implementation. METHODS: A three-stage, pre-post interrupted time-series design was used. Data were collected using naturalistic observations and audio-recording of 40 handovers and focus groups with 11 nurses. In Stage 1, examination of existing practice using observation of 20 handovers and a focus group interview provided baseline data. In Stage 2, existing tools for high-risk handovers were adapted to create tools specific to ICU-to-ward handovers. The adapted tools were introduced to staff using principles from evidence-based frameworks for practice change. In Stage 3, observation of 20 handovers and a focus group with five nurses were used to verify the design of tools to standardise handover by ICU nurses transferring care of cardiac surgical patients to ward nurses. RESULTS: Stage 1 data revealed variable and unsafe ICU-to-ward handover practices: incomplete ward preparation; failure to check patient identity; handover located away from patients; and information gaps. Analyses informed adaptation of process, content and checklist tools to standardise handover in Stage 2. Compared with baseline data, Stage 3 observations revealed nurses used the tools consistently, ward readiness to receive patients (10% vs 95%), checking patient identity (0% vs 100%), delivery of handover at the bedside (25% vs 100%) and communication of complete information (40% vs 100%) improved. CONCLUSION: Clinician adoption of tools to standardise ICU-to-ward handover of cardiac surgical patients reduced handover variability and patient safety risks. The study outcomes provide context-specific tools to guide handover processes and delivery of verbal content, a safety checklist, and a risk recognition matrix.


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This research focuses on a major health priority for Australia by addressing existing gaps in the implementation of nursing informatics solutions in healthcare. It serves to inform the successful deployment of IT solutions designed to support patient-centered, frontline acute healthcare delivery by multidisciplinary care teams. The outcomes can guide future evaluations of the contribution of IT solutions to the efficiency, safety and quality of care delivery in acute hospital settings.


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INTRODUCTION: Family members' experience a range of physiological, psychological and emotional impacts when accompanying a critically ill relative in the emergency department. Family needs are influenced by their culture and the context of care, and accurate clinician understanding of these needs is essential for patient- and family-centered care delivery. The aim of this study was to describe the needs of Taiwanese family members accompanying critically ill patients in the emergency department while waiting for an inpatient bed and compare these to the perceptions of emergency nurses. METHODS: A prospective cross-sectional survey was conducted in a large medical center in Taiwan. Data were collected from 150 family members and 150 emergency nurses who completed a Chinese version of the Critical Care Family Needs Inventory. RESULTS: Family members ranked needs related to 'communication with family members,' as most important, followed by 'family member participation in emergency department care', 'family member support' and 'organizational comfort'; rankings were similar to those of emergency nurses. Compared to nurses, family members reported higher scores for the importance of needs related to 'communication with family members' and 'family members' participation in emergency department care'. CONCLUSIONS: Family members place greater importance than emergency nurses on the need for effective communication.


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BACKGROUND: Death anxiety is a known phenomenon in older people of culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds (CALD) hospitalised for end-of-life (EOL) care . Little is known about how nurses assuage death anxiety in this population. AIMS: To investigate strategies used by nurses to assuage death anxiety and facilitate a good death in older CALD Australians hospitalised for EOL care.

METHODS: Advanced as a qualitative descriptive inquiry, a purposeful sample of 22 nurses was recruited from four Victorian healthcare services. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and analysed using thematic analysis processes.

FINDINGS: Nurses used three key strategies: recognising death anxiety; delineating its dimensions; and initiating conventional nursingcaring behaviours to help contain it. Contrary to expectations, cultural similarities rather than differences were found in the strategies used.

CONCLUSIONS: Nursing strategies for recognising, delineating, and managing death anxiety in older CALD people hospitalised at the EOL is an important component of quality EOL care.


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Nurses are the largest group of health-care professionals in hospitals providing 24-h care to patients. Hence, nurses are pivotal in coordinating and communicating patient care information in the complex network of health-care professionals, services, and other care processes. Further, surveillance and timely interventions by nurses impact quality of care, reduce errors, and decrease health-care costs. Information communication technologies (ICTs) provide the capabilities to support many aspects of nursing care. However, within the context of acute nursing care, there is a lack of integrated technology solutions to support the complex interactions associated with nursing activities and thereby the delivery of high-quality and safe care. Generally, to date, the literature reports low levels of acceptance of ICT solutions by nurses. To address this, the following discussion serves to examine nurses’ acceptance of an integrated point-of-care solution for acute nursing contexts. The ICT was specifically designed to be sensitive to nurses’ needs with the expectation that this will lead to high levels of user acceptance. An evaluation of the acceptability of the proposed solution is presented using unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT). Through the UTAUT lens, initial reactions of the participating nurses were examined. The findings provided us with feedback to redesign the solution to better fit with the dynamics and complexity of nursing care. The study has implications for theory, including using UTAUT in health-care contexts, and for practice, including recommendations for the design and development of ICT solutions suitable for nursing contexts.