56 resultados para Creativity and Innovation


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The purpose of my research is to reinvigorate educational leadership through improved understandings of women primary principals in Independent schools, thereby rethinking the current directions. By 'reinvigorate' I mean investigate what serves as inspiration for current women primary leaders and explore how this might be better used to generate the kinds of educational change that lead to more dynamic primary school leadership. These 'improved understandings' are expected to suggest a reconceptualizing of primary school leadership by, what I coin 'response-ability'. By 'response-ability' I mean to expose untapped potentials in primary leadership performance so that the leader utilizes the full range of their knowledge, skills and values.

There are acknowledged gaps in the primary school Independent sector concerning women in leadership both theory and practice and in this instance the Victorian context. Considerable research surrounds educational leadership [Peter Hill (2003), Neil Cranston (2001), Frances Townsend (1999),Helen Telford.(1996) and Caldwell & Spinks (1992)]. In particular Jill Blackmore's, (1999) research analysed a number of projects focusing on women secondary principals. As a critique of leadership her research exposed the gendered influences reinforced through culture, values and language

However there has been limited research into women in primary leadership and the implications for the Independent sector. In summary this research aims to understand women in primary educational leadership and investigate the significance of their untapped knowledge, skills, attitudes and values. Furthermore to propose what may constitute 'Response-able' leadership that could serve to highlight ethical principles, authenticity and creativity.


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Recently, in response to sustained criticism about the standards driven curriculum, UK government agencies have been promoting creativity in schools. In this article we explore how creativity is being defined in current national educational policy statements; how these definitions relate to other theoretical work on creativity, and the implications for the curriculum and pedagogies.


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Within the context of ERA, this paper addresses the question of how we might provide practitioners with a framework for understanding creative arts research as the production of new knowledge. Drawing on the thought of Julia Kristeva, it examines the aesthetic underpinnings of discovery and the implications and significance of this for research training and the development of more effective pedagogies both within and beyond the university.
Kristeva’s work constitutes both an implicit and explicit critique of science allowing us to conceive of artistic research as an experiential and performative production of knowledge. As a mode of enquiry, artistic practice reveals the inextricable and necessary relationship between practice and theory, interpretation and making, art and life. This interrelationship underpins the aesthetic dimension of revolutionary practice and its production of unfamiliar or mutant forms of knowledge that is often difficult to grasp in terms of its capacity to engender social change and innovation. In the context of creative arts practice as research, the notion of experience-in-practice indicates that interpretation and analysis must fall to the practitioner-researcher, himself or herself, rather than to another person who has been external to the procedures of making, to trace the significant experiential, subjective and emergent processes involved in the production of the work that allows it to reveal the new. This is necessary if the generative and revolutionary impact of artistic research is to be fully understood in the wider research arena. In the final part of this paper, I will apply and illustrate these ideas through an analysis of a number of artistic research projects successfully completed in Australia.


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Goal-directed problem solving as originally advocated by Herbert Simon’s means-ends analysis model has primarily shaped the course of design research on artificially intelligent systems for problem-solving. We contend that there is a definite disregard of a key phase within the overall design process that in fact logically precedes the actual problem solving phase. While systems designers have traditionally been obsessed with goal-directed problem solving, the basic determinants of the ultimate desired goal state still remain to be fully understood or categorically defined. We propose a rational framework built on a set of logically interconnected conjectures to specifically recognize this neglected phase in the overall design process of intelligent systems for practical problem-solving applications.


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The search for a coherent approach to optimising the delivery of sustainable development has moved from rhetoric to reality, shaped by international drivers such as the UN Millennium Development Goal and the UN 'Decade of Education for sustainable development 2005- 2014'. Emphasis has been recently placed by Governmental bodies on creativity and innovation as a way to promote and sustain the social, cultural and economic well-being. This has led to, amongst other things, the development of a series of new initiatives to promote sustainable development. There is still a lack of understanding of the impacts of sustainability on architecture and their associated and interrelated ecologies because, at least in part, there is no significant joined up thinking regarding the implications of sustainability across the whole design, implementation and operation processes. There is a considerable challenge to ensure integration, cross-fertilisation and dissemination to provide meaningful outputs from the vast array of ecological systems with their differing structures. This paper explores the processes rather than products of ecological systems and possibilities for a credible integral system that guide sustainable development and advance architecture ecologies. The paper traces back the roots of the divorce between architecture profession and technology and highlights the importance of reaching back to the true meanings of Techne as key to develop integral sustainable systems. The paper underlines the energy principles that construct ecological principles and provide explanation of how such systems can be interpreted in the built environment. Enriching ecological culture is not a physical development or a large expensive projects but rather in a coherent and focused efforts by a group of professionals, academics, and practitioners with multi disciplinary talents to build a complex and multi facets of integral systems and ideas.


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This paper introduces the topic of sports entrepreneurship to the reader and discusses the importance of having a social entrepreneurial orientation in sports. The issues why individuals and organisations pursue business ventures in sports are addressed with a focus on the social and economic opportunities existing for sports entrepreneurs. A social institutional perspective of sport entrepreneurship is also addressed in the paper that highlights the role of sport in society. Entrepreneurial sport ventures are then examined which leads to a discussion of research opportunities and practical implications of sport in relation to social entrepreneurship and innovation.


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The Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians, as well as documents published by the Australian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (ACARA) in the lead up to the implementation of the national curriculum, all highlight the importance of students becoming ‘confident and creative individuals’ who are capable of meeting the demands posed by the 21st Century. These texts have prompted us to think again about ‘creativityand how the knowledge and experience embodied in the traditions in which we operate as English teachers might provide a context for implementing the national curriculum and for continuing the work that we have always done in encouraging young people’s imagination and creativity. The essay breaks up into four parts, including a reflection on the Ghosts of Curriculums Past contained in an old filing cabinet, a dialogical analysis of ACARA rhetoric about ‘creativityand a narrative written by Douglas in which he examines the creativity of his Year 8 students when they explored the potential of the ‘Quest’ story as a literary genre. We wrap up by locating our thinking about creativity within what, in the course of our inquiry, has emerged for us as a salient theoretical framework for understanding the creativity that young people display in classroom settings, namely the work of Raymond Williams. The sections of this essay are more or less self-contained, but we hope that cumulatively they point beyond the circumscribed notion of creativity at the heart of the ACARA documentation. The fact that the publication of The Australian Curriculum: English has motivated us to conduct this inquiry suggests that the professional practice of English teachers will always be richer and more multifaceted than this document’s attempt to contain what happens in English classrooms. The best way for teachers to respond to the new curriculum is to continue to engage in reflective practice, exploring the disjunction that will inevitably emerge between the intended curriculum and the curriculum they enact in their local settings.


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This article presents an evaluation of Scared Cool, a physical theatre project for young people in Dili, Timor-Leste. The project was hosted by non-government organisation Ba Futuru as part of their ongoing efforts to promote peace and conflict resolution in that new nation. Qualitative interviews and focus groups were undertaken with a range of stakeholders: participants; staff; the host organisation; audience members and the wider community, to determine their perceptions about project outcomes. The article also describes the ‘theories of change’ that leaders used to guide their work, and issues arising from the data.
The Scared Cool initiative appears to provide significant cultural and social benefits for the young participants. These include development of capacity for artistic expression, creative and analytic thinking, confidence and English language skills. There were also benefits to other stakeholders including audience members. These included the enjoyment of attending a live performance, and the potential for trauma resolution and positive relationship building. This study confirms the potential for participatory arts projects to assist with the positive development of young people in highly disadvantaged communities. In so doing, such projects can contribute to positive social change by assisting the resolution of trauma and violence.


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This paper examines the role of entrepreneurship and innovation in the context of healthcare management by offering a number of research propositions. In recent years, hospitals have attracted ever growing commentary about rising costs and the need for improving information technology systems. Whilst there have been some service innovations introduced from other industries, particularly the manufacturing industry, there have been few service innovations originating from the healthcare sector. In the healthcare sector, there are a number of service innovations, which are discussed in this paper in terms of their relevance to managerial roles of hospital staff members. In addition, this paper examines the role of entrepreneurial managers in determining innovative technology behaviour in healthcare organisations. Literature from innovation management, corporate intrapreneurship and healthcare management is used to explain the findings of this paper and future areas of research are also proposed.


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Introduction: This article identifies trends in the evolving practice of rural paramedics and describes key characteristics, roles and expected outcomes for a Rural Expanded Scope of Practice (RESP) model.

Methods: A multiple case study methodology was employed to examine the evolution of rural paramedic practice. Paramedics, volunteer ambulance officers and other health professionals were interviewed in four rural regions of south-eastern Australia where innovative models of rural paramedic practice were claimed to exist. The research team collected and thematically analysed the data using the filter of a sociological framework throughout 2005 and 2006.

Results: The study found that paramedics are increasingly becoming first line primary healthcare providers in small rural communities and developing additional professional responsibilities throughout the cycle of care.

Conclusions: Adoption of the RESP model would mean that paramedics undertake four broad activities as core components of their new role: (1) rural community engagement; (2) emergency response; (3) situated practice; and (4) primary health care. The model’s key feature is a capacity to integrate existing paramedic models with other health agencies and health professionals to ensure that paramedic care is part of a seamless system that provides patients with well-organized and high quality care. This expansion of paramedics’ scope of practice offers the potential to improve patient care and the general health of rural communities.