126 resultados para threshold learning outcomes for bachelor of laws


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This exploratory study analysed the Threshold Learning Outcomes ("TLOs") specified in the Bachelor of Laws Learning and Teaching Academic Standards Statement December 2010, and the Competency Standards for Entry-Level Lawyers for Practical Legal Training, as updated by the Australasian Professional Legal Education Council and Law Admissions Consultative Committee in February 2002 ("NCS"). The qualitative analysis was undertaken using the NVivo computer assisted qualitative data analysis software ("CAQDAS"), to investigate how skills were categorised and defined in each of the documents. The results were then analysed to compare the respective categorisation and definition of skills, and to point to potential complements, overlaps, conflicts, gaps, or blind spots, between the TLOs and the NCS. The findings, and the methodology adopted, might provide insights for future instructional design, content, and delivery of Practical Legal Training programs, and for future reviews of the TLOs and NCS.


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Objective: A study aimed at exploring the variation in perceptions of learning outcomes reported by undergraduate nursing students enrolled in a problem-based learning subject in a pre-registration Bachelor of Nursing course (BN).
Method: Students were asked to respond to four open-ended questions which focussed on their learning outcomes in the different teaching/learning modalities of the subject. Data were analysed in two phases using a modified phenomenographic analysis. In the first phase a set of categories of description were developed from the student responses to questions related to the learning modalities. In the second phase the individual responses were classified in terms of the categories. Finally, correlations between the learning modalities were identified. In this paper the approach to analysis, the process of category identification and the correlations between the learning modalities will be described and the implications for further research and teaching will be discussed.
Results: The findings indicated that there were two distinct groups of student responses. Inward focussed students who described outcomes in terms of their own learning and students whose focus was outward i.e. describing learning in terms of patient care and how learning relates to that care. Another important result shows the relationship between the learning modalities and outcomes. From the students' perspective, the most sophisticated outcomes of the lectures and laboratories were ideas and skills to be used and applied in clinical settings. Whereas, the group-based activities in which clinical problems were presented to the students in the form of Situation Improvement Packages (SIPS) focussed their attention on the clinical setting which constituted a preparation for the realities of clinical practice.
Conclusion: The findings from this study indicate that students perceive their learning in the group based teaching/learning modality (SIPS) as effective in focussing them on the reality of their role in the clinical practice environment while lectures and laboratories provided the skills and knowledge required for this setting.


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It is argued in this chapter that we live in the knowledge economy, a term coined by the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development in a report entitled The Knowledge Based Economy (1996). According to this report, the economy has become a hierarchy of networks fuelled by the rapid rate of change in all aspects of life, including learning, which in turn has compressed the world, encouraging the merging of the world's economic and cultural systems. Contemporary economic and social contexts coupled with competing perspectives on the "future" place significant demands upon educators and educational leaders who are increasingly expected to act in futures-oriented ways whilst also remaining true to the professional standards of their present environments (Faculty of Education and Creative Arts, 2003). In response to these issues and internal organisational reviews of Central Queensland University, the revision and renewal of a number of degrees currently being offered by the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Education have become increasingly necessary. The Bachelor of Learning Management (BLM) is one program that is claimed to be a new and innovative pre-service teaching degree. This chapter explores a project that was undertaken to investigate current student perceptions of the extent to which the BLM has met these claims. Of particular interest was, firstly, student satisfaction with and achievement in the degree and, secondly, the extent to which the BLM has managed to broker the change needed to deliver the required client outcomes. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]


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Reliable, consistent assessment process that produces comparable assessment grades between assessors and institutions is a core activity and an ongoing challenge with which universities have failed to come to terms. In this paper, we report results from an experiment that tests the impact of an intervention designed to reduce grader variability and develop a shared understanding of national threshold learning standards by a cohort of reviewers. The intervention involved consensus moderation of samples of accounting students’ work, with a focus on three research questions. First, what is the quantifiable difference in grader variability on the assessment of learning outcomes in ‘application skills’ and ‘judgement’? Second, does participation in the workshops lead to reduced disparity in the assessment of the students’ learning outcomes in ‘application skills’ and ‘judgement’? Third, does participation in the workshops lead to greater confidence by reviewers in their ability to assess students’ skills in application skills and judgement? Our findings suggest consensus moderation does reduce variability across graders and also builds grader confidence.


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There is now a plethora of Massive Open On-line courses (MOOCs) offered worldwide. Whilst many MOOCs focus on discipline-specific content, little attention has been paid to how MOOCs can explicitly help participants develop generic employability skills such as communication, digital literacy, global citizenship and the like. Similarly little attention been paid to explicitly assuring the quality of MOOCs with respect to alignment with regulatory body standards. Deakin University's first MOOC, DeakinPrimer, is an introduction to humanitarian responses to 21st century disasters. It has been designed to assist participants to explicitly evidence generic or employability skills, some of Deakin's eight Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLOs) including communication, digital literacy, critical thinking and global citizenship. Other key features of DeakinPrimer include opportunities for networking with fellow participants and experts within the humanitarian field, and the opportunity to apply for credit towards the Graduate Certificate in International Community Development (level 8 in the Australian Qualifications Framework [AQF]) and for those with a prior Bachelor degree, the Masters in Humanitarian Assistance or the Masters of International Community Development (level 9 in the AQF). DeakinPrimer is designed as a test bed for a learning innovation, particularly micro-credentialing GLOs using digital badges to enable self and peer endorsement of evidence of learning. Badging is integrated in two ways. Firstly, DeakinPrimer participants build portfolios of learning artefacts associated with learning activities, then assess their work against a set of holistic, generic learning outcomes standards rubrics. If they judge their evidence as meeting the required standard, they can claim a badge (self endorsement) associated with particular GLOs. Secondly, participants can request and provide peer feedback and endorsement (using peer badges). The integration of self and peer review in the assessment tasks helps participants develop important employability skills, the ability to critically self-reflect on their own work and critically analyse the work of others and provide evidence-based feedback. DeakinPrimer is scheduled to commence in July 2013. This paper explains the way in which the course curricula has been designed to use technologies to enable participants to curate evidence of learning, and self and peer endorse such learning against defined standards.


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This study analyses learning approaches, course perceptions and learning outcomes of a group of second year accounting students at an Australian university using qualitative data analysis techniques. The research method involves the development of a series of matrices linking types of motives and strategies used by students in their study, together with their perceptions of the learning context associated with learning outcomes. The study focuses on assessing the links between learning approaches and a qualitative assessment of students' conceptual understanding of aspects of financial accounting studied at the undergraduate level. The results confirm how individual differences in the perceptions of the learning context relate to study motives and strategies. The findings show how different forms of memorisation relate to study strategies and how the completion of accounting tasks link to students' perceptions of course requirements. There was also some evidence that, in terms of learning outcomes, students with sophisticated levels of understanding of concepts, tended to have consistent deep and achieving approaches to learning. This result was compared with students' academic performance as a measure of learning outcome. Discrepancies between these two measures of learning outcome are highlighted in the conclusions. The findings strengthen the case for further investigation of the use of measures other than academic performance in examining relationships between learning approaches and learning outcomes.


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This study examines the factors affecting student performance in an undergraduate financial accounting course, utilising Computer Assisted Learning (CAL) and use of a commercial software package. Multiple regression analysis was undertaken to examine the influences of perceptions of CAL and QuickBooks Pro, together with background variables such as gender, entry pathway and prior knowledge had on student performance. The results show that perceptions of CAL together with entry pathway were significant predictors of student performance. However, perceptions of the ,usefulness of QuickBooks Pro, prior studies of accounting and computing, together with gender, were not significant influences on performance. In terms of entry pathway it was found that International students, many of whom entered the university at the second year level having obtained advanced standing credits, had significantly poorer performance than local students. This result may be attributed to transitional problems experienced by these students, given their different pathways to university study.

The results have implications for accounting educators utilising CAL in courses as a means of improving students understanding of accounting concepts. The study also provides reflections on the use of CAL and a commercial software package as a means of providing efficient and effective educational instruction to maximise learning outcomes in accounting.


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Reflective thinking based on experiential learning is a key skill required for the lifelong learner and the socially mature professional. Following several semesters employing a written reflective journal as an assessable task, a fourth-year engineering management unit adopted an online reflective journal. During the initial semester of use, an evaluation was undertaken to investigate student perceptions of the online journal. A summary of this previous work is presented here. Following three semesters of use of the online journal, an analysis of the student use of the journal was undertaken to investigate its contribution to unit learning outcomes. Based on the evaluation of student perceptions of the online reflective journal, it was found that a majority of students understood the purpose of the journal, and valued the journal in their learning; a majority of students read the journal entries of other students, and indicated that this assisted their learning; and the two most frequently reported ‘most useful’ aspects of the journal were the ‘enforced’ continuous revision of course material, and the ability to compare their understanding of the course material with that of other students. Based on a regression analysis of the factors related to student usage of the online reflective journal, it was found that the significant contributors to final unit mark where: prior academic performance; number of journal postings; and mode of study. This research confirmed that the online reflective journal was fertile territory in the landscape of educational technology, both in terms of student perceptions and contribution to unit learning outcomes.


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In the current climate in Australian higher education, quality assurance in university teaching is a priority. In particular, the introduction of the Learning and Teaching Performance Fund (LTPF) has refocused attention on universities’ internal student evaluation survey instruments. This paper reports the development, validation and implementation of a new unit survey instrument which prompts students to reflect on what helps their achievement of unit learning outcomes, and to report their levels of motivation, engagement and overall satisfaction with a semester‐long course or unit of study. The instrument (eVALUate) was created from precepts reported in the research literature, current practices in evaluating teaching, and sound quality assurance practices appropriate to a university outcomes‐focused education paradigm.