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Syftet med denna studie har varit att ta reda på lärares och specialpedagogers förhållningssätt gentemot pedagogisk hantering av elever som saknar diagnos men har ett åtgärdsprogram. För att besvara studiens frågeställningar har både kvalitativ och kvantitativ metodansats valts samt kombinerats. Resultatet bygger på frågeställningarnas tre teman: åtgärdsprogrammets nytta, undervisningens utformning samt kriterier för utvärdering och revidering. Resultatet visar att dessa frågor är komplexa dilemman bestående av flera beståndsdelar, dels på grund av spänningen mellan målstyrning och enskilda skolors specifika omständigheter och dels utifrån pedagogernas skilda uppfattningar om pedagogik och specialpedagogik.
Le travail actuel a été rédigé dans le but d’éclaircir en quoi consiste le rôle de l’image comme outil didactique aux cours de français aux collèges et aux lycées suédois. Nous avons abordé notre thème sous des perspectives différentes : d’un côté, nous avons analysé les images dans deux livres, puisque les manuels font souvent partie de chaque leçon de français ; de l’autre côté, nous avons fait un questionnaire que nous avons distribué aux professeurs à travers les médias sociaux et par email. Nous avons également étudié les données récoltées aux cours des entretiens avec trois professeurs de français au lycée suédois, pour savoir comment les professeurs intègrent des images dans la pratique. Selon les résultats de notre étude, il nous a été possible d’affirmer que l’image est un outil qui n’est pas omniprésent, mais qui est parfois utilisé afin de rendre les leçons plus variées. La photographie est le type d’image le plus répandu dans la pratique des professeurs et dans les manuels ; le format numérique est le plus fréquent en tenant en compte de la révolution technologique et de l’habitude des jeunes à travailler avec les ordinateurs. Cependant, l’image n’est pas un outil indépendant. Elle est très souvent complétée par d’autres outils didactiques et sert principalement à accompagner la lecture, à développer l’expression orale et le vocabulaire et aussi à illustrer des phénomènes culturels. En conclusion, il ressort de notre mémoire, qu’il est important que le professeur accompagne le travail avec des images avec des instructions et des commentaires, afin de rendre l’apprentissage plus efficace.
This thesis focuses on “livsfrågor” (questions of life) a typical Swedish concept introduced in the RE syllabus in the curriculum for compulsory schools in 1969. The study poses three questions: what can qualify as a “livsfråga”, why are they regarded important, and how do they fit into teaching? The main purpose is to study differences of the concept in two materials. Primarily interviews with Teacher educators all over Sweden and, secondly in the R.E. syllabus for compulsory and secondary schools from 1962 until today. Finally, the two materials used, will be brought together, and foci are recognized with the help of a tool for thought. The study is using the concept dialogicity from Bachtin. Syllabus are viewed as compromises in accordance with a German tradition. In the syllabus, “livsfrågor” is one within many different words used with none what so ever stringency. It is not necessarily the most important term, as “livsåskådningsfrågor” (questions within philosophies of life) is often dominating in objectivities. Also “existential questions” etc is used. The relation between the words are never made clear. The syllabus are in one sense monologial as different meanings of the word are not made explicit, and other utterances are not invoked. In the interviews the dialogicity is more obvious. Philosophy is mentioned, eg.. Martin Buber, Viktor Frankl, theology (Paul Thillich), but also literature (Lars Gyllensten) and existentialism in a general sence. Other words are not as frequent – but “livsåskådningsfrågor” are of course mentioned, eg. Faith vs. knowledge. In the last chapter “livsfrågor” is problematized with the help of Andrew Wright and his three metanarrativies within the modern R.E. And the assumption, especially in the syllabus, of “livsfrågor”, as common between cultures and over time is problematized with the help of . feministic theory of knowledge.
BACKGROUND: Post-abortion contraceptive use in India is low and the use of modern methods of contraception is rare, especially in rural areas. This study primarily compares contraceptive use among women whose abortion outcome was assessed in-clinic with women who assessed their abortion outcome at home, in a low-resource, primary health care setting. Moreover, it investigates how background characteristics and abortion service provision influences contraceptive use post-abortion. METHODS: A randomized controlled, non-inferiority, trial (RCT) compared clinic follow-up with home-assessment of abortion outcome at 2 weeks post-abortion. Additionally, contraceptive-use at 3 months post-abortion was investigated through a cross-sectional follow-up interview with a largely urban sub-sample of women from the RCT. Women seeking abortion with a gestational age of up to 9 weeks and who agreed to a 2-week follow-up were included (n = 731). Women with known contraindications to medical abortions, Hb < 85 mg/l and aged below 18 were excluded. Data were collected between April 2013 and August 2014 in six primary health-care clinics in Rajasthan. A computerised random number generator created the randomisation sequence (1:1) in blocks of six. Contraceptive use was measured at 2 weeks among women successfully followed-up (n = 623) and 3 months in the sub-set of women who were included if they were recruited at one of the urban study sites, owned a phone and agreed to a 3-month follow-up (n = 114). RESULTS: There were no differences between contraceptive use and continuation between study groups at 3 months (76 % clinic follow-up, 77 % home-assessment), however women in the clinic follow-up group were most likely to adopt a contraceptive method at 2 weeks (62 ± 12 %), while women in the home-assessment group were most likely to adopt a method after next menstruation (60 ± 13 %). Fifty-two per cent of women who initiated a method at 2 weeks chose the 3-month injection or the copper intrauterine device. Only 4 % of women preferred sterilization. Caste, educational attainment, or type of residence did not influence contraceptive use. CONCLUSIONS: Simplified follow-up after early medical abortion will not change women's opportunities to access contraception in a low-resource setting, if contraceptive services are provided as intra-abortion services as early as on day one. Women's postabortion contraceptive use at 3 months is unlikely to be affected by mode of followup after medical abortion, also in a low-resource setting. Clinical guidelines need to encourage intra-abortion contraception, offering the full spectrum of evidence-based methods, especially long-acting reversible methods. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Clinicaltrials.gov NCT01827995.