7 resultados para Advertisement
em Dalarna University College Electronic Archive
Tidningskompaniet, a publishing agency in Göteborg, has during the spring of 2003 developed a customermagazine for Göteborgsvarvet, a Half Marathon Race in Göteborg. If realized the magazine shallbe distributed to former participants of the race twice a year and will be financed by adverts.As part of the editorial concept, development of a graphic profile will be made for the magazine. Thisdegree project will result in the production of a »dummy« magazine to be presented to the client and tobe used by the advertisement sales people in their work.The magazine, named »Varvet«, will convey the message that anyone can run Göteborgsvarvet. Theintention is to give the magazine a »youthful and sporty« image.The work in this degree project has comprised designing the magazine in co-operation with an editorialconcept developer and a project leader at Tidningskompaniet, and also the production of 18 magazinepages including prepress work. The magazine has been made into a strictly sectionized product,with a mix of short and long articles with lighter material and strict how-to-do-it guides. The designhas been made to complement the editorial concept, with typography and colours that feel modern and»active«.The dummy magazine has been digitally printed using a Xeikon digital press and has been distributedto the client and the advertisement sales bureau.
This degree project has been done in parallel to the advertising agency Hera in Uppsala, and containsthe creating of a logotype and graphic profile for Aircall, a new big chain of shops dealing with telecommunication.Aircall was found 1 February 2004, when three smaller companies became one. Thisnew company were in need of a common brand and a uniform profile. The created graphic profile hasbeen applied to visiting cards, letterhead, envelopes, letter cards, bags, cars and advertisement. Thegraphic profile has also been used when designing the shop interior end exterior. Research has beendone on competitors graphic profiles and advertisement. The project also contains a deepening in corporateidentity.
The degree project has been implemented abroad in Brisbane, Australia. A literature study has beenperformed parallel to the practical work within the subject »Corporate identity through graphicaldesign«. In this study deeper research has been made concerning the establishment and manifestationof a corporate identity and its program. The knowledge given from this study has been put into practicethrough two larger projects.The first project was carried out at De Pasquale, advertising agency in Brisbane, where a corporateidentity program was designed for a new company. The company is a fitness centre, called KnockoutFitness, which specializes in different types of boxing training sessions such as Boxing, Thai Bow andBoxercise but also Aqua aerobics. They needed a full corporate identity program including a logotype,business card, letter paper-paper and address labels.The second project was carried out at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane. A promotioncampaign was designed for the Department of Visual Arts, which included two information folders andone advertisement. The purpose of the campaign was to promote both the undergraduate and postgraduatecourses offered within the department.
This paper examines a popular music song (Heartbeats by Jose Gonzalez) as a sign system in television advertising. The study was conducted through qualitative questionnaires in connection to an audio-visual method of analysis called Masking. The method facilitates the analysis of isolated parts in the audio-visual spectrum by masking/hiding parts of the audio-visual totality.The survey had seven respondents where a hermeneutic epistemological approach was used. For the analysis Cooper's theory of brand identity (Practical and Symbolic Attitudes to Buying Brands) was used together with an interaction model for music in audio-visual advertising called "Modes of music-image interaction”. The results showed that the music was associated with values as genuine, honest, responsibility, purity, independence and innovation. The music's symbolic values helped to position the brand in a lifestyle context. The music also helped to express the target group’s identity and attitudes by being innovative and independent. It also enhanced the perception of the visual colour rendition in the film. In general the television advertisement perceived more positive and entertaining when the music was present. In other words the music's social and cultural position contributed to raise the film's credibility. A deeper social and cultural value was created in the movie through resonance between symbolic values of the music and symbolic values of the film.
This thesis tries trough qualitative analyzes to illuminate advertising and its didactic aspects, how menstruation and menstruating women are portrayed over time. The method underlying the survey is didactic, diachronic comparative and hermeneutic. There will also be a feminist point of view on the material. The issue is about how the advertisement presents sanitary products and menstruation and how a menstruating woman is portrayed.The conclusion is that the image of a menstruating woman changes slightly while consolidating the ethos that menstruation should not be visible. The menstruating woman is in constant motion, always fresh and fragrant.
Sexism och könsdiskriminering är ämnen som idag exponeras mycket i media. De tar stor plats och bäddar för diskussion både i sociala medier och i verkligheten. Beträffande könsdiskriminering i reklam är det oftast fall där kvinnor är utsatta för stereotypisk porträttering och objektifiering som leder till en offentlig debatt, men de senaste åren har visat på att liknande fall för män ökar. Denna kvalitativa studie har som syfte att undersöka och kartlägga utförandet av könsdiskriminering i svenska annonser i en visuell innehållsanalys, för att sedan jämföra vad som särskiljer friade och fällda fall. Reklamombudsmannens kriterier för könsdiskriminerande reklam ligger till grund för bedömande av material, samt definiering av analysens kategorier. I både friade och fällda fall visade sig bildens utformning och de porträtterade personerna vara av högsta relevans och motiv för att anmäla eller döma en annons för könsdiskriminering. Resultatet visade på att förekomsten av objektifierande reklam uppmärksammas och fälls mer än schabloniserande reklam, samt att annonser som visade större exponering av hud inte nödvändigtvis var den som fälldes mest då flera av fallen visade en tydlig koppling till den marknadsförda produkten.
Denna studie syftar till att skapa en förståelse för generation y’s attityder till reklam på dagens fyra största sociala medier. Generation y innefattar individer födda mellan år 1980-1999. Dessa individer har vuxit upp i en tid med framfart av teknologiska produkter där majoriteten använder sociala medier mer eller mindre dagligen. Denna grupp individer anses därmed bli det mest betydelsefulla kundsegmentet för digital marknadsföring i framtiden. För att kunna besvara syftet har en kvalitativ metod tillämpats. Författarna utgick först från teorier som låg till grund för den empiriska data som samlades in, för att slutligen analysera resultatet tillbaka till teorierna. Detta utgjordes av fokusgruppsintervjuer för att på så vis undersöka och erhålla förståelse om individers attityder gällande reklam på sociala medier. Vad som framkom av denna studie är att generation y i studien tolkas ha en positiv attityd till reklam från företag de själva valt att följa på sociala medier. Individerna tolkas även ta till sig mer av reklam som är riktad personligt mot dem. I vilken utsträckning individerna tar till sig av reklamen kopplas även ihop med vilket socialt medium den riktas från. Vidare kan resultatet av denna studie ge dagens och framtida marknadsförare en insikt i hur det betydande marknadssegmentet generation y uppfattar reklam i sociala medier, vilket kan möjliggöra marknadsföringsinnovationer hos företagen som vill stärka varumärket och påverka konsumenternas köpintention positivt