35 resultados para Harmonic Oscillator
A high resolution Fourier transform infrared spectrum of methyleneimine, HN=CH2, has been obtained in the gas phase in the region 700 to 1300 cm−1. The rovibrational line intensities of the three lowest fundamentals ν7 (A′), ν8 (A″), and ν9 (A″) have been simulated including all Coriolis interactions between the three bands, and by fitting the observed spectrum the relative signs and magnitudes of the vibrational transition moments have been determined. All of the available spectroscopic data have been used to determine the harmonic force field of methyleneimine.
The infrared and Raman spectra of monochlorogallane and its fully deuterated isotopomer are recorded and assigned on the basis of the dimeric structures. H2Ga(μ-Cl)2GaH2 and D2Ga(μ-Cl)2GaD2, conforming to D2 symmetry. The observed frequencies are corrected for anharmonicity and fitted to a potential function in which 19 of the 33 independent force constants are refined.
The complete general harmonic force field of methyl flouride was recalculated using the most recent literature frequency, Coriolis ζ, and centrifugal distortion data for 12CH3F, 13CH3F, 12CD3F, 12CHD2F and 12CH2DF. The anharmonic corrections applied to the observed frequency data and the adopted molecular geometry are considered to be more realistic than those used hitherto. There is excellent overall agreement between the fitted force constants and the highest quality ab initio force field currently available.
Infrared intensities of the fundamental, overtone and combination transitions in furan, pyrrole and thiophene have been calculated using the variational normal coordinate code MULTIMODE. We use pure vibrational wavefunctions, and quartic force fields and cubic dipole moment vector surfaces, generated by density functional theory. The results are compared graphically with second-order perturbation calculations and with relative intensities from experiment for furan and pyrrole.
In recent years nonpolynomial finite element methods have received increasing attention for the efficient solution of wave problems. As with their close cousin the method of particular solutions, high efficiency comes from using solutions to the Helmholtz equation as basis functions. We present and analyze such a method for the scattering of two-dimensional scalar waves from a polygonal domain that achieves exponential convergence purely by increasing the number of basis functions in each element. Key ingredients are the use of basis functions that capture the singularities at corners and the representation of the scattered field towards infinity by a combination of fundamental solutions. The solution is obtained by minimizing a least-squares functional, which we discretize in such a way that a matrix least-squares problem is obtained. We give computable exponential bounds on the rate of convergence of the least-squares functional that are in very good agreement with the observed numerical convergence. Challenging numerical examples, including a nonconvex polygon with several corner singularities, and a cavity domain, are solved to around 10 digits of accuracy with a few seconds of CPU time. The examples are implemented concisely with MPSpack, a MATLAB toolbox for wave computations with nonpolynomial basis functions, developed by the authors. A code example is included.
In 1997, the UK implemented the worlds first commercial digital terrestrial television system. Under the ETS 300 744 standard, the chosen modulation method, COFDM, is assumed to be multipath resilient. Previous work has shown that this is not necessarily the case. It has been shown that the local oscillator required for demodulation from intermediate-frequency to baseband must be very accurate. This paper shows that under multipath conditions, standard methods for obtaining local oscillator phase lock may not be adequate. This paper demonstrates a set of algorithms designed for use with a simple local oscillator circuit which will allow correction for local oscillator phase offset to maintain a low bit error rate with multipath present.
Under multipath conditions, standard Video Intermediate Frequency (VIF) detectors generate a local oscillator phase error and consequently produce a dispersed non-ideal detected video signal due to the presence of additional IF carriers. The dispersed video causes problems when attempting to identify and remove the multipath interference, or ghosts, by the use of Digital Signal Processing and digital filtering. A digital phase lock system is presented which derives the correct phase for synchronous detection in the presence of multipath by using correlation information that has already been calculated as part of the deghosting process. As a result, the video deghoster system is made simpler, faster and more economical.
This paper concerns the switching on of two-dimensional time-harmonic scalar waves. We first review the switch-on problem for a point source in free space, then proceed to analyse the analogous problem for the diffraction of a plane wave by a half-line (the ‘Sommerfeld problem’), determining in both cases the conditions under which the field is well-approximated by the solution of the corresponding frequency domain problem. In both cases the rate of convergence to the frequency domain solution is found to be dependent on the strength of the singularity on the leading wavefront. In the case of plane wave diffraction at grazing incidence the frequency domain solution is immediately attained along the shadow boundary after the arrival of the leading wavefront. The case of non-grazing incidence is also considered.
Harmonic analysis on configuration spaces is used in order to extend explicit expressions for the images of creation, annihilation, and second quantization operators in L2-spaces with respect to Poisson point processes to a set of functions larger than the space obtained by directly using chaos expansion. This permits, in particular, to derive an explicit expression for the generator of the second quantization of a sub-Markovian contraction semigroup on a set of functions which forms a core of the generator.
We consider the time-harmonic Maxwell equations with constant coefficients in a bounded, uniformly star-shaped polyhedron. We prove wavenumber-explicit norm bounds for weak solutions. This result is pivotal for convergence proofs in numerical analysis and may be a tool in the analysis of electromagnetic boundary integral operators.
In this paper, we extend to the time-harmonic Maxwell equations the p-version analysis technique developed in [R. Hiptmair, A. Moiola and I. Perugia, Plane wave discontinuous Galerkin methods for the 2D Helmholtz equation: analysis of the p-version, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 49 (2011), 264-284] for Trefftz-discontinuous Galerkin approximations of the Helmholtz problem. While error estimates in a mesh-skeleton norm are derived parallel to the Helmholtz case, the derivation of estimates in a mesh-independent norm requires new twists in the duality argument. The particular case where the local Trefftz approximation spaces are built of vector-valued plane wave functions is considered, and convergence rates are derived.