10 resultados para Chapel of the Hospital das Clínicas

em Universidad del Rosario, Colombia


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The abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) is the result of various physiological alterations produced by an abnormal increase of the intra-abdominal pressure. Some of these patients will undergo a surgical procedure for its management. Methods: This is a retrospective case series of 28 patients with ACS who required surgical treatment at the Hospital Occidente de Kennedy between 1999 and 2003. We assessed retrospectively the behavior of McNelis’s equation for prediction of the development of the ACS. Results: The leading cause of ACS in our study was intraabadominal infection (n=6 21,4%). Time elapsed between diagnosis and surgical decompression was less than 4 hours in 75% (n=21) of the cases. The variables that improved significantly after the surgical decompression were CVP (T: 4,0 p: 0,0001), PIM (T: 2,7; p: 0,004), PIA (T1,8; p:0,034) and Urine Output (T:-2,4; p:0,02). The values of BUN, Creatinine and the cardiovascular instability did not show improvement. The ICU and hospital length of stay were 11 days (SD: 9) and 18 days (SD13) respectively. Global mortality was 67,9% (n=19) and mortality directly attributable to the syndrome was 30% (n=8). The behavior of the McNelis’s equation was erratic. Conclusions: The demographic characteristics as well as disease processes associated with ACS are consistent with the literature. The association between physiological variables and ACS is heterogeneous between patients. Mortality rates attributable to ACS in our institution are within the range described world-wide. The behavior of the McNelis’s equation seems to depend greatly upon fluid balance.


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The Staphylococcus spp. they can cause a wide range of infections systemic and located in community and hospital patients. Its high pathogenicity and growing resistance to multiple antimicrobials including methicillin, causes high morbiditymortality rates, causing a high epidemiological impact. Objective: to determine the phenotypic profile of resistance to different antimicrobials in strains of the genus Staphylococcus spp. Materials and methods: collected 75 strains and determined them susceptibility to different antibiotics by the Kirby-Bauer method. The production of betalactamasecheck using the nitrocefin test. (Resistance to Methicillin in S. aureus was conductedusing Mueller Hinton with 4% NaCl and oxacillin 6 μg/mL). Inducible clindamycin resistance tamizo by D-Test test. Results: they were isolated by 38% of staphylococcus coagulase negative (SNA) and 62% of S. aureus. 53% were penicillin resistant staphylococci: S. aureus with 58% and 42% SNA. 47% of the strains showed resistance to methicillin: S. aureus with 61% and SNA with 39%. A strain of S. aureus showed inducible resistance to clindamycin (1.33%). Coagulase negative staphylococci were isolated mostly from blood samples (31%), blood (29%), tip of catheter (5%) and came mostly from neonatal ICU (25%), medical (21%) and surgery (16%).Conclusions: S. aureus and SNA were isolated with greater frequency in blood and wounds from surgery and neonatal ICU. The predominant resistance phenotypes were penicillin and oxacillin.


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Objective: The objective of this paper is to describe the population served in mental health institutionsfor mental illness relapse, and the process of identifying risk factors in relapsing patientsdiagnosed with severe mental illness. To this end a descriptive exploratory multicenter, multistageepidemiological study was carried out in mental health institutions of the Order of San Juan deDios Hospital (OHSJD) with hospitalized relapsing patients with a diagnosis of severe mentaldisorder. This study comes from a working network of Psychology professionals in the OHSJDnationwide. Materials and methods: The population sample was of 1005 patients diagnosed withsevere mental disorders, who had presented relapse during the last year. First, the characterizationof the general population was conducted; then, it was narrowed down to the centers, taking intoaccount similarities and differences found according to the clinical and demographic variables.Results: Major risk factors for relapse found in patients diagnosed with severe mental disorderswere: having between 38 and 58 years of age, being female, single, graduates, unemployed, witha prevalence of bipolar affective disorder diagnosis, number of hospitalizations between 2 and10, number of drugs at the time of leaving hospital 2 to 6, with severe difficulties relating withothers and difficulties in adherence to treatment. The need for a caregiver was also found, as wellas a limited number of received psychological interventions. How the system of beliefs affects thedisease and the poor adherence to treatment was identified. Conclusions: These results indicatethe requirement of a design of team intervention strategies, ranging from the assessment team(home), definition of therapeutic action plans (for) and the posthospitalizacion (egress) following.There is a poor support network and limited adherence to comprehensive treatment.


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El aumento del número de motocicletas en los últimos años se ha acompañado de un incremento en el porcentaje de accidentes que las involucra y se ha convertido en una causa relevante de morbilidad y mortalidad para la población Colombiana; razón por la cual, cobra importancia conocer las características sociodemográficas de la población involucrada en este tipo de accidentes, así como las características clínicas relacionadas con el tipo de trauma y tratamiento indicado. Para tal fin, se llevó a cabo un estudio observacional descriptivo de tipo retrospectivo que permitió establecer las características clínicas y sociodemográficas de la población víctima de accidentes de motocicleta, en un periodo comprendido desde Enero 1 del 2008 hasta el 31 de Diciembre de 2011; población atendida en una Institución de Salud de Bogotá. Se estudiaron 717 pacientes atendidos en el servicio de urgencias del Hospital de Kennedy: 531 Hombres y 186 Mujeres, de grupos etáreos desde los 0-4 años (6%), hasta >65 años (5%), con mayor prevalencia de accidentalidad en el grupo de 15 – 64 años (43%). El 86% de los accidentados utilizaban casco y el 45% presentaron accidentes en el horario del día comprendido entre las 13 y 18 horas (45%). Sólo el 7% de los pacientes tenían indicios de uso de alcohol. En cuanto a las características del trauma, tuvo mayor prevalencia en las extremidades inferiores (63%), el 94% de las fracturas fueron cerradas, con trauma asociado en el 35% de los casos, relacionado con Trauma Cráneo Encefálico en el 24% de los casos (TCE). La distribución del trauma según el segmento corporal afectado en orden es el siguiente: Fractura tibia (21%), tobillo (17.2%), radio distal (10.6%) y diáfisis de radio (8.5%). Este estudio ofrece una base para futuras conductas en los departamentos de trauma.


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El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar el diseño de un proyecto de mejora a través de la filosofía TOC para la gestión Administrativa del Hospital El Tunal del Nivel III de Bogotá DC, durante el período 2013. Para lograr el objetivo de la propuesta de mejoramiento basada en la filosofía TOC (Inglés siglas Theory of Constraints), se centra en crear un proceso de mejora continua en la gestión administrativa del Hospital El Tunal. Esta entidad es una Empresa Social del Estado y tiene por objeto la prestación de servicios de salud a usuarios que presentan algún tipo de enfermedad o trastorno orgánico que afecta su salud; se centra en mejorar, corregir y proporcionar una mejor calidad de vida al usuario que viene a cubrir sus necesidades de salud. Este producto de investigación terminará con una propuesta centrada en la mejora de la gestión administrativa, basada en la filosofía TOC aplicado a la cartera morosa, tratando de ofrecer una serie de soluciones a los problemas actuales que impactan estas organizaciones centrándose en la mejora continua, la velocidad de flujo de los recursos administrativos, verificando si es eficaz en beneficio de los usuarios y los profesionales de la salud.


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Objectives To determine the effect of human papillomavirus (HPV) quadrivalent vaccine on the risk of developing subsequent disease after an excisional procedure for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia or diagnosis of genital warts, vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia, or vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia. Design Retrospective analysis of data from two international, double blind, placebo controlled, randomised efficacy trials of quadrivalent HPV vaccine (protocol 013 (FUTURE I) and protocol 015 (FUTURE II)). Setting Primary care centres and university or hospital associated health centres in 24 countries and territories around the world. Participants Among 17 622 women aged 15–26 years who underwent 1:1 randomisation to vaccine or placebo, 2054 received cervical surgery or were diagnosed with genital warts, vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia, or vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia. Intervention Three doses of quadrivalent HPV vaccine or placebo at day 1, month 2, and month 6. Main outcome measures Incidence of HPV related disease from 60 days after treatment or diagnosis, expressed as the number of women with an end point per 100 person years at risk. Results A total of 587 vaccine and 763 placebo recipients underwent cervical surgery. The incidence of any subsequent HPV related disease was 6.6 and 12.2 in vaccine and placebo recipients respectively (46.2% reduction (95% confidence interval 22.5% to 63.2%) with vaccination). Vaccination was associated with a significant reduction in risk of any subsequent high grade disease of the cervix by 64.9% (20.1% to 86.3%). A total of 229 vaccine recipients and 475 placebo recipients were diagnosed with genital warts, vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia, or vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia, and the incidence of any subsequent HPV related disease was 20.1 and 31.0 in vaccine and placebo recipients respectively (35.2% reduction (13.8% to 51.8%)). Conclusions Previous vaccination with quadrivalent HPV vaccine among women who had surgical treatment for HPV related disease significantly reduced the incidence of subsequent HPV related disease, including high grade disease.


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We report a case of a 65 years old female patient, who was admitted to the hospital with non specific neurological symptoms and who had preliminary imagenological findings of an extra-axial tumor mass (a meningioma of the sphenoid’s wing), which was taken to complete surgical removal. Afterwards, she developed progressive neurologic deterioration until her death. The final diagnosis was acute spongiform encephalophaty, and was obtained by cerebral biopsy. Spongiform encephalopathy was described, almost a century ago, as the Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, poorly diagnosed in our environment because of its low frequency and uncommon onset, which starts with a mood disorder followed by a phase of dementia and a final fatal outcome. The gold standard for the diagnosis is based on a biopsy or an autopsy of the brain, with immunohistochemical stains for the prionic abnormal protein.


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We report a case of a 65 years old female patient, who was admitted to the hospital with non specific neurological symptoms and who had preliminary imagenological findings of an extra-axial tumor mass (a meningioma of the sphenoid’s wing), which was taken to complete surgical removal. Afterwards, she developed progressive neurologic deterioration until her death. The final diagnosis was acute spongiform encephalophaty, and was obtained by cerebral biopsy. Spongiform encephalopathy was described, almost a century ago, as the Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, poorly diagnosed in our environment because of its low frequency and uncommon onset, which starts with a mood disorder followed by a phase of dementia and a final fatal outcome. The gold standard for the diagnosis is based on a biopsy or an autopsy of the brain, with immunohistochemical stains for the prionic abnormal protein.


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At the end of the last century, a model to explain clinical observations related to the mandibular growth was developed. According to it, the lateral pterigoid muscle (LPM) was one of the main modulators of the differentiation of mesenquimal cells inside the condyle to condroblasts or osteoblasts, and therefore of the growth of the mandibular condilar cartilage (CCM). The main components of the model were the humoral and the mechanical. Nowadays, the humoral would include growth factors such as IGF-I, FGF-2 and VEGF, which seem to be involved in mandibular growth. Since skeletal muscle can secrete these growth factors, there is a possibility that LPM modulates the growth of CCM by a paracrine or endocrine mechanism. The mechanical component derived from the observations that both the blood flow inside the temporomandibular joint (ATM) and the action of the retrodiscal pad on the growth of the CCM, depend, in part, on the contractile activity of the LPM. Despite the fact that there are some results suggesting  hat LPM is activated under conditions of mandibular protrusion, there is no full agreement on whether this can stimulate the growth of CCM. In this review, the contributions and limitations of the works related to mandibular growth are discussed and a model which integrates the available information to explain the role of the LPM in the growth of the CCM is proposed.


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El Trauma Craneoencefálico (TCE) infantil constituye un motivo frecuente de consulta en Urgencias y supone la primera causa de muerte en niños, llegando a ser hasta del 50% en trauma severo. En Colombia se conocen cifras de TCE por algunos estudios descriptivos, pero no existen reportes en Bogotá ni específicamente en TCE severo. Objetivo: Caracterizar el trauma craneoencefálico severo pediátrico en la Unidad de Cuidado intensivo del Hospital de la Misericordia entre los años 2010 y 2013. Materiales y métodos: Un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo fue realizado en el Hospital de la Misericordia mediante revisión de las historias clínicas de los pacientes que ingresaron a la Unidad de Cuidado Intensivo pediátrico con diagnóstico de trauma craneoencefálico severo entre el año 2010 al 2013. Resultados: Se incluyeron 63 pacientes (71,4% hombres) con una edad mediana de 4 años (RIQ 2-8). La mayoría de los traumas fueron originados por caída o accidente de tránsito (79,4%). La principal lesión fue fractura de cráneo (79%). Casi la mitad de los pacientes sufrieron algún tipo de secuela neurológica al egreso (47,1%). La mayoría de los pacientes que murieron (19%) sufrieron choque hipovolémico (83,3%) y presentaron trauma asociado (66,7%). Conclusión: Las características y epidemiología del trauma craneoencefálico en nuestra población muestran claras similitudes con lo reportados en otras series de la literatura mundial y de Colombia, excepto por la mortalidad, que se esperaba más alta al estudiar solo pacientes con TCE severo.