264 resultados para Territorios literarios


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This paper describes women’s roles in the processes of territory construction and the Colombian Caribbean coast regionalization. First, we present women participation in the adaptation of the fi rst inhabitants, through their contribution to creating the most important cultures that emerged in that region, such as Tairona and Sinu. This paper also considers native women’s resistance actions against Spanish invasion; women participation in African, native, mestizo, zambo, and criollo freeing fi ghts against colonialism and in the consolidation of the Republic; along with their contribution to building the social fabric that consolidated the social life of new born towns and cities; which transformed women into family group integrators, new generation socializing forces, and sponsorsof the family structure performance. The second line of argument addressed in this article refers to women involvement in the regionalization of the Colombian Caribbean, by establishing and concluding that, although regionalization has happened, the recognition of its practical and strategic interests has not been guaranteed to allow changes in the social, economic, and political position. The reason is that, even though such interests were expressed insome forums held to reach an agreement on the vision and the requirements of the region, the social movement has not had any access to decision making, though this has not prevented its gaining strength in the last decades. 


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The review of the terms used as keywords in three journals (published in Mexico and Chile) and the Brazilian meetings of regional and urban research are used to analyze the trends in housing research. Their dynamics are interpreted in the light of the general changes identified for urban and regional  research, synthesized by other authors as the emergence of new research topics and agents of urban change (civil society, participation, environment, gender) and the process of globalization (in its facets  of productive restructuration, job flexibility, social exclusion) as a general framework of analysis. It is found that the central themes of research in housing relate primarily to government action in  housing. New concerns, such as citizen participation, the environment or gender are linked to these actions as normative elements to the evaluation of programs or policies, but not as autonomous fields of study of the housing.In addition to this central concern, a significant growth of academic  production and  ome indication of the internationalization of research are mentioned


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In the scope of network management there is, on the one hand, a broad dispersion between the different research trends, and, on the other, lack of knowledge on the dynamics of the networks. More empirical and inter-disciplinary research on inter-organizational collaboration is still needed. This article, starting from Kickert, Klijn and Koppenjan’s fields of the policy network (1997), and Huxham’s Collaborative Advantage Theory (2000), analyzes the case of Barcelona’s City Council’s social services network’s home delivery”.


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The aim of this work is to recover Henri Lefèbvre's methodological contributions for (re)thinking the right to the city, based on the need to know the appropriation of space´s dialectical triad. Empirically, it refers to the urban genesis of Mar del Plata (Argentina), an intermediate Latin American city, and its heterogeneous socio-territorial forms of appropriating inhabitance, or different forms of appropriating goods of use, that lead to think about opening to the transformation of the capitalist social order, and of its urban order, naturalized after the fetischism of private property.


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El artículo presenta un análisis del sistema de transporte de carga en la Ciudad de México desde el punto de vista sistémico, considerando las variables económicas, políticas, técnicas, sociales que permitan comprender la problemática que actualmente enfrenta esta ciudad en la movilidad de mercancías. Es una reflexión de carácter multidisciplinario basada en el método cualitativo para explicar y comprender la situación actual del transporte de carga en México dentro del contexto de la globalización económica, para identificar así la naturaleza profunda de la estructura dinámica del transporte de carga en la Ciudad y la nueva forma de conceptualizar al transporte de mercancías. Se estudia el comportamiento de los flujos e infraestructura de las redes viales, las características urbanas, los instrumentos jurídicos en las políticas del transporte, la problemática del transporte de carga, así como la movilidad y los diferentes problemas que enfrenta el sector en relación con la ciudad. El objetivo principal de presente artículo es enunciar las razones por las que no existe un sistema de transporte articulado y se privilegia el uso del autotransporte de carga. Finalmente, de acuerdo a las diversas variables analizadas, se establece en las conclusiones que el análisis y la planificación de los transportes debe ser multi e interdisciplinario por naturaleza, con una visión integral para establecer un equilibrio entre los modos de transporte. 


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This paper presents the assessment that inhabitants of some Colombian cities did on the conditions that contribute to the livability of public space. Seven hundred and forty people, inhabitants of Yopal, Villavicencio, Valledupar, Popayán, Pereira, Pasto, Neiva, Montería, Medellín, Fusagasugá, Cúcuta, Cartagena, Cali and Bogotá participated in the study. The assessment of the conditions that contribute to the livability of public space was carried out using an instrument composed of 48 items that inquired about the level of contribution that can have different conditions on the quality of public space, from a scale five points ranging from: Does not contribute at all (-2) to: Contribute significantly (+2). The results show the conditions that most affect the habitability of public space in Colombia, as well as the differences between cities according to the assessment made by participants about the general state of public space in cities. Multidimensional analysis (SSA) evidence a structure that reflects the function that public space plays in people’s assessment on Colombian cities. It is discussed the implications of the findings for urban planning and management and the designed instrument is proposed as a tool to assess the quality of urban public space.


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La tendencia a la conformación de un "archipiélago" se inicia en Maracaibo en 1995 al dividirse esta ciudad en dos municipios, y se profundiza con la propuesta de creación del municipio de Maracaibo Oeste por el consejo legislativo del estado Zulia (Clez). La primera fragmentación en los municipios Maracaibo y San Francisco ha generado dos nuevas realidades urbanas, desarticuladas, que intentan reconstruir –por separado- su propia identidad. A partir de esta realidad, el objeto de este articulo es presentar los resultados preliminares de una investigación que analiza la relación entre el proceso de municipalización-fragmentación de Maracaibo.  


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In Metropolitan Area of Mexico City, most of urban displacements happen through semi formal public transportation: small and medium capacity vehicles operated by small private enterprises, through a concession scheme. This kind of public transportation has been playing a major role in the Mexican capital. On one hand, it has been one of the conditions for urbanization to be possible. On the other hand, despite its uncountable deficiencies, public transportation has allowed for a long time the whole population to be able to move within this huge metropolis. However, that important function with regards to integration has now reached its limits in the most recent suburbs of the city, where a new mode of urbanization is taking place, based on massive production of very big social housing gated settlements. Public transportation tends to constitute here a factor of exclusion and households meet with important difficulties for their daily mobility. 


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Traffic accidents and mobility problems have been an issue of priority for the cities, and the case of Bogota is not an excepción. An approach from the social sciences suggests the existente of a generalized problem of interaction where the agents violate the behavior codes (normative and informal) and contribuye to generate chaotic situations,  with negative effects on the life quality of the citizens. 


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El objetivo de este trabajo es, por una parte, darle continuidad a la línea de trabajo anterior sobre la industria de software y servicios informáticos, pero en esta oportunidad centrada en el estudio de la dinámica de los cluster tecnológicos en experiencias locales. Para ello se indagará esta dinámica en dos ciudades:Mérida (Yucatán-México) y Rosario (Santa Fe-Argentina). El objetivo de enfocar estos dos casos de estudio se fundamenta en el interés por estas dos ciudades, ya que presentan un perfil productivo innovador, con tasas de crecimiento importante y que además esta estrategia se suma a otras actividades de alto valor agregado. En este sentido la producción de software y de nuevas tecnologías, están creando un clima propicio de desarrollo local. En este trabajo se analiza el contexto socio económico de cada ciudad, los antecedentes de la creación del cluster tecnológico, la cooperación inter empresarial e inter institucional, las políticas públicas territorializadas en el cluster, el perfil y las actividades de las empresas que conforman el mismo, así como las características de sus recursos humanos. The aim of this paper is to give continuity to my previous work about the software industry and information technology services, but this time focused on the study of the dynamics of the cluster technology in local experiences. So the paper inquires this dynamic in two cities: Merida (Yucatan, Mexico) and Rosario (Santa Fe, Argentina).The aim of approaching these two case studies is based on the interest in these two cities, since they have a innovative productive profile, with significant growth rates and that this strategy is  added to other activities of high added value. In this sense the production of software and new technologies, are creating a climate conducive to local development. This paper examines the socio-economic context of each city, the background to the creation of the cluster technology, international cooperation and international institutional business, public policy in the territorial cluster, the profile and activities of the companies in there, and the characteristics of their human resources.