435 resultados para Perriaux, Jaime
Purpose: there are many studies reporting the benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation, but few of them exhibit the behavior and activities of these services. This article presents the characteristics of services, parts management and training level of team members, in addition to the variables or instruments used to measure the effectiveness and impact in these programs. Method: it was made a cross sectional convenience sample which included seven pulmonary rehabilitation services in four Colombian cities (Bogotá, Medellín, Manizales and Cali), selected by the coverage, for having at least one year of experience and for being formally established and recognized nationwide. The interdisciplinary team of each service answered a survey that was validated through a pilot test and expert consensus. Participation was voluntary. Results: labor onset pulmonary rehabilitation services correspond to an average of a decade, with COPD and asthma pathologies of attention. The programs are characterized by an outpatient treatment with an average duration of eight to twelve weeks, with a frequency of an hour three times a week. Also, the director of the service is regularly a pulmonologist and the coordinator a physiotherapist (57.14%). The posgradual training of these professionals is notable, and they report to have procedural, administrative and communicative skills, but qualify regular there research skills. The physical and technological resources are well tested. 71.42% have done impact studies, but only 28.57% have been published. All have in common training in upper limbs, lower limbs, respiratory muscles, counseling, functional assessment and quality of life. The effectiveness and impact of programs is measured by the walking test, quality of life questionnaires and activities of daily living.
El presente trabajo se centra en el análisis de la relación entre las políticas crediticias de las entidades de crédito y el desempeño de las mismas ex-post. Tras llevar a cabo una revisión de la teoría se plantea como hipótesis de trabajo la relación entre la intensidad en el crecimiento de la cartera crediticia de los bancos en las fases de expansión crediticia, y su desempeño ex-post. Los resultados preliminares presentados confi rman nuestra hipótesis: las entidades que más desvían su crecimiento crediticio respecto del crecimiento del PIB nominal están sujetas a un peor comportamiento en cuanto a la evolución posterior de sus benefi cios, rentabilidades e insolvencias.
his paper proposes a concept of “culture for internationalization” and “exporting culture” –a highly relevant concept for developing countries’ firms that are likely to follow a gradualinternationalization process– based on the strong relationship binding the concept proposed to strategy and systemic competitiveness. These three items are paramount to Understand the conditions underlying internationalizationas it is characterized by particular traits that make it a key alternative for a firm’s growth and successful perdurability based on competitiveness. “Culture for internationalization” and its variation, “exporting culture”, overflow the conceptsof organizational or corporate culture and involve some major interaction among the micro, meso and macro levels of a national economy in order to operationalize strategies thatpromote such culture and assure successful firm and economy internationalization. Discussion remains open as to the concept and its applicability with the hope that it contributesto the understanding and creation of appropriate conditions for firms to be able to access international markets with greater advantage and generate as much benefit as possible totheir nations, particularly in developing countries.
En el presente trabajo se pretende mostrar un estudio realizado a dos compañías colombianas, dicho estudio tiene como finalidad establecer aquellos procesos en los que el desempeño de las organizaciones es alto en cuanto al manejo de sus cadenas de suministro se refiere; para ello se ha realizado un análisis de datos resultantes del Balance General y Estado de Resultados de las empresas escogidas, mediante el uso del modelo SCOR® V.10. y de determinadas métricas del mismo. Con base en éstos resultados se espera llevar a cabo un BENCHMARKING con el fin de establecer cuáles son los procesos competitivos y aquellos débiles de cada una de las empresas, para que éstas puedan determinar en qué procesos deben mejorar y de esta forma aumentar su productividad. Este trabajo de grado, busca ser un punto de referencia para el medio empresarial colombiano y una herramienta útil a la hora de evaluar la forma en la que las organizaciones se están desarrollando, los procesos a mejorar y la manera en la que dichas reformas (en pro del desempeño superior de las compañías) pueden afectar el crecimiento empresarial.