16 resultados para questioning -- study and teaching (primary)

em Universitat de Girona, Spain


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El projecte "Ecoauditoria del CEIP l'Entorn, pla d'acció i seguiment" consisteix en la diagnosi ambiental del centre, el pla d'acció, l'execució i el seguiment indispensables per a que el centre pugui aconseguir el distintiu d'Escola Verda que atorga la Generalitat de Catalunya. S'introdueix un assaig pedagògic encaminat en l'Educació per la Sostenibilitat


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El projecte fa una anàlisi dels programes educatius o guies didàctiques dirigides a treballar la diversitat afectiva i sexual què s’han desenvolupat en els centres de primària i secundària a Catalunya fins al curs 2006-2007


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La propuesta de modelo de formación del profesorado que seguidamente va a ser descrita1, basada en los nuevos planteamientos educativos referidos y diseñada en atención específica a la realidad de la Comunidad Autónoma andaluza -si bien generalizable en muchos aspectos a otras- y para la etapa concreta de Educación Primaria, ofrece pautas de actuación para el ámbito de conocimiento concreto de las ciencias experimentales, o lo que es lo mismo, para el relativo al del conocimiento del medio natural


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Dans le cadre du réseau RESEIDA (REcherches sur la Socialisation, l’Enseignement, les Inégalités et les Différenciations dans les Apprentissages, co-piloté par E. Bautier et J-Y. Rochex), je participe depuis plusieurs années à une recherche qui vise à étudier des pratiques enseignantes contextualisées et leurs effets potentiellement différenciateurs sur les apprentissages d’élèves, en croisant des points de vue issus de différentes didactiques et de la sociologie de l'éducation. Dans ce contexte, un imposant corpus de données a été recueilli dans deux classes françaises de CM2 (élèves de 10-11 ans) considérées comme hétérogènes (d'après les résultats d'évaluations nationales, les caractéristiques familiales) en 2004-2005: composé à la fois de données filmiques orientées vers les pratiques d’enseignantes et d’élèves en situation de classe, de photocopies de cahiers ou de productions d’élèves. Ma présentation se centre sur l’analyse d’une partie de ces données, concernant l’enseignement des mathématiques observé dans une des deux classes de CM2. Plus précisément, j’effectue un zoom sur deux situations observées dans cette classe: une situation de résolution de problèmes et une situation d’enseignement des pourcentages. Ces deux situations apparaissent contrastées (gestion enseignante, apprentissages mathématiques potentiels, etc.). Mais elles permettent précisément de montrer que derrière une hétérogénéité apparente de pratiques d’une enseignante, une façon commune de penser et de faire la classe de mathématiques se joue, dont on peut penser qu’elle pèse fortement sur les apprentissages potentiels en contexte scolaire


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Objetivos del presente estudio: 1) identificar las ideas previas del alumnado de magisterio sobre el estructura interna de la Tierra, con especial énfasis en donde se genera el magma que da lugar a los fenómenos ígneos, tanto volcánicos como plutónicos, y que constituye uno de los eslabones fundamentales del ciclo de las rocas, y, por ende, de la dinámica del planeta en el que vivimos. 2) Plantear posibles estrategias de cara a la enseñanza-aprendizaje de los contenidos relacionados con la estructura interna de la Tierra y con la procedencia/residencia del magma que origina los procesos ígneos


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Cela fait maintenant plus de 10 ans que les premiers dispositifs de e-learning ont vu le jour, que ce soit pour la formation continue ou pour la formation initiale. Dans un premier temps, le recours aux technologies n’a consisté qu’à publier sur Internet l’ensemble des ressources ainsi que le cours, sous forme de texte, dispensé par l’enseignant. Puis, grâce à l’évolution des technologies, de nouvelles possibilités ont vu le jour : la mise en ligne de documents audios, de vidéos, et plus récemment, la mise en place d’espaces numériques de travail permettant à l’enseignant, comme à tous les participants, d’y placer des documents et des commentaires. L’apparition des wikis a permis de voir apparaître de nouvelles formes de e-learning, basés sur la collaboration. Depuis quelques mois, l’explosion des réseaux sociaux, facebook pour le plus célèbre, permet d’envisager de nouveaux dispositifs d’apprentissage interconnectant cours en présentiel et travail à distance


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Nuestro trabajo se fundamenta en primera instancia en las investigaciones que tratan y adoptan el conocimiento de los profesores como objeto de estudio y que vienen realizándose desde hace algunas décadas, arrancando de los prestigiosos trabajos de Lee Shulman (1987, 1991, 1992) y su equipo, donde se insiste en la importancia del contenido en la enseñanza y, sobre todo, donde se caracteriza el llamado “conocimiento didáctico del contenido”. Estos estudios han dado lugar a variadas líneas de investigación, impulsadas por autores tan prestigiosos como Grossman (1990), Leinhardt (1992), Clandinin et alii (1992), Connelly y Clandinin (1988), etc., líneas que han intentado conformar una base de conocimiento para la enseñanza centrándose en análisis relacionados con la comparación entre el conocimiento formal y el práctico; el conocimiento informado por los propios profesores; el conocimiento de la materia y su papel en la enseñanza; el conocimiento didáctico, de los aprendices, de los currículos y el didáctico del contenido o los procesos cognitivos de los profesores antes y durante la enseñanza. Se han aportado incluso nuevos lenguajes, como es el caso de los trabajos de Connelly y Clandinin (1985); se han estudiado los componentes usados en la construcción del conocimiento, el conocimiento previo de los docentes, las teorías implícitas de los profesores, el conocimiento práctico personal, las rutinas docentes, imágenes y creencias; se han descrito varios tipos de conocimiento (conocimiento para, en y de la práctica), y se habla últimamente de la adquisición social del conocimiento, proponiéndose “la indagación como actitud” (Cochran-Smith y Lytle, 1999)


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L’objectiu principal del Projecte Edubosc és apropar el bosc a l’aula per donar a conèixer a l’alumnat d’educació primària d’entre 8 i 10 anys, la gestió forestal sostenible i la seva importància per als nostres boscos i el seu futur. Per tal d’aconseguir aquest objectiu, el Projecte Edubosc proposa dotze activitats de sensibilització forestal que tracten temes com la multifuncionalitat del bosc, la relació del bosc amb l’aigua, els principals productes del bosc, els oficis vinculats al bosc, la prevenció del risc d’incendis i la titularitat dels boscos. Són temes que els llibres de text no tracten. Aquest treball fa una observació sobre com funcionen les activitats a diverses escoles, a partir dels resultats d’enquestes al professorat i als alumnes. Aquests resultats serviran per proposar alternatives i incorporar noves modificacions al projecte


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The adjustment of the teaching learning contents in Physical Education, requires of a rigorous analysis that permits to adjust them to the maximum with the educational needs of the student body. It has been approached an investigation study in the one which have intervened pupils, boys and girls, of two different populations, Girona and Madrid in order to prove and analyse the motor and mental components of the student body in the real situation of the game. The hypothesis that we have treated are:if it exists differences between the boys and girls of the educational levels studied in the motor and mental solution in the sports initiation, additionally, the differences that they can exist between the courses and what distance is verified between the study ages to approach a physical activity that implies an initial step to the hour of teaching the collective sports in the classes of Physical education. They have been employed three measure instruments: the first permits to analyse the mental solution without need of practice employing situation photographs of the real game with those which the pupils must choose to who to happen; the second is a pass test that permits to prove the technical dominance to use in a collective sport and the third is a real game situation that permits to put in manifesto the relationship between the mental behaviour and the motor of the pupil. This real game situation is ‘the game of ten pass’ (Blázquez,1986; Torres,1993). The results demonstrate that it do not exist differences between the two sexes in the study ages. In the case of the technical execution level, there is a considerable increase with the age and it is slightly greater in the kids that in the girls. In the case of the real game, we find ourselves with a great variability in the results and we cannot conclude that there are relative differences to the sex in none of the three courses. Respect at participation level during the game is confirmed that the pupils that more participate are not the pupils than more balls lose, what permits to guarantee the idea of the fact that it is convenient to use the real game practice as direct learning element. Finally, there is no a high correlation between the execution level measured in the test of technical execution and the decision execution during the game


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Article que reflexiona sobre la importància del pati escolar, i com aquests poden contribuir a l’educació ambiental dels infants


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Much of the self-image of the Western university hangs on the idea that research and teaching are intimately connected. The central axiom here is that research and teaching are mutually supportive of each other. An institution lacking such a set of relationships between research and teaching falls short of what it means to be a university. This set of beliefs raises certain questions: Is it the case that the presence of such a mutually supportive set of relationships between research and teaching is a necessary condition of the fulfilment of the idea of the university? (A conceptual question). And is it true that, in practice today, such a mutually supportive set of relationships between research and teaching characterises universities? (An empirical question). In my talk, I want to explore these matters in a critical vein. I shall suggest that: a) In practice today, such a mutually supportive set of relationships between research and teaching is in jeopardy. Far from supporting each other, very often research and teaching contend against each other. Research and teaching are becoming two separate ideologies, with their own interest structures. b) Historically, the supposed tight link between research and teaching is both of recent origin and far from universally achieved in universities. Institutional separateness between research and teaching is and has been evident, both across institutions and even across departments in the same institution. c) Conceptually, research and teaching are different activities: each is complex and neither is reducible to the other. In theory, therefore, research and teaching may be said to constitute a holy alliance but in practice, we see more of an unholy alliance. If, then, in an ideal world, a positive relationship between research and teaching is still a worthwhile goal, how might it be construed and worked for? Seeing research and teaching as two discrete and unified sets of activity is now inadequate. Much better is a construal of research and teaching as themselves complexes, as intermingling pools of activity helping to form the liquid university that is emerging today. On this view, research and teaching are fluid spaces, ever on the move, taking up new shapes, and themselves dividing and reforming, as the university reworks its own destiny in modern society. On such a perspective, working out a productive relationship between research and teaching is a complex project. This is an alliance that is neither holy nor unholy. It is an uneasy alliance, with temporary accommodations and continuous new possibilities


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This communication explains a experience for the introduction of English terminology in a technical degree of higher education. We present the methodology and assessment procedures used to evaluate the way the students perceived the introduction of terminology in English in two different subjects from 3rd and 5th year courses of a Computer Science degree in which English was not the vehicular language. We propose a strategy based on two main pillars, namely: 1) The design of materials, explanations, and exams, paying particular attention to the way in which the specific terminology was exposed to the students, and 2) The assessment of the impact in the students by means of the analysis of the feedback trough a set of enquiries. Our experience showed that the students responded very positively to the introduction of English terminology, and presented an affirmative feedback about the impact that an improvement of their linguistic abilities would have in their future work. Further, we present statistics regarding the use of English as the vehicular language for technical reports, which is envisaged as very useful by the students. Finally, we propose a set of questions for further debate which are centered in the role that English terminology should pay in technical degrees, and about the way in which universities should deploy resources in English languages within the different Syllabus


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El llibre ressenyat pretén ser una síntesi i una avaluació de la situació de la geografia als Estats Units. Estructurat en vuit capítols, els sis primers són una anàlisi de diversos aspectes de la geografia i els dos últims expliquen quina estratègia hauria de portar-se a terme per enfortir el paper de la geografia en el món acadèmic i en la societat en general


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En la educación superior, el aprendizaje colaborativo comienza a ser una realidad existiendo múltiples experiencias en torno al mismo, pero aún queda un largo camino por recorrer para que éste se generalice y se realice con garantías de éxito, rompiendo con la cultura del individualismo existente


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The pedagogical and didactic dynamic system is focused on individual learning process and aims at the development of artistic knowledge, helping and guiding learners through different strategies or individual support, thus reinforcing the process. In consequence, this presentation looks for an alternative to the intercommunication student-teacher supported on the educational paradigm, through textual analyses of the daily diaries, developped by teacher and students, so as to discover successes or difficulties