22 resultados para p-Type transparent oxide semiconductors


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In this paper, we report the in-plane and cross-plane measurements of the thermal diffusivity of double epitaxial layers of n-type GaAs doped with various concentrations of Si and a p-type Be-doped GaAs layer grown on a GaAs substrate by the molecular beam epitaxial method, using the laser-induced nondestructive photothermal deflection technique. The thermal diffusivity value is evaluated from the slope of the graph of the phase of the photothermal deflection signal as a function of pump-probe offset. Analysis of the data shows that the cross-plane thermal diffusivity is less than that of the in-plane thermal diffusivity. It is also seen that the doping concentration has a great influence on the thermal diffusivity value. Measurement of p-type Be-doped samples shows that the nature of the dopant also influences the effective thermal diffusivity value. The results are interpreted in terms of a phonon-assisted heat transfer mechanism and the various scattering process involved in the propagation of phonons


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This work mainly concentrate to understand the optical and electrical properties of amorphous zinc tin oxide and amorphous zinc indium tin oxide thin films for TFT applications. Amorphous materials are promising in achieving better device performance on temperature sensitive substrates compared to polycrystalline materials. Most of these amorphous oxides are multicomponent and as such there exists the need for an optimized chemical composition. For this we have to make individual targets with required chemical composition to use it in conventional thin film deposition techniques like PLD and sputtering. Instead, if we use separate targets for each of the cationic element and if separately control the power during the simultaneous sputtering process, then we can change the chemical composition by simply adjusting the sputtering power. This is what is done in co-sputtering technique. Eventhough there had some reports about thin film deposition using this technique, there was no reports about the use of this technique in TFT fabrication until very recent time. Hence in this work, co-sputtering has performed as a major technique for thin film deposition and TFT fabrication. PLD were also performed as it is a relatively new technique and allows the use high oxygen pressure during deposition. This helps to control the carrier density in the channel and also favours the smooth film surface. Both these properties are crucial in TFT.Zinc tin oxide material is interesting in the sense that it does not contain costly indium. Eventhough some works were already reported in ZTO based TFTs, there was no systematic study about ZTO thin film's various optoelectronic properties from a TFT manufacturing perspective. Attempts have made to analyse the ZTO films prepared by PLD and co-sputtering. As more type of cations present in the film, chances are high to form an amorphous phase. Zinc indium tin oxide is studied as a multicomponent oxide material suitable for TFT fabrication.


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Highly conductive and transparent thin films of amorphous zinc indium tin oxide are prepared at room temperature by co-sputtering of zinc 10 oxide and indium tin oxide. Cationic contents in the films are varied by adjusting the power to the sputtering targets. Optical transmission study of 11 films showed an average transmission greater than 85% across the visible region. Maximum conductivity of 6×102 S cm−1 is obtained for Zn/In/ 12 Sn atomic ratio 0.4/0.4/0.2 in the film. Hall mobility strongly depends on carrier concentration and maximum mobility obtained is 18 cm2 V−1 s−1 13 at a carrier concentration of 2.1×1020 cm−3. Optical band gap of films varied from 3.44 eV to 3 eV with the increase of zinc content in the film 14 while the refractive index of the films at 600 nm is about 2.0.


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In this work we present the results of our attempt to build a compact photothermal spectrometer capable of both manual and automated mode of operation.The salient features of the system include the ability to analyse thin film, powder and polymer samples. The tool has been in use to investigate thermal, optical and transport properties. Binary and ternary semiconducting thin films were analysed for their thermal diffusivities. The system could perform thickness measurements nondestructively. Ion implanted semiconductors are widely studied for the effect of radiation induced defects. We could perform nondestructive imaging of defects using our spectrometer.The results reported in his thesis on the above in addition to studies on In2S3 and transparent conducting oxide ZnO have been achieved with this spectrometer. Various polymer samples have been easily analysed for their thermal diffusivities. The technique provided ease of analysis not achieved with conventional techniques like TGA and DSC. Industrial application of the tool has also been proved by analyzing defects of welded joints and adhesion of paints. Indigenization of the expensive lock-in-amplifier and automation has been the significant achievement in the course of this dissertation. We are on our way to prove the noise rejection capabilities of our PC LIA.


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We discuss an open photoacoustic cell study on sulfer-doped n-type InP wafer. The thermal diffusivity of the sample is evaluated from the phase data associated with the photoacoustic signal as a function of the modulation frequency under heat transmission configuration. Analysis is made on the basis of the Rosencwaig-Gersho theory and the results are compared with those from earlier reported photoacoustic studies of semiconductors. Our investigation clearly indicates that the instantaneous thermalization process is the major heat diffusion mechanism responsible for the photoacoustic signal generation in an InP sample.


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In the present work we report the preparation details studies on ZnO thin films. ZnO thin films are prepared using cost effective deposition technique viz., Chemical Spray Pyrolysis (CSP). The method is very effective for large area preparation of the ZnO thin film. A new post-deposition process could also be developed to avoid the adsorption of oxygen that usually occurs after the spraying process i.e., while cooling. Studies were done by changing the various deposition parameters for optimizing the properties of ZnO thin film. Moreover, different methods of doping using various elements are also tried to enhance the conductivity and transparency of the film to make these suitable for various optoelectronic applications.


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The investigation of physical properties of matter has progressed so much during the last hundred years. Today physics is divided in to a large distinct group of special branches. These branches are distinguished by the particular area studied, method of investigation and so on. An independent and important branch that has developed is the physics ofthin films.Any object in solid or liquid form with one of its dimensions very much smaller than that of the other two may be called a thin film. It is having only one common property, namely, one of their dimensions is very small, though all their physical properties may be different. Thin layers of oil, floating on the surface of water, with their fascinating colours, have attracted men’s curiosity from time immemorial. The earliest application of thin films was the protective coatings in the form of paints. A thin layer of tin has been used from ancient times to protect copper utensils from corrosion. Indium thin films are used in certain applications on account of their good lubricating property. Relay contacts are coated with thin films of rare earth metals in order to prevent burning due to arcing. Hard coatings are also available using diamond like carbon (i-carbon). The basic properties of thin films are of considerable interest because of their potential applications in various fields of science and technology