643 resultados para Independent Studies Programs -- History
This paper discusses a study of the adult innervation patterns of afferent cell types in the adult quail. The aim of the study was to evaluate afferent innervation of the quail utricle to better understand the development of the nerve fibers.
This papers looks at workers' compensation laws for each state to determine if there have been any updates in the laws since a 2000 survey by Dobie and Megerson. The study also examines what information is available to audiologists testing patients in workers' compensation claims.
The goals of the present study are: to determine if dialogue journals are an effective activity within a balanced literacy program to improve on written language errors in students who are deaf and hard of hearing.
Speech-evoked auditory brainstem responses (ABRs) were acquired in quiet and in the presence of noise at two study sessions to investigate 1) test-retest variability and 2) subcortical representation of speech stimuli. Participants were adults with normal hearing in both ears who listened monaurally and adults with unilateral deafness. Results indicate consistency in responses across sessions and several differences between hearing groups for magnitudes of discrete components.
The primary objective of this research study is to determine if various body positions for ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potential (oVEMP) testing demonstrate differentiation of the saccule and utricle through threshold responses.
This study seeks to evaluate whether the DEAP, a new speech assessment that assesses vowels in addition to consonants, is as effective with children who are deaf and hard of hearing as an older, more established speech assessment, the GFTA-2.
The notion that the default telecoil (t-coil) frequency response should match the programmed microphone frequency response to provide optimal telephone understanding for hearing aid patients has received little attention. This study addresses differences in the average frequency response of the two transducers in behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids.
Experiments explored the minimal kanamycin dosing regimen that renders protection against noise induced hearing loss in young CBA/J mice. We also tested the age-dependence of protection in CBA/J as well as the dependence of protection on a particular genetic background in experiments using young C57BL/6J and CBA/CaJ mice.
This descriptive study aims at determining the most widely used reading instructional practices that are used by teachers of the deaf in oral deaf education schools.
This independent study provides an overview of the social-emotional and theory of mind development of children birth through high school and evaluates the utility of social-emotional rating scales in the classroom for children who are deaf and hard of hearing.
Levels of activation of MAP kinase pathways and effects of inhibiting these pathways were examined in chick utricular epithelial cultures in order to determine the role of these pathways in proliferation.
We examine the efficacy two volume spatial registration of pre and postoperative clinical computed tomography (CT) imaging to verify post-operative electrode array placement in cochlear implant (CI) patients. To measure the degree of accuracy with which the composite image predicts in-vivo placement of the array, we replicate the CI surgical process in cadaver heads. Pre-operative, post-operative, micro CT imaging and histology are utilized for verification.
This project attempts to identify anatomic features that predict the range of the ‘normal’ endocochlear potential in young inbred mice. Cochlear lateral wall histologic metrics were compared in recombinant inbred (RI) mouse strains formed from BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice.
Although some children with unilateral hearing loss (UHL) are at-risk for educational difficulties and behavioral problems, research in treatment outcomes for pediatric UHL is limited. The objective of this study was to examine the benefits of a conventional hearing aid in children with mild to moderately severe UHL, using speech perception measures and subjective assessments from the child, parent, and teacher.
This paper supports the need for oral deaf educators in rural communities and their importance in the education of children who are deaf and hard of hearing.