14 resultados para support needs

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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This thesis examines innovation development needs of firms in a remote rural region. The perspective of the study is in strategic innovation management and three dimensions of innovation development: innovation environment, value delivery and innovation capability. The framework is studied with a theoretical and methodological approach in the context of the development of a regional innovation system and the defining of innovation development needs. The thesis is based on existing innovation management literature, expanding it by examining the features of the three dimensions. The empirical data of the study comprise 50 purposefully selected firms within the region of Pielinen Karelia located in Eastern Finland. Most of the firms (70%) included in the study represent manufacturing firms, and over 90% are small and medium-sized enterprises. The research data consist of two questionnaires and an interview, which were done during 2011 in the connection of a regional development project. The point of view of the research is in regional development and harnessing the innovation capability of the firms within the region. The principal research approach applies soft systems methodology. The study explores the means to foster the innovativeness of firms from the viewpoints of innovation environment, innovation capability and value delivery. In closer detail, the study examines relations between the innovation capability factors, differences in innovation development needs within the value delivery system, between sectors and between firm size categories. The thesis offers three major contributions. First, the study extends earlier research on strategic innovation management by connecting the frameworks of innovation capability, innovation environment and value delivery process to the defining of innovation development needs at the regional level. The results deepen knowledge especially concerning practice-based innovation, peripheral regions and smaller firms. Second, the empirical work, based on a case study, confirms the existence of a structural connection integrating five factors of innovation capability. Statistical evidence is provided especially for the positive impacts of the improvement of absorption capability, marketing capability and networking capability, which are the main weaknesses of firms according to the study. Third, the research provides a methodological contribution by applying the innovation matrix in the defining of the innovation development needs of firms. The study demonstrates how the matrix improves possibility to target policy instruments and innovation services more efficiently through indicating significant differences between the innovation support needs regarding various time horizons and phases of innovation process.


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Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on tutkia kuinka roadmapping-tekniikkaa voidaan käyttää tarjonnan suunnittelun tukena uusien tuotteiden valmistamisen yhteydessä. Työ koostuu teoreettisesta ja käytännönläheisestä osasta. Teoreettinen runko on luotu selventämään kuinka tämän hetkisen tutkimus- ja kehitys projektit lopulta muodostavat tulevaisuuden tarjoaman. Menestyksekkään tuotetarjoaman luominen vaatii, sekä uusien teknologioiden kehittämistä, että markkinoilla olevien asiakkaiden tarpeiden ymmärtämistä. Asiakassuuntaisten tuotteiden kehittäminen vaatii toimintaympäristöstä ja asiakasrajapinnasta tulevien signaalien tunnistamista ja niiden ohjaamista tuote- ja teknologia platformeille. Strategia luodaan tukemaan päätöksentekoa prosessin eri vaiheissa. Yrityskohtainen osio koostuu analyysistä, joka on tehty teetetyn kyselyn ja haas-tattelujen pohjalta. Osana analyysia ovat Major project-yksikön tämänhetkinen tarjonnansuunnitteluprosessi, strategian soveltaminen, informaation kerääminen ja priorisointi, portfolionhallinta ja roadmap-tekniikan käyttö. Ratkaisussa on esitet-ty tarjonnan suunnitteluprosessi ja siihen liittyvät kriittiset komponentit. Roadmapping-tekniikkaaon luotu yhdistämään toimintaympäristö, tuotteet ja teknologia toisiinsa. Toimintaympäristö ja tuotteet on yhdistetty myös linked-grids-tekniikan avulla.


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Työn tavoitteena on kartoittaa ja arvioida asiakastarpeita hienojakoisen hiilen ja nesteen erotuksessa. Aluksi työssä kuvataan hiiliteollisuutta, jonka jälkeen syvennytäänhiilen ja nesteen erotukseen. Tämän jälkeen keskitytään asiakastarpeiden kartoittamiseen. Jo olemassaolevan tiedon keräämiseen käytetään haastatteluja ja kysymyslomakkeita. Saatyn AHP-mallia hyödynnetään asiakastarpeiden arvioinnissa. Yksi suurimmista haasteista puhtaan hiiliteknologian käytössä on kustannustehokas nesteen ja hienojakoisen hiilen erotus, joka on tärkeää rahtauskustannusten minimoinnin, laatuvaatimusten täyttämisen ja prosessiveden kierrättämisen kannalta. Tekniset ominaisuudet ja kustannukset ovat tärkeimmät ominaisuudet hiilen ja veden suodatinratkaisussa asiantuntijoiden mukaan. Asiakkaan mukaan laatu, tekniset ominaisuudet ja tukipalvelut ovat tärkeitä.Sekä asiakkaan että asiantuntijoiden mielestä korkea yksikkökapasiteetti, matala lopputuotteen kosteus ja luotettavuus ovat tärkeimmät tekniset ominaisuudet. Investointikustannukset ovat noin kolme kertaa tärkeämpiä kuin käyttökustannukset. Asiakkaan mukaan laitetoimittajan ominaisuudet ovat tärkeämpiä kuin teknologiset ominaisuudet.


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The aim of `Valssi' study was to find out the service requirements in `business-to-business' (B2B) markets and to present a new logistics service concept, where the traditional logistics service is expanded with significant manufacturing and value addedfacilities. The traditional third-party logistics service providers are not necessarily able to offer services, which cover widely the needs of potential customers. The study has been outlined to spare part markets in metal industry. In the second phase of the Valssi-project the aim is to examine the economical conditions and potentiality of the new logistics business concept. This research report (Part 1) concentrates on examining current trends in global and domestic logistics markets. Based on detailed survey among the participating companies, the study presents basis for a new logistics business concept model. The developed concept consists of 12 different service modules, which are split into deeper details of processes. The integration of worldwide supplier and service provider network together with customer companies systems is a challenge. The report focuses on evaluating the requirements for the new business concept from the customer-companies point of view. The study paints an overall picture of distribution and service provider network including an abstract about the software and system integration possibilities. As a result of the survey, it can be concluded that thereis need for the new business concept among the participating companies, and a modular service concept meets the requirements of them, because the new sophisticated concept considers the specialities involved in spare part logistics in metal industry.


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VDSL on teknologia, joka mahdollistaa nopeat Internet-yhteydet tavallista puhelinlinjaa käyttäen. Tätä varten käyttäjä tarvitsee VDSL-modeemin ja Internet-operaattori reitittimen, johon VDSL-linjat kytketään. Reitittimen on oltava suorituskykyinen, jotta kaikki VDSL-liikenne voidaan reittittää eteenpäin. Tehokkuutta haetaan tekemällä suuri osa reitityksestä erityisillä reititinpiireillä. Tässä diplomityössä käsitellään reititinpiirien teoriaa ja niiden hallintaa. Lisäksi vertailtiin kolmen suuren valmistajan tuotteita. Tuotteiden tarjoamat ominaisuudet vaikuttivat hyvin yhteneväisiltä. Ominaisuuksien hallinta ja toteutus olivat erilaisia. Työn tavoitteena oli löytää ohjelmistoarkkitehtuuri piirien ohjaamiseen niin, että Linux-käyttöjärjestelmän ytimen palveluja voitaisiin käyttää mahdollisimman hyödyllisesti. Työssä havaittiin, että ohjelmistoarkkitehtuurin voi määritellä monella eri tavalla riippuen siitä, miten piiri on kytketty prosessoriin, mitä piirin ominaisuuksia halutaan käyttää ja miten arkkitehtuuria halutaan jatkossa laajentaa.


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Tutkimus tarkastelee taloudellisia mallintamismahdollisuuksia metsäteollisuuden liiketoimintayksikössä. Tavoitteena on suunnitella ja luoda taloudellinen malli liiketoimintayksikölle, jonka avulla sen tuloksen analysoiminen ja ennustaminen on mahdollista. Tutkimusta tarkastellaan konstruktiivisen tutkimusmenetelmän avulla. Teoreettinen viitekehys tarkastelee olemassa olevan informaation muotoilemista keskittyen tiedon jalostamisen tarpeisiin, päätöksenteon asettamiin vaatimuksiin sekä mallintamiseen. Toiseksi, teoria esittää informaatiolle asetettavia vaatimuksia organisatorisen ohjauksen näkökulmasta.Empiirinen tieto kerätään osallistuvan havainnoinnin avulla hyödyntäen epävirallisia keskusteluja, tietojärjestelmiä ja laskentatoimen dokumentteja. Tulokset osoittavat, että liikevoiton ennustaminen mallin avulla on vaikeaa, koska taustalla vaikuttavien muuttujien määrä on suuri. Tästä johtuen malli täytyykin rakentaa niin, että se tarkastelee liikevoittoa niin yksityiskohtaisella tasolla kuin mahdollista. Testauksessa mallin tarkkuus osoittautui sitä paremmaksi, mitä tarkemmalla tasolla ennustaminen tapahtui. Lisäksi testaus osoitti, että malli on käyttökelpoinen liiketoiminnan ohjauksessa lyhyellä aikavälillä. Näin se luo myös pohjan pitkän aikavälin ennustamiselle.


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The thesis studies role based access control and its suitability in the enterprise environment. The aim is to research how extensively role based access control can be implemented in the case organization and how it support organization’s business and IT functions. This study points out the enterprise’s needs for access control, factors of access control in the enterprise environment and requirements for implementation and the benefits and challenges it brings along. To find the scope how extensively role based access control can be implemented into the case organization, firstly is examined the actual state of access control. Secondly is defined a rudimentary desired state (how things should be) and thirdly completed it by using the results of the implementation of role based access control application. The study results the role model for case organization unit, and the building blocks and the framework for the organization wide implementation. Ultimate value for organization is delivered by facilitating the normal operations of the organization whilst protecting its information assets.


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Transportation and warehousing are large and growing sectors in the society, and their efficiency is of high importance. Transportation also has a large share of global carbondioxide emissions, which are one the leading causes of anthropogenic climate warming. Various countries have agreed to decrease their carbon emissions according to the Kyoto protocol. Transportation is the only sector where emissions have steadily increased since the 1990s, which highlights the importance of transportation efficiency. The efficiency of transportation and warehousing can be improved with the help of simulations, but models alone are not sufficient. This research concentrates on the use of simulations in decision support systems. Three main simulation approaches are used in logistics: discrete-event simulation, systems dynamics, and agent-based modeling. However, individual simulation approaches have weaknesses of their own. Hybridization (combining two or more approaches) can improve the quality of the models, as it allows using a different method to overcome the weakness of one method. It is important to choose the correct approach (or a combination of approaches) when modeling transportation and warehousing issues. If an inappropriate method is chosen (this can occur if the modeler is proficient in only one approach or the model specification is not conducted thoroughly), the simulation model will have an inaccurate structure, which in turn will lead to misleading results. This issue can further escalate, as the decision-maker may assume that the presented simulation model gives the most useful results available, even though the whole model can be based on a poorly chosen structure. In this research it is argued that simulation- based decision support systems need to take various issues into account to make a functioning decision support system. The actual simulation model can be constructed using any (or multiple) approach, it can be combined with different optimization modules, and there needs to be a proper interface between the model and the user. These issues are presented in a framework, which simulation modelers can use when creating decision support systems. In order for decision-makers to fully benefit from the simulations, the user interface needs to clearly separate the model and the user, but at the same time, the user needs to be able to run the appropriate runs in order to analyze the problems correctly. This study recommends that simulation modelers should start to transfer their tacit knowledge to explicit knowledge. This would greatly benefit the whole simulation community and improve the quality of simulation-based decision support systems as well. More studies should also be conducted by using hybrid models and integrating simulations with Graphical Information Systems.


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Combating climate change is one of the key tasks of humanity in the 21st century. One of the leading causes is carbon dioxide emissions due to usage of fossil fuels. Renewable energy sources should be used instead of relying on oil, gas, and coal. In Finland a significant amount of energy is produced using wood. The usage of wood chips is expected to increase in the future significantly, over 60 %. The aim of this research is to improve understanding over the costs of wood chip supply chains. This is conducted by utilizing simulation as the main research method. The simulation model utilizes both agent-based modelling and discrete event simulation to imitate the wood chip supply chain. This thesis concentrates on the usage of simulation based decision support systems in strategic decision-making. The simulation model is part of a decision support system, which connects the simulation model to databases but also provides a graphical user interface for the decisionmaker. The main analysis conducted with the decision support system concentrates on comparing a traditional supply chain to a supply chain utilizing specialized containers. According to the analysis, the container supply chain is able to have smaller costs than the traditional supply chain. Also, a container supply chain can be more easily scaled up due to faster emptying operations. Initially the container operations would only supply part of the fuel needs of a power plant and it would complement the current supply chain. The model can be expanded to include intermodal supply chains as due to increased demand in the future there is not enough wood chips located close to current and future power plants.


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The aim of this study was to develop a theoretical model for information integration to support the deci¬sion making of intensive care charge nurses, and physicians in charge – that is, ICU shift leaders. The study focused on the ad hoc decision-making and immediate information needs of shift leaders during the management of an intensive care unit’s (ICU) daily activities. The term ‘ad hoc decision-making’ was defined as critical judgements that are needed for a specific purpose at a precise moment with the goal of ensuring instant and adequate patient care and a fluent flow of ICU activities. Data collection and research analysis methods were tested in the identification of ICU shift leaders’ ad hoc decision-making. Decision-making of ICU charge nurses (n = 12) and physicians in charge (n = 8) was observed using a think-aloud technique in two university-affiliated Finnish ICUs for adults. The ad hoc decisions of ICU shift leaders were identified using an application of protocol analysis. In the next phase, a structured online question¬naire was developed to evaluate the immediate information needs of ICU shift leaders. A national survey was conducted in all Finnish, university-affiliated hospital ICUs for adults (n = 17). The questionnaire was sent to all charge nurses (n = 515) and physicians in charge (n = 223). Altogether, 257 charge nurses (50%) and 96 physicians in charge (43%) responded to the survey. The survey was also tested internationally in 16 Greek ICUs. From Greece, 50 charge nurses out of 240 (21%) responded to the survey. A think-aloud technique and protocol analysis were found to be applicable for the identification of the ad hoc decision-making of ICU shift leaders. During one day shift leaders made over 200 ad hoc decisions. Ad hoc decisions were made horizontally, related to the whole intensive care process, and vertically, concerning single intensive care incidents. Most of the ICU shift leaders’ ad hoc decisions were related to human resources and know-how, patient information and vital signs, and special treatments. Commonly, this ad hoc decision-making involved several multiprofessional decisions that constituted a bundle of immediate decisions and various information needs. Some of these immediate information needs were shared between the charge nurses and the physicians in charge. The majority of which concerned patient admission, the organisation and management of work, and staff allocation. In general, the information needs of charge nurses were more varied than those of physicians. It was found that many ad hoc deci-sions made by the physicians in charge produced several information needs for ICU charge nurses. This meant that before the task at hand was completed, various kinds of information was sought by the charge nurses to support the decision-making process. Most of the immediate information needs of charge nurses were related to the organisation and management of work and human resources, whereas the information needs of the physicians in charge mainly concerned direct patient care. Thus, information needs differ between professionals even if the goal of decision-making is the same. The results of the international survey confirmed these study results for charge nurses. Both in Finland and in Greece the information needs of charge nurses focused on the organisation and management of work and human resources. Many of the most crucial information needs of Finnish and Greek ICU charge nurses were common. In conclusion, it was found that ICU shift leaders make hundreds of ad hoc decisions during the course of a day related to the allocation of resources and organisation of patient care. The ad hoc decision-making of ICU shift leaders is a complex multi-professional process, which requires a lot of immediate information. Real-time support for information related to patient admission, the organisation and man¬agement of work, and allocation of staff resources is especially needed. The preliminary information integration model can be applied when real-time enterprise resource planning systems are developed for intensive care daily management


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The horse industry is in many ways still operating the same way as it did in the beginning of the 20th century. At the same time the role of the horse has changed dramatically, from a beast of burden to a top athlete, a production animal or a beloved pet. A racehorse or an equestrian sport horse is trained and taken care of like any other athlete, but unlike its human counterpart, it might end up on our plate. According to European and many other countries’ laws, a horse is a production animal. The medical data of a horse should be known if it is to be slaughtered, to ensure that the meat is safe for human consumption. Today this vital medical information should be noted in the horse’s passport, but this paperbased system is not reliable. If a horse gets sold, depending on the country’s laws, the medical records might not be transferred to the new owner, the horse’s passport might get lost etc. Thus the system is not fool proof. It is not only the horse owners who have to struggle with paperwork; veterinarians as well as other officials often use much time on redundant paperwork. The main research question of this thesis is if IS could be used to help the different stakeholders within the horse industry? Veterinarians in particular who travel to stables to treat horses cannot always take with them their computers, since the somewhat unsanitary environment is not suitable for a sensitive technological device. Currently there is no common medical database developed for horses, although such a database with a support system could help with many problems. These include vaccination and disease control, food-safety, as well as export and import problems. The main stakeholders within the horse industry, including equine veterinarians and horse owners, were studied to find out their daily routines and needs for a possible support system. The research showed that there are different aspects within the horse industry where IS could be used to support the stakeholders daily routines. Thus a support system including web and mobile accessibility for the main stakeholders is under development. Since veterinarians will be the main users of this support system, it is very important to make sure that they find it useful and beneficial in their daily work. To ensure a desired result, the research and development of the system has been done iteratively with the stakeholders following the Action Design Research methodology.


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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The overall goal of the study was to describe nurses’ acceptance of an Internet-based support system in the care of adolescents with depression. The data were collected in four phases during the period 2006 – 2010 from nurses working in adolescent psychiatric outpatient clinics and from professionals working with adolescents in basic public services. In the first phase, the nurses’ anticipated perceptions of the usefulness of the Internet-based support system before its implementation was explored. In the second phase, the nurses’ perceived ease of computer and Internet use and attitudes toward it were explored. In the third phase, the features of the support system and its implementation process were described. In the fourth phase, the nurses’ experiences of behavioural intention and actual system use of the Internet-based support were described in psychiatric out-patient care after one year use. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) was used to structure the various research phases. Several benefits were identified from the nurses’ perspective in using the Internet-based support system in the care of adolescents with depression. The nurses’ technology skills were good and their attitudes towards computer use were positive. The support system was developed in various phases to meet the adolescents’ needs. Before the implementation of the information technology (IT)-based support system, it is important to pay attention to the nurses’ IT-training, technology support, resources, and safety as well as ethical issues related to the support system. After one year of using the system, the nurses perceived the Internet-based support system to be useful in the care of adolescents with depression. The adolescents’ independent work with the support system at home and the program’s systematic character were experienced as conducive from the point of view of the treatment. However, the Internet-based support system was integrated only partly into the nurseadolescent interaction even though the nurses’ perceptions of it were positive. The use of the IT-based system as part of the adolescents’ depression care was seen positively and its benefits were recognized. This serves as a good basis for future IT-based techniques. Successful implementations of IT-based support systems need a systematic implementation plan and commitment from the part of the organization and its managers. Supporting and evaluating the implementation of an IT-based system should pay attention to changing the nurses’ work styles. Health care organizations should be offered more flexible opportunities to utilize IT-based systems in direct patient care in the future.


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Life cycle assessment (LCA) is one of the most established quantitative tools for environmental impact assessment of products. To be able to provide support to environmentally-aware decision makers on environmental impacts of biomass value-chains, the scope of LCA methodology needs to be augmented to cover landuse related environmental impacts. This dissertation focuses on analysing and discussing potential impact assessment methods, conceptual models and environmental indicators that have been proposed to be implemented into the LCA framework for impacts of land use. The applicability of proposed indicators and impact assessment frameworks is tested from practitioners' perspective, especially focusing on forest biomass value chains. The impacts of land use on biodiversity, resource depletion, climate change and other ecosystem services is analysed and discussed and the interplay in between value choices in LCA modelling and the decision-making situations to be supported is critically discussed. It was found out that land use impact indicators are necessary in LCA in highlighting differences in impacts from distinct land use classes. However, many open questions remain on certainty of highlighting actual impacts of land use, especially regarding impacts of managed forest land use on biodiversity and ecosystem services such as water regulation and purification. The climate impact of energy use of boreal stemwood was found to be higher in the short term and lower in the long-term in comparison with fossil fuels that emit identical amount of CO2 in combustion, due to changes implied to forest C stocks. The climate impacts of energy use of boreal stemwood were found to be higher than the previous estimates suggest on forest residues and stumps. The product lifetime was found to have much higher influence on the climate impacts of woodbased value chains than the origin of stemwood either from thinnings or final fellings. Climate neutrality seems to be likely only in the case when almost all the carbon of harvested wood is stored in long-lived wooden products. In the current form, the land use impacts cannot be modelled with a high degree of certainty nor communicated with adequate level of clarity to decision makers. The academia needs to keep on improving the modelling framework, and more importantly, clearly communicate to decision-makers the limited certainty on whether land-use intensive activities can help in meeting the strict mitigation targets we are globally facing.