52 resultados para socio-technical gap

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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The purpose of this dissertation is to examine the dynamics of the socio-technical system in the field of ageing. The study stems from the notion that the ageing of the population as a powerful megatrend has wide societal effects, and is not just a matter for the social and health sector. The central topic in the study is change: not only the age structures and structures of society are changing, but also at the same time there is constant development, for instance, in technologies, infrastructures and cultural perceptions. The changing concept of innovation has widened the understanding of innovations related to ageing from medical and assistive technological innovations to service and social innovations, as well as systemic innovations at different levels, which means the intertwined and co-evolutionary change in technologies, structures, services and thinking models. By the same token, the perceptions of older people and old age are becoming more multi-faceted: old age is no longer equated to illnesses and decline, but visions of active ageing and a third age have emerged, which are framed by choices, opportunities, resources and consumption in later life. The research task in this study is to open up the processes and mechanisms of change in the field of ageing, which are studied as a complex, multi-level and interrelated socio-technical system. The question is about co-effective elements consisting of macro-level landscape changes, the existing socio-technical regime (the rule system, practices and structures) and bottom-up niche-innovations. Societal transitions do not account for the things inside the regime alone, or for the long-term changes in the landscape, nor for the radical innovations, but for the interplay between all these levels. The research problem is studied through five research articles, which offer micro-level case studies to macro-level phenomenon. Each of the articles focus on different aspects related to ageing and change, and utilise various datasets. The framework of this study leans on the studies of socio-technical systems and multi-level perspective on transitions mainly developed by Frank Geels. Essential factors in transition from one socio-technological regime to another are the co-evolutionary processes between landscape changes, regime level and experimental niches. Landscape level changes, like the ageing of the population, destabilise the regime in the forms of coming pressures. This destabilization offers windows for opportunity to niche-innovations outside or at fringe of the regime, which, through their breakthrough, accelerate the transition process. However, the change is not easy because of various kinds of lock-ins and inertia, which tend to maintain the stability of the regime. In this dissertation, a constructionist approach of society is applied leaning mainly to the ideas of Anthony Giddens’ theory of structuration, with the dual nature of structures. The change is taking place in the interplay between actors and structures: structures shape people’s practices, but at the same time these practices constitute and reproduce social systems. Technology and other material aspects, as part of socio-technical systems, and the use of them, also take part in the structuration process. The findings of the study point out that co-evolutionary and co-effective relationships between economic, cultural, technological and institutional fields, as well as relationships between landscape changes, changes in the local and regime-level practices and rule systems, are a very complex and multi-level dynamic socio-technical phenomenon. At the landscape level of ageing, which creates the pressures and triggers to the regime change, there are three remarkable megatrends: demographic change, changes in the global economy and the development of technologies. These exert pressures to the socio-technical regime, which as a rule system is experiencing changes in the form of new markets and consumer habits, new ways of perceiving ageing, new models of organising the health care and other services and as new ways of considering innovation and innovativeness. There are also inner dynamics in the relationships between these aspects within the regime. These are interrelated and coconstructed: the prevailing perceptions of ageing and innovation, for instance, reflect the ageing policies, innovation policies, societal structures, organising models, technology and scientific discussion, and vice versa. Technology is part of the inner dynamics of the sociotechnological regime. Physical properties of the artefacts set limitations and opportunities with regard to their functions and uses. The use of and discussion about technology, contributes producing and reproducing the perceptions of old age. For societal transition, micro-level changes are also needed, in form of niche-innovations, for instance new services, organisational models or new technologies, Regimes, as stabilitystriven systems, tend to generate incremental innovations, but radically new innovations are generated in experimental niches protected from ‘normal’ market selection. The windows of opportunity for radical novelties may be opened if the circumstances are favourable for instance by tensions in the socio-technical regime affected by landscape level changes. This dissertation indicates that a change is taking place, firstly, in the dynamic interactionbetween levels, as a result of purposive action and governance to some extent. Breaking the inertia and using the window of opportunity for change and innovation offered by dynamics between levels, presupposes the actors’ special capabilities and actions such as dynamic capabilities and distance management. Secondly, the change is taking place the socio-technological negotiations inside the regime: interaction between technological and social, which is embodied in the use of technology. The use of technology includes small-level contextual scripts that also participate in forming broader societal scripts (for instance defining old age at the society level), which in their turn affect the formation of policies for innovation and ageing. Thirdly, the change is taking place by the means of active formation of the multi-actor innovation networks, where the role of distance management is crucial to facilitate the communication between actors coming from different backgrounds as well as to help the niches born outside the regime to utilise the window of opportunity offered by regime destabilisation. This dissertation has both theoretical and practical contributions. This study participates in the discussion of action-oriented view on transition by opening up of the socio-technological, coevolutionary processes of the multi-faceted phenomenon of ageing, which has lacked systematic analyses. The focus of this study, however, is not on the large-scale coordination and governance, but rather on opening up the incremental elements and structuration processes, which contribute to the transition little by little, and which can be affected to. This increases the practical importance of this dissertation, by highlighting the importance of very tiny, everyday elements in the change processes in the long run.


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Pro Gradu- tutkimuksen keskeisin tavoite on ollut selvittää, kuinka sosioteknistä kuilua kohdeyrityksen toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän ja käyttäjien välillä voitaisiin pienentää. Teo-reettisena viitekehyksenä on käytetty sosioteknistä systeemiteoriaa sekä teorioita liittyen tietoteknisen järjestelmän hyväksyntään. Toiminnanohjausjärjestelmät ovat tunnetusti välttämätön osa nykypäivää lähes kaikille yrityksille. Niiden käyttöönoton onnistumista ja käytön tehokkuutta voidaan parantaa huomioimalla sekä sosiaalinen että tekninen systeemi organisaatiossa. Sosiotekninen kuilu rakentuu kahden välttämättömän ja toisistaan riippuvaisen systeemin välille: sekä sosiaalinen systeemi eli henkilöstö ja heidän työtapansa että tekninen systeemi eli tekno-logia ja tieto on huomioitava ja aidosti sosioteknisessä muutoksessa molempia systeeme-jä muokattava. Organisaatio voi parantaa omilla toimillaan käyttäjien asennetta ja haluk-kuutta ja siten kaventaa kuilua sosiaalisen systeemin puolelta. Lisäksi teknistä systeemiä tulisi muokata paremmin vastaamaan käyttäjien toiveita, jotta kuilu kapenisi myös tekni-sen systeemin suunnasta. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena ja aineistonkeräystapana käytettiin puolistrukturoituja haastatteluja kohdeyrityksessä.


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Tässä tutkielmassa tutkitaan, miten luodaan tuloksellisesti toimiva tiedon jakamisen toimintaympäristö, missä virtuaaliyhteisön jäsenet voivat jakaa päivittäiset tiedon jakamisen prosessit ja luoda tietopääomaa. Tämä tutkielma luo kokonaiskäsityksen siitä, mitä tekijöitä tarvitaan ja miten tekijöiden välisellä vuorovaikutuksella luodaan tulokselliset tiedon jakamisen olosuhteet. Toisaalta virtuaaliyhteisöjen jäsenten tulee tietää kriittiset tiedon jakamisen esteet, jotka estävät tiedon jakamisen olosuhteiden kehittymistä. Kirjallisuustutkimukseen perustuen tutkielma esittää, että tuloksellisesti toimivien virtuaaliyhteisöjen tiedon jakamisen toimintaympäristö voidaan luoda tietojohtamisen sosioteknisen lähestymistavan sosioteknisten tasojen ja sosiaalisen pääoman vuorovaikutuksella. Rakentamalla sosiotekniset tasot tietojohtamisen järjestelmiin ja asettamalla ne vuorovaikutukseen sosiaalisen pääoman kanssa kyetään tiedon jakamisen olosuhteisiin myötävaikuttamaan. Samalla tiedon jakamisen esteiden vaikutusta kyetään vähentämään tai poistamaan.


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The Internet has transformed the scope, boundaries and dynamics of social and economic interactions. It is argued to have broadened the notion of the community from physical, colocated groups towards collectives that are able to transcend time and space, i.e. virtual communities. Even if virtual communities have been on the academic agenda for a couple of decades, there is still surprisingly little research on knowledge sharing within them. In addition, prior research has largely neglected the complex dynamics between Internet-based communication channels and the surrounding communities in which they are embedded. This thesis aims at building a better understanding of knowledge sharing supported by conversational technologies in intra-organisational virtual communities and external virtual communities supporting relationships with customers. The focus is thus on knowledge sharing in types of virtual communities that seem to be of relevance to business organisations. The study consists of two parts. The first part introduces the research topic and discusses the overall results. The second part comprises seven research publications. Qualitative research methods are used throughout the study. The results of the study indicate that investigation of the processes of knowledge sharing in virtual communities requires a socio-technical perspective, combining the individual, social and technological levels, and understanding the interplay between them. It is claimed that collective knowledge in virtual communities creates the enabling structure for knowledge sharing, and forms the invisible structure of the community on the basis of which it operates. It consists of a shared context, social capital and a unique community culture. The Internet does not inevitably erode social interaction: it seems that supporting social relationships by means of communication technology is a matter of quantity rather than quality. In order to provide access to external knowledge and expertise, firms need to open themselves up to an array of Internet-based conversations, and to consider the relevance of virtual communities to their businesses.


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Pro Gradu -tutkimuksen keskeisin tavoite on ollut selvittää minkälaisia haasteita organisaatiot kohtaavat kehittäessään toimintojaan. Kontekstina tutkimuksessa on toiminut institutionalisoituminen, jolla viitataan toimintojen virallistamiseen. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena ja aineistonkeräystapana käytettiin puolistrukturoituja haastatteluja. Tutkimuksen haastatteluiden kautta päästiin tutkimaan suomalaisten kuntasektoritoimijoiden muutosprosessien haasteellisuutta. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat, että haasteet organisaatiomuutosten aikana ovat hyvin moninaisia. Muutoshaasteet ovat kuitenkin luonteeltaan sellaisia, että ne voidaan kohdata keinoina muutoksen parempaan läpivientiin. Erityisesti työntekijöiden huomioiminen osana muutosprosessia korostui tämän tutkimuksen osana. Myös sosioteknisen systeemiajattelun rooli korostui oivana keinona kohdata muutoshaasteet.


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Poster at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Today industries and commerce in Ghana are facing enormous energy challenge. The pressure is on for industries to reduce energy consumption, lower carbon emissions and provide se-cured power supply. Industrial electric motor energy efficiency improvement is one of the most important tools to reduce global warming threat and reduce electricity bills. In order to develop a strategic industrial energy efficiency policy, it is therefore necessary to study the barriers that inhibit the implementation of cost – effective energy efficiency measures and the driving forces that promote the implementation. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the energy consumption pattern of electric motors, study factors that promote or inhibit energy efficiency improvements in EMDS and provide cost – effective solutions that improve energy efficiency to bridge the existing energy efficiency gap in the surveyed industries. The results from this thesis has revealed that, the existence of low energy efficiency in motor-driven systems in the surveyed industries were due to poor maintenance practices, absence of standards, power quality issues, lack of access to capital and limited awareness to the im-portance of energy efficiency improvements in EMDS. However, based on the results pre-sented in this thesis, a policy approach towards industrial SMEs should primarily include dis-counted or free energy audit in providing the industries with the necessary information on potential energy efficiency measures, practice best motor management programmes and estab-lish a minimum energy performance standard (MEPS) for motors imported into the country. The thesis has also shown that education and capacity development programmes, financial incentives and system optimization are effective means to promote energy efficiency in elec-tric motor – driven systems in industrial SMEs in Ghana


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Tässä diplomityössä käsitellään paperitehtaan kunnossapitoprosessien hallintaa ja niiden uudistamista yrityksen strategisista lähtökohdista. Diplomityön tavoitteena on etsiä merkittävimmät poikkeamat toimintojen nykytilan ja strategiassa määritellyn tavoitetilan välillä, ja tämän perusteella esittää kehitysehdotuksia toimintojen parantamiseksi. Tutkimuksen kirjallisessa osassa tutkimusongelmaa käsitellään prosessien kuvaamisen, ydinprosessien määrittelemisen ja toimintamallimuutoksen käyttöönoton näkökulmasta. Lisäksi kirjallisissa lähteissä hyödynnetään kunnossapidon johtamisen ajatuksia. Diplomityön empiirisessä osassa toteutetaan haastattelututkimus kohdeyrityksen kunnossapito-organisaatiossa sekä benchmark -tyyppinen haastattelu ulkopuolisessa yrityksessä. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että kunnossapitotoimintojen toteuttaminen on hajanaista niin yrityksen strategiaan kuin osastojen väliseen toimintaan suhteutettuna. Näiden tulosten perusteella suositellaan johdolle aktiivisempaa otetta toimintamallimuutoksen loppuunsaattamiseen.


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Talouden kasvaessa myös tavarankuljetusmäärät kasvavat. Kuljetusjärjestelmät ja niiden sujuva toiminta on erittäin tärkeää taloudellisen kasvun kannalta tällä hetkellä, ja se tulee olemaan yhä tärkeämpää tulevaisuudessa. Tulevaisuudessa tarvitaan kokonaisvaltainen ja selkeästi tehokkaampi kuljetusjärjestelmä, mikäli tulevaisuuden kuljetusvirrat halutaan hoitaa kestävästi. Tässä opinnäytetyössäni tutkin kolmen eurooppalaisen kuljetusjärjestelmän (rautatiet, lentoliikenne ja konttiliikenne meritse) suhteellista teknistä tehokkuutta ja menetelmänä on data envelopment analysis (DEA). Vertailtaessa kuljetusjärjestelmiä löytyi suuria eroja kuljetusmuotojen välille. lentoyhtiöt suoriutuivat huomattavan tasaisesti eli tehokkaiden ja ei-tehokkaiden toimijoiden välillä ei ollut suuria eroja. Rautatiepuolella erot venyivät huomattavan suuriksi niin eri yritysten välillä kuin jopa saman yrityksen sisällä eri vuosina. Pikaisemmassa laivayhtiöiden tarkastelussa erot niiden välillä olivat lähes yhtä pieniä kuin lentoyhtiöiden välillä. Tarkasteltaessa omistajuuden vaikutusta lentoyhtiöiden toiminnassa huomattiin, että yksityisessä omistuksessa olevat yritykset olivat huomattavasti tehokkaampia matkustajien kuljettamisessa. Rahtipuolella merkittäviä eroja ei havaittu. Merkittävät korrelaatiot eri mallien välillä antoivat joitain viitteitä myös kuljetuspoliittiseen päätöksentekoon; investoinnit matkustajienkuljetuksiin raiteilla parantaisivat koko rautatiepuolen teokkuutta, mutta myös samalla lentopuolen matkustajakuljetuksen tehokkuutta.


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This dissertation studies the technical quality assessment of a printing paper. The theoretical framework basis on the customer value hierarchy concept and the product integrity concept. The experimental part of the research was divided into two phases: Interviews of the publishers and the printers and the testing of the technical quality of selected consumer magazines and a set of selected white paper samples. The revenue coming from the advertising and the revenue coming from the copy sales arethe most important factors of efficiency of the publisher. They form the highest level in the customer value hierarchy of the publisher. A printed product is profiled according to the target group and product segment. There is no absolute level of good printed quality. It can be studied only in context of the requirements set on the printed product. Publishers quality expectations are basic elements of external product integrity. The most important elements of efficiency of the printer can be summarised to reaching high production efficiency in order toattain good profitability and competitive delivery times. Printers' factors of efficiency base on the customers expectations on the consequences in use situation in the customer value hierarchy. They form the basis of internal productintegrity. The use of purely technical testing to classify printed products according to the customers' expectations proved to be only indicative at its best. The information gathered from the interviews was documented and sorted withthe help of the QFD-technique. The technical quality of two different coated paper grades were assessed based on the customer expectations and based on the best achievable quality. When customer requirements are used for the basis of assessing the technical quality of printing papers the order from best to worst is different than when comparing the papers just based on the best achievable quality.