19 resultados para multi-quantum-well
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
This Master's thesis is devoted to semiconductor samples study using time-resolved photoluminescence. This method allows investigating recombination in semiconductor samples in order to develop quality of optoelectronic device. An additional goal was the method accommodation for low-energy-gap materials. The first chapter gives a brief intercourse into the basis of semiconductor physics. The key features of the investigated structures are noted. The usage area of the results covers saturable semiconductor absorber mirrors, disk lasers and vertical-external-cavity surface-emittinglasers. The experiment set-up is described in the second chapter. It is based on up-conversion procedure using a nonlinear crystal and involving the photoluminescent emission and the gate pulses. The limitation of the method was estimated. The first series of studied samples were grown at various temperatures and they suffered rapid thermal annealing. Further, a latticematched and metamorphically grown samples were compared. Time-resolved photoluminescence method was adapted for wavelengths up to 1.5 µm. The results allowed to specify the optimal substrate temperature for MBE process. It was found that the lattice-matched sample and the metamorphically grown sample had similar characteristics.
In this thesis is studied the influence of uniaxial deformation of GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well structures to photoluminescence. Uniaxial deformation was applied along [110] and polarization ratio of photoluminescence at T = 77 K and 300 K was measured. Also the physical origin of photoluminescence lines in spectrum was determined and the energy band splitting value between states of heavy and light holes was estimated. It was found that the dependencies of polarization ratio on uniaxial deformation for bulk GaAs and GaAs/AlGaAs are different. Two observed lines in photoluminescence spectrum are induced by free electron recombination to energy sublevels of valence band corresponding to heavy and light holes. Those sublevels are splited due to the combination of size quantization and external pressure. The quantum splitting energy value was estimated. Also was shown a method, which allows to determine the energy splitting value of sublevels at room temperature and at comparatively low uniaxial deformation, when the other method for determining of the splitting becomes impossible.
In the present work structural, magnetic and transport properties of InGaAs quantum wells (QW) prepared by MBE with an remote Mn layer are investigated. By means of high-resolution X-ray diffractometry the structure of the samples is analyzed. It is shown that Mn ions penetrate into the QW. Influence of the thickness of GaAs spacer and annealing at 286 ºС on the properties of the system is shown. It is shown that annealing of the samples led to Mn activation and narrowing of the Mn layer. Substantial role of 2D holes in ferromagnetic ordering in Mn layer is shown. Evidence for that is observation of maximum at 25 – 55 K on the resistivity temperature dependence. Position of maximum, which is used for quantitative assessment of the Curie temperature, correlates with calculations of the Curie temperature for structures with indirect interaction via 2D holes’ channel. Dependence of the Curie temperature on the spacer thickness shows, that creation of applicable spintronic devices needs high-precision equipment to manufacture extra fine structures. The magnetotransport measurements show that charge carrier mobility is very low. This leads to deficiency of the anomalous Hall effect. At the same time, magnetic field dependences of the magnetization at different temperatures demonstrate that systems are ferromagnetically ordered. These facts, most probably, give evidence of presence of the ferromagnetic MnAs clusters.
Transport properties of GaAs / δ – Mn / GaAs / InxGa1-xAs / GaAs structure with Mn δ – layer, which is separated from InxGa1-xAs quantum well (QW) by 3 nm thick GaAs spacer was investigated. This structure with high mobility was characterized by X-ray difractometry and reflectometry. Transport and electrical properties of the structure were measured by using Pulsed Magnetic Field System (PMFS). During investigation of the Shubnikov – de Haas and the Hall effects the main parameters of QW structure such as cyclotron mass, Fermi level, g – factor, Dingle temperature and concentration of holes were estimated. Obtained results show high quality of the prepared structure. However, anomalous Hall effect at temperatures 2.09 K, 3 K, 4.2 K is not clearly observed. Attempts to identify magnetic moment were made. For this purpose the polarity of the filed was changed to the opposite at each shot. As a result hysteresis loop was not observed in the magnetic field dependences of the anomalous Hall resistivity.This can be attributed to the imperfection of the experimental setup.
In the present work are reported investigations of structural, magnetic and electronic properties of GaAs/Ga1-xInxAs/GaAs quantum wells (QW) having a 0.5 - 1.8 monolayer thick Mn layer, separated from the quantum well by a 3 nm thick spacer. The structure of the samples is analyzed in details by photoluminescence and high-resolution X-ray difractometry and reflectometry, confirming that Mn atoms are practically absent from the QW. Transport properties and crystal structure are analyzed for the first time for this type of QW structures with so high mobility. Observedconductivity and the Hall effect in quantizing magnetic fields in wide temperature range, defined by transport of holes in the quantum well, demonstrate properties inherent to ferromagnetic systems with spin polarization of charge carriersin the QW. Investigation of the Shubnikov ¿ de Haas and the Hall effects gave the possibility to estimate the energy band parameters such as cyclotron mass andFermi level and calculate concentrations and mobilities of holes and show the high-quality of structures. Magnetic ordering is confirmed by the existence of the anomalous Hall effect.
Investigation of galvanomagnetic effects in nanostructure GaAs/Mn/GaAs/In0.15Ga0.85As/ GaAs is presented. This nanostructure is classified as diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS). Temperature dependence of transverse magnetoresistivity of the sample was studied. The anomalous Hall effect was detected and subtracted from the total Hall component. Special attention was paid to the measurements of Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations, which exists only in the case of magnetic field aligned perpendicularly to the plane of the sample. This confirms two-dimensional character of the hole energy spectrum in the quantum well. Such important characteristics as cyclotron mass, the Fermi energy and the Dingle temperature were calculated, using experimental data of Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations. The hole concentration and hole mobility in the quantum well also were estimated for the sample. At 4.2 K spin splitting of the maxima of transverse resistivity was observed and g-factor was calculated for that case. The values of the Dingle temperatures were obtained by two different approaches. From the comparison of these values it was concluded that the broadening of Landau levels in the investigated structure is mainly defined by the scattering of charge carriers on the defects of the crystal lattice
The thesis is devoted to a theoretical study of resonant tunneling phenomena in semiconductor heterostructures and nanostructures. It considers several problems relevant to modern solid state physics. Namely these are tunneling between 2D electron layers with spin-orbit interaction, tunnel injection into molecular solid material, resonant tunnel coupling of a bound state with continuum and resonant indirect exchange interaction mediated by a remote conducting channel. A manifestation of spin-orbit interaction in the tunneling between two 2D electron layers is considered. General expression is obtained for the tunneling current with account of Rashba and Dresselhaus types of spin-orbit interaction and elastic scattering. It is demonstrated that the tunneling conductance is very sensitive to relation between Rashba and Dresselhaus contributions and opens possibility to determine the spin-orbit interaction parameters and electron quantum lifetime in direct tunneling experiments with no external magnetic field applied. A microscopic mechanism of hole injection from metallic electrode into organic molecular solid (OMS) in high electric field is proposed for the case when the molecules ionization energy exceeds work function of the metal. It is shown that the main contribution to the injection current comes from direct isoenergetic transitions from localized states in OMS to empty states in the metal. Strong dependence of the injection current on applied voltage originates from variation of the number of empty states available in the metal rather than from distortion of the interface barrier. A theory of tunnel coupling between an impurity bound state and the 2D delocalized states in the quantum well (QW) is developed. The problem is formulated in terms of Anderson-Fano model as configuration interaction between the carrier bound state at the impurity and the continuum of delocalized states in the QW. An effect of this interaction on the interband optical transitions in the QW is analyzed. The results are discussed regarding the series of experiments on the GaAs structures with a -Mn layer. A new mechanism of ferromagnetism in diluted magnetic semiconductor heterosructures is considered, namely the resonant enhancement of indirect exchange interaction between paramagnetic centers via a spatially separated conducting channel. The underlying physical model is similar to the Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) interaction; however, an important difference relevant to the low-dimensional structures is a resonant hybridization of a bound state at the paramagnetic ion with the continuum of delocalized states in the conducting channel. An approach is developed, which unlike RKKY is not based on the perturbation theory and demonstrates that the resonant hybridization leads to a strong enhancement of the indirect exchange. This finding is discussed in the context of the known experimental data supporting the phenomenon.
In this thesis the basic structure and operational principals of single- and multi-junction solar cells are considered and discussed. Main properties and characteristics of solar cells are briefly described. Modified equipment for measuring the quantum efficiency for multi-junction solar cell is presented. Results of experimental research single- and multi-junction solar cells are described.
Rautateillä käytettävät tavaravaunut ovat vanhenemassa hyvin nopeasti; tämä koskee niin Venäjää, Suomea, Ruotsia kuin laajemminkin Eurooppaa. Venäjällä ja Euroopassa on käytössä runsaasti vaunuja, jotka ovat jo ylittäneet niille suositeltavan käyttöiän. Silti niitä käytetään kuljetuksissa, kun näitä korvaavia uusia vaunuja ei ole tarpeeksi saatavilla. Uusimmat vaunut ovat yleensä vaunuja vuokraavien yritysten tai uusien rautatieoperaattorien hankkimia - tämä koskee erityisesti Venäjää, jossa vaunuvuokraus on noussut erittäin suosituksi vaihtoehdoksi. Ennusteissa kerrotaan vaunupulan kasvavan ainakin vuoteen 2010 saakka. Jos rautateiden suosio rahtikuljetusmuotona kasvaa, niin voimistuva vaunukysyntä jatkuu huomattavan paljon pidemmän aikaa. Euroopan ja Venäjän vaunukannan tilanne näkyy myös sitä palvelevan konepajateollisuuden ongelmina - yleisesti ottaen alan eurooppalaiset yritykset ovat heikosti kannattavia ja niiden liikevaihto ei juuri kasva, venäläiset ja ukrainalaiset yritykset ovat olleet samassa tilanteessa, joskin aivan viime vuosina tilanne on osassa kääntynyt paremmaksi. Kun näiden maanosien yritysten liikevaihtoa, voittoa ja omistaja-arvoa verrataan yhdysvaltalaisiin kilpailijoihin, huomataan että jälkimmäisten suoriutuminen on huomattavan paljon parempaa, ja näillä yrityksillä on myös kyky maksaa osinkoja omistajilleen. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kehittää uuden tyyppinen kuljetusvaunu Suomen, Venäjän sekä mahdollisesti myös Kiinan väliseen liikenteeseen. Vaunutyypin tarkoituksena olisi kyetä toimimaan monikäyttöisenä, niin raaka-aineiden kuin konttienkin kuljetuksessa, tasapainottaen kuljetusmuotojen aiheuttamaa kuljetuspaino-ongelmaa. Kehitystyön pohjana käytimme yli 1000 venäläisen vaunutyypin tietokantaa, josta valitsimme Data Envelopment Analysis -menetelmällä soveliaimmat vaunut kontinkuljetukseen (lähemmin tarkastelimme n. 40 vaunutyyppiä), jättäen mahdollisimman vähän tyhjää tilaa junaan, mutta silti kyeten kantamaan valitun konttilastin. Kun kantokykyongelmia venäläisissä vaunuissa ei useinkaan ole, on vertailu tehtävissä tavarajunan pituuden ja kokonaispainon perusteella. Simuloituamme yhdistettyihin kuljetuksiin soveliasta vaunutyyppiä käytännössä löytyvässä kuljetusverkostossa (esim. raakapuuta Suomeen tai Kiinaan ja kontteja takaisin Venäjän suuntaan), huomasimme lyhemmän vaunupituuden sisältävän kustannusetua, erityisesti raakaainekuljetuksissa, mutta myös rajanylityspaikkojen mahdollisesti vähentyessä. Lyhempi vaunutyyppi on myös joustavampi erilaisten konttipituuksien suhteen (40 jalan kontin käyttö on yleistynyt viime vuosina). Työn lopuksi ehdotamme uuden vaunutyypin tuotantotavaksi verkostomaista lähestymistapaa, jossa osa vaunusta tehtäisiin Suomessa ja osa Venäjällä ja/tai Ukrainassa. Vaunutyypin tulisi olla rekisteröity Venäjälle, sillä silloin sitä voi käyttää Suomen ja Venäjän, kuten myös soveltuvin osin Venäjän ja Kiinan välisessä liikenteessä.
In the last two decades of studying the Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) phenomenon, intensive emphasis has been put on how and when and where these SEPs are injected into interplanetary space. It is well known that SEPs are related to solar flares and CMEs. However, the role of each in the acceleration of SEPs has been under debate since the major role was taken from flares ascribed to CMEs step by step after the skylab mission, which started the era of CME spaceborn observations. Since then, the shock wave generated by powerful CMEs in between 2-5 solar radii is considered the major accelerator. The current paradigm interprets the prolonged proton intensity-time profile in gradual SEP events as a direct effect of accelerated SEPs by shock wave propagating in the interplanetary medium. Thus the powerful CME is thought of as a starter for the acceleration and its shock wave as a continuing accelerator to result in such an intensity-time profile. Generally it is believed that a single powerful CME which might or might not be associated with a flare is always the reason behind such gradual events.
In this work we use the Energetic and Relativistic Nucleus and Electrons ERNE instrument on board Solar and Heliospheric Observatory SOHO to present an empirical study to show the possibility of multiple accelerations in SEP events. In the beginning we found 18 double-peaked SEP events by examining 88 SEP events. The peaks in the intensity-time profile were separated by 3-24 hours. We divided the SEP events according to possible multiple acceleration into four groups and in one of these groups we find evidence for multiple acceleration in velocity dispersion and change in the abundance ratio associated at transition to the second peak. Then we explored the intensity-time profiles of all SEP events during solar cycle 23 and found that most of the SEP events are associated with multiple eruptions at the Sun and we call those events as Multi-Eruption Solar Energetic Particles (MESEP) events. We use the data available by Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronograph LASCO on board SOHO to determine the CME associated with such events and YOHKOH and GOES satellites data to determine the flare associated with such events. We found four types of MESEP according to the appearance of the peaks in the intensity-time profile in large variation of energy levels. We found that it is not possible to determine whether the peaks are related to an eruption at the Sun or not, only by examining the anisotropy flux, He/p ratio and velocity dispersion. Then we chose a rare event in which there is evidence of SEP acceleration from behind previous CME. This work resulted in a conclusion which is inconsistent with the current SEP paradigm. Then we discovered through examining another MESEP event, that energetic particles accelerated by a second CME can penetrate a previous CME-driven decelerating shock. Finally, we report the previous two MESEP events with new two events and find a common basis for second CME SEPs penetrating previous decelerating shocks. This phenomenon is reported for the first time and expected to have significant impact on modification of the current paradigm of the solar energetic particle events.
Tämän pro gradu-tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tutkia monen toimijan sosiaalipalvelukehittäjäverkoston toimivuutta ja sen toimivuuteen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Aihetta lähestyttiin erilaisten teoreettisten kokonaisuuksien kautta, joiden avulla saatiin luotua tutkimukselle pohja. Viitekehys tutkimukselle luotiin yhdistäen erilaisia teoreettisia aihealueita verkostoista, verkostojen johtamisesta ja palveluista. Tutkimuksessa korostuu motivaation, yhteisen, tarpeeseen perustuvan tavoitteen, sitoutumisen ja orkestroinnin merkitys verkostotoiminnassa hyvän lopputuloksen aikaansaamiseksi. Tutkimuksen empiirisessä osuudessa tehty kvalitatiivinen case-tutkimus keskittyy tiettyyn verkostoon, joka on Socomin koordinoimana kehittänyt Kaakkois-Suomen alueelle uudenlaista sosiaalipalvelua liittyen henkilökohtaiseen apuun. Verkosto on monen toimijan verkosto, jonka jäsenet edustavat erilaisia tahoja ja organisaatioita. Tutkimuksen perusteella verkosto on toiminut hyvin ja tehokkaasti ja saanut luotua toimivan sosiaalipalvelun. Verkosto tukee kirjallisuuskatsauksessa löydettyjen tekijöiden, kuten verkosto-orkestroinnin, sitoutumisen ja yhteisen päämäärän, vaikutusta verkoston toimintaan ja lopputulokseen.
This thesis is based on computational chemistry studies on lignans, focusing on the naturally occurring lignan hydroxymatairesinol (HMR) (Papers I II) and on TADDOL-like conidendrin-based chiral 1,4-diol ligands (LIGNOLs) (Papers III V). A complete quantum chemical conformational analysis on HMR was previously conducted by Dr. Antti Taskinen. In the works reported in this thesis, HMR was further studied by classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations in aqueous solution including torsional angle analysis, quantum chemical solvation e ect study by the COnductorlike Screening MOdel (COSMO), and hydrogen bond analysis (Paper I), as well as from a catalytic point of view including protonation and deprotonation studies at di erent levels of theory (Paper II). The computational LIGNOL studies in this thesis constitute a multi-level deterministic structural optimization of the following molecules: 1,1-diphenyl (2Ph), two diastereomers of 1,1,4-triphenyl (3PhR, 3PhS), 1,1,4,4-tetraphenyl (4Ph) and 1,1,4,4-tetramethyl (4Met) 1,4-diol (Paper IV) and a conformational solvation study applying MD and COSMO (Paper V). Furthermore, a computational study on hemiketals in connection with problems in the experimental work by Docent Patrik Eklund's group synthesizing the LIGNOLs based on natural products starting from HMR, is shortly described (Paper III).
The objective of this thesis was to examine the potential of multi-axis solutions in packaging machines produced in Europe. The definition of a multi-axis solution in this study is a construction that uses a common DC bus power supply for different amplifiers running the axes and the intelligence is centralized into one unit. The cost structure of a packaging machine was gained from an automation research, which divided the machines according to automation categories. The automation categories were then further divided into different sub-components by evaluating the ratio of multi-axis solutions compared to other automation components in packaging machines. A global motion control study was used for further information. With the help of the ratio, an estimation of the potential of multi-axis solutions in each country and packaging machine sector was completed. In addition to the research, a specific questionnaire was sent to five companies to gain information about the present situation and possible trends in packaging machinery. The greatest potential markets are in Germany and Italy, which are also the largest producers of packaging machinery in Europe. The greatest growth in the next few years will be seen in Turkey where the annual growth rate equals the general machinery production rate in Asia. The greatest market potential of the Nordic countries is found in Sweden in 35th position on the list. According to the interviews, motion control products in packaging machines will retain their current power levels, as well as the number of axes in the future. Integrated machine safety features together with a universal programming language are the desired attributes of the future. Unlike generally in industry, the energy saving objectives are and will remain insignificant in the packaging industry.
Nanotubes are one of the most perspective materials in modern nanotechologies. It makes present investigation very actual. In this work magnetic properties of multi-walled nanotubes on polystyrene substrate are investigated by using quantum magnetometer SQUID. Main purpose was to obtain magnetic field and temperature dependences of magnetization and to compare them to existing theoretical models of magnetism in carbon-bases structures. During data analysis a mathematical algorithm for obtained data filtration was developed because measurement with quantum magnetometer assume big missives of number data, which contain accidental errors. Nature of errors is drift of SQUID signal, errors of different parts of measurement station. Nanotube samples on polystyrene substrate were studied with help of atomic force microscope. On the surface traces of nanotube were found contours, which were oriented in horizontal plane. This feature was caused by rolling method for samples. Detailed comparison of obtained dependences with information of other researches on this topic allows to obtain some conclusions about nature of magnetism in the samples. It emphasizes importance and actuality of this scientific work.
Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014