12 resultados para Synthetic resins

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena oli tutkia miten kuluttajien kierrättämästä polyeteenitereftalaatista ( PET ) voi valmistaa tyydyttymättömiä polyesterihartseja. Työssä valmistettiin yleiskäyttöön soveltuva laminointihartsi sekä 'gel coat' -hartsi jota käytetään esim. veneiden pintamaalina. Yleishartsin depolymerointiin käytettiin propyleeniglykolia ja 'gel coat' -hartsin valmistamiseen neopentyyliglykolia. Polykondensaatiovaiheessa reaktioon lisättiin maleiinihappoa ja lopuksi hartsit liuotettiin styreeniin. Kirjallisuusosassa esitetään eri menetelmiä PET:n depolymeroimiseksi. Lisäksi esitetään eri vaihtoehtoja glykolien, happojen, katalyyttien ja vinyylimonomeerien valitsemiseksi tyydyttymättömien polyesterihartsien valmistuksessa. Analyysimenetelmiä nestemäisten ja kovetettujen hartsien tutkimiseen ja vertailuun käydään läpi kuten myös erilaisia sovelluksia polyesterihartsien käyttämiseksi. Kokeellinen osa todisti että PET-pullojäte voidaan prosessoida hartsiksiilman uusia investointeja prosessilaitteistoon. PET:n glykolyysi kesti viidestäseitsemään tuntia ja polykondensaatiovaihe kahdesta ja puolesta viiteen tuntiin. Hartsien molekyylipainot ja mekaanisten testien tulokset olivat vertailukelpoisia kaupallisten hartsien antamien tulosten kanssa. Glykolyysivaiheen momomeeri- ja oligomeeripitoisuudet mitattiin geelipermeaatiokromatografialla, jotta nähtiin miten pitkälle depolymerisaatio oli edennyt. Tätä tietoa voidaan hyödyntää uusien hartsireseptin suunnittelussa. Polymeeriketjussa jäljellä olevien C=C kaksoissidosten määrä ja niiden isomeraatioaste maleaattimuodosta fumaraattimuotoon mitattiin 1H-NMR -menetelmällä. Tislevesien koostumus määritettiin kaasukromatografialla, ja tulokset kertoivat katalyytin sisältämän kloorin reagoineen glykolien kanssa, johtaen suureen glykolikulutukseen ja muihin ei-toivottuihin sivureaktioihin. Hartsien sietokykyä auringon valolle mitattiin niiden UV-absorption avulla. Kummastakin hartsista valmistettiin 'gel coat' -maalit jotkalaitettiin sääkoneeseen, joka simuloi auringonpaistetta ja vesisadetta vuorotellen. Näistä 'gel coateista' mitattiin niiden kellastumista. Kummastakin hartsista tehdyt valut asetettiin myös sääkoneeseen ja IR-spektreistä ennen jajälkeen koetta nähtiin että C=O ja C-O esterisidoksia oli hajonnut.


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Dynamic behavior of bothisothermal and non-isothermal single-column chromatographic reactors with an ion-exchange resin as the stationary phase was investigated. The reactor performance was interpreted by using results obtained when studying the effect of the resin properties on the equilibrium and kinetic phenomena occurring simultaneously in the reactor. Mathematical models were derived for each phenomenon and combined to simulate the chromatographic reactor. The phenomena studied includes phase equilibria in multicomponent liquid mixture¿ion-exchange resin systems, chemicalequilibrium in the presence of a resin catalyst, diffusion of liquids in gel-type and macroporous resins, and chemical reaction kinetics. Above all, attention was paid to the swelling behavior of the resins and how it affects the kinetic phenomena. Several poly(styrene-co-divinylbenzene) resins with different cross-link densities and internal porosities were used. Esterification of acetic acid with ethanol to produce ethyl acetate and water was used as a model reaction system. Choosing an ion-exchange resin with a low cross-link density is beneficial inthe case of the present reaction system: the amount of ethyl acetate as well the ethyl acetate to water mole ratio in the effluent stream increase with decreasing cross-link density. The enhanced performance of the reactor is mainly attributed to increasing reaction rate, which in turn originates from the phase equilibrium behavior of the system. Also mass transfer considerations favor the use ofresins with low cross-link density. The diffusion coefficients of liquids in the gel-type ion-exchange resins were found to fall rapidly when the extent of swelling became low. Glass transition of the polymer was not found to significantlyretard the diffusion in sulfonated PS¿DVB ion-exchange resins. It was also shown that non-isothermal operation of a chromatographic reactor could be used to significantly enhance the reactor performance. In the case of the exothermic modelreaction system and a near-adiabatic column, a positive thermal wave (higher temperature than in the initial state) was found to travel together with the reactive front. This further increased the conversion of the reactants. Diffusion-induced volume changes of the ion-exchange resins were studied in a flow-through cell. It was shown that describing the swelling and shrinking kinetics of the particles calls for a mass transfer model that explicitly includes the limited expansibility of the polymer network. A good description of the process was obtained by combining the generalized Maxwell-Stefan approach and an activity model that was derived from the thermodynamics of polymer solutions and gels. The swelling pressure in the resin phase was evaluated by using a non-Gaussian expression forthe polymer chain length distribution. Dimensional changes of the resin particles necessitate the use of non-standard mathematical tools for dynamic simulations. A transformed coordinate system, where the mass of the polymer was used as a spatial variable, was applied when simulating the chromatographic reactor columns as well as the swelling and shrinking kinetics of the resin particles. Shrinking of the particles in a column leads to formation of dead volume on top of the resin bed. In ordinary Eulerian coordinates, this results in a moving discontinuity that in turn causes numerical difficulties in the solution of the PDE system. The motion of the discontinuity was eliminated by spanning two calculation grids in the column that overlapped at the top of the resin bed. The reactive and non-reactive phase equilibrium data were correlated with a model derived from thethermodynamics of polymer solution and gels. The thermodynamic approach used inthis work is best suited at high degrees of swelling because the polymer matrixmay be in the glassy state when the extent of swelling is low.


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Työssä tutkittiin jalometallien selektiivistä erottamista kloridiliuoksista synteettisten polymeerihartsien avulla. Laboratoriokokeissa keskityttiin tutkimaan kullan erottamista hydrofiilisen polymetakrylaattipohjaisen adsorbentin avulla. Lähtökohtana oli platinarikaste, joka sisälsi kullan lisäksi platinaa, palladiumia, hopeaa, kuparia, rautaa, vismuttia, seleeniä ja telluuria. Mittauksissa tutkittiin eri metallien ja puolimetallien adsorptiota hartsiin tasapaino-, kinetiikka- ja kolonnikokeilla. Työssä käytettiin myös adsorption simulointiin monikomponenttierotuksen dynaamiseen mallintamiseen tarkoitettua tietokoneohjelmaa, johon tarvittavat parametrit estimoitiin kokeellisen datan avulla. Tasapainokokeet yhtä metallia sisältäneistä liuoksista osoittivat, että hartsi adsorboi tehokkaasti kultaa kaikissa tutkituissa suolahappopitoisuuksissa (1-6 M). Kulta muodostaa hartsiin hyvin adsorboituvia tetrakloroauraatti(III)ioneja, [AuCl4]-, jotka ovat erittäin stabiileja pieniin kloridipitoisuuksiin saakka. Suolahappopitoisuudella oli merkitystä ainoastaan raudan adsorptioon, joka kasvoi huomattavasti suolahappopitoisuuden noustessa johtuen raudan taipumuksesta muodostaa hyvin adsorboituvia [FeCl4]--ioneja väkevissä suolahappopitoisuuksissa. Muiden tutkittujen alkuaineiden adsorptiot jäivät alhaisiksi kaikilla suolahappopitoisuuksilla. Rikasteliuoksella tehdyt tasapainokokeet osoittivat, että adsorptiokapasiteetti kullalle riippuu voimakkaasti muista läsnäolevista komponenteista. Kilpaileva adsorptio kuvattiin Langmuir-Freundlich-isotermillä. Kolonnikokeet osoittivat, että hartsi adsorboi kullan lisäksi hieman myös rautaa ja telluuria, jotka saatiin kuitenkin eluoitua hartsista täysin 5 M suolahappopesulla ja sitä seuraavalla 1 M suolahappopesulla. Tehokkaaksi liuokseksi kullan desorboimiseen osoittautui asetonin ja 1 M suolahapon seos. Kolonnierotuksen eri vaiheet pystyttiin tyydyttävästi kuvaamaan simulointimallilla.


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Weak acid cation exchange (WAC) resins are used in the chromatographic separation of betaine from vinasse, a by-product of sugar industry. The ionic form of the resin determines the elution time of betaine. When a WAC-resin is in hydrogen form, the retention time of betaine is the longest and betaine elutes as the last component of vi-nasse from the chromatographic column. If the feed solution contains salts and its pH is not acidic enough to keep the resin undissociated, the ionic form of the hydrogen form resin starts to alter. Vinasse contains salts and its pH is around 5, it also contains weak acids. To keep the metal ion content (Na/H ratio) of the resin low enough to ensure successful separation of betaine, acid has to be added to either eluent (water) or vinasse. The aim of the present work was to examine by laboratory experiments which option requires less acid. Also the retention mechanism of betaine was investigated by measuring retention volumes of acetic acid and choline in different Na/H ratios of the resin. It was found that the resulting ionic form of the resin is the same regardless of whether the regeneration acid is added to the eluent or the feed solution (vinasse). Be-sides the salt concentration and the pH of vinasse, also the concentration of weak acids in the feed affects the resulting ionic form of the resin. The more buffering capacity vinasse has, the more acid is required to keep the ionic form of the resin desired. Vinasse was found to be quite strong buffer solution, which means relatively high amounts of acid are required to prevent the Na/H ratio from increasing too much. It is known that the retention volume of betaine decreases significantly, when the Na/H ratio increases. This is assumed to occur, because the amount of hydrogen bonds between the carboxylic groups of betaine and the resin decreases. Same behavior was not found with acetic acid. Choline has the same molecular structure as betaine, but instead of carboxylic group it has hydroxide group. The retention volume of choline increased as the Na/H ratio of the resin increased, because of the ion exchange reaction between choline cation and dissociated carboxylic group of the resin. Since the retention behavior of choline on the resin is opposite to the behavior of be-taine, the strong affinity of betaine towards hydrogen form WAC-resin has to be based on its carboxylic group. It is probable that the quaternary ammonium groups also affect the behavior of the carboxylic groups of betaine, causing them to form hydrogen bonds with the carboxylic groups of the resin.


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This thesis is an experimental study regarding the identification and discrimination of vowels, studied using synthetic stimuli. The acoustic attributes of synthetic stimuli vary, which raises the question of how different spectral attributes are linked to the behaviour of the subjects. The spectral attributes used are formants and spectral moments (centre of gravity, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis). Two types of experiments are used, related to the identification and discrimination of the stimuli, respectively. The discrimination is studied by using both the attentive procedures that require a response from the subject, and the preattentive procedures that require no response. Together, the studies offer information about the identification and discrimination of synthetic vowels in 15 different languages. Furthermore, this thesis discusses the role of various spectral attributes in the speech perception processes. The thesis is divided into three studies. The first is based only on attentive methods, whereas the other two concentrate on the relationship between identification and discrimination experiments. The neurophysiological methods (EEG recordings) reveal the role of attention in processing, and are used in discrimination experiments, while the results reveal differences in perceptual processes based on the language, attention and experimental procedure.


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The theory part of the Master’s thesis introduces fibres with high tensile strength and elongation used in the production of paper or board. Strong speciality papers are made of bleached softwood long fibre pulp. The aim of the thesis is to find new fibres suitable for paper making to increase either tensile strength, elongation or both properties. The study introduces how fibres bond and what kind of fibres give the strongest bonds into fibre matrix. The fibres that are used the in manufacturing of non-wovens are long and elastic. They are longer than softwood cellulose fibres. The end applications of non-wovens and speciality papers are often the same, for instance, wet napkins or filter media. The study finds out which fibres are used in non-wovens and whether the same fibres could be added to cellulose pulp as armature fibres, what it would require for these fibres to be blended in cellulose, how they would bind with cellulose and whether some binding agents or thermal bonding, such as hot calendaring would be necessary. The following fibres are presented: viscose, polyester, nylon, polyethylene, polypropylene and bicomponent fibres. In the empiric part of the study the most suitable new fibres are selected for making hand sheets in laboratory. Test fibres are blended with long fibre cellulose. The test fibres are viscose (Tencel), polypropylene and polyethylene. Based on the technical values measured in the sheets, the study proposes how to continue trials on paper machine with viscose, polyester, bicomponent and polypropylene fibres.


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Den snart 200 år gamla vetenskapsgrenen organisk synteskemi har starkt bidragit till moderna samhällens välfärd. Ett av flaggskeppen för den organiska synteskemin är utvecklingen och produktionen av nya läkemedel och speciellt de aktiva substanserna däri. Därmed är det viktigt att utveckla nya syntesmetoder, som kan tillämpas vid framställningen av farmaceutiskt relevanta målstrukturer. I detta sammanhang är den ultimata målsättningen dock inte endast en lyckad syntes av målmolekylen, utan det är allt viktigare att utveckla syntesrutter som uppfyller kriterierna för den hållbara utvecklingen. Ett av de centralaste verktygen som en organisk kemist har till förfogande i detta sammanhang är katalys, eller mera specifikt möjligheten att tillämpa olika katalytiska reaktioner vid framställning av komplexa målstrukturer. De motsvarande industriella processerna karakteriseras av hög effektivitet och minimerad avfallsproduktion, vilket naturligtvis gynnar den kemiska industrin samtidigt som de negativa miljöeffekterna minskas avsevärt. I denna doktorsavhandling har nya syntesrutter för produktion av finkemikalier med farmaceutisk relevans utvecklats genom att kombinera förhållandevis enkla transformationer till nya reaktionssekvenser. Alla reaktionssekvenser som diskuteras i denna avhandling påbörjades med en metallförmedlad allylering av utvalda aldehyder eller aldiminer. De erhållna produkterna innehållende en kol-koldubbelbindning med en närliggande hydroxyl- eller aminogrupp modifierades sedan vidare genom att tillämpa välkända katalytiska reaktioner. Alla syntetiserade molekyler som presenteras i denna avhandling karakteriseras som finkemikalier med hög potential vid farmaceutiska tillämpningar. Utöver detta tillämpades en mängd olika katalytiska reaktioner framgångsrikt vid syntes av dessa molekyler, vilket i sin tur förstärker betydelsen för de katalytiska verktygen i organiska kemins verktygslåda.


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Finland, other Nordic countries and European Union aim to decarbonize their energy production by 2050. Decarbonization requires large scale implementation of non-emission energy sources, i.e. renewable energy and nuclear power. Stochastic renewable energy sources present a challenge to balance the supply and demand for energy. Energy storages, non-emissions fuels in mobility and industrial processes are required whenever electrification is not possible. Neo-Carbon project studies the decarbonizing the energy production and the role of synthetic gas in it. This thesis studies the industrial processes in steel production, oil refining, cement manufacturing and glass manufacturing, where natural gas is already used or fuel switch to SNG is possible. The technical potential for fuel switching is assessed, and economic potential is necessary after this. All studied processes have potential for fuel switching, but total decarbonization of steel production, oil refining requires implementation of other zero-emission technologies.


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A method to synthesize ethyl β-ᴅ-glucopyranoside (BEG) was searched. Feasibility of different ion exchange resins was examined to purify the product from the synthetic binary solution of BEG and glucose. The target was to produce at least 50 grams of 99 % pure BEG with a scaled up process. Another target was to transfer the batch process into steady-state recycle chromatography process (SSR). BEG was synthesized enzymatically with reverse hydrolysis utilizing β-glucosidase as a catalyst. 65 % of glucose reacted with ethanol into BEG during the synthesis. Different ion exchanger based resins were examined to separate BEG from glucose. Based on batch chromatography experiments the best adsorbent was chosen between styrene based strong acid cation exchange resins (SAC) and acryl based weak acid cation exchange resins (WAC). CA10GC WAC resin in Na+ form was chosen for the further separation studies. To produce greater amounts of the product the batch process was scaled up. The adsorption isotherms for the components were linear. The target purity was possible to reach already in batch without recycle with flowrate and injection size small enough. 99 % pure product was produced with scaled-up batch process. Batch process was transferred to SSR process utilizing the data from design pulse chromatograms and Matlab simulations. The optimal operating conditions for the system were determined. Batch and SSR separation results were compared and by using SSR 98 % pure products were gained with 40 % higher productivity and 40 % lower eluent consumption compared to batch process producing as pure products.


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Direct air capture technologies extract CO2 from air at a concentration of as low as 400ppm. The captured CO2 can be used for the production of synthetic methane or liquid fuels. In the literature survey of this thesis, results related to direct air capture by using solid sorbents are presented and critically discussed. In the experimental part, a proprietary amine functionalized resin is characterized for direct air capture. Structural comparison is also made to a commercial resin of similar type. Based on the literature survey, the most important parameters in direct air capture process are low adsorption and desorption temperatures, good cyclic stability in dry and humid conditions, high CO2 outlet purity and a high working capacity. Primary amine functionalized solid sorbents are found to often have good qualities for direct air capture, but overall process performance is rarely studied exhaustively. Based on FTIR spectra, both resin adsorbents are found to be consisted of polystyrene functionalized with primary amine, and capture CO2 by forming carbamate. The commercial resin is more porous, has a slightly higher particle size and contains fewer impurities. Important physical parameters are gained of the proprietary resin, such as internal porosity and median particle size. The resin’s amine group is found to endure thermal treatment reasonably well. CO2 adsorption capacity gained by thermal gravimetry from 400ppm CO2 is highest at 25oC, and is found to be reasonable compared to values presented in literature. Thus, the resin is stated to exhibit promising qualities for direct air capture.


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Väkevän hapon katalysoiman hydrolyysin avulla lignoselluloosasta on mahdollista valmistaa arvokkaita sokereita. Katalyyttinä toimiva happo voidaan käyttää uudelleen hydrolyysissä, jos se saadaan erotettua sokereista ilman neutralointia. Tämän kandidaatintyön tavoitteena oli selvittää, soveltuuko happoretardaatiotekniikka väkevähappohydrolysaatin fraktiointiin. Työssä verrattiin happoretardaatiotekniikkaa elektrolyyttiekskluusiotekniikkaan. Työn kirjallisuusosassa käsiteltiin happoretardaation ja elektrolyyttiekskluusion teoriaa. Lisäksi esiteltiin elektrolyyttiekskluusioon ja happoretardaatioon liittyviä tutkimuksia. Työn kokeellisessa osassa suoritettiin panoskromatografiakokeita käyttäen syöttöliuoksena rikkihappoa, etikkahappoa, glukoosia ja ksyloosia sisältävää synteettistä liuosta. Erotusmateriaaleina käytettiin neljää eri anionin- ja yhtä kationinvaihtohartsia. Kokeiden perusteella tutkittiin anioninvaihtohartsin tyypin ja kolonnin latauksen vaikutusta happoretardaatiotekniikalla saavutettavaan erotustulokseen sekä verrattiin elektrolyyttiekskluusiota happoretardaatioon. Työn tulosten perusteella rikkihappo laimeni happoretardaatiotekniikalla jopa 20-kertaisesti kromatografiakolonniin syötettyyn liuokseen verrattuna, riippumatta kolonnin latauksesta ja anioninvaihtohartsista. Rikkihapon laimenemisen vuoksi happoretardaatio ei soveltunut lignoselluloosapohjaisten väkevähappohydrolysaattien fraktiointiin. Elektrolyyttiekskluusiotekniikalla rikkihapon laimeneminen oli merkittävästi vähäisempää, minkä vuoksi elektrolyyttiekskluusion todettiin soveltuvan happoretardaatiota paremmin lignoselluloosapohjaisten väkevähappohydrolysaattien fraktiointiin.