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em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
The thesis studies the launch campaign of Big Brother Finland, especially from the viewpoint of on-air promotion. Interest to the subject arose when participating in the campaign as an on-air promotion planner together with Subtv's marketing director, on-air promotion editor and the channel's advertising agency. The launch of the campaign was a challenge due to the format, since not a lot of information can be revealed before the start of the program. When the planning started, all the material consisted of two logos. The first season of the Finnish version of Big Brother begun on Subtv August 2005. The goal of the program was to become a topic of discussion on TV on the fall 2005 and to raise the profile of the channel. The goal of the launch was to get good ratings for the first episode. The launch campaign was also supposed to open up the format to the viewers and to arouse interest in the show. Secrecy and the size of the program were set to be the marketing tones of the launch. Although partly different messages were told via on-air promotion and external media, the campaign was congruent in visual design. In the study, interviews of Subtv's staff, campaign plans and notes were used as research material. From the aspect of affecting images and emotions, the finished campaign promos and other on-air elements were analyzed. In on-air promotion, all choices in audio and visual design affect the outcome and therefore the images that the viewer constructs. The two promo series were made to affect emotions and to awaken curiosity. Other on-air elements were merely used to present program information. The campaign and the series were accepted with enthusiasm. The launch of the second season was even more massive than the first. Participation in the launch campaign of Big Brother Finland was an essential experience in the development of professional identity. When one has taken part in the creation of a massive campaign from scarce materials, tools are given to future assignments in the field of on-air promotion.
Selostus: Maatalous- ja elintarviketieteiden www-pohjaiset viitetietokannat ja aihehakemistot - suomalaisen tiedonetsijän näkökulma
Ympäristöministeriö edellyttää kaikilta vuoden 2000 jälkeen valmistuneilta tai peruskorjatuilta asuinkiinteistöiltä huoltokirjaa. Huoltokirja on kiinteistön ylläpitoon liittyvä asiakirjakokonaisuus, johon kootaan kaikki tarvittavat tiedot kiinteistöstä ja sen hoidosta. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli toteuttaa sähköinen huoltokirjajärjestelmä asuinkiinteistöille. Järjestelmän haluttiin palvelevan isännöitsijöiden ja huoltoyhtiöiden lisäksi myös kiinteistön omistajia, asukkaita, rakennuttajia ja kiinteistön välittäjiä. Tästä syystä järjestelmästä haluttiin Internet-selaimella käytettävä verkkopalvelu. Diplomityöhön kuului järjestelmän suunnittelu, toteutus ja testaus. Työn lopputuloksena syntynyt Pihapiiri.com järjestelmä otettiin käyttöön syksyllä 2002. Projektin aikanahavaittiin, että huoltokirjoja koskevat määrittelyt ja standardit olivat vasta kehitteillä. e-EHYT-hanke (elinkaarihallinnan yhteiset ydintie dot sähköisissä huoltokirjoissa) on merkittävä edistysaskel huoltokirjajärjestelmien sisällön ja tiedonsiirron standardoinnissa. Uusissa tuotekehityshankkeissa ja nykyisten huoltokirjajärjestelmien jatkokehityshankkeissa on olennaista huomioida e-EHYT-määritysten sekä yhteistyöverkoston merkitys. Käyttäjät ovat kritisoineet markkinoilla olevia tuotteita liian tarkoiksi. Liian teknisiä ja raskaita ratkaisuja tulee välttää varsinkin silloin kun tuotetta suunnitellaan asunto-osakeyhtiöille ja pientalo-omistajille.
Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena on parantaa Timberjackin ja Timberjackin toimittajien välistä yhteistyötä ja saattaa Timberjackin toimintatavat toimittajien tietoisuuteen. Aiheen laajuuden vuoksi yksittäisten aihepiirien syvällinen tutkiminen jäi vähäiseksi. Monet globaalit yhtiöt ovat nykyisin ottaneet selkeäksi strategiakseen toimintojensa ulkoistamisen ja tällöin yhtiölle itselleen jää ainoastaan lopputuotteiden kokoonpanon työvaiheet. Tämä tarkoittaa, että ulkoisilta toimittajilta ostetaan entistä enemmän komponentteja ja tuotekokonaisuuksia. Toisaalta taas harvalla toimittajalla on vielä tarvittavaa tieto-taitoa tai resursseja vastata päämiehen lisääntyviin tarpeisiin. Tämä on syy miksi suuret maailmanluokan yhtiöt panostavat nykyisin huomattavia voimavaroja toimittajaketjun kehittämiseen. Diplomityön ensimmäisessä osiossa paneudutaan teoria-asioihin, jotka tulee olla tiedossa kehitettäessä yhteistyötä toimittajien kanssa. Toisessa osassa tutkitaan Timberjackin toimintatapoja, tuotantomallia ja nykyisiä toimittajia. Nämä tiedot ovat välttämättömiä, kun luodaan kokonaiskuvaa toimittajaprosessista ja kun kehitetään uusia työkaluja helpottamaan toimittajien ja Timberjackin välistä yhteistyötä. Työn tuloksena Timberjackilla on nyt toimittajakäsikirja, joka sisältää tietoja, jotka toimittajien tulee huomioida toimiessaan Timberjackin kanssa ja myös ohjeita siitä, kuinka toimittajat voivat kehittää omia prosessejaan.
Tutkielman avulla pyrittiin edesauttamaan kohdeyrityksen riskienhallintaa verkostotaloudessa turvallisuusnäkökulmasta. Tutkielmassa tarkasteltiin neljän alihankkijayrityksen asennetta ja menettelytapoja turvallisuusjohtamisen, organisaation, toiminnan suunnittelun, toiminnan varmistamisen, sidosryhmien, riskien hallinnan, hätä- ja poikkeustilanteiden, turvallisuuskoulutuksen, tiedonkulun ja dokumentoinnin sekä mittaamisen osa-alueilta Turvallisuus kymppi menetelmää käyttäen. Tutkielma suoritettiin syksyn 2002 ja kevään 2003 aikana. Aiheen monitahoisuuden vuoksi asiaa tarkasteltiin hankintatoimen muuttuneen roolin, verkostotalouden, riskien ja riskienhallinnan kautta. Tutkielman lopputuloksena havaittiin, että verkostossa toimittaessa keskusyrityksen ja aliurakoitsijoiden riskeistä tulee yhteisiä, eikä niitä ei voida enää kokonaan erotella. Koulutuksen, tiedonkulun, mittaamisen, riskienhallinnan ja sidosryhmien välisen toiminnan luonne korostuu entisestään.
Researching research is not a common theme in educational drama. Nor is the educational drama process from a participant perspective a typical focus of research, at least not if the participants are disabled. Yet this is the theme of this thesis, a drama in three acts. The aim of this thesis is to describe, analyse, and discuss both the ways in which research within educational drama can be carried out and represented, and the experiences of the participants of the educational drama process. The theoretical framework that steers the research process is built up of two pairs of frames, each of them, like Russian nesting dolls, containing further frames. The first frame, relating to the outcomes of conducting research in educational drama, comprises philosophical, representational, and personal theories. As the second question asks what educational drama is, the subject related frame is built up of pedagogical, drama educational, and aesthetic theories. The study in its entirety follows the structure of the researcher’s hermeneutical learning process and takes the form of a journey starting from what is familiar, stretching towards what is new and different, and finally returning back to the beginning with a new view on what was there at the start. The thesis consists of two separate but related studies. The first, a familiar study conducted earlier, Alpha in Act I, was carried out among upper secondary school pupils. In the second, the new and therefore unfamiliar study, Omega in Act III, the participants are adult individuals who are physically and communicatively disabled. In between these two Acts an element of “Verfremdung” where the Alpha study is systematically scrutinized as the purpose is to teach and to manage the reader to think. Meta-discussions on the philosophical issues of the study are conducted throughout the text, parallel to the empirical parts. The outcomes of the first research question show that philosophical, methodical, and representational consistency is crucial for research. While this may sound like stating the obvious, this has nevertheless not always been considered fact, especially not within qualitative research. The outcomes further stress that representational issues are also to be recognized when presenting non-rational aspects of educational drama. By wording the world, through the use of visualising language, the surplus of meanings of educational drama can be, as they are within this study, made visible, sensible, and almost tangible, not only cognitively understandable. The outcomes of the second question point to the different foci of the studies, with Alpha focusing on the rationally retold experiences and Omega focusing on nonrational experiences. The outcomes expose educational drama as a learning process comprising doing, reflecting, and being. The doing aspect communicates the concrete efforts in creating a piece of theatre, while the being aspect relates experiences of being as situated, embodied and sensuous, reciprocal, empowering, aesthetic and artistic, and existential. Reflection is the twine that runs throughout the process and connects both doing and being. In summary, the outcomes could be formulated as “learning from learning how to make theatre”.
The study focuses on primary school teachers’ perceptions of environmental education, its integration into primary school education and teachers’ teaching practices in Tanzania. The thesis is based on empirical research. The theoretical underpinnings of the study are based on Palmer’s (1998) model of environmental education. According to the model, meaningful environmental education should include education about, in or through and for the environment. The study is supported by national and international literature from research done on environmental education and education for sustainable development and policy statements. The study is qualitative in nature, adopting phenomenography and phenomenology as points of departure. The empirical data was collected from four primary schools in Morogoro region in Tanzania. The study sample consisted of 31 primary school teachers. Data was collected through interviews and lesson observations. According to the results of the study, primary school teachers expressed variations in their perceptions of environmental education and education for sustainable development. Most of the teachers focused on the aspect of knowledge acquisition. According to Tanzanian education and training policy, environmental education has to be integrated into all subjects. Although there is environmental education in the primary school curriculum, it is not integrated on an equal footing in all subjects. Some subjects like science, social studies and geography have more environmental content than other subjects. Teachers claim that the approach used to integrate environmental education into the school curriculum was not favoured because many claimed that what is to be taught as environmental education in the various subjects is not shown clearly. As a result, many teachers suggested that to ensure that it is taught properly it should be included in the curriculum as an independent subject or as specific topics. The study revealed that teachers’ teaching practices in integrating environmental education varied from one subject to another. Although most of the teachers said that they used participatory methods, lesson observations showed that they limited themselves to question and answer and group discussion. However, the teachers faced a number of barriers in the teaching of environmental education, some of which include lack of teaching and learning resources, time and large class size. The role of teachers in the implementation of environmental education in developing an environmentally literate citizenry is of great significance. The responsibility of the government in developing a curriculum with clear goals and content, developing teachers’ capacity in the teaching of environmental education and provision of teaching and learning materials needs to be taken seriously by the government in educational plans and programs.
The environmental aspect of corporate social responsibility (CSR) expressed through the process of the EMS implementation in the oil and gas companies is identified as the main subject of this research. In the theoretical part, the basic attention is paid to justification of a link between CSR and environmental management. The achievement of sustainable competitive advantage as a result of environmental capital growth and inclusion of the socially responsible activities in the corporate strategy is another issue that is of special significance here. Besides, two basic forms of environmental management systems (environmental decision support systems and environmental information management systems) are explored and their role in effective stakeholder interaction is tackled. The most crucial benefits of EMS are also analyzed to underline its importance as a source of sustainable development. Further research is based on the survey of 51 sampled oil and gas companies (both publicly owned and state owned ones) originated from different countries all over the world and providing reports on sustainability issues in the open access. To analyze their approach to sustainable development, a specifically designed evaluation matrix with 37 indicators developed in accordance with the General Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines for non-financial reporting was prepared. Additionally, the quality of environmental information disclosure was measured on the basis of a quality – quantity matrix. According to results of research, oil and gas companies prefer implementing reactive measures to the costly and knowledge-intensive proactive techniques for elimination of the negative environmental impacts. Besides, it was identified that the environmental performance disclosure is mostly rather limited, so that the quality of non-financial reporting can be judged as quite insufficient. In spite of the fact that most of the oil and gas companies in the sample claim the EMS to be embedded currently in their structure, they often do not provide any details for the process of their implementation. As a potential for the further development of EMS, author mentions possible integration of their different forms in a single entity, extension of existing structure on the basis of consolidation of the structural and strategic precautions as well as development of a unified certification standard instead of several ones that exist today in order to enhance control on the EMS implementation.
The dissertation ´I knit, therefore I am!´ Learning and identity in informal space has two main purposes. The first purpose being an investigation of how new value attributions and thinking can generate novel and usable knowledge to the field of craftsmanship, and the second purpose being a display of a different and overlooked philosophical and cultural potential in a reflexive mode of expression, which is able to reflect the normative comprehension of craftsmanship. The dissertation focuses on learning and identity in informal spaces of learning and how it is possible to relate such a learning perspective to crafts training in educational establishments. The empirical foundation of this dissertation is ‘craftivism’. In the dissertation activists from the Nordic countries have been interviewed about what they do when they put up their textile graffiti on lamp posts and house walls. Three research problems are presented: 1) What stories do people who work as crafts activists, tell about ways of relating and methods of action when they make crafts? 2) What do these stories tell about learning and identity? 3) How may the research results influence training and education in craftsmanship? These questions are being asked in order to acquire new knowledge in two aspects; first aspect being knowledge about crafts in relation to techniques, tradition and the objects in crafts, and the second aspect being knowledge about learning and identity in informal spaces of learning. The dissertations theoretical foundation is post structural and sociocultural combined with hermeneutical-inspired qualitative interviews. The author’s position and pre-understanding is subject to discussion in relation to the informant; the performing activist, as the background for both of them is craftsmanship. Starting from cultural studies, it is possible to see the activist subject’s conditions of possibilities in the culture, as the activism of the sub-cultural phenomenon’s craft lights up through a performing approach to the individual’s actions. First the research material has been analysed for events of textile graffiti and possible themes in the events, after which the results have been summarised. Next the research material has been analysed for events about learning and identity due to the author’s wish of comprehending the background of and motivational force in activism. The analysis is divided in main perspectives with different dimensions. The results of the analysis show the activist subject’s construction of an individual who actively takes part in a community by e.g. creating joy, changing the world’s perception of sustainability or by feminizing the public space. By taking crafts over the borders (and away from the class room) crafts become contextualized in a novel fashion thus obtaining an independent status. In this fashion the dissertation writes itself into a new method of comprehending and performing traditional craftsmanship techniques.
Tämän tutkimuksen aiheena on satelliittioskillaattorin jyrsintätyövaiheiden valmistusystävällisyyden analysointi. Tutkimuksen viitekehyksenä on DFM (design for manufacturing), johon kaikki päätelmät ja tulokset sidotaan. Tutkimuksen päätavoite on etsiä valmistusteknisiä ratkaisuja, joilla samanaikaisesti parannetaan, sekä oskillaattorin suorituskykyä, että sen valmistettavuutta noudattamalla DFM-sääntöjä. Suorituskyvyn näkökulmasta tärkeintä on oskillaattorin hyvyysluvun maksimointi. Tutkimuksessa käsitellään lyhyesti satelliittioskillaattorin porauksia, pinnoitusta ja asennusta, mutta pääpaino tutkimuksessa on oskillaattorin rungon jyrsintätyövaiheissa. Tässä työssä toteutettiin DFM-analyysi, jonka avulla pystyttiin helpottamaan lukuisia tuotannollisia ongelmia ja onnistuttiin löytämmään keinoja oskillaattorin suorituskyvyn parantamiseksi.
Poster at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
Workshop presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
In much of the previous research into the field of interactive storytelling, the focus has been on the creation of complete systems, then evaluating the performance of those systems based on user experience. Less focus has been placed on finding general solutions to problems that manifest in many different types of interactive storytelling systems. The goal of this thesis was to identify potential candidates for metrics that a system could use to predict player behavior or how players experience the story they are presented with, and to put these metrics to an empirical test. The three metrics that were used were morality, relationships and conflict. The game used for user testing of the metrics, Regicide is an interactive storytelling experience that was created in conjunction with Eero Itkonen. Data, in the forms of internal system data and survey answers, collected through user testing, was used to evaluate hypotheses for each metric. Out of the three chosen metrics, morality performed the best in this study. Though further research and refinement may be required, the results were promising, and point to the conclusion that user responses to questions of morality are a strong predictor for their choices in similar situations later on in the course of an interactive story. A similar examination for user relationships with other characters in the story did not produce promising results, but several problems were recognized in terms of methodology and further research with a better optimized system may yield different results. On the subject of conflict, several aspects, proposed by Ware et al. (2012), were evaluated separately. Results were inconclusive, with the aspect of directness showing the most promise.
Tämän kandidaatintutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää minkälaisia liiketoiminnallisia mahdollisuuksia ja haasteita Big Dataan ja sen ominaispiirteisiin liittyy, ja miten Big Data määritellään nykyaikaisesti ja ajankohtaisesti. Tutkimusongelmaa lähestyttiin narratiivisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen keinoin. Toisin sanoen tutkielma on hajanaisen tiedon avulla koostettu yhtenäinen katsaus nykytilanteeseen. Lähdeaineisto koostuu pääosin tieteellisistä artikkeleista, mutta käytössä oli myös oppikirjamateriaalia, konferenssijulkaisuja ja uutisartikkeleja. Tutkimuksessa käytetyt akateemisen kirjallisuuden lähteet sisälsivät keskenään paljon samankaltaisia näkemyksiä tutkimusaihetta kohtaan. Niiden perusteella muodostettiin kaksi taulukkoa havaituista mahdollisuuksista ja haasteista, ja taulukoiden rivit nimettiin niitä kuvaavien ominaispiirteiden mukaan. Tutkimuksessa liiketoiminnalliset mahdollisuudet ja haasteet jaettiin viiteen pääkategoriaan ja neljään alakategoriaan. Tutkimus toteutettiin liiketoiminnan näkökulmasta, joten siinä sivuutettiin monenlaisia Big Datan teknisiä aspekteja. Tutkielman luonne on poikkitieteellinen, ja sen avulla pyritään havainnoimaan tämän hetken yhtä uusinta tietojenkäsittelykäsittelytieteiden termiä liiketoiminnallisessa kontekstissa. Tutkielmassa Big Dataan liittyvillä ominaispiirteillä todettiin olevan mahdollisuuksia, jotka voitiin jaotella korrelaatioiden havaitsemisen perusteella markkinoiden tarkemman segmentoinnin mahdollisuuksiin ja päätöksenteon tukena toimimiseen. Reaaliaikaisen seurannan mahdollisuudet perustuvat Big Datan nopeuteen ja kokoon, eli sen jatkuvaan kasvuun. Ominaispiirteisiin liittyvät haasteet voidaan jakaa viiteen kategoriaan, joista osa liittyy toimintaympäristöön ja osa organisaation sisäiseen toimintaan.