9 resultados para Sponsorointi
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Product placement has become more and more common in Finnish television programmes lately. Product placement, as with the whole of the television industry, is strictly regulated and monitored by law. Surreptitious advertising, sponsorship, cooperative partnerships and product placement are often confused with each other. Partially these activities are interpenetrative. Present legislation doesn't recognise product placement, therefore it doesn't have any specific position in law, thus causing problems. Product placement in domestic tv-programmes is still relatively modest. More extensive activity is perceivable at the movies where the restrictions are considerably more liberal. In the United States, product placement is a part of a production's budget. Pressure to increase financing has grouwn in both Finland and Europe. There has been considerable preparation in advance of a new television directive in the European Union which would allow more liberal advertising and product placement as a part of financing tv-programmes. The proposal for a new directive is currently only on its first round so product placement probably won't become better defined in law in the near future. Finnish television producers were interviewed as part of the research for this thesis, in order to clarify product placement position and usage in domestic televion programmes. Surreptitious advertising, sponsorship, different kinds of cooperative partnerships and the need for guidance were also discussed in the course of the themed interviews. Even though product placement does not currently play a significant part in the financing of a production, there are certainly pressures in that direktion. In the field of television, the legal boundaries of product placement are presently being explored in order to assess its position as a part of budgeting and covering expenses.
Tutkimuksen päätavoitteena oli ymmärtää vahvojen brändien ja brändipääoman rakentamisprosessia, painottaen erityisesti sponsoroinnin roolia tässä prosessissa. Tutkimus suoritettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena, jossa käytettiintapaustutkimusmenetelmää. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin suurimmista online artikkelitietokannoista sekä kolmesta henkilökohtaisesta haastattelusta case-yrityksen edustajien kanssa. Tutkimuksen teoreettisen perustan muodosti brändipääoma-käsite ja sen osa-alueet, näiden liittyminen vahvoihin brändeihin ja brändien rakentamiseen, sekä sponsoroinnin strateginen käyttö brändien rakentamisessa. Lisäksi tutkimuksen empiirinen perusta arvio ja testasi näitä oletuksia ja aikaisemmin käsiteltyjä teorioita case-brändi Battery energiajuoman valossa. Tutkimus osoitti, että nykypäivänä kovan kilpailun markkinointiympäristössä, sponsorointi edustaa vaihtoehtoista tapaa rakentaa vahvoja, omalaatuisia ja suotuisia brändejä, joilla on korkea brändipääoma. Sponsoroinnista on tullut yhä tärkeämpi kommunikointiväline brändien rakentamisessa ja erityisesti siellä missä perinteiset menetelmät ovat muuttumassa tehottomiksi. Empiirisessä osassa selvisi, että sponsorointia on käytetty menestyksekkäästi strategisena keinona vahvan ja omalaatuisen Battery brändin ja sen korkean brändipääoman rakentamisessa.
Tutkimuksessa perehdytään urheilusponsoroinnin rooliin brändipääoman kasvattamisessa sponsorin näkökulmasta. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa selvitetään mistä brändin rakentamisen prosessi koostuu, sekä tutkitaan brändin rakentamiseen keskeisesti liittyviä tekijöitä sekä brändipääoman eri osa-alueita.
The purpose of this Master’s thesis is to study sponsor satisfaction in charity sport events. Lack of research in regional charity sport events, emergence of corporate social responsibility and increasing popularity of charity sport events have created a research gap to be further explored. Theoretical part of the thesis focuses in development of sponsorships, charity sport event sponsorships and sponsorship as a marketing tool. Concept of satisfaction is discussed by implementing marketing theories to weight options on measuring sponsor satisfaction as a part of sponsorship evaluation process. Empirical analysis of the thesis was conducted in a regional charity sport event – Maailman Pisin Salibandyottelu. Evidences were collected in qualitative research method through semi-structured theme interviews. Altogether 12 major and minor sponsors were selected for the primary source of data. The data was analyzed by comparing sponsors’ expectations and experiences, and by displaying sponsors’ perceived satisfaction. The results indicated that sponsors were involved by partly altruistic and partly selfish motives as suggested by previous research. Respondents expressed very few, mainly non-financial expectations, yet were hoping to gain positive image association via event exposure. Negative experiences appear to have relatively small impact in overall satisfaction. Exceeding or fulfilling expectations appears to increase perceived satisfaction which was mainly driven by contribution towards the goodwill, perceived success of the event (successful record attempt, visibility (on- and off-line) and event execution.
Tutkielma keskittyy kuvailemaan urheilun sponsorointia yrityksen markkinointiviestinnän välineenä. Aiheeseen lähestytään tutkielmassa yrityksen näkökulmasta, jossa käsitellään keskeisiä sponsorointiin liittyviä ilmiöitä ja ulottuvuuksia. Tutkielma sisältää empiirisen osuuden haastattelun moudossa.