12 resultados para Simple and compound leaves

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Den snart 200 år gamla vetenskapsgrenen organisk synteskemi har starkt bidragit till moderna samhällens välfärd. Ett av flaggskeppen för den organiska synteskemin är utvecklingen och produktionen av nya läkemedel och speciellt de aktiva substanserna däri. Därmed är det viktigt att utveckla nya syntesmetoder, som kan tillämpas vid framställningen av farmaceutiskt relevanta målstrukturer. I detta sammanhang är den ultimata målsättningen dock inte endast en lyckad syntes av målmolekylen, utan det är allt viktigare att utveckla syntesrutter som uppfyller kriterierna för den hållbara utvecklingen. Ett av de centralaste verktygen som en organisk kemist har till förfogande i detta sammanhang är katalys, eller mera specifikt möjligheten att tillämpa olika katalytiska reaktioner vid framställning av komplexa målstrukturer. De motsvarande industriella processerna karakteriseras av hög effektivitet och minimerad avfallsproduktion, vilket naturligtvis gynnar den kemiska industrin samtidigt som de negativa miljöeffekterna minskas avsevärt. I denna doktorsavhandling har nya syntesrutter för produktion av finkemikalier med farmaceutisk relevans utvecklats genom att kombinera förhållandevis enkla transformationer till nya reaktionssekvenser. Alla reaktionssekvenser som diskuteras i denna avhandling påbörjades med en metallförmedlad allylering av utvalda aldehyder eller aldiminer. De erhållna produkterna innehållende en kol-koldubbelbindning med en närliggande hydroxyl- eller aminogrupp modifierades sedan vidare genom att tillämpa välkända katalytiska reaktioner. Alla syntetiserade molekyler som presenteras i denna avhandling karakteriseras som finkemikalier med hög potential vid farmaceutiska tillämpningar. Utöver detta tillämpades en mängd olika katalytiska reaktioner framgångsrikt vid syntes av dessa molekyler, vilket i sin tur förstärker betydelsen för de katalytiska verktygen i organiska kemins verktygslåda.


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Bacteria can exist as planktonic, the lifestyle in which single cells exist in suspension, and as biofilms, which are surface-attached bacterial communities embedded in a selfproduced matrix. Most of the antibiotics and the methods for antimicrobial work have been developed for planktonic bacteria. However, the majority of the bacteria in natural habitats live as biofilms. Biofilms develop dauntingly fast high resistance towards conventional antibacterial treatments and thus, there is a great need to meet the demands of effective anti-biofilm therapy. In this thesis project it was attempted to fill the void of anti-biofilm screening methods by developing a platform of assays that evaluate the effect that screened compounds have on the total biomass, viability and the extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) layer of the biofilms. Additionally, a new method for studying biofilms and their interactions with compounds in a continuous flow system was developed using capillary electrochromatography (CEC). The screening platform was utilized with a screening campaign using a small library of cinchona alkaloids. The assays were optimized to be statistically robust enough for screening. The first assay, based on crystal violet staining, measures total biofilm biomass, and it was automated using a liquid handling workstation to decrease the manual workload and signal variation. The second assay, based on resazurin staining, measures viability of the biofilm, and it was thoroughly optimized for the strain used, but was then a very simple and fast method to be used for primary screening. The fluorescent resazurin probe is not toxic to the biofilms. In fact, it was also shown in this project that staining the biofilms with resazurin prior to staining with crystal violet had no effect on the latter and they can be used in sequence on the same screening plate. This sequential addition step was indeed a major improvement on the use of reagents and consumables and also shortened the work time. As a third assay in the platform a wheat germ agglutinin based assay was added to evaluate the effect a compound has on the EPS layer. Using this assay it was found that even if compounds might have clear effect on both biomass and viability, the EPS layer can be left untouched or even be increased. This is a clear implication of the importance of using several assays to be able to find “true hits” in a screening setting. In the pilot study of screening for antimicrobial and anti-biofilm effects using a cinchona alkaloid library, one compound was found to have antimicrobial effect against planktonic bacteria and prevent biofilm formation at low micromolar concentration. To eradicate biofilms, a higher concentration was needed. It was also shown that the chemical space occupied by the active compound was slightly different than the rest of the cinchona alkaloids as well as the rest of the compounds used for validatory screening during the optimization processes of the separate assays.


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The hen’s egg is a source of new life. Therefore, it contains many biologically active compounds. In addition to being a very nutritious food and also commonly used in the food industry due to its many techno-functional properties, the egg can serve as a source of compounds used as nutra-, pharmaand cosmeceuticals. One such interesting compound is ovomucin, an egg white protein responsible for the gel-like properties of thick egg white. Previous studies have indicated that ovomucin and ovomucin-derived peptides have several different bioactive properties. The objectives of the present study were to develop isolation methods for ovomucin, to characterize the structure of ovomucin, to compare various egg fractions as sources of ovomucin, to study the effects of various dissolving methods for ovomucin, and to investigate the bioactive properties of ovomucin and ovomucin-derived peptides. A simple and rapid method for crude ovomucin separation was developed. By using this method crude ovomucin was isolated within hours, compared to the 1-2 days (including a dialysis step) needed when using several other methods. Structural characterization revealed that ovomucin is composed of two subunits, α- and β-ovomucin, as egg white protein formerly called α1-ovomucin seemed to be ovostatin. However, it might be possible that ovostatin is associated within β- and α-ovomucin. This interaction could even have some effect on the physical nature of various egg white layers. Although filtration by-product fraction was a very prominent source of both crude and β-ovomucin, process development has reduced its amount so significantly that it has no practical meaning anymore. Thus, the commercial liquid egg white is probably the best option, especially if it generally contains amounts of β-ovomucin as high as were found in these studies. Crude ovomucin was dissolved both by using physical and enzymic methods. Although sonication was the most effective physical method for ovomucin solubilisation, colloid milling seemed to be a very promising alternative. A milk-like, smooth and opaque crude ovomucin suspension was attained by using a colloid mill. The dissolved ovomucin fractions were further tested for bioactive properties, and it was found that three dissolving methods tested produced moderate antiviral activity against Newcastle disease virus, namely colloid milling, enzymatic hydrolysis and a combination of sonicaton and enzymatic hydrolysis. Moreover, trypsin-digested crude ovomucin was found to have moderate antiviral activity against avian influenza virus: both subtype H5 and H7.


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The networking and digitalization of audio equipment has created a need for control protocols. These protocols offer new services to customers and ensure that the equipment operates correctly. The control protocols used in the computer networks are not directly applicable since embedded systems have resource and cost limitations. In this master's thesis the design and implementation of new loudspeaker control network protocols are presented. The protocol stack was required to be reliable, have short response times, configure the network automatically and support the dynamic addition and removal of loudspeakers. The implemented protocol stack was also required to be as efficient and lightweight as possible because the network nodes are fairly simple and lack processing power. The protocol stack was thoroughly tested, validated and verified. The protocols were formally described using LOTOS (Language of Temporal Ordering Specifications) and verified using reachability analysis. A prototype of the loudspeaker network was built and used for testing the operation and the performance of the control protocols. The implemented control protocol stack met the design specifications and proved to be highly reliable and efficient.


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The objective of the thesis was to create a framework that can be used to define a manufacturing strategy taking advantage of the product life cycle method, which enables PQP enhancements. The starting point was to study synkron implementation of cost leadership and differentiation strategies in different stages of the life cycles. It was soon observed that Porter’s strategies were too generic for the complex and dynamic environment where customer needs deviate market and product specifically. Therefore, the strategy formulation process is based on the Terry Hill’s order-winner and qualifier concepts. The manufacturing strategy formulation is initiated with the definition of order-winning and qualifying criteria. From these criteria there can be shaped product specific proposals for action and production site specific key manufacturing tasks that they need to answer in order to meet customers and markets needs. As a future research it is suggested that the process of capturing order-winners and qualifiers should be developed so that the process would be simple and streamlined at Wallac Oy. In addition, defined strategy process should be integrated to the PerkinElmer’s SGS process. SGS (Strategic Goal Setting) is one of the PerkinElmer’s core management processes. Full Text: Null


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The aim of the thesis is to devise a framework for analyzing simulation games, in particular introductory supply chain simulation games which are used in education and process development. The framework is then applied to three case examples which are introductory supply chain simulation games used at Lappeenranta University of Technology. The theoretical part of the thesis studies simulation games in the context of education and training as well as of process management. Simulation games can be seen as learning processes which comprise of briefing, micro cycle, and debriefing which includes observation and reflection as well as conceptualization. The micro cycle, i.e. the game itself, is defined through elements and characteristics. Both briefing and debriefing ought to support the micro cycle. The whole learning process needs to support learning objectives of the simulation game. Based on the analysis of the case simulation games, suggestions on how to boost the debriefing and promote long term effects of the games are made. In addition, a framework is suggested to be used in designing simulation games and characteristics of introductory supply chain simulation games are defined. They are designed for general purposes, are simple and operated manually, are multifunctional interplays, and last about 2.5 4 hours. Participants co operate during a game run and competition arises between different runs or game sessions.


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Indigo on väriaine, jota valmistetaan petrokemianteollisuuden välituotteena syntyvästä aniliinista. Indigolla on kuitenkin pitkä historia. Sitä on valmistettu perinteisesti eri viljelykasveista, joista Euroopassa merkittävin on ollut morsinko. Luonnonmukaisten tuotteiden suosion kasvaessa on ryhdytty selvittämään morsingon viljelyn potentiaalia. Viljelyn kannattavuuden kannalta olennaista on kasvin lehdissä esiintyvien indigon esiasteiden mahdollisimman täydellinen eristäminen. Indigoa tuotetaan uuttamalla indigon esiasteet veteen. Esiasteet hajoavat synnyttäen indoksyyliä, josta hapen vaikutuksella muodostuu indigoa. Syntynyt indigo saostuu ja laskeutuu pohjalle. Samalla kuitenkin tapahtuu epätoivottuja sivureaktioita, jotka vähentävät indigon saantoa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli laboratorio- ja kenttäkokeiden avulla löytää indigon saantoa parantavat uutto-olosuhteet. Kokeiden perusteella havaittiin, että indigon saantoon vaikuttavat positiivisesti pH:n laskeminen, lämpötilan nostaminen, morsingon lehtien pilkkominen ja uuttoliuoksen sekoittaminen. Uuttoliuoksen suolapitoisuuden havaittiin puolestaan vaikuttavan indigon saantoon negatiivisesti. Laboratoriokokeiden perusteella havaittu pH:n laskemisen vaikutus indigon saantoon todistettiin myös kenttäolosuhteissa. Kokeiden havaintojen perusteella esitettiin olosuhteiden indigosaantoa parantavien vaikutusten johtuvan kahdesta tekijästä: indoksyylin stabiloitumisesta happamassa ympäristössä, jolloin sivureaktioiden osuus vähenee, sekä aineensiirron paranemisella sekoituksen, faasien rajapinnan kasvamisen ja etenkin lehtien vahakerroksen rikkoutumisen kuuman veden ja hapon vaikutuksesta.


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Energy efficiency is one of the major objectives which should be achieved in order to implement the limited energy resources of the world in a sustainable way. Since radiative heat transfer is the dominant heat transfer mechanism in most of fossil fuel combustion systems, more accurate insight and models may cause improvement in the energy efficiency of the new designed combustion systems. The radiative properties of combustion gases are highly wavelength dependent. Better models for calculating the radiative properties of combustion gases are highly required in the modeling of large scale industrial combustion systems. With detailed knowledge of spectral radiative properties of gases, the modeling of combustion processes in the different applications can be more accurate. In order to propose a new method for effective non gray modeling of radiative heat transfer in combustion systems, different models for the spectral properties of gases including SNBM, EWBM, and WSGGM have been studied in this research. Using this detailed analysis of different approaches, the thesis presents new methods for gray and non gray radiative heat transfer modeling in homogeneous and inhomogeneous H2O–CO2 mixtures at atmospheric pressure. The proposed method is able to support the modeling of a wide range of combustion systems including the oxy-fired combustion scenario. The new methods are based on implementing some pre-obtained correlations for the total emissivity and band absorption coefficient of H2O–CO2 mixtures in different temperatures, gas compositions, and optical path lengths. They can be easily used within any commercial CFD software for radiative heat transfer modeling resulting in more accurate, simple, and fast calculations. The new methods were successfully used in CFD modeling by applying them to industrial scale backpass channel under oxy-fired conditions. The developed approaches are more accurate compared with other methods; moreover, they can provide complete explanation and detailed analysis of the radiation heat transfer in different systems under different combustion conditions. The methods were verified by applying them to some benchmarks, and they showed a good level of accuracy and computational speed compared to other methods. Furthermore, the implementation of the suggested banded approach in CFD software is very easy and straightforward.


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In today's logistics environment, there is a tremendous need for accurate cost information and cost allocation. Companies searching for the proper solution often come across with activity-based costing (ABC) or one of its variations which utilizes cost drivers to allocate the costs of activities to cost objects. In order to allocate the costs accurately and reliably, the selection of appropriate cost drivers is essential in order to get the benefits of the costing system. The purpose of this study is to validate the transportation cost drivers of a Finnish wholesaler company and ultimately select the best possible driver alternatives for the company. The use of cost driver combinations as an alternative is also studied. The study is conducted as a part of case company's applied ABC-project using the statistical research as the main research method supported by a theoretical, literature based method. The main research tools featured in the study include simple and multiple regression analyses, which together with the literature and observations based practicality analysis forms the basis for the advanced methods. The results suggest that the most appropriate cost driver alternatives are the delivery drops and internal delivery weight. The possibility of using cost driver combinations is not suggested as their use doesn't provide substantially better results while increasing the measurement costs, complexity and load of use at the same time. The use of internal freight cost drivers is also questionable as the results indicate weakening trend in the cost allocation capabilities towards the end of the period. Therefore more research towards internal freight cost drivers should be conducted before taking them in use.


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Measuring protein biomarkers from sample matrix, such as plasma, is one of the basic tasks in clinical diagnostics. Bioanalytical assays used for the measuring should be able to measure proteins with high sensitivity and specificity. Furthermore, multiplexing capability would also be advantageous. To ensure the utility of the diagnostic test in point-of-care setting, additional requirements such as short turn-around times, ease-ofuse and low costs need to be met. On the other hand, enhancement of assay sensitivity could enable exploiting novel biomarkers, which are present in very low concentrations and which the current immunoassays are unable to measure. Furthermore, highly sensitive assays could enable the use of minimally invasive sampling. In the development of high-sensitivity assays the label technology and affinity binders are in pivotal role. Additionally, innovative assay designs contribute to the obtained sensitivity and other characteristics of the assay as well as its applicability. The aim of this thesis was to study the impact of assay components on the performance of both homogeneous and heterogeneous assays. Applicability of two different lanthanide-based label technologies, upconverting nanoparticles and switchable lanthanide luminescence, to protein detection was explored. Moreover, the potential of recombinant antibodies and aptamers as alternative affinity binders were evaluated. Additionally, alternative conjugation chemistries for production of the labeled binders were studied. Different assay concepts were also evaluated with respect to their applicability to point-of-care testing, which requires simple yet sensitive methods. The applicability of upconverting nanoparticles to the simultaneous quantitative measurement of multiple analytes using imaging-based detection was demonstrated. Additionally, the required instrumentation was relatively simple and inexpensive compared to other luminescent lanthanide-based labels requiring time-resolved measurement. The developed homogeneous assays exploiting switchable lanthanide luminescence were rapid and simple to perform and thus applicable even to point-ofcare testing. The sensitivities of the homogeneous assays were in the picomolar range, which are still inadequate for some analytes, such as cardiac troponins, requiring ultralow limits of detection. For most analytes, however, the obtained limits of detection were sufficient. The use of recombinant antibody fragments and aptamers as binders allowed site-specific and controlled covalent conjugation to construct labeled binders reproducibly either by using chemical modification or recombinant technology. Luminescent lanthanide labels were shown to be widely applicable for protein detection in various assay setups and to contribute assay sensitivity.


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Human activity recognition in everyday environments is a critical, but challenging task in Ambient Intelligence applications to achieve proper Ambient Assisted Living, and key challenges still remain to be dealt with to realize robust methods. One of the major limitations of the Ambient Intelligence systems today is the lack of semantic models of those activities on the environment, so that the system can recognize the speci c activity being performed by the user(s) and act accordingly. In this context, this thesis addresses the general problem of knowledge representation in Smart Spaces. The main objective is to develop knowledge-based models, equipped with semantics to learn, infer and monitor human behaviours in Smart Spaces. Moreover, it is easy to recognize that some aspects of this problem have a high degree of uncertainty, and therefore, the developed models must be equipped with mechanisms to manage this type of information. A fuzzy ontology and a semantic hybrid system are presented to allow modelling and recognition of a set of complex real-life scenarios where vagueness and uncertainty are inherent to the human nature of the users that perform it. The handling of uncertain, incomplete and vague data (i.e., missing sensor readings and activity execution variations, since human behaviour is non-deterministic) is approached for the rst time through a fuzzy ontology validated on real-time settings within a hybrid data-driven and knowledgebased architecture. The semantics of activities, sub-activities and real-time object interaction are taken into consideration. The proposed framework consists of two main modules: the low-level sub-activity recognizer and the high-level activity recognizer. The rst module detects sub-activities (i.e., actions or basic activities) that take input data directly from a depth sensor (Kinect). The main contribution of this thesis tackles the second component of the hybrid system, which lays on top of the previous one, in a superior level of abstraction, and acquires the input data from the rst module's output, and executes ontological inference to provide users, activities and their in uence in the environment, with semantics. This component is thus knowledge-based, and a fuzzy ontology was designed to model the high-level activities. Since activity recognition requires context-awareness and the ability to discriminate among activities in di erent environments, the semantic framework allows for modelling common-sense knowledge in the form of a rule-based system that supports expressions close to natural language in the form of fuzzy linguistic labels. The framework advantages have been evaluated with a challenging and new public dataset, CAD-120, achieving an accuracy of 90.1% and 91.1% respectively for low and high-level activities. This entails an improvement over both, entirely data-driven approaches, and merely ontology-based approaches. As an added value, for the system to be su ciently simple and exible to be managed by non-expert users, and thus, facilitate the transfer of research to industry, a development framework composed by a programming toolbox, a hybrid crisp and fuzzy architecture, and graphical models to represent and con gure human behaviour in Smart Spaces, were developed in order to provide the framework with more usability in the nal application. As a result, human behaviour recognition can help assisting people with special needs such as in healthcare, independent elderly living, in remote rehabilitation monitoring, industrial process guideline control, and many other cases. This thesis shows use cases in these areas.


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Tutkittu yritys on suomalainen maaleja ja lakkoja kansainvälisesti valmistava ja myyvä toimija. Yrityksessä otettiin vuonna 2010 käyttöön uudet tuotannon ja toimitusketjun tavoitteet ja suunnitelmat ja tämä tutkimus on osa tuota kokonaisvaltaista kehittämissuuntaa. Tutkimuksessa käsitellään tuotannon ja kunnossapidon tehokkuuden parantamis- ja mittaustyökalu OEE:tä ja tuotevaihtoaikojen pienentämiseen tarkoitettua SMED -työkalua. Työn teoriaosuus perustuu lähinnä akateemisiin julkaisuihin, mutta myös haastatteluihin, kirjoihin, internet sivuihin ja yhteen vuosikertomukseen. Empiriaosuudessa OEE:n käyttöönoton ongelmia ja onnistumista tutkittiin toistettavalla käyttäjäkyselyllä. OEE:n potentiaalia ja käyttöönottoa tutkittiin myös tarkastelemalla tuotanto- ja käytettävyysdataa, jota oli kerätty tuotantolinjalta. SMED:iä tutkittiin siihen perustuvan tietokoneohjelman avulla. SMED:iä tutkittiin teoreettisella tasolla, eikä sitä implementoitu vielä käytäntöön. Tutkimustuloksien mukaan OEE ja SMED sopivat hyvin esimerkkiyritykselle ja niissä on paljon potentiaalia. OEE ei ainoastaan paljasta käytettävyyshäviöiden määrää, mutta myös niiden rakenteen. OEE -tulosten avulla yritys voi suunnata rajalliset tuotannon ja kunnossapidon parantamisen resurssit oikeisiin paikkoihin. Työssä käsiteltävä tuotantolinja ei tuottanut mitään 56 % kaikesta suunnitellusta tuotantoajasta huhtikuussa 2016. Linjan pysähdyksistä ajallisesti 44 % johtui vaihto-, aloitus- tai lopetustöistä. Tuloksista voidaan päätellä, että käytettävyyshäviöt ovat vakava ongelma yrityksen tuotannontehokkuudessa ja vaihtotöiden vähentäminen on tärkeä kehityskohde. Vaihtoaikaa voitaisiin vähentää ~15 % yksinkertaisilla ja halvoilla SMED:illä löydetyillä muutoksilla työjärjestyksessä ja työkaluissa. Parannus olisi vielä suurempi kattavimmilla muutoksilla. SMED:in suurin potentiaali ei välttämättä ole vaihtoaikojen lyhentämisessä vaan niiden standardisoinnissa.