29 resultados para Romaine, Suzanne: Vanishing voices
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
The Department of French Studies of the University of Turku (Finland) organized an International Bilingual Conference on Crosscultural and Crosslinguistic Perspectives on Academic Discourse from 2022 May 2005. The event hosted specialists on Academic Discourse from Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Spain, and the USA. This book is the first volume in our series of publications on Academic Discourse (AD hereafter). The following pages are composed of selected papers from the conference and focus on different aspects and analytical frameworks of Academic Discourse. One of the motivations behind organizing the conference was to examine and expand research on AD in different languages. Another one was to question to what extent academic genres are culturebound and language specific or primarily field or domain specific. The research carried out on AD has been mainly concerned with the use of English in different academic settings for a long time now – mainly written contexts – and at the expense of other languages. Alternatively the academic genre conventions of English and English speaking world have served as a basis for comparison with other languages and cultures. We consider this first volume to be a strong contribution to the spreading out of researches based on other languages than English in AD, namely Finnish, French, Italian, Norwegian and Romanian in this book. All the following articles have a strong link with the French language: either French is constitutive of the AD corpora under examination or the article was written in French. The structure of the book suggests and provides evidence that the concept of AD is understood and tackled to varying degrees by different scholars. Our first volume opens up the discussion on what AD is and backs dissemination, overlapping and expansion of current research questions and methodologies. The book is divided into three parts and contains four articles in English and six articles in French. The papers in part one and part two cover what we call the prototypical genre of written AD, i.e. the research article. Part one follows up on issues linked to the 13 Research Article (RA hereafter). Kjersti Fløttum asks wether a typical RA exists and concentrates on authors’ voices in RA (self and other dimensions), whereas Didriksen and Gjesdal’s article focuses on individual variation of the author’s voice in RA. The last article in this section is by Nadine Rentel and deals with evaluation in the writing of RA. Part two concentrates on the teaching and learning of AD within foreign language learning, another more or less canonical genre of AD. Two aspects of writing are covered in the first two articles: foreign students’ representations on rhetorical traditions (Hidden) and a contrastive assessment of written exercices in French and Finnish in Higher Education (Suzanne). The last contribution in this section on AD moves away from traditional written forms and looks at how argumentation is constructed in students’ oral presentations (Dervin and Fauveau). The last part of the book continues the extension by featuring four articles written in French exploring institutional and scientific discourses. Institutional discourses under scrutiny include the European Bologna Process (Galatanu) and Romanian reform texts (Moilanen). As for scientific discourses, the next paper in this section deconstructs an ideological discourse on the didactics of French as a foreign language (Pescheux). Finally, the last paper in part three reflects on varied forms of AD at university (Defays). We hope that this book will add some fuel to continue discussing diverse forms of and approches to AD – in different languages and voices! No need to say that with the current upsurge in academic mobility, reflecting on crosscultural and crosslinguistic AD has just but started.
Abstract: Women's voices and peripheral politics : feminist interpretations of the transition of stage in the Ireland of the 1990's
Ortogonaalisen M-kaistaisen moniresoluutioanalyysin matemaattiset perusteet esitetään yksityiskohtaisesti. Coifman-aallokkeiden määritelmä yleistetään dilaatiokertoimelle M ja nollasta poikkeavalle häviävien momenttien keskukselle.Funktion approksimointia näytepisteistä aallokkeiden avulla pohditaan ja erityisesti esitetään approksimaation asymptoottinen virhearvio Coifman-aallokkeille. Skaalaussuotimelle osoitetaan välttämättömät ja riittävät ehdot, jotka johtavat yleistettyihin Coifman-aallokkeisiin. Moniresoluutioanalyysin tiheys todistetaansuoraan Lebesguen integraalin määritelmään perustuen yksikön partitio-ominaisuutta käyttäen. Todistus on riittävä sellaisenaan avaruudessa L2(Wd) käyttämättä Fourier-tason ominaisuuksia tai ehtoja. Mallatin algoritmi johdetaan M-kaistaisille aallokkeille ja moniuloitteisille signaaleille. Algoritmille esitetään myös rekursiivinen muoto. Differentiaalievoluutioalgoritmin avulla ratkaistaan Coifman-aallokkeisiin liittyvien skaalaussuotimien kertoimien arvoja useille skaalausfunktiolle. Approksimaatio- ja kuvanpakkausesimerkkejä esitetään menetelmien havainnollistamiseksi. Differentiaalievoluutioalgoritmin avulla etsitään myös referenssikuville optimoitu skaalaussuodin. Löydetty suodin on regulaarinen ja erittäinsymmetrinen.
Helsinki 1914
Identity metamorphoses in a context of mobility This study has its roots in the current upsurge in student mobility and in the scientific debates about the concepts of identity and intercultural communication. Based on a corpus of interviews with French Erasmus students in Finland, the study blends in theories of postmodern identity, intercultural hermeneutics and discourse analysis to examine how the students construct themselves and diverse ‘othernesses’ (included theirs) when they talk about their experiences. The use of the French pronoun on, pronoun switches, and virtual voices (ex: I said to myself...) allowed to pinpoint the students’ unstable identity metamorphoses in their discourses: integration of liquid and solid selves, infidelity in identification with the French but also with Erasmus ‘tribes’, and games of identity. Though the exchange experience appears as interesting for the students, the results show that many and varied misconceptions about identity, culture, intercultural communication, language use, and strangeness lead the students to evaluate their experiences negatively. The implication of the study is that students should be prepared for their time abroad, not so much in terms of ‘grammars of culture’ (e.g. ‘Finns behave in such and such ways’, ‘the French are...’), but through the development of competences to analyse the identity metamorphoses that take place in intercultural encounters and prevent people from meeting each other as diverse individuals. This could make study abroad one of the best training periods for postmodernity and globalization.