2 resultados para Projektiestimointi
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Nykyään projektityö on erittäin yleistä katsomatta toimialaan tai yritysten kokoon. Projektiestimointi on olennainen osa onnistuneen hankkeen läpiviennissä. Työssä käsitellään projektin alkuvaiheessa tapahtuvaan arviontiprosessiin liittyvää teknistä ja taloudellista estimointia. Työssä perehdytään työmäärien estimointimenetelmiin sekä taloudellisen ennusteen rakentamiseen.
The objective of this case study is to provide a Finnish solution provider company an objective, in-depth analysis of their project based business and especially of project estimation accuracy. A project and customer profitability analysis is conducted as a complementary addition to describe profitability of the Case Company’s core division. The theoretical framework is constructed on project profitability and customer profitability analysis. Project profitability is approached starting from managing projects, continuing to project pricing process and concluding to project success. The empirical part of this study describes the Case Company’s project portfolio, and by means of quantitative analysis, the study describes how the characteristics of a project impact the project’s profitability. The findings indicate that it really makes a difference in project portfolio’s estimated and actual profitability when methods of installation and technical specifications are scrutinized. Implications on profitability are gathered into a risk assessment tool proposal.