40 resultados para Partnership.

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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This study focuses on the status of using the Internet in partnership development. The aim is to find out howthe parties in partnership can benefit from the available data networks (the Internet, Intranet and Extranet). The study also explains what the typical practices at the moment are and what features might be exploitable in the future. The research problem is to find out whether there are any possibilities to utilize the web more than is done at the moment. This study is a preliminary study for a more extensive study on the topic 'Information Technology in Business Relationships'.


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Työn tavoitteena oli luoda hankintalogistiikan kehittämisen toimintamalli, sekä testata sitä yhden raaka-ainetoimittajan kanssa. Nykytilan kartoituksella havaittiin selkeästi nykyisen ostostrategian sekä operatiivisten ostotoimenpiteiden kehittämisen tarve. Erityisen selvä heikkous on nykyisten toimittajien suuri lukumäärä. Jatkossa tulisi keskittyä ostovoiman lisäämiseen ja pyrkiä entistä pidempiin yhteistyösopimuksiin. Työssä suunniteltiin valitun toimittajan ja yrityksen tarpeet sekä vaatimukset huomioiva hankintamalli. Kyseisen hankintamallin parametrien laskemiseksi sekä toimitusten valvomiseksi tehtiin Microsoft Excel -ohjelmalla pilottityökalu operatiiviselle hankintatoiminnalle. Yrityksen hankintatoiminnan kehittämiseksi tulisi keskittyä toimittajien lukumäärän sekä ostorutiinien vähentämiseen, tuotteiden ja nimikkeiden tehokkaaseen luokittelemiseen, tieto- ja tietoliikennetekniikan hyödyntämiseen hankintatoiminnan ja tuotannonohjauksen työkaluna sekä toimittajien toiminnan tehostamiseen yhteistyötä lisäämällä.


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Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) on organisaatio, joka määrittelee ja ylläpitää kolmannen sukupolven matkapuhelinverkon standardeja. Organisaatio luotiin monien eri standardointielinten toimesta havaittaessa, ettei maailmanlaajuista kolmannen sukupolven matkapuhelinteknologiaa voitaisi määritellä ilman laajaa yhteistyötä. 3GPP:ssä standardointityö on jakautunut usealle tekniselle määrittelyryhmälle. Jokaisen ryhmän tehtävänä on kehittää määrittelyjä ja raportteja omalla vastuualueellaan. 3GPP:ssä määrittelytyötä tehdään samanaikaisesti teknillisten määrittelyryhmien välillä. Tämä vaatii tiukkoja sääntöjä määrittelyjen luonti-, hyväksyntä- ja ylläpitotehtäviin. Vain siten on mahdollista hallita määrittelyihin tulevia muutoksia ja tarvittavaa kokonaistyömäärää. Tämä diplomityö kuvaa 3GPP:n määrittelemän UMTS-teknologian. Työssä keskitytään tarkemmin 3GPP-organisaation rakenteeseen, määritysten tekemiseen ja työskentelytapoihin. Tämä diplomityö osoittaa millainen organisaatio ja säännöt vaaditaan maailmanlaajuisen matkapuhelinjärjestelmän kehittämiseen.


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Tämän pro gradu tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää, kuinka pieni ohjelmistoalan yritys voi menestyksekkäästi kansainvälistyä markkinoinnin partnership suhteiden tukemana. Tutkimuksen lähtokohtana oli hankkia case yritys Viope Solutions Oy:n käytettäväksi konkreettisia työkaluja ensimmäisten maltillisesti etenevien kansainvälistymisoperaatioiden tueksi. Tutkielma jakautuu teoreettiseen ja empiiriseen osaan. Näistä jälkimmäisessä kerättiin kvalitatiivisen henkilökohtaisen haastattelututkimuksen avulla kuudelta ohjelmistoalan esimerkkiyritykseltä tietoa ja kokemuksia kansainvälistymisen sekä kansainvälisten partnership suhteiden menestyksekkääseen kehittämiseen. Esimerkkiyritysten kansainvälistymisessä havaittiin monenlaisia eri strategioita ja käytännön keinoja lähestyä kohdemarkkinoita. Kansainvälisten markkinoinnin partnership suhteiden menestystekijöitä havaittiin olevan osapuolten keskinäinen luottamus, yhteensopivat tuotevalikoimat, tehokas kommunikaatio sekä rahallinen ja täsmällinen sitoutuminen yhteistyöhön. Vastaavasti tärkeimmiksi mahdollisiksi ongelmiksi yhteistyölle todettiin kohdemarkkinoiden muuttuminen tai pettäminen, osapuolten suhteeseen sitoutumisen puute ja liialliset lupaukset seka ongelmat henkilökohtaisessa kanssakäymisessä. Saatua aineistoa ja aikaisempaa teoriakatsausta pyrittiin soveltamaan Viopen Ruotsin operaatioiden avuksi. Samoin Ruotsin markkinoita pyrittiin analysoimaan Internet pohjaisen aineiston avulla. Havaittiin, etta Viopella on melko hyvät mahdollisuudet onnistua Ruotsissa omien ja kumppanien komplementaarisia panostuksia hyödyntäen.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää ostomarkkinatutkimusta ja partnership-hankintasuhteen aloittamista. Tutkimuksessa tehtiin ostomarkkinatutkimuksen avulla esiselvitys Imatran Seudun Koivukeskus Oy:n potentiaalisista toimittajista. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin myös potentiaalisia partnereita, joiden kanssa voitaisiin aloittaa tulevaisuudessa pitkäaikainen toimittajayhteistyö. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa selvitettiin partnershipin hyötyjä ostajalle. Tutkielma sisältää teoria- ja empiriaosuuden. Teoriaosassa käsitellään ostomarkkinatutkimusta ja ostosalkkuanalyysiin perustuvia hankintastrategioita pääpainon ollessa partnership-hankintastrategian kuvaamisessa. Empiirisessä osassa selvitetään ostomarkkinatutkimusta potentiaalisten toimittajien selvittämiseksi. Empiirisessä osassa esitetään myös kvalitatiivisen haastattelututkimuksen tulokset potentiaalisista partnereista. Empiirisen osan tutkimukset ovat esiselvityksiä aiheista, eikä tutkimusten tarkoituksena ollut valita toimittajia tai partnereita vielä tässä vaiheessa. Ostomarkkinatutkimuksen perusteella löydettiin 11 potentiaalista toimittajaa, jotka valittiin sopivan maantieteellisen etäisyyden perusteella. Potentiaalisia partnereita löydettiin neljä, ja nämä partnerit valittiin myös sopivan maantieteellisen sijainnin perusteella. Partnereiden valinnassa käytettiin lisäksi vaatimusta, että yrityksillä oli aiempaa kokemusta alalla. Partneruuden tärkeimpänä hyötynä voi pitää sitä, että pitkäaikaisella toimittajayhteistyöllä ostaja varmistaa koivupuun saannin tulevaisuudessa.


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The purpose of this study was to increase the understanding of the role and nature of trust in asymmetric technology partnership formation. In the knowledge-based "learning race" knowledge is considered as a primary source for competitive advantage. In the emerging ICT sector the high pace of technological change, the convergence of technologies and industries as well as the increasing complexity and uncertainty have forced even the largest players to seek cooperation for complementary knowledge and capabilities. Small technology firms need the complementary resources and legitimacy of the large firms to grow and compete in the global market place. Most of the earlier research indicates, however, that partnerships with asymmetric size, managerial resources and cultures have failed. A basic assumption supported by earlier research was that trust is a critical factor in asymmetric technology partnership formation. Asymmetric technology partnership formation is a dynamic and multi-dimensional process, and consequently a holistic research approach was selected. Research issue was approached from different levels: the individual decision-maker, the firm and the relationship between the parties. Also the impact of the dynamic environment and technology content was analyzed. A multitheoretical approach and a qualitative research method with in-depth interviews in five large ICT companies and eight small ICT companies enabled a holistic and rich view of the research issue. Study contributes on the scarce understanding on the nature and evolution of trust in asymmetric technology partnership formation. It sheds also light on the specific nature of asymmetric technology partnerships. The partnerships were found to be tentative and the diverse strategic intent of small and large technology firms appeared as a major challenge. The role of the boundary spanner was highlighted as a possibility to match the incompatible organizational cultures. A shared vision was found to be a pre-condition for individual-based fast trust leading to intuitive decision-making and experimentation. The relationships were tentative and they were continuously re-evaluated through the key actors' sense making of the technology content, asymmetry and the dynamic environment. A multi-dimensional conceptualization for trust was created and propositions on the role and nature of trust for further research are given. The purpose of this study was to increase the understanding of the role and nature of trust in asymmetric technology partnership formation. In the knowledge-based "learning race" knowledge is considered as a primary source for competitive advantage. In the emerging ICT sector the high pace of technological change, the convergence of technologies and industries as well as the increasing complexity and uncertainty have forced even the largest players to seek cooperation for complementary knowledge and capabilities. Small technology firms need the complementary resources and legitimacy of the large firms to grow and compete in the global market place. Most of the earlier research indicates, however, that partnerships with asymmetric size, managerial resources and cultures have failed. A basic assumption supported by earlier research was that trust is a critical factor in asymmetric technology partnership formation. Asymmetric technology partnership formation is a dynamic and multi-dimensional process, and consequently a holistic research approach was selected. Research issue was approached from different levels: the individual decision-maker, the firm and the relationship between the parties. Also the impact of the dynamic environment and technology content was analyzed. A multitheoretical approach and a qualitative research method with in-depth interviews in five large ICT companies and eight small ICT companies enabled a holistic and rich view of the research issue. Study contributes on the scarce understanding on the nature and evolution of trust in asymmetric technology partnership formation. It sheds also light on the specific nature of asymmetric technology partnerships. The partnerships were found to be tentative and the diverse strategic intent of small and large technology firms appeared as a major challenge. The role of the boundary spanner was highlighted as a possibility to match the incompatible organizational cultures. A shared vision was found to be a pre-condition for individual-based fast trust leading to intuitive decision-making and experimentation. The relationships were tentative and they were continuously re-evaluated through the key actors' sense making of the technology content, asymmetry and the dynamic environment. A multi-dimensional conceptualization for trust was created and propositions on the role and nature of trust for further research are given.


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Tämä kandidaatintutkielma paneutuu teknisen suunnittelun ulkoistamiseen partnership-suhtein. Kyseessä on aihe, joka on monille teollisuusyrityksille hyvin ajankohtainen ja tärkeä, sillä teknisen suunnittelun asema yrityksen arvoketjussa on usein merkittävä. Lisäksi talouden globalisoituessa ja teknologisen kehityksen edetessä nopeasti on teknisen suunnittelun tehtävistä suoriutuminen riittävällä tehokkuudella vaikeutunut. Ulkoistaminen onkin levinnyt myös tämän aiemmin hyvin salatun toiminnon alueelle. Partnership-suhde, joka läheisen kanssakäymisen turvin voi lisätä ulkoistamisesta saatavia hyötyjä, on nähty monessa yrityksessä keinoksi selviytyä nykytalouden haasteista teknisen suunnittelunsa saralla. Tutkielma etsii vastauksia siihen millaisia motiiveja, hyötyjä ja riskejä teknisen suunnittelun ulkoistamiseen liittyy tämän tietyn ulkoistamisrakenteen vaihtoehdon yhteyteen. Kirjallisuuskatsaukseen nojautuva analyysi esittää, että partnership-suhteisiin hakeutumiselle motiivina voi olla tämän suhdemuodon kanssakäymisen syvyyttä ja tehokkuutta lisäävä vaikutus. Tästä koituvan läheisen yhteistoiminnan seurauksena ulkoistava yritys ei pelkästään kykene suoriutumaan suunnittelutehtävistään eri tilanteissa, vaan myös parantamaan suunnittelutyön laatua. Toisaalta tilanteeseen liittyy lukuisia riskejä, joiden suunnittelutyötä hankaloittavat vaikutukset vain korostuvat partnership-suhteeseen tehdyn sitoutumisen vuoksi. Tutkielma luo siis yleiskäsityksen siitä, että partnership-suhde voi todella olla tehokas keino ulkoistamiseen teknisen suunnittelun kaltaisen tietointensiivisen toiminnon kohdalla, mutta helppo ja ongelmaton vaihtoehto se ei suinkaan ole.


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Marine litter is an international environmental problem that causes considerable costs to coastal communities and the fishing industry. Several international and national treaties and regulations have provisions to marine litter and forbid disposal of waste into the sea. However, none of these regulations state a responsibility for public authorities to recover marine litter from the sea, like they do for marine litter that washes up on public beaches. In a financial evaluation of a value chain for marine litter incineration it was found out that the total costs of waste incineration are approximately 100 ─ 200 % higher than waste fees offered by waste contractors of ports. The high costs of incineration are derived from the high calorific value of marine litter and therefore a high incineration cost for the waste, and long distances between ports that are taking part in a project for marine litter recovery from the sea and an Energy-from-Waste (EfW) facility. This study provides a possible solution to diverting marine litter from landfills to more environmentally sustainable EfW use by using a public-private partnership (PPP) framework. PPP would seem to fit as a suitable cooperative approach for answering problems of current marine litter disposal in theory. In the end it is up to the potential partners of this proposed PPP to decide whether the benefits of cooperation justify the required efforts.


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Strategic partnerships have become a key to competitive advantage and success in a dynamic, global business environment. Partnering provides a strategic response to complex offerings that need multiple sources of technology and knowledge, allowing companies to offer a wider range of services and solutions to meet their customers’ needs. Companies that collaborate with strategic partners in sales channels may significantly grow their business and improve their prospects of winning major contracts. As a consequence, companies are increasingly transforming their go-to-market strategies and sales channel structures to align with the need to create added value to customers together with a business partner. The research objective of this case study is to review and assess the success of an established sales channel partnership in IT services industry and to find ways how to develop it towards a strategic collaboration. The research consists of two main parts. The first part reviews the literature, concluding with the identification of the critical success factors for partnering. The second part sets out for the case findings, focusing on how the success of the established sales channel partnership is perceived by key executives within the partner organizations, and further what actions are required to make the sales channel partnership and joint go-to-market more strategic.


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This thesis investigated the contemporary phenomenon of detail engineering outsourcing. The case organization had pursued a new outsourcing approach with a trusted partner. The goal of this empirical study was to examine the impact of the consequential partnership outsourcing arrangement. Particularly, the beneficence of the arrangement was evaluated based on the underlying organizational routine and the long-term economic implications of its performance outcome. The case study was needed, as the unit will likely have to rely on such distance outsourcing arrangements more and more in the future, and understanding on the impact of such operations is needed. The main findings revealed that the new outsourcing arrangement is not currently a very attractive strategic option for organizing production. The benefits which stem from the emerged, unique engineering project routine are not significant enough to make the arrangement an advantageous one, especially since increasing partnering costs are being met. This conclusion was drawn via the extended transaction cost view. Benchmarking was done in reliance to an old arrangement from which the new pursuit was a departure from. The case study then enlightened the engineering unit on the impact of its strategic maneuver by combining the routines-theory framework with contemporary methods of governance structure evaluation. Through this, it was shown that greater efforts are needed to make the new outsourcing approach a more beneficial one. However, the studied arrangement was seen to inhold potential for better results. The findings can be used to capitalize on this.


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Presentation of Robert H. McDonald at the Library Network Days, October 22, 2014 in Helsinki. – Esitys Kirjastoverkkopäivillä 22.10.2014 Helsingissä


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The importance of university-company collaboration has increased during the last decades. The drivers for that are, on the one hand, changes in business logic of companies and on the other hand the decreased state funding of universities. Many companies emphasize joint research with universities as an enabling input to their development processes, which aim at creating new innovations, products and wealth. These factors have changed universities’ operations and they have adopted several practices of dynamic business organizations, such as strategic planning, monitoring and controlling methods of internal processes etc. The objective of this thesis is to combine different characteristics of successful university-company partnership and its development. The development process starts with identifying potential partners in the university’s interest group, which requires understanding the role of different partners in the innovation system. Next, in order to find a common development basis, matching the policy and strategy between partners is needed. The third phase is to combine the academic and industrial objectives of a joint project, which is a typical form of university-company collaboration. The optimum is a win-win situation where both partners, universities and companies, can get addedvalue. For the companies added value typically means access to new research results before their competitors. For the universities added value offers a possibility to carry on high level scientific work. The research output in the form of published scientific articles is evaluated by the international science community. Because the university-company partnership is often executed by joint projects, the different forms of this kind of projects is discussed in this study. The most challenging form of collaboration is a semi-open project model, which is not based on bilateral activities between universities and companies but on a consortium of several universities, research institutes and companies. The universities and companies are core actors in the innovation system. Thus the discussion of their roles and relations to public operators like publicly funded financiers is important. In the Finnish innovation system there are at least the following doers executing strategies and policies: EU, Academy of Finland and TEKES. In addition to these, Strategic Centres for Science, Technology and Innovation which are owned jointly by companies, universities and research organizations have a very important role in their fields of business. They transfer research results into commercial actions to generate wealth. The thesis comprises two parts. The first part consists of an overview of the study including introduction, literature review, research design, synthesis of findings and conclusions. The second part introduces four original research publications.


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Negotiating trade agreements is an important part of government trade policies, economic planning and part of the globally operating trading system of today. European Union and the United States have been active in the formation of trade agreements in global comparison. Now these two economic giants are engaged in negotiations to form their own trade agreement, the so called Transnational Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). The purpose of this thesis is to understand the reasons for making a trade agreement between two economic areas and understanding the issues it may include in the case of the TTIP. The TTIP has received a great deal of attention in the media. The opinions towards the partnership have been extreme, and the debate has been heated. The purpose of this study is to introduce the nature of the public discussion regarding the TTIP from Spring 2013 until 2014. The research problem is to find out what are the main issues in the agreement and what are the values influencing them. The study was conducted applying methods of critical discourse analysis to the chosen data. This includes gathering the issues from the data based on the attention each has received in the discussion. The underlying motives for raising different issues were analysed by investigating the authors’ position in the political, economic and social circuits. The perceived economic impacts of the TTIP are also under analysis with the same criteria. Some of the most respected economic newspapers globally were included in the research material as well as papers or reports published by the EU and global organisations. The analysis indicates a clear dichotomy of the attitudes towards the TTIP. Key problems include lack of transparency in the negotiations, the misunderstood investor-state dispute settlement, the constantly expanding regulatory issues and the risk of protectionism. The theory and data does suggest that the removal of tariffs is an effective tool for reaching economic gains in the TTIP and even more effective would be the reducing of non-tariff barriers, such as protectionism. Critics are worried over the rising influence of corporations over governments. The discourse analysis reveals that the supporters of the TTIP have values related to increasing welfare through economic growth. Critics do not deny the economic benefits but raise the question of inequality as a consequence. Overall they represent softer values such as sustainable development and democracy as a counter-attack to the corporate values of efficiency and the maximising of profits.