53 resultados para Native mobile applications
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Viimeaikainen langattomien teknologioiden kehitys ja evoluutio johtaa uusiin mahdollisuuksiin business-to-business-teollisuussovellusten laatimisessa. Tämän työn tavoite on tutkia teknisten puitteiden ja perustan sekä teknologisen ennustamisen prosessia innovatiivisten langattomien sovellusten kehitysprosessissa. Työ keskittyy langattomiin teknologioihin - verkkoihin ja päätelaitteisiin. Työssä selvitetään saatavilla olevia ja tulevia langattomia verkkoteknologioita ja mobiilipäätelaitteita, arvioidaan niiden päätyypit, ominaisuudet, rajoitteet ja kehitystrendit, sekä määritellään pääasialliset tekniset ominaisuudet, jotka on huomioitava luotaessa langatonta ratkaisua. Tämä tieto vedetään yhteen jatkokäyttöä varten langattomien sovellusten päätelaitetietokantaan rakentamisen aikana. Työ tarjoaa kuvauksen päätelaitetietokannan suunnittelusta ja rakentamisesta sekä tutkii tietokantaa innovatiivisen esimerkkisovelluksen - Reaaliaikaisen On-Line Asiakaspalvelun - avulla.
Mobile applications market shows one of the highest growth rates for the market of intellectual products. The market is attractive to investors, despite the fact that the major companies of this industry already firmly consolidated its position. Experts predict the growth of the market for mobile applications with the development of mobile technologies in general. To demonstrate the explosive growth of the market and the scale of its impact, it is worth recalling the mobile game Angry Birds, which was able to achieve a huge reach and formed a full-fledged media brand, comparable to the film industry brands. The reasons why some games become popular and others not, are important for understanding the driving factors of the games industry. The Master’s Thesis explores the factors for mobile games applications popularity and ranking and propose recommendations for mobile games app store optimization of app representation. It discovers particular features of mobile games applications and releases’ influence on their popularity. Also the study assumes usage of such business models as The Business Model Canvas by Osterwalder and The Lean Startup Methodology by Ries, and describes the best practices of mobile application development process and market positioning. Moreover, the Master’s Thesis gives examples of multiple case studies about successful mobile apps developers.
Smart phones became part and parcel of our life, where mobility provides a freedom of not being bounded by time and space. In addition, number of smartphones produced each year is skyrocketing. However, this also created discrepancies or fragmentation among devices and OSes, which in turn made an exceeding hard for developers to deliver hundreds of similar featured applications with various versions for the market consumption. This thesis is an attempt to investigate whether cloud based mobile development platforms can mitigate and eventually eliminate fragmentation challenges. During this research, we have selected and analyzed the most popular cloud based development platforms and tested integrated cloud features. This research showed that cloud based mobile development platforms may able to reduce mobile fragmentation and enable to utilize single codebase to deliver a mobile application for different platforms.
Mobile applications, solution for sustainable agriculture? - Study of mAgriculture services in Kenya
During the recent years, mobile services have spread to many different sectors, including education, health and agriculture, while changing the practices in those fields. Agriculture sector is under pressure to fill the ever-crowing food demand, while suffering from lack of agriculture resources (such as water and soil) and climate change, as well as figuring how to involve young people in the agriculture sector, in order to replace aging farmers. These issues create a need to bring new sustainable solutions to the agriculture sector. This is the demand, which mobile agriculture, mAgriculture, services are trying to answer. This thesis will examine the mAgriculture services in the Kenyan market. The thesis will provide an overview of the currently available mAgriculture services, their outcome and issues with which they are struggling. The thesis will also present recommendations on how to improve currently existing services and processes behind them. Secondly, thesis will provide four ideas for new services, which would answer for the needs of the farmers. Suitable business models, regarding the new services, are also covered. The thesis focuses with the young farmers as a target group, but findings are also applicable with other potential target groups as well.
Battery consumption in mobile applications development is a very important aspect and has to be considered by all the developers in their applications. This study will present an analysis of different relevant concepts and parameters that may have impact on energy consumption of Windows Phone applications. This operating system was chosen because there is limited research even though there are related studies for Android an iOS operating systems. Furthermore, another reason is the increasing number of Windows Phone users. The objective of this research is to categorise the energy consumption parameters (e.g. use of one thread or several thread for the same output). The result for each group of experiment will be analyzed and a rule will be derived. The set of derived rules will serve as a guide for developers who intend to develop energy efficient Windows Phone applications. For each experiment, one application is created for each concept and the results are presented in two ways: a table and a chart. The table presents the duration of the experiment, the battery consumed by the experiment, the expected battery lifetime and the energy consumption, while the charts display the energy distribution based on the main threads: UI thread, application thread and network thread.
Diplomityön tavoitteina oli antaa yleiskuva eri mobiiliteknologioistaja niihin liittyvistä käsitteistä, antaa käsitys mobiilisovellusten toimintaympäristöstä ja kuvata ja arvioda määrätyt mobiilit pilottisovellukset. Ensin työssä kerätään tietoa mobiilista ympäristöstä, laitteista, käyttöympäristöstä ja sovelluksista. Sitten työssä esitetään yleisesti mobiiliteknologiat, laitteiden eroavuudet ja erinäisiä tekijöitä, joita tulee ottaa huomioon mobiilien sovellusten kehittämisessä. Seuraavaksi työn aihepiiriin kuuluvat mobiilisovellukset on kuvattu ja pilotoitu. Lopuksi on muodostettu johtopäätökset ja suositukset sovellusten kehittämiseksi. Sovellusten pilotoinnista selvisi, että sovellusten toiminnallisuuteen eri virhetapauksissa ei ole kiinnitetty riittävästi huomiota. Lisäksi työssä pohditaan, josko kaikkien sovellusten pitäisi pohjautua Internet-teknologiaan.
This thesis investigates how mobile technology usage could help to bring Information and communication technologies (ICT) to the people in developing countries. Some people in developing countries have access to use ICT while other people do not have such opportunity. This digital divide among people is present in many developing countries where computers and the Internet are difficult to access. The Internet provides information that can increase productivity and enable markets to function more efficiently. The Internet reduces information travel time and provides more efficient ways for firms and workers to operate. ICT and the Internet can provide opportunities for economic growth and productivity in developing countries. This indicates that it is very important to bridge the digital divide and increase Internet connections in developing countries. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how can mobile technology and mobile services help to bridge the digital divide in developing countries. Theoretical background of this thesis consists of a collection of articles and reports. Theoretical material was gathered by going through literature on the digital divide, mobile technology and mobile application development. The empirical research was conducted by sending a questionnaire by email to a selection of application developers located in developing countries. The questionnaire’s purpose was to gather qualitative information concerning mobile application development in developing countries. This thesis main result suggests that mobile phones and mobile technology usage can help to bridge the digital divide in developing countries. This study finds that mobile technology provides one of the best tools that can help to bridge the digital divide in developing countries. Mobile technology can bring affordable ICT to people who do not have access to use computers. Smartphones can provide Internet connection, mobile services and mobile applications to a rapidly growing number of mobile phone users in developing countries. New low-cost smartphones empower people in developing countries to have access to information through the Internet. Mobile technology has the potential to help to bridge the digital divide in developing countries where a vast amount of people own mobile phones.
The purpose of this research was to study the marketing of mobile applications. The main objective was to find out what are the most efficient ways of marketing to increase the sales for a mobile application within a highly competitive marketplace. The marketplaces, app stores, are studied from the perspective of size, ease of entry, competition and customers and their purchasing process. The study also includes research on what are some of the main marketing methods used in mobile app marketing in general. The study consists of two parts, theoretical and empirical research. Theoretical research was done by studying past scientific research on the chosen subjects. As the subject is very new, the research was also extended to other publications from the field of mobile technology. The empirical part was done through interviews and empirical experiments with a case-company, which were used to answer the main objective of this study. These experiments showed that the chosen methods of mobile app marketing, app store optimization, localization and selected social media marketing activities, created the most sales when used together. Positive results were seen also when the activities were conducted by themselves, but together they were able to push the case company to their all time best results. However the key to succeeding and hitting high positions in the app store rankings would most likely require creating a solid marketing strategy, trying out other marketing activities alongside the ones used here, without forgetting to stay on top of mobile technology trends.
The traditional process of filling the medicine trays and dispensing the medicines to the patients in the hospitals is manually done by reading the printed paper medicine chart. This process can be very strenuous and error-prone, given the number of sub-tasks involved in the entire workflow and the dynamic nature of the work environment. Therefore, efforts are being made to digitalise the medication dispensation process by introducing a mobile application called Smart Dosing application. The introduction of the Smart Dosing application into hospital workflow raises security concerns and calls for security requirement analysis. This thesis is written as a part of the smart medication management project at Embedded Systems Laboratory, A° bo Akademi University. The project aims at digitising the medicine dispensation process by integrating information from various health systems, and making them available through the Smart Dosing application. This application is intended to be used on a tablet computer which will be incorporated on the medicine tray. The smart medication management system include the medicine tray, the tablet device, and the medicine cups with the cup holders. Introducing the Smart Dosing application should not interfere with the existing process carried out by the nurses, and it should result in minimum modifications to the tray design and the workflow. The re-designing of the tray would include integrating the device running the application into the tray in a manner that the users find it convenient and make less errors while using it. The main objective of this thesis is to enhance the security of the hospital medicine dispensation process by ensuring the security of the Smart Dosing application at various levels. The methods used for writing this thesis was to analyse how the tray design, and the application user interface design can help prevent errors and what secure technology choices have to be made before starting the development of the next prototype of the Smart Dosing application. The thesis first understands the context of the use of the application, the end-users and their needs, and the errors made in everyday medication dispensation workflow by continuous discussions with the nursing researchers. The thesis then gains insight to the vulnerabilities, threats and risks of using mobile application in hospital medication dispensation process. The resulting list of security requirements was made by analysing the previously built prototype of the Smart Dosing application, continuous interactive discussions with the nursing researchers, and an exhaustive stateof- the-art study on security risks of using mobile applications in hospital context. The thesis also uses Octave Allegro method to make the readers understand the likelihood and impact of threats, and what steps should be taken to prevent or fix them. The security requirements obtained, as a result, are a starting point for the developers of the next iteration of the prototype for the Smart Dosing application.
The traditional process of filling the medicine trays and dispensing the medicines to the patients in the hospitals is manually done by reading the printed paper medicinechart. This process can be very strenuous and error-prone, given the number of sub-tasksinvolved in the entire workflow and the dynamic nature of the work environment.Therefore, efforts are being made to digitalise the medication dispensation process byintroducing a mobile application called Smart Dosing application. The introduction ofthe Smart Dosing application into hospital workflow raises security concerns and callsfor security requirement analysis. This thesis is written as a part of the smart medication management project at EmbeddedSystems Laboratory, A˚bo Akademi University. The project aims at digitising the medicine dispensation process by integrating information from various health systems, and making them available through the Smart Dosing application. This application is intended to be used on a tablet computer which will be incorporated on the medicine tray. The smart medication management system include the medicine tray, the tablet device, and the medicine cups with the cup holders. Introducing the Smart Dosing application should not interfere with the existing process carried out by the nurses, and it should result in minimum modifications to the tray design and the workflow. The re-designing of the tray would include integrating the device running the application into the tray in a manner that the users find it convenient and make less errors while using it. The main objective of this thesis is to enhance the security of the hospital medicine dispensation process by ensuring the security of the Smart Dosing application at various levels. The methods used for writing this thesis was to analyse how the tray design, and the application user interface design can help prevent errors and what secure technology choices have to be made before starting the development of the next prototype of the Smart Dosing application. The thesis first understands the context of the use of the application, the end-users and their needs, and the errors made in everyday medication dispensation workflow by continuous discussions with the nursing researchers. The thesis then gains insight to the vulnerabilities, threats and risks of using mobile application in hospital medication dispensation process. The resulting list of security requirements was made by analysing the previously built prototype of the Smart Dosing application, continuous interactive discussions with the nursing researchers, and an exhaustive state-of-the-art study on security risks of using mobile applications in hospital context. The thesis also uses Octave Allegro method to make the readers understand the likelihood and impact of threats, and what steps should be taken to prevent or fix them. The security requirements obtained, as a result, are a starting point for the developers of the next iteration of the prototype for the Smart Dosing application.
Työssä esitetään matkapuhelinten viestintämuotoja. Työn alussa esitellään tekstiviesti (SMS) ja käydään läpi sen teknologiaa sekä tekstiviestipalveluita. SMS:n jälkeen esitellään kuvaviestit, EMS sekä MMS. MMS käydäänlaajemmin Läpi, koska laitevalmistajat ja operaattorit uskoivat pitkään, että siitä tulisi merkittävä tulonlähde SMS:n rinnalle. Varsinaisten viestintämuotojenjälkeen käydään läpi Visual Radio sekä puhelimiin tulevat televisio- ja videokatselutoiminnot. Teknologioiden esittelyn jälkeen selvitetään, miten matkapuhelimia voidaan käyttää yrityksissä. Matkapuhelinsovellukset ja niihin liittyvät teknologiat ovat uusia ja hyvin nopeasti kehittyviä. Sen vuoksi on selvitetty, millä tavalla palveluita käytetään ja millaisia mielipiteitä käyttäjillä on teknologioiden ja palveluiden tarpeellisuudesta. Lopuksi esitetään muutamia tulevaisuudenskenaarioita mihin suuntaan matkapuhelimet kehittyvät.
Viime aikoina matkapuhelimet ovat alkaneet tukea Javaa matkapuhelinsovellusten ohjelmointikielenä. Javan perusajatus on, että kerran käännetty sovellus voidaan suorittaa useilla laitealustoilla ilman uudelleenkääntämisen tarvetta. Jotta sovellukset voisivat toimia uudella alustalla, niiden käyttämät kirjastot tulee siirtää uudelle alustalle. Tämä diplomityö tutkii tämänkaltaiseen siirtoprojektiin liittyviä asioita. Diplomityön aikana käyttöliittymäkirjasto siirrettiin olemassa olleelta alustalta kahdelle uudelle alustalle. Toinen uusista alustoista oli vanhan alustan uusi versio, ja toinen oli kokonaan uusi alusta. Ohjelmiston siirtämistä helpottaa jos alkuperäinen ohjelmisto on suunniteltu siirrettävyyttä silmälläpitäen. Varsinaiset ohjelmaan tehtävät muutokset ovat tällöin helppoja tehdä. Hyvälaatuisen lopputuloksen saaminen vaatii kuitenkin aina että ohjelmisto myös testataan huolellisesti.
Työn tarkoituksena on ollut luoda varaosien tunnistukseen kehitysmalli, jota voidaan käyttää pohjana palveluiden kehityksessä. Saatavilla olevia tunnistusmenetelmiä parantamalla on mahdollista kehittää liiketoimintaprosesseja. Yrityksiin kohdistuu yhä enemmän vaatimuksia, jotka täyttääkseen on kyettävä luomaan kustomoitavissa olevia innovatiivisia palvelukokonaisuuksia. Yritysten tulisi kerätä yhteen kaikki saatavilla oleva tieto asiakkaiden hankkimista tuotteista ja palveluista tarjoten näiden kautta toimintamahdollisuuksia lähemmäs asiakasrajapintaan. Sähköisten tunnistuspalveluiden kehitys ja integrointi yhdeksi kokonaisuudeksi on keskeisessä asemassa yrityksen palvelutarjontaa kehitettäessä. Palveluihin voidaan antaa pääsy SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) -malliin perustuvien portaaleiden kautta. Uudet varaosien tunnistusmenetelmät tulee liittää web-palveluina portaaliin integrointimenetelmiä käyttäen. Varaosien tunnistuksen kannalta on keskeistä linkittää taustajärjestelmien tieto tukemaan tunnistusprosessia tuotteiden koko elinkaaren ajan. Case tapauksessa integroitiin varaosien tunnistuspalveluina IMB WebSphere Portal:n PDM (Product Data Management) -järjestelmän varaosadokumentaatio. Lisäksi luotiin varaosien tunnistusjärjestelmän vaatima datamalli, joka mahdollistaa PDMjärjestelmässä olevan as-built – varaosarakenteen hyväksikäytön portaaliin liitettävän graafisen varaosien tunnistusjärjestelmän kanssa. Tulevaisuuden kehitysmahdollisuuksina nähdään huoltojärjestelmien tiedon integrointi osaksi tunnistusmenetelmiä parantavaa kokonaisuutta, huoltotarpeen automaattinen seuranta ja analysointi, RFID:n käyttömahdollisuudet, mobiili-sovellusten kehitys, varaosien tunnistukseen perustuvien liiketoimintaprosessien automatisointi sekä jatkuva tiedonjaon kehittäminen.
This thesis represents an overview of biomass gasification technology together with some practical aspects of this technology application for transport in Finland. The main aim of this work is an assessment whether this technology is perspective in the nearest future for the wide use on transport or not. The first part of the thesis is a kind of survey of the previous works and materials con-cerning the usage of biomass gasification for transport. The second part concentrates more on the practical moments of its use for mobile applications in Finland (taxation, emissions, etc.).
Liikkuvan kenttätyön työntekijät suorittavat työpäivän aikana työtä useassa eri työkohteessa. Työkohteilla suoritettujen työtehtävien kirjaus tapahtuu usein jälkikäteen ja muistinvaraisesti. Diplomityön tavoitteena on esittää ratkaisu liikkuvan kenttätyön työkirjausten automatisointiin. Tavoitteen mukaisen etätunnistusta ja paikannusta hyödyntävän mobiilijärjestelmän avulla työntekijöiden käsinkirjoitetut ja mahdollisesti puutteelliset työkirjaukset korvataan automaattisilla ja täsmällisillä kirjauksilla. Järjestelmän tavoitteena on vähentää työntekijöiden työkuormaa. Työssä arvioidaan etätunnistuksen hyödyntämistä mobiilisovelluksen käyttöä helpottavana tekniikkana. Parhaimmillaan etätunnistus poistaa kokonaan mobiililaitteen näppäilytarpeen, mutta aiheuttaa osaltaan lisää työtä järjestelmän ylläpitoon. Työn tuloksissa esitetään myös satelliittipaikannuksen todettu tarkkuus ja soveltuvuus liikkuvan kenttätyön tarpeisiin taajama- ja kaupunkialueella. Varsinkin kaupunkialueella satelliittiperustaisen paikkatiedon tehokas hyödyntäminen edellyttää suodatusta ja älykkyyttä paikkatiedon prosessointiin.