33 resultados para Educator Subjectivity
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
The thesis combines valuation and behavioral economics literature, which is not common among the Finnish management accounting research. Furthermore, the valuation is studied in biotechnology context and those type of studies are rather rare as well. The thesis studies the valuation in the Finnish biotechnology industry. The concepts of behavioral finance are employed in the empirical part of the study to explore decision-makers’ behavior in valuation processes. The main interest of this study is to explore how subjectivity of a decision-maker affects the valuation in the biotechnology industry. The valuation is studied from two perspectives. First, what is the best valuation model for biotechnology companies suggested by the valuation literature? Second, how the valuation in biotechnology industry is done in practice and how the decision-makers subjectivity affects the valuation? The literature review aims at seeking the best valuation model. The real options were found to be the most suitable valuation model for biotechnology companies, especially in the early stages of product development. The real option’s ability to take the value of the inherent options into account results in theoretically most correct valuations. The only disadvantage is the model’s complexity when compared to other models, such as discounted cash flow models. The empirical part of the study consists of a case study, which examines the valuation practices of the Finnish biotechnology companies. When it comes to the valuation models used in practice, it was found that the companies were using rather simple valuation models, which was due to two reasons. First, the interviewees did not believe in the valuation models and second, they were familiar neither with the most sophisticated models nor with all the theoretical aspects of the models they were using. The material for the study was collected with theme interviews. Four CEO’s of highly successful Finnish biotechnology companies. Strong signs of the decision-makers’ subjectivity in valuation were observed. Most obvious were the signs of framing. Furthermore, herding, excessive optimism, and overconfidence were present. All the behavioral concepts observed most likely have a severe effect on the valuation. As a result, the valuation can easily become overly optimistic, which leads to overvalued investments and to continuation of already unprofitable projects. Framing had the strongest evidence. If the product being valued is framed successfully, the risk of overvaluation is high, thus a strong belief can justify almost any value.
Artikkeli on lektio 28.6.1997 Jyväskylän yliopistossa tarkastetusta valtio-opin väitöskirjasta A potrait of the political agent in Jean-Paul Sartre : views on paying,actint, temporality and subjectivity
Abstract: Towards citizen politics? Notes on local resident actvism as political subjectivity
Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tuottaa koulutuksen kehittämismalli mikroyritysten tietotekniikkataitojen kehittämiseen. Työssä tarkasteltiin myös mikroyritysten asenteita tietotekniikan oppimiseen. Tutkimus tehtiin EU-projektiin nimeltä 'Mikrotie', jonka tavoitteena on estää mikroyritysten tietotekninen syrjäytyminen. Työ koostuu teoreettisesta ja empiirisestä osasta. Teoriaosassa kerrotaan konstruktivistisesta oppimisprosessista ja sen ympärille rakennetaan teoriaviitekehystä niin kouluttajasta kuin oppimisympäristöstä. Teoria keskittyy myös erityisesti aikuisopiskelijoiden erityispiirteisiin. Empiirisen osan aloittaa lomakekyselynä toteutettu kvantitatiivinen tutkimus mikroyritysten asenteista, jonka jälkeen käsitellään haastattelututkimuksena tehtyä tarkempaa kvalitatiivista osaa palveluntarjoajien ja mikroyritysten suhtautumisesta tapahtuneeseen koulutukseen sekä heidän parhaaksi katsomistaan koulutustavoista. Johtopäätösten mukaan aikuisoppimisen ja kouluttamisen asiantuntijan tulisi suunnitella mikroyritysten tietotekniikan koulutus tukenaan koulutettaviin asioihin perehtyneet palveluntarjoajat. Pelkästään vikojen korjailun sijaan mikroyrityksiä tulisi kouluttaa suuremmista asiakokonaisuuksista. Opiskelutavoitteet saavutetaan parhaiten vierikoulutuksena ja yleisemmän peruskäytön osalta pienryhmissä. Parhaana oppimisympäristönä toimisi yrityksen oma työskentelytila ja pienryhmäkoulutuksessa tietokoneluokka. Oppimistapahtumat pitäisi jakaa alle neljän tunnin osiin, jotka sijoiteltaisiin niin että opiskelu ei haittaa mikroyrityksen liiketoimintaa.
Tutkielman päätavoitteena oli analysoida, mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat pankin luottoluokituksissa laadullisten tekijöiden arviointiin ja mikävaikutus näillä tekijöillä on luottoluokitukseen. Tutkimuksessa myös arvioitiinlaadullisten tekijöiden vaikutusta pankin pääomavaatimukseen. Tutkimuksessa olimu-kana pankin 408 yritysasiakasta. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin tilastollista tut-kimusmenetelmää. Baselin pankkivalvontakomitean asettamat standardit ja rahoitusalan journaaleissa julkaistut tutkimukset muodostivat tutkimuk-sen teoreettisen viitekehyksen. Tutkimusten pohjalta asetettiin tutkimus-hypoteesit. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat, että laadullisten tekijöiden ja taloudellisten te-kijöiden arvioinnin erotukseen eivät vaikuta merkittävästi yrityksen ikä, ko-ko eikä asiakassuhteen kesto. Myöskään toimialalla ei ollut vaikutusta. Konttoreittain laadullisten tekijöiden arvioinnissa oli eroja. Laadullisia teki-jöitäarvioidaan keskimäärin positiivisemmin kuin taloudellisia tekijöitä mut-ta erotolivat koko otantajoukossa hyvin pieniä. Luottoluokitukset nousevat hieman laadullisten tekijöiden vaikutuksesta, jolloin tällä on pääomavaati-musta laskeva vaikutus. Laadullisten ja taloudellisten tekijöiden arvioinnin eroon voi kuitenkinolla olemassa perustellut syyt. Tutkimustulosten perusteellavoidaan todeta, että laadullisten tekijöiden arviointiin eivät vaikuta yksittäiset yrityskohtaiset tekijät. Luokittelijan sub-jektiivisten tekijöiden lisäksi taustalla saattaa vaikuttaa myös monet muut tekijät, joita ei ole tässä tutkimuksessa tutkittu.
Opinnäytetyöni on monimuototyö, joka koostuu kirjallisesta osasta ja teososasta. Kirjallisessa osuudessa tavoitteenani on pohtia subjektiviteetin käsitettä elokuvakerronnassa sekä niitä keinoja ja prosesseja, joilla elokuvan hahmon tunteet siirtyvät katsojan kokemiksi. Tällöin katsojan samastuminen elokuvan hahmoon tai kertojaan - subjektiin - on ensiarvoisen tärkeää ja koen tämän olevan juuri elokuvantekijän keskeinen tavoite. Kuten työni pääotsikko vihjaa, subjektiviteetti elokuvakerronnassa on hyvin laaja käsite, joka voi rakentua monista elementeistä aina puhtaasti teknisistä kuvakulmista monimutkaisempiin kerronnallisiin rakenteisiin. Pyrin selvittämään työssäni tätä rakentumisen prosessia. Kirjallisen osuuden tyylissä olen pyrkinyt pitämään kiinni pohtivasta sävystä ja välttämään tieteellisiä toteamuksia. Kuten työni aihe, on myös lähdemateriaalini melko häilyvää - ehdottomia totuuksia ei juuri ole. On vain erilaisia tulkintoja, jotka puolestaan herättävät loputtomasti lisäkysymyksiä. Käytän lähteinäni kirjallisuutta, jonkin verran verkkomateriaalia sekä esimerkkielokuvia. Teososani on 20-minuuttinen fiktiivinen lyhytelokuva, jonka voi luokitella tyyliltään kokeilevaksi runolliseksi elokuvaksi. Kokeellisuus toteutuu elokuvan kuvakerronnassa, joka perustuu lähes yksinomaan näkökulmakuvien käyttöön. Runollisuuteen puolestaan pyritään elokuvan voimakkaalla visuaalisella tyylillä. Kirjallisessa osuudessa käyn läpi teososaa kertoen ideoista elokuvan taustalla sekä reflektoiden toteutunutta teosta käsikirjoittaja-ohjaajan näkökulmasta. Kirjallisen osan liitteinä on kohtausluettelo sekä hyvin aikaisessa teososan tuotannonsuunnitteluvaiheessa tehtyjä tunnelmapiirroksia, jotka kuvastavat teososan runollista tyyliä. Lisäksi liitteenä on teknisten näkökulmakuvien suunniteltua käyttöä varten laaditusta kuvakäsikirjoituksesta ”karnevaalikohtaus”, jota käsitellään myös kirjallisen osan luvussa 6.1.
In this thesis we study the field of opinion mining by giving a comprehensive review of the available research that has been done in this topic. Also using this available knowledge we present a case study of a multilevel opinion mining system for a student organization's sales management system. We describe the field of opinion mining by discussing its historical roots, its motivations and applications as well as the different scientific approaches that have been used to solve this challenging problem of mining opinions. To deal with this huge subfield of natural language processing, we first give an abstraction of the problem of opinion mining and describe the theoretical frameworks that are available for dealing with appraisal language. Then we discuss the relation between opinion mining and computational linguistics which is a crucial pre-processing step for the accuracy of the subsequent steps of opinion mining. The second part of our thesis deals with the semantics of opinions where we describe the different ways used to collect lists of opinion words as well as the methods and techniques available for extracting knowledge from opinions present in unstructured textual data. In the part about collecting lists of opinion words we describe manual, semi manual and automatic ways to do so and give a review of the available lists that are used as gold standards in opinion mining research. For the methods and techniques of opinion mining we divide the task into three levels that are the document, sentence and feature level. The techniques that are presented in the document and sentence level are divided into supervised and unsupervised approaches that are used to determine the subjectivity and polarity of texts and sentences at these levels of analysis. At the feature level we give a description of the techniques available for finding the opinion targets, the polarity of the opinions about these opinion targets and the opinion holders. Also at the feature level we discuss the various ways to summarize and visualize the results of this level of analysis. In the third part of our thesis we present a case study of a sales management system that uses free form text and that can benefit from an opinion mining system. Using the knowledge gathered in the review of this field we provide a theoretical multi level opinion mining system (MLOM) that can perform most of the tasks needed from an opinion mining system. Based on the previous research we give some hints that many of the laborious market research tasks that are done by the sales force, which uses this sales management system, can improve their insight about their partners and by that increase the quality of their sales services and their overall results.
Identification of order of an Autoregressive Moving Average Model (ARMA) by the usual graphical method is subjective. Hence, there is a need of developing a technique to identify the order without employing the graphical investigation of series autocorrelations. To avoid subjectivity, this thesis focuses on determining the order of the Autoregressive Moving Average Model using Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo (RJMCMC). The RJMCMC selects the model from a set of the models suggested by better fitting, standard deviation errors and the frequency of accepted data. Together with deep analysis of the classical Box-Jenkins modeling methodology the integration with MCMC algorithms has been focused through parameter estimation and model fitting of ARMA models. This helps to verify how well the MCMC algorithms can treat the ARMA models, by comparing the results with graphical method. It has been seen that the MCMC produced better results than the classical time series approach.
Curriculum innovation in teacher education : exploring conceptions among Tanzanian teacher educators
The focus of the study is to understand curriculum innovation from the perspective of Tanzanian teacher educators. It is argued that the deterioration of quality of education in schools is partly to be attributed to the way in which teachers are educated. Curriculum innovation is considered as an essential strategy for bringing about improvement in teacher education. Therefore, in 2000 a new curriculum was introduced; however, right from the inception the curriculum was criticised by teacher educators. The overall aim of the study is to investigate teacher educators’ conceptions of curriculum innovation. In the theoretical framework the main focus is on discussion about different curriculum approaches for teacher education and innovation. In order to achieve the aim of the study, a phenomenographic approach is employed. This approach is used in order to identify similarities and variation in educators’ conceptions of curriculum innovation. The empirical basis of the study consists of interviews with thirty teacher educators working in eight teachers’ colleges situated in various parts of Tanzania. The findings, in brief, reveal variation in teacher educators’ conceptions of the dominant domains of innovation. Two broad conceptions of teaching with six aspects are identified. Conceptions of educational studies are presented in four broad categories of description with four aspects. Similarly, in methodology subjects two conceptions are described with four aspects. On the integration of subject matter studies and subject methods, two broad conceptions are presented with six aspects. Conceptions of textbook prescription policy are characterised in two broad categories of description with four aspects. With the use of modules two broad conceptions are identified with six aspects. In addition, the study identifies four broad conceptions of future curriculum approaches with eight aspects. Looking across the categories of description, the results indicate that educators cope with innovation individually. Three character types of teacher educators are presented: loyal, creative and critical. Furthermore, four types of phenomena suggesting critical areas about teacher educators’ conceptions of innovation are described: educators’ prior educational background, technical factors, student teachers’ factors and shifting from teaching to learning. On the whole, educators express a number of frame factors in the process of change towards the aim of curriculum innovation. This indicates that the new curriculum (2000) is not implemented as intended by curriculum developers. Constraints to the implementation are presented and discussed in detail. From these findings, two models of educators’ stance towards curriculum innovation are presented and can be used as a framework for planning successful curriculum innovations and analysing practice in teachers’ colleges.
This research is a phenomenological-hermeneutic case-study based on the methods of action research in which narrative methods are used to examine a process drama carried out in a day-care centre, focusing on its dialogicality and possibilities of offering children and adults ethical problems to examine and solve. A process drama built around a story was carried out in a Finnish day-care centre in 1999 with the aim of bringing ethical education to the level of conscious consideration and action. The research consists of two case-studies. The first focuses on Risto, one of the children who participated in the process, his actions in group situations, his commitment to the rules set by the leaders, his attitude towards the group and its members as well as the common agreements concerning the group, and his solutions to fictive dilemmas in relation to Lawrence Kohlberg’s and Carol Gilligan’s concepts of justice and care. On this basis conclusions are made on how drama can be applied to dealing with ethical dilemmas with children aged four to seven. The second case-study searches for ethical themes and signs of dialogicality in the story that was created together by the children and leaders, and in the action that took place in the drama sessions. The subjects of this study consist of two groups participating in the process drama, both consisting of seven children aged four to seven. Narratives were written on each child based on his/her participation in four drama sessions selected to be used in this study. The narratives include the writer’s interpretations of the dialogicality of the drama and the ethical themes observed and recognised in the videos and in the transcriptions of the video recordings. The description and interpretation of the dialogicality and the ethical themes observed in the drama sessions is based on the researcher’s dialogue with the writings of Georg Henrik von Wright, Martin Buber and Mihail Bahtin, as well as Nicholas C. Burbules’ definitions of the basic conditions for dialogical teaching. As a result of the study, drama activity proved to be a means by which dialogically abstract ethical questions and conflicts could be dealt with even with young children and which revealed the zone of proximal development of both children and adults. Drama became a stage for ethical growth and dialogicality, and the common play of children and adults could be seen as an indicator of deep dialogicality. On the basis of this study, it can be said that drama is a very suitable way of establishing a shape and form of ethical education in which it is possible to make planned, target-oriented progress and which can be consciously observed by following the development of both the child and the educator.