22 resultados para Educational work organization
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Summary: Commitment to the work organization and trust
The market place of the twenty-first century will demand that manufacturing assumes a crucial role in a new competitive field. Two potential resources in the area of manufacturing are advanced manufacturing technology (AMT) and empowered employees. Surveys in Finland have shown the need to invest in the new AMT in the Finnish sheet metal industry in the 1990's. In this run the focus has been on hard technology and less attention is paid to the utilization of human resources. In manymanufacturing companies an appreciable portion of the profit within reach is wasted due to poor quality of planning and workmanship. The production flow production error distribution of the sheet metal part based constructions is inspectedin this thesis. The objective of the thesis is to analyze the origins of production errors in the production flow of sheet metal based constructions. Also the employee empowerment is investigated in theory and the meaning of the employee empowerment in reducing the overall production error amount is discussed in this thesis. This study is most relevant to the sheet metal part fabricating industrywhich produces sheet metal part based constructions for electronics and telecommunication industry. This study concentrates on the manufacturing function of a company and is based on a field study carried out in five Finnish case factories. In each studied case factory the most delicate work phases for production errors were detected. It can be assumed that most of the production errors are caused in manually operated work phases and in mass production work phases. However, no common theme in collected production error data for production error distribution in the production flow can be found. Most important finding was still that most of the production errors in each case factory studied belong to the 'human activity based errors-category'. This result indicates that most of the problemsin the production flow are related to employees or work organization. Development activities must therefore be focused to the development of employee skills orto the development of work organization. Employee empowerment gives the right tools and methods to achieve this.
Monikulttuurinen johtaminen on globalisaation ja nopean kansainvälistymisen takia erittäin ajankohtainen aihe. Suomessa sitä on kuitenkin tutkittu vasta vähän. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tutkia Suomen suurlähetystöjenmonikulttuurista johtamista Aasian eri kohdemaissa ja kulttuureissa sekä ottaa osaa tieteelliseen keskusteluun monikulttuurisesta johtamisesta. Tutkimuksen kohdemaiksi on valittu neljä Aasian maata, jotka ovat tällä hetkellä hyvin ajankohtaisia nopean talouskasvunsa takia. Itä-Aasiasta mukana ovat Etelä-Korea (Korean tasavalta), Japani ja Kiinan kansantasavalta sekä Kaakkois-Aasiasta tutkimuksessa mukana on Malesia. Tämä tutkimus on laadullinen tutkimus, jonka aineisto koostuu kahdesta laadulliselle tutkimukselle poikkeuksellisesta avoimesta kyselystä, jotka on lähetetty edellä mainittujen maiden suurlähettiläille eri kohdemaihin. Analyysissä menetelmänä on käytetty teemoittelua, jonka avulla on voitu jäsentää saatua aineistoa. Näin teemojen vertailu on myös ollut helpompaa. Tutkimuksen tuloksista kävi ilmi, että monikulttuurinen johtaminen on erittäin haasteellista kansallisten kulttuurien eroista johtuen. Arvot ovat hyvin keskeisessä osassa kulttuuria tutkittaessa ja niiden erot voivat vaikeuttaa kanssakäymistä eri kulttuureista tulevien ihmisten kesken, koska asioiden merkitykset jäävät usein arvoituksiksi vieraasta kulttuurista tuleville henkilöille. Kansallisen kulttuurin tekijöistä kieli, arvot ja uskonto ovat merkittäviä monikulttuurisen johtamisen kannalta. Tutkimuksesta kävi myös ilmi, että Itä- Aasian maissa konfutselaisuudella on suuri merkitys yhteiskuntafilosofiana. Se on muokannut yhteiskunnan arvoja, tapoja ja rakenteita. Vanhempien ja ylempiarvoisten ihmisten arvostus ja vahvasti hierarkkinen yhteiskuntarakenne ovat tyypillisiä konfutselaisuuden piirteitä. Kulttuurin ulottuvuuksista merkityksellisempiä tämän tutkimuksen kannalta ovat yksilöllisyys vs. kollektiivisuus, valtaetäisyys ja konfutselaisuuden dynamiikka (lyhyen vs. pitkän aikavälin suuntautuminen). Kaikki tämän tutkimuksen maat ovat kollektiivisia sekä niissä valtaetäisyys on myös korkea. Tämä tuo haasteita monikulttuuriseen johtamiseen Suomen suurlähetystöissä, koska suomalainen kulttuuri on useimpien länsimaiden tapaan yksilöllinen ja valtaetäisyys on suhteellisen matala. Konfutselaisuuden dynamiikka vaikuttaa lähinnä vain Itä-Aasian maissa tuoden mukanaan erittäin vahvan hierarkian, jota ei voi sivuuttaa. Tutkimuksen aineistoa käsitellään näytenäkökulmasta, eikä sitä ei voisuoraan verrata muihin organisaatioihin tai kulttuureihin. Toisaalta jokaisen kansallisen kulttuurin ihmiset toimivat tietyllä tavalla tietyssä kontekstissa, riippumatta siitä, missä organisaatiossa he työskentelevät. Kulttuuri ohjaa ihmisen toimintaa ja kansallinen kulttuuri on yrityskulttuuria voimakkaampi tekijä.
The aim of this study is to contribute to the knowledge about learning in and through art related to pupils’ study processes developing clown characters in secondary school. The pre understanding of this qualitative piece of micro ethnographic research is that the elaboration of clown has openness to play, creative activity and imagination. The art form clown inspires and motivates. The clown character creates a kind and friendly atmosphere, calls upon smile, which promotes learning. It is an art form promoting deep and personal reflection and evoking questions regarding identity formation. The pre understanding finally is that existential themes are brought to articulation in the art form clown. The problem formulation for the hermeneutic phenomenological study is an exploration of the meaning potential of an arts educational work with clown from the pupils’ as well as the teacher’s perspective. The study elaborates the following research questions: 1.) How are the pupils staging themselves in the work with clown? a) How are they constructing the clown character? b) How do they reflect upon their construction? c) What are the characteristics of the working process in the elaboration of clown? 2.) What is characteristic of the teacher’s contribution to the arts educational work? 3.) What is characteristic of the meaning making in the elaboration of clown? One group of 21 pupils and their drama teacher in a Swedish secondary school in six workshops (each one 90 minutes) elaborating the clown theme is the group under study through video observation, interviews, students’ logs and drawings, teacher log and researcher’s field notes. The theoretical framework comprises three perspectives on clown: a perspective on the culture of carnival, a drama education perspective and a performance perspective. Through a content analysis of texts about clown a set of characteristics for the clown is used as analytical concepts in the subsequent analysis of the pupils’ working process when they create three clown characters: August, the white clown and the bag lady. The results are presented as fictive narratives built on the video observations and the interviews. The presentation is brought to even more condensation through poetic ethnographic writing of haiku poems by the researcher. This ethnographic writing is idiomatic to the art form under study, and can be seen as a metaphorical meta commentary to the narratives. As a main result the researcher has developed a model describing the different aspects of the clown characters and the meaning potential of the clown as learning regarding exploration of identity and elaboration of existential questions regarding life, loneliness, love, religion and death.
This study focuses on work commitment creation on rhetorical level, that is to say, the rhetorical and linguistic means that are used to construct or elicit worker commitment. The commitment of the worker is one of the most important objectives of all business communication. There is a strong demand for commitment, identification, or adherence to work in various walks of life, although the actual circumstances are often somewhat insecure and shortsighted. The analysis demonstrates that the actual object of commitment may vary from work itself or work organization to one’s career or professional development. The ideal pattern for commitment appears as comprehensive: it contains affective and rational as well as ideological dimensions. This thesis is a rhetorical discourse analysis, or rhetorical analysis with discourse-analytic influences. Primarily it is a rhetorical analysis in which discourses are observed mainly as tools of a rhetorician. The study also draws on various findings of sociology of work and organizational studies. Research material consists of magazines from three and web pages from six different companies. This study explores repeated discourses in commitment rhetoric, mainly through pointing core concepts and recurrent patterns of argumentation. In this analysis section, a semantic and concept-analytic approach is also employed. Companies talk about ideas, values, feelings and attitudes thus constructing a united and unanimous group and an ideal model of commitment. Probably the most important domain of commitment rhetoric is the construction of group and community. Collective identity is constructed through shared meanings, values and goals, and these rhetorical group constructs that can be used and modified in various ways. Every now and then business communication also focuses on the individual, employing different speakers, positions and discourses associated to them. Constructing and using these positions also paints the picture of an ideal worker and ideal work orientation. For example, the so called entrepreneurship model is frequently used here. Commitment talk and the rhetorical situation it constructs are full of tensions and contradictions; the presence of seemingly contradictory values, goals or identities is constant. This study demonstrates tensions like self-fulfilment and individuality versus conformity, and constant change and development versus dependable establishment, and analyses how they are used, processed and dealt with. An important dimension in commitment rhetoric is the way companies define themselves in respect of current social issues, and how they define themselves as responsible social actors, and how they, in this sense, seek to appear as attractive workplaces. This point of view gives rise to problematic questions as companies process the tensions between, for example, rhetoric and action, ethical ideals and business conditions and so on. For its part, the commitment talk also defines the meaning of waged work in human life. Changing society, changing working life, and changing business environments set new claims and standards for workers and contents of work. In this point of view this research contributes to the study of working life and takes part in current public discussion concerning the meaning, role and future of waged work.
Palkitseminen on yksi keskeisimmistä työorganisaatioon liittyvistä välineistä, jonka avulla on mahdollista vaikuttaa työntekijän sitoutumiseen organisaatiossa. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin asiantuntijaorganisaation käyttämiä aineellisia ja aineettomia palkitsemistapoja sekä niiden toimivuutta ja vaikutusta henkilöstön sitoutumiseen. Tutkimus toteutettiin tapaustutkimuksena. Tutkimuksen kohdeorganisaatioksi valittiin yhdyskuntasuunnittelualan organisaatio. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin tutkimuskohteesta teemahaastattelujen avulla joulukuussa 2010. Tutkimukseen valittiin viisi potentiaalisista yrityksen tulevaa avainhenkilöä. Tutkimuksen tarkastelunäkökulma oli työntekijäläh-töinen. Tutkimuksessa ei käsitelty johdon palkitsemista eikä palkitsemisen kustannuksia. Tutkimus vahvisti, että kohdeorganisaatiossa käytetään laajasti erilaisia aineellisia ja aineettomia palkitsemistapoja. Palkitseminen toimi kohdeorganisaatiossa kohtuullisesti. Sitoutumisen kanalta keskeisimmät tekijät olivat työntekijän osaamisen tasoa vastaava palkka, työilmapiiri ja haasteelliset työtehtävät. Tutkimus osoitti, että aineettomat palkitsemistavat ovat sitoutumisen näkökulmasta merkityksellisempiä kuin aineelliset palkitsemistavat.
Educaworks Oy on toiminut viisi vuotta oppimistehtaana, jonka omistajia ovat olleet yritykset ja oppilaitokset. Yrityksen pääasiallisia työntekijöitä ovat tähän mennessä olleet ammattiopiston työssäoppijat ja parina viimeisenä vuotena on yrityksellä ollut palkkalistoillaan omia työntekijöitä. Tässä työssä luotiin vaihtoehtoja Educaworks Oy:n tulevalle toiminnalle lähtien siitä, että tämä nykyinen toimintamalli on tullut tiensä päähän ja tarvitaan uusi malli toiminnan jatkamiselle.Työssä haettiin hyviä käytäntöjä Suomesta benchmarkingin avulla. Näiden mallienvahvuuksia hyödyntämällä pystyttiin kehittämään vaihtoehto Educaworks Oy:n tulevalle toiminnalle. Tämä malli, oppimistehdas osana osaamiskeskittymää, valittiin toteutettavaksi kolmesta eri vaihtoehdosta, joista kaksi muuta olivat oppimistehdas yrityksenä ja oppimistehdas osana koulutusorganisaatiota. Valitussa vaihtoehdossa hyödynnetään Savonia-ammattikorkeakoulun suunnitteilla olevaa EducaTech Center-hanketta, jossa on tarkoitus luoda Iisalmeen teknologiateollisuuden osaamiskeskittymä seuraavan EU-kauden 2007-2013 aikana. Valitussa mallissa Educaworks Oy hyödyntää tulevassa toiminnassaan tämän osaamiskeskittymän uutta kone- ja laitekantaa sekä tekee yhteistyötä keskittymän tutkimus- ja tuotekehityshenkilökunnan kanssa. Yritykset pääsevät parhaiten osallisiksi Educa Tech Center osaamiskeskittymän tuottamista palveluista hankkimalla Educaworks Oy:n osakkeita ja pääsemällä täten keskittymän ytimeen sen tuotannollisen toimijan, Educaworks Oy:n, avulla. Educaworks Oy toimii tässä keskittymässä komponenttitoimittajan roolissa ollen malli komponenttitoimittajasta muillealueella oleville vastaaville verkostoissa toimiville yrityksille. Educaworks Oy:n toiminnan toisena periaatteena tulee olemaan työssäoppiminen. Työssäoppiminen on tänä päivänä osa ammatillista koulutusta ja sen merkityskorostuu yhä enemmän, koska oppilaat tulevat opiskelemaan tänä päivänä monesti lähtökohdista, joissa heillä ei ole ollut mahdollisuutta harjoittaa käytännön taitojaan ennen ammatillisten opiskelujen aloittamista. Työpaikoilla ei ole vielä kovin hyvää valmiutta toteuttaa sitä opetushallituksen tavoitetta, että oppilaatoppisivat työssäoppimisjaksoilla uusia asioita ohjatusti. Työpaikoilta puuttuu työssäoppimisen ohjaajat ja oppilaiden tekemät harjoitteet ovat liian monta kertaa ammatillisesti kovin vaatimattomia jäysteenpoisto- tai kappaleenvaihtotöitä koneistuksesta puhuttaessa. Tässä työssä luodaan mallia oppilaiden ohjatulle työssäoppimiselle tehtyjen tieteellisten tutkimusten pohjalta. Tavoitteena on, että Educaworks Oy:ssä pystyttäisiin jatkossa kouluttamaan myös muiden alueen teknologiateollisuuden yritysten työntekijöitä toimimaan työssäoppimisen ohjaajina.
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää kuinka moninaisuus ja sen johtaminen näkyvät voittoa tavoittelemattoman järjestön tiimityössä, kuinka moninaisuus ja tiimityö pystyvät selittämään motiiveja työskennellä voittoa tavoittelemattomassa järjestössä ja mitä tulisi huomioida tiimityön ja tiimin johtajuuden osalta, kun moninaisuus ja voittoa tavoittelemattoman järjestön luonne otetaan huomioon. Tämä tutkielma on laadullinen tutkimus, jossa tutkimusmenetelminä on käytetty yhdeksää teemahaastattelua, edellisen tutkimuksen tuloksia (Astikainen, 2005) sekä havainnointia. Tutkimuksen perusteellavoidaan todeta, että voittoa tavoittelemattoman järjestön luonne, tiimityö tai moninaisuus eivät sinällään merkitse paljoakaan tulosten kannalta, vaan niiden keskinäiset yhteydet. Nämä yhdessä, oikein hyödynnettynä, vaikuttavat työntekijöiden motivaatioon ja sitä kautta organisaation tuloksiin.
Thisthesis supplements the systematic approach to competitive intelligence and competitor analysis by introducing an information-processing perspective on management of the competitive environment and competitors therein. The cognitive questions connected to the intelligence process and also the means that organizational actors use in sharing information are discussed. The ultimate aim has been to deepen knowledge of the different intraorganizational processes that are used in acorporate organization to manage and exploit the vast amount of competitor information that is received from the environment. Competitor information and competitive knowledge management is examined as a process, where organizational actorsidentify and perceive the competitive environment by using cognitive simplification, make interpretations resulting in learning and finally utilize competitor information and competitive knowledge in their work processes. The sharing of competitive information and competitive knowledge is facilitated by intraorganizational networks that evolve as a means of developing a shared, organizational level knowledge structure and ensuring that the right information is in the right place at the right time. This thesis approaches competitor information and competitive knowledge management both theoretically and empirically. Based on the conceptual framework developed by theoretical elaboration, further understanding of the studied phenomena is sought by an empirical study. The empirical research was carried out in a multinationally operating forest industry company. This thesis makes some preliminary suggestions of improving the competitive intelligence process. It is concluded that managing competitor information and competitive knowledge is not simply a question of managing information flow or improving sophistication of competitor analysis, but the crucial question to be solved is rather, how to improve the cognitive capabilities connected to identifying and making interpretations of the competitive environment and how to increase learning. It is claimed that competitive intelligence can not be treated like an organizational function or assigned solely to a specialized intelligence unit.
Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää Larox Oy:n, Lappeenranta, palveluorganisaation prosessit ja prosessien väliset rajapinnat. Prosesseja ja prosessien kehittämistä ja innovointia tarkasteltiin ensin kirjallisuuden perusteella. Rajapintojen selkeää esittämistä varten kehitettiin yksinkertainen metodologia mind mapping -tekniikan pohjalta. Nykyisten prosessien tila ja rajapinnat analysoitiin ja dokumentoitiin haastattelemalla Larox Oy:n työntekijöitä ja asiakkaita sekä tutustumalla prosessikuvauksiin ja muihin olennaisiin dokumentteihin. Analyysin tulosten perusteella tunnistettiin suurimmat ongelmakohdat rajapinnoissa ja pohdittiin mahdollisia ratkaisuja niihin. Pieniä prosessinkehitysaloitteita kehitettiin yhteistyössä Larox Oy:n työntekijöiden kanssa. Työn lopussa on pohdittu mahdollisia tulevaisuuden malleja Larox Oy:n palveluorganisaation toimintamalleiksi.
Currently there is a vogue for Agile Software Development methods and many software development organizations have already implemented or they are planning to implement agile methods. Objective of this thesis is to define how agile software development methods are implemented in a small organization. Agile methods covered in this thesis are Scrum and XP. From both methods the key practices are analysed and compared to waterfall method. This thesis also defines implementation strategy and actions how agile methods are implemented in a small organization. In practice organization must prepare well and all needed meters are defined before the implementation starts. In this work three different sample projects are introduced where agile methods were implemented. Experiences from these projects were encouraging although sample set of projects were too small to get trustworthy results.
The objective of this research was to study the role of key individuals in facilitation of technology enabled bottom-up innovation in large organization context. The development of innovation was followed from the point of view of individual actor (key individual) in two cases, through three levels: individual, team and organization, by using knowledge creation and innovation models. This study provides theoretical synthesis and framework through which the study is driven. The results of the study indicate, that in bottom-up initiated innovations the role of key individuals is still crucial, but innovation today is collective effort and there acts several entrepreneurial key individuals: innovator, user champion and organizational sponsor, whose collaboration and developing interaction drives innovation further. The team work is functional and fluent, but it meets great problems in interaction with organization. The large organizations should develop its practices and ability to react on emerging bottom-up initiations, in order to embed innovation to organization and gain sustainable innovation. In addition, bottom-up initiated innovations are demonstrations of peoples knowing, tacit knowledge and therefore renewing of an organization.
The objective of this master’s thesis was to examine how corporate values come true among the white-collar employees in the case organization. It was also studied if values were perceived similarly in the different departments. Impact of organizational position and education on value orientation was tested through hypotheses based on earlier values research. There are only few value scales available for measuring organizational values. The empirical study results indicate that personnel’s perception of organizational values can be measured statistically. When defining the scale it is utmost important to link the questions and claims close to the employees’ daily working environment. In this study, Work ethic appeared as the strongest organizational value reflecting respondents’ commitment to their duties. Related to corporate values, Performance was perceived as the strongest value and Emphasis on people the weakest. Value consensus between the departments varied. According to the previous research organizational position and educational level has an impact on value perceptions. In this study, employees in superior position or with higher education perceived organizational values to come true better than subordinates or employees with lower education. Empirical data (N=229) was collected by a web-based survey questionnaire among white-collar employees in the case organization in April 2008. Statistical analyses were performed by SPSS programme.
This is a study of team social networks, their antecedents and outcomes. In focusing attention on the structural configuration of the team this research contributes to a new wave of thinking concerning group social capital. The research site was a random sample of Finnish work organisations. The data consisted of 499 employees in 76 teams representing 48 different organisations. A systematic literature review and quantitative methods were used in conducting the research: the former primarily to establish the current theoretical position on the relationships among the variables and the latter to test these relationships. Social network analysis was the primary method used in identifying the social-network relations among the work-team members. The first and key contribution of this study is that it relates the structuralnetwork properties of work teams to behavioural outcomes, attitudinal outcomes and, ultimately, team performance. Moreover, it shows that addressing attitudinal outcomes is also important in terms of team performance; attitudinal outcomes (team identity) mediated the relationship between the team’s performance and its social network. The second contribution is that it examines the possible antecedents of the social structure. It is thus one response to Salancik’s (1995) call for a network theory in that it explains why certain network characteristics exist. Itdemonstrates that irrespective of whether or not a team is heterogeneous in terms of age or gender, educational diversity may protect it from centralisation. However, heterogeneity in terms of gender turned out to have a negative impact on density. Thirdly, given the observation that the benefits of (team) networks are typically theorised and modelled without reference to the nature of the relationships comprising the structure, the study directly tested whether team knowledge mediated the effects of instrumental and expressive network relationships on team performance. Furthermore, with its focus on expressive networks that link the workplace to a more informal world, which have been rather neglected in previous research, it enhances knowledge of teams andnetworks. The results indicate that knowledge sharing fully mediates the influence of complementarities between dense and fragmented instrumental network relationships, thus providing empirical validation of the implicit understanding that networks transfer knowledge. Fourthly, the study findings suggest that an optimal configuration of the work-team social-network structure combines both bridging and bonding social relationships.
Metastatic bone lesions are commonly associated with prostate cancer affecting approximately 60-80% of the patients. The progression of prostate cancer into an advanced stage is a complex process and its molecular mechanisms are poorly understood. So far, no curative treatment is available for advanced stages of prostate cancer. Bisphosphonates (BPs) are synthetic pyrophosphate analogues, which are used as therapeutics for various metabolic bone diseases because of their ability to inhibit osteoclastic bone resorption. Nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates block the function of osteoclasts by disturbing the vesicular traffic and the mevalonate pathway -related enzymes, for example farnesyl diphosphate synthase, which is involved in post-translational isoprenylation of small GTPases. In addition, the anti-proliferative, anti-invasive and pro-apoptotic effects of nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates on various cancer cell lines have been reported. The aim of this thesis work was to clarify the effects of bisphosphonates on prostate cancer cells, focusing on the mechanisms of adhesion, invasion and migration. Furthermore, the role of the mevalonate pathway and prenylation reactions in invasion and regulation of the cytoskeleton of prostate cancer cells were examined. Finally, the effects of alendronate on cytoskeleton- and actin-related proteins in prostate cancer cells were studied in vitro and in vivo. The results showed that the nitrogen-containing bisphosphonate alendronate inhibited the adhesion of prostate cancer cells to various extracellular matrix proteins and migration and invasion in vitro. Inhibition of invasion and migration was reversed by mevalonate pathway intermediates. The blockage of the prenylation transferases GGTase I and FTase inhibited the invasion, migration and actin organization of prostate cancer cells. The marked decrease of cofilin was observed by the prenylation inhibitors used. Inhibition of GGTase I also disrupted the regulation of focal adhesion kinase and paxillin. In addition, alendronate disrupted the cytoskeletal organization and decreased the level of cofilin in vitro and in vivo. The decrease of the cofilin level by alendronate could be one of the key mechanisms behind the observed inhibition of migration and invasion. Based on the effects of nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates on tumor cell invasion and cytoskeletal organization, they can be suggested to be developed as therapeutics for inhibiting prostate cancer metastasis.