26 resultados para Counseling in adult education
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
More than ever, education organisations are experiencing the need to develop new services and processes to satisfy expanding and changing customer needs and to adapt to the environmental changes and continually tightening economic situation. Innovation has been found in many studies to have a crucial role in the success of an organisation, both in the private and public sectors, in formal education and in manufacturing and services alike. However, studies concerning innovation in non-formal adult education organisations, such as adult education centres (AECs) in Finland, are still lacking. This study investigates innovation in the non-formal adult education organisation context from the perspective of organisational culture types and social networks. The objective is to determine the significant characteristics of an innovative non-formal adult education organisation. The analysis is based on data from interviews with the principals and fulltime staff of four case AECs. Before the case study, a pre-study phase is accomplished in order to obtain a preliminary understanding of innovation at AECs. The research found strong support for the need of innovation in AECs. Innovation is basically needed to accomplish the AEC system’s primary mission mentioned in the ACT on Liberal Adult Education. In addition, innovation is regarded vital to institutes and may prevent their decline. It helps the institutes to be more attractive, to enter new market, to increase customer satisfaction and to be on the cutting edge. Innovation is also seen as a solution to the shortage of resources. Innovative AECs search actively for additional resources for development work through project funding and subsidies, cooperation networks and creating a conversational and joyful atmosphere in the institute. The findings also suggest that the culture type that supports innovation at AECs is multidimensional, with an emphasis on the clan and adhocratic culture types and such values as: dynamism, future orientation, acquiring new resources, mistake tolerance, openness, flexibility, customer orientation, a risk-taking attitude, and community spirit. Active and creative internal and external cooperation also promote innovation at AECs. This study also suggests that the behaviour of a principal is crucial. The way he or she shows appreciation the staff, encouragement and support to the staff and his or her approachability and concrete participation in innovation activities have a strong effect on innovation attitudes and activities in AECs.
This doctoral dissertation investigates the adult education policy of the European Union (EU) in the framework of the Lisbon agenda 2000–2010, with a particular focus on the changes of policy orientation that occurred during this reference decade. The year 2006 can be considered, in fact, a turning point for the EU policy-making in the adult learning sector: a radical shift from a wide--ranging and comprehensive conception of educating adults towards a vocationally oriented understanding of this field and policy area has been observed, in particular in the second half of the so--called ‘Lisbon decade’. In this light, one of the principal objectives of the mainstream policy set by the Lisbon Strategy, that of fostering all forms of participation of adults in lifelong learning paths, appears to have muted its political background and vision in a very short period of time, reflecting an underlying polarisation and progressive transformation of European policy orientations. Hence, by means of content analysis and process tracing, it is shown that the new target of the EU adult education policy, in this framework, has shifted from citizens to workers, and the competence development model, borrowed from the corporate sector, has been established as the reference for the new policy road maps. This study draws on the theory of governance architectures and applies a post-ontological perspective to discuss whether the above trends are intrinsically due to the nature of the Lisbon Strategy, which encompasses education policies, and to what extent supranational actors and phenomena such as globalisation influence the European governance and decision--making. Moreover, it is shown that the way in which the EU is shaping the upgrading of skills and competences of adult learners is modeled around the needs of the ‘knowledge economy’, thus according a great deal of importance to the ‘new skills for new jobs’ and perhaps not enough to life skills in its broader sense which include, for example, social and civic competences: these are actually often promoted but rarely implemented in depth in the EU policy documents. In this framework, it is conveyed how different EU policy areas are intertwined and interrelated with global phenomena, and it is emphasised how far the building of the EU education systems should play a crucial role in the formation of critical thinking, civic competences and skills for a sustainable democratic citizenship, from which a truly cohesive and inclusive society fundamentally depend, and a model of environmental and cosmopolitan adult education is proposed in order to address the challenges of the new millennium. In conclusion, an appraisal of the EU’s public policy, along with some personal thoughts on how progress might be pursued and actualised, is outlined.
Implementation of different policies and plans aiming at providing education for all is a challenge in Tanzania. The need for educators and professionals with relevant knowledge and qualifications in special education is substantial. Teacher education does not equip educators with sufficient knowledge and skills in special education and professional development programs in special education are few in number. Up to 2005 no degree programs in special education at university level were available in Tanzania. The B.Ed. Special Education program offered by the Open University of Tanzania in collaboration with Åbo Akademi University in Finland was one of the efforts aimed at addressing the big national need for teachers and other professionals with degree qualifications in special education. This pilot program offered unique possibilities to study professional development in Tanzania. The research group in this study consisted of the group of students who participated in the degree program 2005-2007. The study is guided by three theoretical perspectives: individual, social and societal. The individual perspective emphasizes psychological factors as motives, motivation, achievement, self-directed behavior and personal growth. Within social perspective, professional development is viewed as situated within the social and cultural context. The third perspective, the societal, focuses on change, reforms, innovations and transformation of school systems and societies. Accordingly, professional development is viewed as an individual, social and societal phenomenon. The overall aim of the study is to explore the participants’ motives for participating in a B.Ed. Special Education program and the perceived outcomes of the program in terms of professional development. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, a case study approach was adopted. Questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were administered in three waves between January 2007 and February 2009 to the 35 educators participating in the B.Ed. Special Education program. The findings of the study reveal that the participants expressed motives which were related to job performance, knowledge, skills, academic degree and career. Also altruistic motives were expressed by the participants in terms of helping and supporting students with special needs and their communities. The perceived outcomes of the program were in line with the expressed motives. However, the results indicate that the participants also learned new skills, as interaction skills and guidance and counseling skills. Increased self-confidence was also mentioned as an outcome. The participants also got deepened understanding of disability issues. In addition, they learned strategies for creating awareness of persons with disability in the communities. Thus the findings of the study indicate positive outcomes of the program in terms of professional development. The conclusion of the study is that individual, social and societal factors interact when it comes to explaining why Tanzanian educators in special education choose to pursue a degree program in special education. The individual motives, as increased knowledge and better prospects of career development interact with the social and societal motives to help and support vulnerable student groups. The study contributes to increased understanding of the complexity of professional development and of the realities educators meet when educational reforms are implemented in a developing country.
The purpose of this comparative study is to profile second language learners by exploring the factors which have an impact on their learning. The subjects come from two different countries: one group comes from Milwaukee, US, and the other from Turku, Finland. The subjects have attended bilingual classes from elementary school to senior high school in their respective countries. In the United States, the subjects (N = 57) started in one elementary school from where they moved on to two high schools in the district. The Finnish subjects (N = 39) attended the same school from elementary to high school. The longitudinal study was conducted during 1994-2004 and combines both qualitative and quantitative research methods. A Pilot Study carried out in 1990-1991 preceded the two subsequent studies that form the core material of this research. The theoretical part of the study focuses first on language policies in the United States and Finland: special emphasis is given to the history, development and current state of bilingual education, and the factors that have affected policy-making in the provision of language instruction. Current language learning theories and models form the theoretical foundation of the research, and underpin the empirical studies. Cognitively-labeled theories are at the forefront, but sociocultural theory and the ecological approach are also accounted for. The research methods consist of questionnaires, compositions and interviews. A combination of statistical methods as well as content analysis were used in the analysis. The attitude of the bilingual learners toward L1 and L2 was generally positive: the subjects enjoyed learning through two languages and were motivated to learn both. The knowledge of L1 and parental support, along with early literacy in L1, facilitated the learning of L2. This was particularly evident in the American subject group. The American subjects’ L2 learning was affected by the attitudes of the learners to the L1 culture and its speakers. Furthermore, the negative attitudes taken by L1 speakers toward L2 speakers and the lack of opportunities to engage in activities in the L1 culture affected the American subjects’ learning of L2, English. The research showed that many American L2 learners were isolated from the L1 culture and were even afraid to use English in everyday communication situations. In light of the research results, a politically neutral linguistic environment, which the Finnish subjects inhabited, was seen to be more favorable for learning. The Finnish subjects were learning L2, English, in a neutral zone where their own attitudes and motivation dictated their learning. The role of L2 as a means of international communication in Finland, as opposed to a means of exercising linguistic power, provided a neutral atmosphere for learning English. In both the American and Finnish groups, the learning of other languages was facilitated when the learner had a good foundation in their L1, and the learning of L1 and L2 were in balance. Learning was also fostered when the learners drew positive experiences from their surroundings and were provided with opportunities to engage in activities where L2 was used.
Aikuispotilaan kotisyntyisen keuhkokuumeen etiologinen diagnostiikka mikrobiologisilla pikamenetelmillä Tausta. Keuhkokuume on vakava sairaus, johon sairastuu Suomessa vuosittain n. 60 000 aikuista. Huolimatta siitä, että taudin hoito on kehittynyt, siihen liittyy yhä merkittävä, 6-15%:n kuolleisuus. Alahengitystieinfektion aiheuttajamikrobien tunnistaminen on myös edelleen haasteellista. Tavoitteet. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli tutkia Turun yliopistollisessa keskussairaalassa hoidettujen aikuispotilaiden keuhkokuumeen etiologiaa sekä selvittää uusien mikrobiologisten pikamenetelmi¬en hyödyllisyyttä taudinaiheuttajan toteamisessa. Aineisto. Osatöiden I ja III aineisto koostui 384 Turun yliopistollisen keskussairaalaan infektio-osastolla hoidetusta keuhkokuumepotilaasta. Osatyössä I tutkittiin keuhkokuumeen aiheuttaja¬mikrobeja käyttämällä perinteisten menetelmien lisäksi antigeeniosoitukseen ja PCR-tekniikkaan perustuvia pikamenetelmiä. Osatyö II käsitti 231 potilaasta koostuvan alaryhmän, jossa tutkittiin potilaiden nielun limanäytteestä rinovirusten ja enterovirusten esiintyvyyttä. Osatyössä III potilailta tutkittiin plasman C-reaktiivisen proteiinin (CRP) pitoisuus ensimmäisten viiden sairaalahoitopäi¬vän aikana. Laajoja tilastotieteellisiä analyysejä käyttämällä selvitettiin CRP:n käyttökelpoisuutta sairauden vaikeusasteen arvioinnissa ja komplikaatioiden kehittymisen ennustamisessa. Osatyössä IV 68 keuhkokuumepotilaan sairaalaan tulovaiheessa otetuista näytteistä määritettiin neutrofiilien pintareseptorien ekspressio. Osatyössä V analysoitiin sisätautien vuodeosastoilla vuosina 1996-2000 keuhkokuumepotilaille tehtyjen keuhkohuuhtelunäytteiden laboratoriotutkimustulokset. Tulokset. Keuhkokuumeen aiheuttaja löytyi 209 potilaalta, aiheuttajamikrobeja löydettiin kaikkiaan 230. Näistä aiheuttajista 135 (58.7%) löydettiin antigeenin osoituksella tai PCR-menetelmillä. Suu¬rin osa, 95 (70.4%), todettiin pelkästään kyseisillä pikamenetelmillä. Respiratorinen virus todettiin antigeeniosoituksella 11.1% keuhkokuumepotilaalla. Eniten respiratorisia viruksia löytyi vakavaa keuhkokuumetta sairastavilta potilailta (20.3%). 231 keuhkokuumepotilaan alaryhmässä todettiin PCR-menetelmällä picornavirus 19 (8.2%) potilaalla. Respiratorinen virus löytyi tässä potilasryh¬mässä kaiken kaikkiaan 47 (20%) potilaalta. Näistä 17:llä (36%) löytyi samanaikaisesti bakteerin aiheuttama infektio. CRP-tasot olivat sairaalaan tulovaiheessa merkitsevästi korkeammat vakavaa keuhkokuumetta (PSI-luokat III-V) sairastavilla potilailla kuin lievää keuhkokuumetta (PSI-luokat I-II) sairastavilla potilailla (p <0.001). Yli 100 mg/l oleva CRP-taso neljän päivän kuluttua sairaa¬laan tulosta ennusti keuhkokuumeen komplikaatiota tai huonoa hoitovastetta. Neutrofiilien komple¬menttireseptorin ekspressio oli pneumokokin aiheuttamaa keuhkokuumetta sairastavilla merkitse¬västi korkeampi kuin influenssan aiheuttamaa keuhkokuumetta sairastavilla. BAL-näytteistä vain yhdessä 71:stä (1.3%) todettiin diagnostinen bakteerikasvu kvantitatiivisessa viljelyssä. Uusilla menetelmilläkin keuhkokuumeen aiheuttaja löytyi vain 9.8% BAL-näytteistä. Päätelmät. Uusilla antigeeniosoitus- ja PCR-menetelmillä keuhkokuumeen etiologia voidaan saada selvitettyä nopeasti. Lisäksi näitä menetelmiä käyttämällä taudin aiheuttajamikrobi löytyi huomattavasti suuremmalta osalta potilaista kuin pelkästään tavanomaisia menetelmiä käyttämällä. Pikamenetelmien hyödyllisyys vaihteli taudin vaikeusasteen mukaan. Respiratorinen virus löytyi huomattavan usein keuhkokuumetta sairastavilta potilailta, ja näiden potilaiden taudinkuva oli usein vaikea. Tulovaiheen korkeaa CRP-tasoa voidaan käyttää lisäkeinona arvioitaessa keuhkokuumeen vaikeutta. CRP on erityisen hyödyllinen arvioitaessa hoitovastetta ja riskiä komplikaatioiden ke¬hittymiseen. Neutrofiilien komplementtireseptorin ekspression tutkiminen näyttää lupaavalta pi¬kamenetelmältä erottamaan bakteerien ja virusten aiheuttamat taudit toisistaan. Antimikrobihoitoa saavilla potilailla BAL-tutkimuksen löydökset olivat vähäiset ja vaikuttivat hoitoon vain harvoin.
Aiheen laajempi artikkeli on julkaistu konferenssi-CD:llä.
This epublication contains papers that were presented at the conference “Assessing Language and (Inter) cultural Competences in Higher Education” which took place at the University of Turku (Finland) on The online proceedings may be downloaded and used provided the source is acknowledged.
Curriculum innovation in teacher education : exploring conceptions among Tanzanian teacher educators
The focus of the study is to understand curriculum innovation from the perspective of Tanzanian teacher educators. It is argued that the deterioration of quality of education in schools is partly to be attributed to the way in which teachers are educated. Curriculum innovation is considered as an essential strategy for bringing about improvement in teacher education. Therefore, in 2000 a new curriculum was introduced; however, right from the inception the curriculum was criticised by teacher educators. The overall aim of the study is to investigate teacher educators’ conceptions of curriculum innovation. In the theoretical framework the main focus is on discussion about different curriculum approaches for teacher education and innovation. In order to achieve the aim of the study, a phenomenographic approach is employed. This approach is used in order to identify similarities and variation in educators’ conceptions of curriculum innovation. The empirical basis of the study consists of interviews with thirty teacher educators working in eight teachers’ colleges situated in various parts of Tanzania. The findings, in brief, reveal variation in teacher educators’ conceptions of the dominant domains of innovation. Two broad conceptions of teaching with six aspects are identified. Conceptions of educational studies are presented in four broad categories of description with four aspects. Similarly, in methodology subjects two conceptions are described with four aspects. On the integration of subject matter studies and subject methods, two broad conceptions are presented with six aspects. Conceptions of textbook prescription policy are characterised in two broad categories of description with four aspects. With the use of modules two broad conceptions are identified with six aspects. In addition, the study identifies four broad conceptions of future curriculum approaches with eight aspects. Looking across the categories of description, the results indicate that educators cope with innovation individually. Three character types of teacher educators are presented: loyal, creative and critical. Furthermore, four types of phenomena suggesting critical areas about teacher educators’ conceptions of innovation are described: educators’ prior educational background, technical factors, student teachers’ factors and shifting from teaching to learning. On the whole, educators express a number of frame factors in the process of change towards the aim of curriculum innovation. This indicates that the new curriculum (2000) is not implemented as intended by curriculum developers. Constraints to the implementation are presented and discussed in detail. From these findings, two models of educators’ stance towards curriculum innovation are presented and can be used as a framework for planning successful curriculum innovations and analysing practice in teachers’ colleges.
Centrala teman i min avhandling är parallellskolesystem, linjedelning och segregering i högstadier och gymnasier. Det finns stora skillnader mellan länder gällande den årskurs då eleverna sorteras in i olika nivåer genom skilda klasser eller skolor. I Tyskland och Nederländerna till exempel delas eleverna upp före högstadiet medan Sverige och Finland har enhetsskolor på högstadienivå. Jag argumenterar att parallellskolesystem har en positiv effekt på elevernas testresultat i årskurserna före linjedelningen. Eleverna har incitament att jobba hårdare för att komma på i den akademiska linjen. Jag undersöker incitamentseffekter empiriskt, och hittar mönster konsistenta med incitamentseffekter både i brittisk och i internationell data. Det andra bidraget i avhandlingen är metodologiskt. Nationalekonomer brukar behandla testresultat från t.ex. IQ-tester eller internationella PISA-undersökningar som om absoluta nivån på poängantalen har betydelse i sig. I verkligheten antyder de endast en rangordning. Jag visar att normalfördelade testresultat i många fall ligger tillräckligt nära dess pengavärde på arbetsmarknaden för att ändå kunna tolkas som absoluta.