31 resultados para Consequential Transitions

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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The aim of this study was to examine the effects of oxidising BIMODES microbiological control program on three paper machine process. The chemicals used in BIMODES program are sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and bromo-chloro-di-methyl-hydantoin (BCDMH). The literary part of this study discusses the microbiological problems in paper making industry, describes functional mechanisms of oxidants and also introduces the BIMODES- program. In the experimental part the aim was to examine the effects of BIMODES in three different paper machines. The purpose was to find out the effects and changes in wet end chemistry, bacterial counts, in the other additives and also in the sheet defects and holes. The study also examines what are the most important measurements to control BIMODES dosing. In addition the optimal dosing level for each machine was tried to find out. It was found that there is a clear correlation between the total chlorine level and bacterial counts. Changes in the BIMODES dosing level can be measured by redox potential, but the correlation is very poor. BIMODES program doesn’t have straight influence to pH values, but if dosage level is too low the bacterial activity can affect degreasing in the pH value. In this study couldn’t find any consequential effects for the other additives by using BIMODES. In addition the optimal dosing levels were found and by following correct halogen levels it is possible to decrease bacterial levels for very low level.


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Simulaattorit ovat yksinkertaistettuja malleja tietyistä järjestelmän osioista. Niitä käytetään mallintamaan testattavan osion ympärillä olevien muiden osioiden ulkoista toimintaa, jotta testattavalle osiolle saadaan oikeanlainen toimintaympäristö aikaiseksi. Tilakoneita käytetään mallintamaan ohjelmistojen tai niiden osien toimintaa. Sanomaohjatuissa tilakoneissa tilojen vaihdot perustuvat saapuviin sanomiin. Tässä työssä esitellään erään ohjelmiston alijärjestelmän testaamisessa käytettävä arkkitehtuuri, joka perustuu suurelta osin simulaattoreiden käyttöön muiden alijärjestelmien mallintamisessa. Testattava ohjelmisto koostuu enimmäkseen tilakoneista, jotka vaihtavat keskenään sanomia ja ohjaavat näin toistensa tilasiirtymiä. Työn testausympäristö on suunniteltu juuri tämänkaltaisen ohjelmiston testaamiseen. Työssä esiteltävää testausympäristöä myöskin käytettiin useamman kuukauden ajan ja se todettiin toimivaksi. Joitakin testausympäristön käyttöohjeita, käyttökokemuksia sekä siihen liittyviä parannusehdotuksia käydään läpi työn loppuosassa. Erityisesti havaittiin miten tärkeää on testata implementaatiota jo luokka tasolla ennen alijärjestelmä tason testaukseen siirtymistä sekä päädyttiin siihen, että suunnitteluvaiheen pitäisi olla lähemmin liitoksissa alijärjestelmätestaukseen.


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Steveco Oy on tyypiltään vahvasti mekaaninen yritys, joka pyrkii kohti orgaanista yritysympäristöä pystyäkseen vastaamaan kiristyneeseen kilpailutilanteeseen. Tässä muutoksessa yhtenä keskeisenä henkilöstöryhmänä on työnjohtajat. Orgaanisessa yritysympäristössä työnjohdon roolikuva muuttuu kohti keskijohdon roolia. Tämä muutos mekaanisesta yritysympäristöstä orgaaniseen ja perinteisestä työnjohdon tehtävänkuvasta keskijohdon rooliin edellyttää osaamisen sisällön muuttumista ja osaamisentason merkittävää kasvua. Tämän kehityksen vuoksi on määriteltävä uudestaan työnjohtajan tulevaisuuden tehtävänkuva, tehtävissä tarvittava osaaminen ja vaadittava osaamistaso. Tutkimus toteutettiin tapaustutkimuksena. Tutkimusaineiston keräämisessä käytettiin ensin kvantitatiivista sitten kvalitatiivista menetelmää. Kvantitatiivinen tutkimusosuus toteutettiin osaamiskartoituslomakkeella, jolla saatiin työnjohtajien esimiesten näkemys työnjohtajien tavoiteosaamisista ja niiden tasosta. Kvalitatiivinen tutkimus toteutettiin haastattelujen muodossa, koska haluttiin selvittää laajemmin työnjohtajien osaamista. Haastattelun tukena oli osaamiskartoituslomake.


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The central theme for this study is graduate employment and employability in European-wide discussion. In this study, the complex relationships between higher education and the world of work are explored from the vantage point of how individuals make use of the higher education system in their transition from education to employment. The variation among individual transition processes in nine European countries is analysed with the help of a comparable graduate survey. Countries in this study are Italy, Spain, France, Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Finland, and Norway. The data used for the study is commonly known as the “CHEERS” or “Careers after Higher Education, A European Research Survey.” The data was collected in 1999. The study discusses the possibilities and limitations the higher education system has in supporting the initial education-to-work transitions of youth. The study also addresses problems with comparing national higher education systems in terms of enrolment and graduate employability. A central purpose for this study is to reflect on concerns about the prolongation of individual transitions with a framework that simultaneously considers both the graduate employability and the duration of the education-to-work transition process. The key concept for this study is the standard student/graduate; synonym concepts are the traditional and the conventional student/graduate. Standard graduates are relatively young individuals who are performing their initial transition from education to working-life and who complete the degree-earning process within the stipulated time frame. In all nine countries, standard graduates make up a considerable share of the student flow, passing from higher education to the labour markets. The share of standard graduates is by far the largest in France, where they comprise the overwhelming mass. The proportion of the standard graduates is the lowest in Italy, Finland, and Austria where approximately one in four graduates completed the process of higher education within the stipulated time frame. Of the nine countries compared, employability of the whole graduate population is the greatest in Norway, the UK, Finland, and the Netherlands. Compared with employability of the whole graduate population, variation among the countries is considerably reduced when reviewing the employability of only the standard graduates. Thereby, even though the ranking among countries remains largely unchanged, the variations among them are smaller when the duration of degree earning process is standardized. The study also discusses other ideal types of student careers (or transition processes) besides the standard student/graduate. Results of regression analyses indicate that that at the pan-European level analysis, the graduate labour markets are not heavily segmented in terms of the type of the individual transition process. When considering within-country differences between the graduates, the field of studies is clearly a more powerful explanatory variable than the type of the transition process. There are, nevertheless, clear indications that, irrespective of the country, chances of finding a high status job are, on the average, highest amongst those who graduate within the stipulated duration of the degree program and who thereby have experienced the standard student career, whereas, participating in working life while studying protects against unemployment after finishing one’s degree.


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Recent technology has provided us with new information about the internal structures and properties of biomolecules. This has lead to the design of applications based on underlying biological processes. Applications proposed for biomolecules are, for example, the future computers and different types of sensors. One potential biomolecule to be incorporated in the applications is bacteriorhodopsin. Bacteriorhodopsin is a light-sensitive biomolecule, which works in a similar way as the light sensitive cells of the human eye. Bacteriorhodopsin reacts to light by undergoing a complicated series of chemical and thermal transitions. During these transitions, a proton translocation occurs inside the molecule. It is possible to measure the photovoltage caused by the proton translocations when a vast number of molecules is immobilized in a thin film. Also the changes in the light absorption of the film can be measured. This work aimed to develop the electronics needed for the voltage measurements of the bacteriorhodopsin-based optoelectronic sensors. The development of the electronics aimed to get more accurate information about the structure and functionality of these sensors. The sensors used in this work contain a thick film of bacteriorhodopsin immobilized in polyvinylalcohol. This film is placed between two transparent electrodes. The result of this work is an instrumentation amplifier which can be placed in a small space very close to the sensor. By using this amplifier, the original photovoltage can be measured in more detail. The response measured using this amplifier revealed two different components, which could not be distinguished earlier. Another result of this work is the model for the photoelectric response in dry polymer films.


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Euroopan unioni on niin sanotussa RES-direktiivissä asettanut tavoitteet uusiutuvan energian käytön lisäämiseksi 10 %:iin liikenteen energian kulutuksesta kaikissa jäsenmaissa vuoteen 2020 mennessä. Eräs näistä uusiutuvan energian muodoista on biopolttoaineet. Tässä työssä testataan RES-direktiivissä esitettyä laskentamenetelmää biopolttoaineiden tuotannon ja käytön kasvihuonekaasupäästöjen arviointiin. Esimerkkitapauksena on yhdyskuntien ja teollisuuden jätemateriaalia raaka-aineena käyttävän jäte-etanoliprosessin ja siihen yhdistetyn sähköä ja lämpöä tuottavan CHP-laitoksen päästölaskenta. Laskennan yhteydessä käy ilmi RES-direktiivin laskentamenetelmän tulkinnanvaraisuus. Laskentamenetelmän perusteella järjestelmäraja voidaan asettaa usealla eri tavalla, jolloin saadut päästövähennystulokset vaihtelevat huomattavasti eri tulkintavaihtoehtojen välillä. Jäte-etanolin tapauksessa tulokset ovat myös hyvin riippuvaisia jätemateriaalille määritellystä päästökertoimesta. Laskennan perusteella voidaankin sanoa, että RES-direktiivin laskentamenetelmällä saadut päästövähennystulokset biopolttoaineille ovat hyvin epävarmoja ja riippuvat sekä laskennan lähtöoletuksista että direktiivin tulkintatavasta. RES-direktiivin laskentamenetelmää voidaan myös pitää hyvin suppeana lähestymistapana biopolttoaineiden kasvihuonekaasuvaikutusten arviointiin. Tarkastelua tehdään suppealla järjestelmärajalla ja esimerkiksi biopolttoaineketjujen aiheuttamat epäsuorat ilmastovaikutukset jäävät huomioimatta. RES-direktiivin laskentamenetelmä perustuu perinteiseen staattiseen elinkaariarviointiin eli syytarkasteluun eikä sovellu arvioimaan muutosta. Ilmastomuutoksen hillinnän haastavuuden ja kiireellisyyden vuoksi biopolttoaineiden ilmastovaikutuksia tulisi kuitenkin arvioida myös laajemmin muutostarkasteluna, ja verrata biopolttoaineiden avulla saatuja päästövähennyksiä muilla keinoin saavutettuihin päästövähennyksiin. Näin voitaisiin paremmin arvioida sitä, mitkä keinot soveltuvat parhaiten nopeiden päästövähennysten saavuttamiseen.


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The RPC Detector Control System (RCS) is the main subject of this PhD work. The project, involving the Lappeenranta University of Technology, the Warsaw University and INFN of Naples, is aimed to integrate the different subsystems for the RPC detector and its trigger chain in order to develop a common framework to control and monitoring the different parts. In this project, I have been strongly involved during the last three years on the hardware and software development, construction and commissioning as main responsible and coordinator. The CMS Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) system consists of 912 double-gap chambers at its start-up in middle of 2008. A continuous control and monitoring of the detector, the trigger and all the ancillary sub-systems (high voltages, low voltages, environmental, gas, and cooling), is required to achieve the operational stability and reliability of a so large and complex detector and trigger system. Role of the RPC Detector Control System is to monitor the detector conditions and performance, control and monitor all subsystems related to RPC and their electronics and store all the information in a dedicated database, called Condition DB. Therefore the RPC DCS system has to assure the safe and correct operation of the sub-detectors during all CMS life time (more than 10 year), detect abnormal and harmful situations and take protective and automatic actions to minimize consequential damages. The analysis of the requirements and project challenges, the architecture design and its development as well as the calibration and commissioning phases represent themain tasks of the work developed for this PhD thesis. Different technologies, middleware and solutions has been studied and adopted in the design and development of the different components and a big challenging consisted in the integration of these different parts each other and in the general CMS control system and data acquisition framework. Therefore, the RCS installation and commissioning phase as well as its performance and the first results, obtained during the last three years CMS cosmic runs, will be


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The purpose of this thesis was to define how product carbon footprint analysis and its results can be used in company's internal development as well as in customer and interest group guidance, and how these factors are related to corporate social responsibility. From-cradle-to-gate carbon footprint was calculated for three products; Torino Whole grain barley, Torino Pearl barley, and Elovena Barley grit & oat bran, all of them made of Finnish barley. The carbon footprint of the Elovena product was used to determine carbon footprints for industrial kitchen cooked porridge portions. The basic calculation data was collected from several sources. Most of the data originated from Raisio Group's contractual farmers and Raisio Group's cultivation, processing and packaging specialists. Data from national and European literature and database sources was also used. The electricity consumption for porridge portions' carbon footprint calculations was determined with practical measurements. The carbon footprint calculations were conducted according to the ISO 14044 standard, and the PAS 2050 guide was also applied. A consequential functional unit was applied in porridge portions' carbon footprint calculations. Most of the emissions from barley products' life cycle originate from primary production. The nitrous oxide emissions from cultivated soil and the use and production of nitrogenous fertilisers contribute over 50% of products' carbon footprint. Torino Pearl barley has the highest carbon footprint due to the lowest processing output. The reductions in products' carbon footprint can be achieved with developments in cultivation and grain processing. The carbon footprint of porridge portion can be reduced by using domestically produced plant-based ingredients and by making the best possible use of the kettle. Carbon footprint calculation can be used to determine possible improvement points related to corporate environmental responsibility. Several improvement actions are related to economical and social responsibility through better raw material utilization and expense reductions.


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Artikkeli perustuu kirjoittajan väitöskirjaan Joy and struggle for renewal : a narrative inquiry into expertise in job transitions (Helsingin yliopisto 2005).


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Tutkimus käsittelee tuotekustannuslaskennan kehittämistä VAASAN Oy:ssä, joka on yksi johtavista leipomoyrityksistä Suomessa ja Baltiassa. Työn tavoitteena on kehittää tuotekustannuslaskentaa paremmin päätöksentekoa tukevaksi. Kehitystyössä otettiin huomioon laskentamallin joustavuuden säilyminen. Kehitystarpeet selvitettiin tuotekustannuslaskennan nykytilaanalyysillä sekä käyttäjäryhmien tietotarvekartoituksella. Kehityksen ohjaamiseen sovellettiin kustannustiedon laadukkuuden teorioita sekä riskienhallinnan työkalua. Lähtökohtana oli varsin hajautetusti toteutettu tuotekustannuslaskenta, minkä luotettavuuden ongelma tiedostettiin. Työn päätteeksi tuotekustannuslaskenta keskitetään. Keskittämisen tuoma tilaisuus halutaan käyttää mahdollisimman tehokkaasti hyödyksi kustannuslaskennan kehittämisessä. Ennen keskittämistä tulee tuotekustannuslaskenta johdonmukaistaa eri leipomoiden välillä. Tässä työssä kartoitettiin kehityskohteet sekä esitetään toimintamalli tai –ehdotus tärkeimpien kehityskohteiden ratkaisemiseksi. Tärkeimmät kehityskohteet löydettiin jäsentämällä ja priorisoimalla kehityskohteet. Tuotekustannuslaskentaa kehitettiin paremmin päätöksentekoa tukevaksi, johdonmukaisemmaksi, luotettavammaksi sekä sen käytettävyyttä kehitettiin.


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Biology is turning into an information science. The science of systems biology seeks to understand the genetic networks that govern organism development and functions. In this study the chicken was used as a model organism in the study of B cell regulatory factors. These studies open new avenues for plasma cell research by connecting the down regulation of the B cell gene expression program directly to the initiation of plasma cell differentiation. The unique advantages of the DT40 avian B cell model system, specifically its high homologous recombination rate, were utilized to study gene regulation in Pax5 knock out cell lines and to gain new insights into the B cell to plasma cell transitions that underlie the secretion of antibodies as part of the adaptive immune response. The Pax5 transcription factor is central to the commitment, development and maintenance of the B cell phenotype. Mice lacking the Pax5 gene have an arrest in development at the pro-B lymphocyte stage while DT40 cells have been derived from cells at a more mature stage of development. The DT40 Pax5-/- cells exhibited gene expression similarities with primary chicken plasma cells. The expression of the plasma cell transcription factors Blimp-1 and XBP-1 were significantly upregulated while the expression of the germinal centre factor BCL6 was diminished in Pax5-/- cells, and this alteration was normalized by Pax5 re-introduction. The Pax5-deficient cells further manifested substantially elevated secretion of IgM into the supernatant, another characteristic of plasma cells. These results for the first time indicated that the downregulation of the Pax5 gene in B cells promotes plasma cell differentiation. Cross-species meta-analysis of chicken and mouse Pax5 gene knockout studies uncovers genes and pathways whose regulatory relationship to Pax5 has remained unchanged for over 300 million years. Restriction of the hematopoietic stem cell fate to produce T, B and NK cell lineages is dependent on the Ikaros and its molecular partners, the closely related Helios and Aiolos. Ikaros family members are zinc finger proteins which act as transcriptional repressors while helping to activate lymphoid genes. Helios in mice is expressed from the hematopoietic stem cell level onwards, although later in development its expression seems to predominate in the T cell lineage. This study establishes the emergence and sequence of the chicken Ikaros family members. Helios expression in the bursa of Fabricius, germinal centres and B cell lines suggested a role for Helios in the avian B-cell lineage, too. Phylogenetic studies of the Ikaros family connect the expansion of the Ikaros family, and thus possibly the emergence of the adaptive immune system, with the second round of genome duplications originally proposed by Ohno. Paralogs that have arisen as a result of genome-wide duplications are sometimes termed ohnologs – Ikaros family proteins appear to fit that definition. This study highlighted the opportunities afforded by the genome sequencing efforts and somatic cell reverse genetics approaches using the DT40 cell line. The DT40 cell line and the avian model system promise to remain a fruitful model for mechanistic insight in the post-genomic era as well.