10 resultados para Complications of pregnancy

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Hip resurfacing arthroplasty (HRA) and large head metal-on-metal total arthroplasty (LDH MoM THA) gained popularity during the last decade. Adverse reaction to metal debris (ARMD) is a unique complication of metal bearings. ARMD is a complex reaction caused by metal debris from metal-on- metal bearing surfaces and from trunnion corrosion of modular junctions. We analyzed survivorship of 8059 LDH MoM THAs based on data of the Finnish Arthroplasty Register. We found relatively high short-term survivorship for some LDH MoM THAs, but there were remarkable differences between the devices studied. After some alarming reports of failing MoM THAs, we studied the first 80 patients who had received a ReCap-M2a-Magnum implant at our institution and evaluated the prevalence of ARMD. We found a high prevalence of pseudotumors, and, because of this, we discontinued the use of MoM bearings and followed up all patients with a MoM THA. Bone loss due infection, osteolysis or fracture poses a great challenge for reconstructive and fracture surgery. Onlay allografting for both revision and fracture surgery provides mechanical stability and increases bone stock. Bone loss and implant stability must be assessed preoperatively and adequately classified; this provides guidelines for the operative treatment of periprosthetic fractures and revision THA. In our studies on structural allografts union rates were high, although the rates of infections and dislocations were marked. In summary, early results of the use of LDH MoM devices were encouraging. However, the survival of the LDH MoMs varied. The prevalence of adverse reaction to metal debris was high after application of the ReCap-Magnum THA. New implants should be introduced carefully and under close surveillance by University clinics and arthroplasty registers.


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Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP) is a pregnancy-specific disorder characterized by maternal pruritus and elevated liver enzymes. It usually begins in the third trimester of pregnancy and resolves spontaneously after delivery. ICP is considered benign for the pregnant woman, but it is associated with an increased risk for unexplained term stillbirth and preterm delivery. There are no specific laboratory markers to diagnose ICP. The diagnosis is currently based on the presence of maternal pruritus and elevated values of alanine aminotransaminases (ALT) and serum bile acids (BA). Recently, ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) has been used for treatment. Mechanisms leading to intrauterine fetal death (IUFD) may be multifactorial and are unknown at present. For this thesis, 415 pregnant women with ICP were studied. The aim was to evaluate the value of the liver enzyme glutathione S-transferase alpha (GSTA) as a specific marker of ICP and to assess the effect of maternal UDCA therapy on maternal laboratory values and fetal outcome. The specific markers predisposing the fetus to heart arrhythmia were studied by comparing waveform analysis of fetal electrocardiograms (FECG) during labor in pregnancies complicated by ICP with controls. The levels of maternal GSTA were high and the values correlated with the value of ALT in patients with ICP. UDCA therapy reduced the values of the liver enzymes and alleviated maternal pruritus, but it did not influence maternal hormonal values. Although the newborns experienced an uneventful perinatal outcome, severe ICP was still associated with preterm birth and admission to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). There were no significant differences in intrapartum FECG findings between fetuses born to ICP women and controls.


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Cesarean section (CS) is the most common major surgery performed on women worldwide. CS can save the life of the mother or the fetus, but is associated with the typical complications of any major surgery: hemorrhage, infection, venous thromboembolism and complications of anesthesia, sometimes leading to maternal death. Recently there have been several reports from well resourced countries on increased severe maternal morbidity and even mortality. Increased rates of CS, obesity and older mothers may explain this rise. The aim of this thesis is to study the rates and risk factors of short term maternal complications associated with CS. Also, we compared maternal morbidity by mode of delivery and over time. The complication rates were assessed in a prospective study involving 2496 CS performed in the 12 largest delivery units in Finland in 2005. The rates of severe complications were studied by mode of delivery in a register-based study comparing national cohorts in 1997 and 2002. The impact of several risk factors on severe maternal morbidity by mode of delivery was studied in a register-based study of all singleton deliveries in 2007-2011. In the prospective study, 27% of the women who underwent CS had one or more intraoperative or postoperative complications during their hospital stay, and 10% had a severe complication. In the register-based study the incidence of life-threatening maternal complications was 7.6 in 1000 deliveries. The incidence was lowest for vaginal delivery (VD), followed by instrumental VD and elective CS, and highest in emergency CS. An attempt of VD, including the risks associated with emergency CS, seems to be the safest mode of delivery, even for most high-risk women.


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Background: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system that affects most commonly young women in their childbearing age. Previous studies have shown that MS relapse rate usually reduces during pregnancy and increases again after delivery. Patients with MS and their treating physicians are interested to know more about the risks the disease can cause to pregnancy and how pregnancy affects the disease. The reasons for increased relapse rate after delivery are not entirely clear, but loss of pregnancy related immune tolerance and changes in the hormonal status at the time of delivery seem to be of relevance. Aims and methods: The aims of this study were to follow the natural course of MS during and after pregnancy, evaluate pregnancy related risks among MS patients, follow the inflammatory response of MS patients during and after pregnancy and clarify the risk of relevant co-morbidities known to affect other autoimmune diseases after pregnancy and compare these results to healthy controls. This study was a part of a prospective nation-wide follow-up study of 60 Finnish MS patients. All eligible MS patients were enrolled in the study during the years 2003-2005. A prospective followup continued from early pregnancy until six months postpartum. MS relapses, EDSS scores and obstetric details were recorded. Blood samples were obtained from the patients at early, middle, and late pregnancy, after delivery and one month, three months and six months postpartum. Results: MS patients were no more likely to experience pregnancy or delivery complications than the Finnish mothers in general. The need of instrumental assistance, however, was higher among mothers with MS. Disease activity followed the course seen in previous studies. The majority of mothers (90.2%) breastfed their babies. Contrary to previous results, breastfeeding did not protect MS patients from disease worsening after delivery in present study. Mothers with active pre-pregnancy disease chose to breastfeed less frequently and started medication instead. MS patients presented with higher prevalence of elevated thyroid autoantibodies postpartum than healthy controls, but the rate of thyroid hormonal dysfunction was similar as that of healthy controls. The mode of delivery nor the higher rate of tissue damage assessed with C-reactive protein concentration were not predictive of postpartum relapses. The prevalence of gestational diabetes was slightly higher among mothers with MS compared to Finnish mothers in general, but postpartum depression was observed in similar rates. MS patients presented with significantly lower serum concentrations of vitamin D during pregnancy and postpartum than healthy controls. Conclusions: Childbearing can be regarded as safe for mothers with MS as it is for healthy mothers in general. Breastfeeding can be recommended, but it should be done only after careful evaluation of the individual risk for postpartum disease activation. Considering MS patients tend to develop thyroid antibody positivity after delivery more often than healthy controls and that certain treatments can predispose MS patients to thyroid hormonal dysfunction, we recommend MS mothers to be screened for thyroid abnormalities during pregnancy and after delivery. Increased risk for gestational diabetes should be kept in mind when following MS mothers and glucose tolerance test in early pregnancy should be considered. Adequate vitamin D supplementation is essential for MS mothers also during pregnancy and postpartum period.


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Immaturity of the gut barrier system in the newborn has been seen to underlie a number of chronic diseases originating in infancy and manifesting later in life. The gut microbiota and breast milk provide the most important maturing signals for the gut-related immune system and reinforcement of the gut mucosal barrier function. Recently, the composition of the gut microbiota has been proposed to be instrumental in control of host body weight and metabolism as well as the inflammatory state characterizing overweight and obesity. On this basis, inflammatory Western lifestyle diseases, including overweight development, may represent a potential target for probiotic interventions beyond the well documented clinical applications. The purpose of the present undertaking was to study the efficacy and safety of perinatal probiotic intervention. The material comprised two ongoing, prospective, double-blind NAMI (Nutrition, Allergy, Mucosal immunology and Intestinal microbiota) probiotic interventions. In the mother-infant nutrition and probiotic study altogether 256 women were randomized at their first trimester of pregnancy into a dietary intervention and a control group. The intervention group received intensive dietary counselling provided by a nutritionist, and were further randomized at baseline, double-blind, to receive probiotics (Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG and Bifidobacterium lactis) or placebo. The intervention period extended from the first trimester of pregnancy to the end of exclusive breastfeeding. In the allergy prevention study altogether 159 women were randomized, double-blind, to receive probiotics (Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG) or placebo 4 weeks before expected delivery, the intervention extending for 6 months postnatally. Additionally, patient data on all premature infants with very low birth weight (VLBW) treated in the Department of Paediatrics, Turku University Hospital, during the years 1997 - 2008 were utilized. The perinatal probiotic intervention reduced the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) in the mothers and perinatal dietary counselling reduced that of fetal overgrowth in GDM-affected pregnancies. Early gut microbiota modulation with probiotics modified the growth pattern of the child by restraining excessive weight gain during the first years of life. The colostrum adiponectin concentration was demonstrated to be dependent on maternal diet and nutritional status during pregnancy. It was also higher in the colostrum received by normal-weight compared to overweight children at the age of 10 years. The early perinatal probiotic intervention and the postnatal probiotic intervention in VLBW infants were shown to be safe. To conclude, the findings in this study provided clinical evidence supporting the involvement of the initial microbial and nutritional environment in metabolic programming of the child. The manipulation of early gut microbial communities with probiotics might offer an applicable strategy to impact individual energy homeostasis and thus to prevent excessive body-weight gain. The results add weight to the hypothesis that interventions aiming to prevent obesity and its metabolic consequences later in life should be initiated as early as during the perinatal period.


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To understand the natural history of cervical human papillomavirus (HPV)-infections, more information is needed on their genotype-specific prevalence, acquisition, clearance, persistence and progression. This thesis is part of the prospective Finnish Family HPV study. 329 pregnant women (mean age 25.5 years) were recruited during the third trimester of pregnancy and were followed up for 6 years. The outcomes of cervical HPV infections were evaluated among all the mothers participating in the study. Generalized estimating equation (GEE)-models and Poisson regression were used to estimate the risk factors of type-specific acquisition, clearance, persistence and progression of Species 7 and 9 HPV-genotypes. Independent protective factors against incident infections were higher number of life-time sexual partners, initiation of oral contraceptive use after age 20 years and becoming pregnant during FU. Older age and negative oral HR-HPV DNA status at baseline were associated with increased clearance, whereas higher number of current sexual partners decreased the probability of clearance. Early onset of smoking, practicing oral sex and older age increased the risk of type-specific persistence, while key predictors of CIN/SIL were persistent HR-HPV, abnormal Pap smear and new sexual partners. HPV16, together with multiple-type infections were the most frequent incident genotypes, most likely to remain persistent and least likely to clear. Collectively, LR-HPV types showed shorter incidence and clearance times than HR-HPV types. In multivariate models, different predictors were associated with these main viral outcomes, and there is some tentative evidence to suggest that oral mucosa might play a role in controlling some of these outcomes.


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The mechanisms leading to an enhanced susceptibility to gingivitis in pregnant women have not yet been completely described. Therefore, the current study series were performed to investigate longitudinally the influence of pregnancy on periodontal tissues, and to evaluate microbial and host response factors related to pregnancy gingivitis formation. Pregnancy-related periodontal changes were analysed in 30 generally healthy women (24- 35 years old) once per trimester, till the end of lactation. Matched non-pregnant women (n=24) served as the controls, and were examined three times, once per following month. Pregnancy-related gingival inflammation was observed as enhanced tendency towards gingival bleeding and pseudopocket formation with a concomitant decrease in plaque levels. Gingivitis reached its peak during mid-pregnancy and then decreased transiently visit by visit. After lactation, no differences in periodontal status were seen between the study and control populations. In contrast to previous studies reporting increased levels of Prevotella intermedia, a specific aim was to analyse phenotypically two identical species, P. intermedia and Prevotella nigrescens, separately using a 16S ribosomal DNA-based PCR. As a result, the increased levels of P. nigrescens were related to pregnancy gingivitis. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are involved in periodontal destruction. However, their role in pregnancy gingivitis is not well studied. Therefore, neutrophilic enzymes and proteinases, such as MMP and myeloperoxidase (MPO) levels were analysed from saliva and gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) samples during the follow-up. Despite increased inflammation and microbial shift towards anaerobes, the host response did not activate the MMP, elastase and MPO secretion during pregnancy. These results demonstrate that during pregnancy gingival inflammation is enhanced especially during the second trimester, when P. nigrescens levels in subgingival plaque were increased, whereas the neutrophilic enzymes and proteinase levels in both saliva and GCF remained low. These findings could explain, at least in part, why pregnancy gingivitis itself does not predispose or proceed to periodontitis.


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One hypothesis for the increased incidence of atopic diseases has been that it is associated with changing dietary habits, especially the changed intake of essential fatty acids (EFAs). The metabolism of EFAs produces eiconasoids, prostaglandins and leukotrienes, which are essential to organs and play a major role in regulation of inflammation and immune response. In some studies persons with atopic dermatitis have been found to have reduced levels of EFAs. The first year of infancy as well as the foetal period are crucial for the development of atopic immune response. The composition of blackcurrant seed oil (BCSO) corresponds to the recommended ratio of EFAs n-3 and n-6 in the diet (1/3-1/4) and as a dietary supplement could, even in small doses, modify the unbalance of EFAs in an efficient way. The purpose of this study was to find out whether atopic allergies can be prevented by supplementing the diet of pregnant mothers with blackcurrant seed oil and whether it could affect the immunological balance of a child. We also sought to find out whether a blackcurrant seed oil supplementation can affect the composition of breast milk to suppress the T helper 2 lymphocyte (Th2) responses in infants. 313 pregnant mothers were randomly assigned to receive BCSO (n=151) or olive oil as placebo (n=162). Supplementation was started at the 8th to 16th weeks of pregnancy, 6 capsules per day (dose of 3 g), and continued until the cessation of breastfeeding. It was thereafter followed by direct supplementation to infants of 1 ml (1 g) of oil per day until the age of two years. Atopic dermatitis and its severity (SCORAD index) were evaluated, serum total IgE was measured and skin prick tests were performed at the age of 3, 12 and 24 months. Peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) samples were taken at the age of 3 and 12 months and breast milk samples were collected during the first 3 months of breastfeeding. Parental atopy was common (81.7%) in the studied infants, making them infants with increased atopy risk. There was a significantly lower prevalence of atopic dermatitis in the BCSO group (33%) than in the olive oil group (47%) at the age of 12 months. Also, SCORAD was lower in the BCSO group than in the olive oil group. Dietary intervention with BCSO had immunomodulatory effects on breast milk, inducing cytokine production from Th2 to Th1 immunodeviation. It decreased the level of IL-4 and elevated the level of IFN-γ. BCSO intervention did not affect cytokines in the children’s PBMC. However, children of smoking parents in the combined BCSO and olive oil group had significantly elevated levels of Th2 type cytokines IL-4, IL-5 and the proinflammator cytokine TNF. Dietary supplementation with BCSO is safe. It is well tolerated and transiently reduces the prevalence of atopic dermatitis at the age of 12 months. It can possibly become a potential tool in prevention of atopic symptoms when used at the early stages of life.


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Since the late 1990’s, a group of moral doctrines called prioritarianism has received a lot of interest from many moral philosophers. Many contemporary moral philosophers are attracted to prioritarianism to such an extent that they can be called prioritarians. In this book, however, I reject prioritarianism, including not only “pure” prioritarianism but also hybrid prioritarian views which mix one or more non-prioritarian elements with prioritarianism. This book largely revolves around certain problems and complications of prioritarianism and its particular forms. Those problems and complications are connected to risk, impartiality, the arbitrariness of prioritarian weightings and possible future individuals. On the one hand, I challenge prioritarianism through targeted objections to various specific forms of prioritarianism. All those targeted objections are connected to risk or possible future individuals. It seems to me that together they give good grounds for believing that prioritarianism is not the way to go. On the other hand, I challenge prioritarianism by pointing out and discussing certain general problems of prioritarianism. Those general problems are connected to impartiality and the arbitrariness of prioritarian weightings. They may give additional grounds for believing that all prioritarian views should be rejected. Prioritarianism can be seen as a type of weighted utilitarianism and thus as an extension of utilitarianism. Utilitarianism is morally ultimately concerned, and morally ultimately concerned only, with some kind of maximization of utility or expected utility. Prioritarianism, on the other hand, is morally ultimately concerned, and morally ultimately concerned only, with some kind of maximization of priority-weighted utility, expected priority-weighted utility or priority-weighted expected utility. Thus prioritarianism, unlike utilitarianism, is a distribution-sensitive moral view. Besides rejecting prioritarianism, I reject also various other distribution-sensitive moral views in this book. However, I do not reject distribution-sensitivity in morality, as I end up endorsing a type of distribution-sensitive hybrid utilitarianism which mixes non-utilitarian elements with utilitarianism.