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This thesis discovers the main challenges and opportunities that e-Commerce brings to the fashion industry and to the process of building brand trust and loyalty in particular. The field of e-Commerce is investigated and the findings, benefits and challenges, are implemented into companies’ branding strategies. Then, the effect of companies’ online branding actions on customers’ behaviour is studied. New perspectives and ideas are developed for fashion retailers to build trust online and increase the number of customers who continuously utilize brand’s products and services.
Soitinnus: viulu, orkesteri.
In this thesis, two negatively valenced emotions are approached as reflecting children’s self-consciousness, namely guilt and shame. Despite the notable role of emotions in the psychological research, empirical research findings on the links between guilt, shame, and children’s social behavior – and particularly aggression – have been modest, inconsistent, and sometimes contradictory. This thesis contains four studies on the associations of guilt, shame, emotion regulation, and social cognitions with children’s social behavior. The longitudinal material of the thesis was collected as a survey among a relatively large amount of Finnish preadolescents. In Study I, the distinctiveness of guilt and shame in children’s social behavior were investigated. The more specific links of emotions and aggressive behavior were explored in Study II, in which emotion regulation and negative emotionality were treated as the moderators between guilt, shame, and children’s aggressive behavior. The role of emotion management was further evaluated in Study III, in which effortful control and anger were treated as the moderators between domain-specific aggressive cognitions and children’s aggressive behavior. In the light of the results from the Studies II and III, it seems that for children with poor emotion management the effects of emotions and social cognitions on aggressive behavior are straight-forward, whereas effective emotion management allows for reframing the situation. Finally, in Study IV, context effects on children’s anticipated emotions were evaluated, such that children were presented a series of hypothetical vignettes, in which the child was acting as the aggressor. Furthermore, the identity of the witnesses and victim’s reactions were systematically manipulated. Children anticipated the most shame in situations, in which all of the class was witnessing the aggressive act, whereas both guilt and shame were anticipated the most in the situations, in which the victim was reacting with sadness. Girls and low-aggressive children were more sensitive to contextual cues than boys and high-aggressive children. Overall, the results of this thesis suggest that the influences of guilt, shame, and social cognition on preadolescents’ aggressive behavior depend significantly on the nature of individual emotion regulation, as well as situational contexts. Both theoretical and practical implications of this study highlight a need to acknowledge effective emotion management as enabling the justification of one’s own immoral behavior.
Vibrations in machines can cause noise, decrease the performance, or even damage the machine. Vibrations appear if there is a source of vibration that excites the system. In the worst case scenario, the excitation frequency coincides with the natural frequency of the machine causing resonance. Rotating machines are a machine type, where the excitation arises from the machine itself. The excitation originates from the mass imbalance in the rotating shaft, which always exists in machines that are manufactured using conventional methods. The excitation has a frequency that is dependent on the rotational speed of the machine. The rotating machines in industrial use are usually designed to rotate at a constant rotational speed, the case where the resonances can be easily avoided. However, the machines that have a varying operational speed are more problematic due to a wider range of frequencies that have to be avoided. Vibrations, which frequencies equal to rotational speed frequency of the machine are widely studied and considered in the typical machine design process. This study concentrates on vibrations, which arise from the excitations having frequencies that are multiples of the rotational speed frequency. These vibrations take place when there are two or more excitation components in a revolution of a rotating shaft. The dissertation introduces four studies where three kinds of machines are experiencing vibrations caused by different excitations. The first studied case is a directly driven permanent magnet generator used in a wind power plant. The electromagnetic properties of the generator cause harmonic excitations in the system. The dynamic responses of the generator are studied using the multibody dynamics formulation. In another study, the finite element method is used to study the vibrations of a magnetic gear due to excitations, which frequencies equal to the rotational speed frequency. The objective is to study the effects of manufacturing and assembling inaccuracies. Particularly, the eccentricity of the rotating part with respect to non-rotating part is studied since the eccentric operation causes a force component in the direction of the shortest air gap. The third machine type is a tube roll of a paper machine, which is studied while the tube roll is supported using two different structures. These cases are studied using different formulations. In the first case, the tube roll is supported by spherical roller bearings, which have some wavinesses on the rolling surfaces. Wavinesses cause excitations to the tube roll, which starts to resonate at the frequency that is a half of the first natural frequency. The frequency is in the range where the machine normally operates. The tube roll is modeled using the finite element method and the bearings are modeled as nonlinear forces between the tube roll and the pedestals. In the second case studied, the tube roll is supported by freely rotating discs, which wavinesses are also measured. The above described phenomenon is captured as well in this case, but the simulation methodology is based on the flexible multibody dynamics formulation. The simulation models that are used in both of the last two cases studied are verified by measuring the actual devices and comparing the simulated and measured results. The results show good agreement.
Objective of the thesis is to create a value based pricing model for marine engines and study the feasibility of implementing such model in the sales organization of a specific segment in the case company’s marine division. Different pricing strategies, concept of “value”, and how perceptions of value can be influenced through value based marketing are presented as theoretical background for the value based pricing model. Forbis and Mehta’s Economic Value to Customer (EVC) was selected as framework to create the value based pricing model for marine engines. The EVC model is based on calculating and comparing life-cycle costs of the reference product and competing products, thus showing the quantifiable value of the company’s own product compared to competition. In the applied part of the thesis, the components of the EVC model are identified for a marine diesel engine, the components are explained, and an example calculation created in Excel is presented. When examining the possibilities to implement in practice a value based pricing strategy based on the EVC model, it was found that the lack of precise information on competing products is the single biggest obstacle to use EVC exactly as presented in the literature. It was also found that sometimes necessary communication channels are missing and that there is simply a lack of interest from some clients and product end-users part to spend time on studying the life-cycle costs of the product. Information on the company’s own products is however sufficient and the sales force is capable to communicate to sufficiently high executive levels in the client organizations. Therefore it is suggested to focus on quantifying and communicating the company’s own value proposition. The dynamic nature of the business environment (variance in applications in which engines are installed, different clients, competition, end-clients etc.) means also that each project should be created its own EVC calculation. This is demanding in terms of resources needed, thus it is suggested to concentrate on selected projects and buyers, and to clients where the necessary communication channels to right levels in the customer organization are available. Finally, it should be highlighted that as literature suggests, implementing a value based pricing strategy is not possible unless the whole business approach is value based.
Type 2 diabetes is a disorder of glucose metabolism characterized by chronic hyperglycemia. Initially type 2 diabetes is characterized by insulin resistance and impaired function of beta cells, leading progressively to insulin deficiency. Type 2 diabetes is treated with diet and other lifestyle changes, and with medication modulating e.g. insulin resistance, liver glucose production and insulin secretion. Injectable insulin is added to the treatment when lifestyle changes and other medication are insufficient to maintain adequate control of hyperglycemia. The aim of the treatment is to remove the symptoms of diabetes and to prevent late complications of diabetes. Insulin was traditionally started at hospital wards, but from the early 1990’s also in outpatient care. The first substudy of this thesis examined retrospectively initiation practices and how successfully insulin treatment was introduced in 1990 – 1996 in Southwestern Finland. This study aimed also at identifying the best methods of controlling plasma glucose. It showed that in the 1990’s the incidence of insulin treatment increased and was initiated more often in outpatient care than previously. The use of combination treatment also increased, first with sulfonylureas and later with metformin as the oral drug. In combination therapy the insulin dose was smaller than with insulin monotherapy. HbA1c improved similarly in middle-aged and older age groups. Weight increase associated with insulin initiation was smaller when combined with oral agents. A prospective insulin initiation study (1994 – 1998) tested the hypothesis that hyperglycemia (fasting and postprandial hyperglycemia) may affect the outcome of insulin initiation. The type of hyperglycemia was determined by the relation of fasting plasma glucose to HbA1c. Treatment was initiated with insulin Lente or human NPH insulin. In patients treated with insulin monotherapy twice daily the decline in HbA1c was markedly greater for postprandial than fasting hyperglycemia patients suggesting that hyperglycemia type has significance in the selection of the insulin regimen. Another insulin initiation study showed that patients with fasting hyperglycemia starting on insulin (2004-2005) were significantly more prone to overweight than patients with postprandial hyperglycemia. Irrespective of the insulin preparation (insulin NPH or insulin glargine), patients with fasting hyperglycemia had a greater weight increase compared to patients with postprandial hyperglycemia. Special attention should be paid to prevention of weight increase in these patients.
This thesis is part of the Arctic Materials Technologies Development –project. The research of the thesis was done in cooperation with Arctech Helsinki Shipyard, Lappeenranta University of Technology and Kemppi Oy. Focus of the thesis was to study narrow gap flux-cored arc welding of two high strength steels with three different groove angles of 20°, 10° and 5°. Welding of the 25 mm thick E500 TMCP and 10 mm thick EH36 steels was mechanized and Kemppi WisePenetration and WiseFusion processes were tested with E500 TMCP steel. EH36 steel test pieces were welded without Wise processes. Shielding gases chosen were carbon dioxide and a mixture of argon and carbon dioxide. Welds were tested with non-destructive and destructive testing methods. Radiographic, visual, magnetic particle and liquid penetrant testing proved that welds were free from imperfections. After non-destructive testing, welds were tested with various destructive testing methods. Impact strength, bending, tensile strength and hardess tests proved that mechanized welding and Wise processes produced quality welds with narrower gap. More inconsistent results were achieved with test pieces welded without Wise processes. Impact test results of E500 TMCP exceeded the 50 J limit on weld, set by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. EH36 impact test results were much closer to the limiting values of 34 J on weld and 47 on HAZ. Hardness values of all test specimens were below the limiting values. Bend testing and tensile testing results fulfilled the the Register requirements. No cracking or failing occurred on bend test specimens and tensile test results exceeded the Register limits of 610 MPa for E500 TMCP and 490 MPa for EH36.
Tämä tutkimus tarkastelee Kadettikoulun pedagogisia käsikirjoituksia, vallitsevia oppimiskäsityksiä, opetusmenetelmiä sekä Kadettikoulun opetussuunnitelmaa. Tarkasteltaviksi pedagogisiksi käsikirjoituksiksi olen valinnut Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulun taktiikan laitoksen Taktiikan perusteet 1 -opintojakson sekä johtamisen laitoksen Johtaminen, johtajuus ja toimintaympäristöjen asettamat vaatimukset -opintojakson. Molemmat opintojaksot kuuluvat perusopintoihin. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää sitä, miten pedagogiset käsikirjoitukset ilmentävät erilaisia oppimiskäsityksiä ja miten ne eroavat toisistaan opetusmenetelmien kautta tarkasteltuna. Tämän lisäksi tarkastellaan sitä, tukevatko tapauksen pedagogiset käsikirjoitukset opetussuunnitelmaa. Tavoitteenani on paljastaa mitä pedagogiset käsikirjoitukset ovat ja eroavatko ne toisistaan ainelaitosten välillä. Tavoitteenani olisi avata myös keskustelu siitä, mitkä opetusmenetelmät soveltuvat parhaiten eri asioiden opettamiseen ja miten oppimista sekä opetusta voisi tehostaa. Tutkimuksen johtopäätöksenä tuli ilmi se, että pedagogiset käsikirjoitukset eroavat toisistaan opintojaksoilla käytettävien opetusmenetelmien ja oppimiskäsitysten kautta. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena ei ole yleistää ainelaitoskohtaisia eroja, vaan pikemminkin ymmärtää käsiteltyjä tapauksia entistä syvällisemmin ja löytää tieteenalojen välillä mahdollisesti vallitsevia eroja.
Pro gradu -tutkielmani käsittelee funktionaalisuutta ja formaalisuutta suomi toisena kielenä -opetuksessa. Tutkimus on kvalitatiivis-kvantitatiivinen analyysi, ja se koostuu kolmesta eri osasta: S2-opettajien haastattelun tuloksista, S2-oppijoiden haastattelun tuloksista ja S2-oppijoiden tekemän oppimistuloksia mittaavan testitehtävän tuloksista. S2-opettajien haastattelu kartoittaa sitä, missä määrin vastaajat käyttävät suomi toisena kielenä -opetuksessa formaalisen ja funktionaalisen kielenopetuksen menetelmiä sekä sitä, missä määrin nämä menetelmät vastaavat opettajien edustamaa opetusnäkemystä. Tutkimukseen osallistui 30 S2-opettajaa eri puolilta Suomea ja ulkomailta. S2-oppijoiden haastattelussa analysoin sitä, toivovatko vastaajat saavansa ennemmin formaalista vai funktionaalista S2-opetusta ja miten heidän aiemmat kokemuksensa S2-opetuksesta suhteutuvat näiden lähestymistapojen periaatteisiin. Lisäksi opiskelijoiden tuli arvioida omaa rooliaan oppijoina funktionaalisuuden ja formaalisuuden näkökulmasta. S2-oppijoiden testitehtävän analyysissä puolestaan vertailen opiskelijoiden oppimistuloksia prolatiivin reseptiivisessä ja produktiivisessa hallinnassa sen jälkeen, kun he ovat tutustuneet joko formaaliseen tai funktionaaliseen itseopiskelumateriaaliin. Haastatteluun ja testitehtävän tekoon osallistui 22 S2-oppijaa. Kaikki aineisto on kerätty keväällä 2010. Haastattelukyselyn tuloksista käy ilmi, että vastaajien näkemykset S2-opetuksen lähestymistapojen toimivuudesta ovat monipuolisesti sekä funktionaalisen että formaalisen suuntauksen mukaisia. Opettajien haastatteluvastauksissa painottuu opetuksen funktionaalisuus hieman enemmän kuin formaalisuus, ja suurin osa (60 %) opettajista vastasi myös eksplisiittisesti olevansa ennemmin funktionaalisen kuin formaalisen opetusnäkemyksen edustaja. Opiskelijoiden kohdalla haastattelukyselyn tulokset osoittavat, että he arvostavat opetuksessa yhtä lailla sekä funktionaalisia että formaalisia menetelmiä ja sisältöjä, kenties jopa formaalista lähestymistapaa suosien. Funktionaalisen ja formaalisen testitehtävän tulokset osoittavat, että formaalisen itseopiskelumateriaalin saanut ryhmä selvisi aukko- ja lauseselitystehtävästä huomattavasti paremmin. Tämä voi kertoa formaalisen lähestymistavan eduista rakenneasioita opetettaessa. Toisaalta funktionaalisen materiaalin saanut ryhmä osoitti kuitenkin prolatiivin hyvää reseptiivistä hallintaa itseopiskelumateriaalin yhteydessä olleissa alustavissa tehtävissä. Testissä ei myöskään tutkittu sitä, onko lähestymistapojen välillä eroa prolatiivin hallinnassa pitkällä aikavälillä.
Variantti A.
Invokaatio: Deo duce.
Dedikaatio: Israel Arppe [ruots. pr.], Nils Arppe [ruots. pr.].