147 resultados para Tuomaala, Saara


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Kvalitatiivisen tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää verkkolaskuinvestoinnin kriittiset menestystekijät: investointiprojektin eri vaiheiden onnistumisen edellytykset sekä investoinnin nykyarvoon ratkaisevimmin vaikuttavat tekijät. Case-kohteen, Etelä-Karjalan sairaanhoitopiirin, osalta tavoitteena oli analysoida verkkolaskujen vastaanoton menestyksellisen käyttöönoton edellytykset julkisen sektorin erityispiirteet huomioiden. Verkkolaskuinvestointiprojektin vaiheista tärkeimmäksi osoittautui suunnitteluvaihe, jossa ennakoidaan tämänhetkisen tilanteen lisäksi myös tulevaisuuden tarpeet. Hankkeen nykyarvon kannalta kriittisimmiksi tekijöiksi kulminoituivat puolestaan arvio ajan käytön tehostumisesta paperilaskun ja verkkolaskun käsittelyketjua verrattaessa sekä verkkolaskujen osuus yrityksen kaikista laskuista. Case-kohteella on hyvät edellytykset onnistuneeseen verkkolaskuinvestointiin. Verkkolaskuinvestoinnin hyötyjen optimointi edellyttää kuitenkin jonkinlaista toimintakulttuurin muutosta prosessien tehokkuuden varmistamiseksi.


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Research into the course of life, mental stamina and health status of wartime prisoners, victims of Soviet partisan attacks, and paupers in Finnish Lapland The basis of this research comprised the issues raised during the interviews conducted in my work as a general practitioner in Lapland, regarding factors that have possibly affected the life stories and health conditions of Lappish people who had lived through the war as war prisoners, victims of partisan attacks, or paupers. The purpose of the study was to describe how the different life phases and experiences emerged from the interviewees’ stories and to identify their mental stamina. Another goal was to make observations on their health status, in which the main emphasis became to address mental symptoms. The cohort consisted of elderly Finns who lived in Lapland during the war and experienced war imprisonment, pauperism, or became victims of partisan attacks. All three groups consisted of 12 interviewees. The interview transcripts were read several times and then investigated using the content analysis methods applicable to the material. The research methodology was based on building awareness and understanding. Thematic tagging and data coding were used as structured analysis tools. In all three groups most of the interviewees clearly identified their mental stamina, the most fundamental of which were home, family and work. The war prisoners’ injuries and nervous sensibility symptoms had been shown in earlier studies on war prisoners, and on this basis they had been granted disability pensions. However, many of them had suppressed their traumatic experiences and mental difficulties, and they could not talk about these issues until at the time of these interviews held at old age. Four of them still suffered from a post-traumatic stress disorder. The victims of Soviet partisans had had to carry their mental load alone for decades before the cruel ravages on civilians in remote areas of Lapland became publicly known. Most of them still had disturbing nervous sensibility symptoms. Four interviewees had a post-traumatic stress disorder, and in addition to these, the mental symptoms of one had developed into a post-traumatic stress disorder during old age. Many of the interviewees who had been left paupers remembered their childhood as filled with grief and feelings of inferiority, and had nightmares relating to their wartime experiences. Yet none of them suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder. The results showed that the exceptional suffering caused by the war, the wartime imprisonment and the devastating attacks by Soviet partisans had led especially to mental difficulties. These were left almost completely unnoticed in the post-war conditions, and the war victims were unable to seek help on their own. Based on the results, our health care for the elderly should focus on familiarization with the individual experiences and life stories of each elderly person. This can facilitate geriatric diagnostics and individual therapy planning. Empathic familiarization with the life experiences of the elderly may strengthen their mental stamina and improve the quality of successful aging.


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Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa tarkastellaan EU -jäsenyyden vaikutuksia itälaajentumisen myötä liittyneiden maiden maatalouteen ja sen tuottavuuteen. Maatalouden kehitys kuvaa kohdemaiden talouksien kehitystä. Uusien jäsenten kehitys taas vaikuttaa koko Euroopan unionin toimintaan ja sen asemaan maailmanmarkkinoilla. Tutkielman teoriaosuus esittelee tuottavuuden, yhteisen maatalouspolitiikan ja lineaarisen regressioanalyysin teoriaa. Empiriaosuudessa esitellään neljä kohdemaata ja tarkastellaan regressioanalyysien avulla sitä kuinka Euroopan unionin jäsenyys on vaikuttanut näiden maiden maataloussektoreiden tuottavuuteen.


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In recent years, one important objective of cardiovascular research has been to find new markers that would improve the risk stratification and diagnosis of patients presenting with symptoms of acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Pregnancy-associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A) is a large metalloproteinase involved in insulin-like growth factor signalling. It is expressed in various tissues and seems to be involved in many physiological and pathological processes, such as folliculogenesis, bone formation, wound healing, pregnancy and atherosclerosis. The aim of this thesis was to investigate PAPP-A in ACS patients. Circulating concentrations of PAPP-A had been previously shown to be elevated in ACS. In this study it was revealed that the form of PAPP-A causing this elevation was the free noncomplexed PAPP-A. Thus, the form of PAPP-A in the circulation of ACS patients differed from the complexed PAPP-A form abundantly present in the circulation during pregnancy. A point-of-care method based on time-resolved immunofluorometric assays was developed, which enabled the rapid detection of free PAPP-A. The method was found to perform well with serum and heparin plasma samples as well as with heparinized whole blood samples. With this method the concentrations of free PAPP-A in healthy individuals were shown to be negligible. When the clinical performance of the method was evaluated with serum samples from ACS patients, it was shown that the free PAPP-A concentration in the admission sample was an independent predictor of myocardial infarction and death. Moreover, as a prognostic marker, free PAPP-A was revealed to be superior to total PAPPA, i.e. the combination of free and complexed PAPP-A, which has been measured by the other groups in this field. As heparin products are widely used as medication in ACS patients, the effect of heparin products on free PAPP-A molecule and circulating concentrations were also investigated in this study. It was shown that intravenous administration of low molecular weight or unfractionated heparin elicits a rapid release of free PAPP-A into the circulation in haemodialysis patients and patients undergoing angiography. Moreover, the interaction between PAPP-A and heparin was confirmed in gel filtration studies. Importantly, the patients included in the clinical evaluation of the free PAPP-A detection method developed had not received any heparin product medication before the admission sample and thus the results were not affected by the heparin effect. In conclusion, free PAPP-A was identified as a novel marker associated with ACS. The point-of-care methods developed enable rapid detection of this molecule which predicts adverse outcome when measured in the admission sample of ACS patients. However, the effect revealed of heparin products on circulating PAPP-A concentrations should be acknowledged when further studies are conducted related to free or total PAPP-A in ACS.


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Sahatavaran tuotannossa käytetään runsaasti lämpöä ja sähköä. Sähköä käytetään pääasiassa sahausvaiheessa ja lämpöä kuivausvaiheessa. Sahatavarakuutiosta haihdutetaan vettä kuivaamoissa noin 230-600 kiloa. Sahatavara kuivataan, koska kuivattu sahatavara säilyy paremmin ja on lisäksi kevyempää, kestävämpää ja sen muodonmuutokset ovat pienempiä. Työssä käsiteltävällä sahalla on erääseen kanavakuivaamoon tehty koerakennelma, jonka avulla kuivaamosta poistettavan ilman sisältämää lämpöä hyödynnetään sahatavaran lämmittämisessä kuivauslämpötilaan kuormanvaihdon jälkeen. Energiansäästön lisäksi rakennelman toivotaan ehkäisevän kuormanvaihdosta aiheutuvia olosuhdemuutoksia kuivausprosessin muissa vaiheissa. Poistoilman sisältämä höyry lauhtuu lämmittäessään kylmää sahatavaraa. Lauhtumisen yhteydessä vapautuu runsaasti energiaa. Tehtyjen kokeiden perusteella koerakennelma vähensi lämmönkulutusta selvästi. Lämmönkulutuksen alenema oli jopa teorialaskelmaa suurempi, mistä syystä kokeellisessa osassa tehtyihin mittaustuloksiin on syytä suhtautua varauksella. Perinteisessä kuivaamossa kosteus poistuu pääasiassa vesihöyrynä, mutta koerakennelman avulla saadaan noin puolet puusta haihdutetusta vedestä lauhtumaan takaisin vedeksi.


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Ritva Tuomaalan väitöskirja "Kyllähän nyt pitäs olla jo semmonen aika, että pääsis niin kö keskustelemhan näistä asioista" : tutkimus lappilaisten huutolaisten, sotavankien ja partisaanien uhrien elämänkulusta, voimavaroista, terveydestä ja sairauksista (Lapin yliopisto 2008).


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Tutkielmassa on selvitetty, vastaavatko Suomessa käytetty hevosenlan-nan jätteeksi määrittely ja hevosenlannan polttamista koskevat vaatimuk-set EU:n lainsäädäntöä. Lisäksi haluttiin etsiä mahdollisuuksia keventää hevosenlannan polttamiselle asetettuja vaatimuksia. Tutkielma toteutettiin lainopillista ja de lege ferenda –menetelmiä käyttäen. Hevosenlanta on EU:n sivutuoteasetuksen mukaan eläimistä saatava si-vutuote, johon sovelletaan jätedirektiiviä silloin, kun se on tarkoitettu pol-tettavaksi tai muuhun direktiivissä määriteltyyn tarkoitukseen. Jätelain so-veltamisala on jätedirektiiviä laajempi, sillä jätelakia sovelletaan hevosen-lantaan riippumatta siitä, minkälaiseen käsittelyyn se on tarkoittu. Suo-messa meneillään olevan jätelain uudistamisen myötä jätelain sovelta-misala tulee vastaamaan jätedirektiivin soveltamisalaa. Hevosenlannan polttamiselle Suomen jätteenpolttoasetuksessa asetetut vaatimukset vastaavat EU:n jätteenpolttodirektiivin vaatimuksia. Hevosen-lannan polttamisen helpottamiseksi tulisi jatkotutkimuksissa selvittää ensi-sijaisesti sitä, voidaanko jätteenpolttodirektiivissä polttamisen seurannalle asetetuista teknisistä vaatimuksista myöntää poikkeuksia poltettaessa ta-salaatuista hevosenlanta-kuivikeseosta.


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A lot of research has been carried out into virtual teams and virtual leadership, yet there is hardly any research available on the communication behaviour of virtual leaders within a real business context. This research assessed the communication practices of virtual leaders and analysed the relationship between these practices and the performance of virtual teams. The objective of this research was to examine the distinctions of virtual teams, to study the leader’s role in a virtual team and its performance, and to examine the leader’s communication practices within virtual teams. The research involves a case study in which interviews have been carried out within an international technology company headquartered in Finland. Qualitative research methods were applied in the research. Based on the results of the study it can be said that there is a strong relationship between a virtual leader’s communication practices and a virtual team member’s job satisfaction. Through their communication practices, activities and message contents, leaders can affect the job satisfaction of virtual team members. In virtual leadership the focus is not in virtual but in leadership. It does not matter if the context is virtual or face-to-face; similar communication practices are good in both cases. As the global economic crisis strongly affected the sales results of the between a leader’s communication practices and a virtual team’s objective performance cannot be made.


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Artikel i konferensvolym 2009.