77 resultados para Consumer Perceptions


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This study is based on a large survey study of over 1500 Finnish companies’ usage, needs and implementation difficulties of management accounting systems. The study uses quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods to answer the research questions. The empirical data used in the study was gathered through structured interviews with randomly selected companies of varying sizes and industries. The study answers the three research questions by analyzing the characteristics and behaviors of companies working in Finland. The study found five distinctive groups of companies according to the characteristics of their cost information and management accounting system use. The study also showed that the state of cost information and management accounting systems depends on the industry and size of the companies. It was found that over 50% of the companies either did not know how their systems could be updated or saw systems as inadequate. The qualitative side also highlighted the needs for tailored and integrated management accounting systems for creating more value to the managers of companies. The major inhibitors of new system implementation were the lack of both monetary and human resources. Through the use of mixed methods and design science a new and improved sophistication model is created based on previous research results combined with the information gathered from previous literature. The sophistication model shows the different stages of management accounting systems in use and what companies can achieve with the implementation and upgrading of their systems.


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This thesis regards exhaustion of copyright’s distribution right in intangible transfers of video games. It analyses whether, under the current law of the European Union, the phenomenon of digital exhaustion, especially in relation to games exists. The thesis analyses the consumers’ position in the market for copyright protected goods. It uses video games market as an example of the wider phenomenon of the effect of latest technological developments on consumers. The research conducted for the thesis is mostly legal dogmatic, although also comparative analysis, law and economics and law and technology methods are utilised. The thesis evaluates the effects of the most recent case law of the European Court of Justice to analyse the current state of digital exhaustion. In the analysis of effects that the existence of digital exhaustion has, the thesis uses the consumers’ point of view. The thesis introduces the current state of technology in the field of video games from a legal perspective. Furthermore the thesis analyses the effects on consumers of a scenario that no digital exhaustion exists in the future. Such scenario under the recent European case law at the moment seems realistic. The conclusion of my research is most importantly that the consumer position in the market for digital goods has deteriorated and that the probable exclusion of the exhaustion for digital goods is another piece of evidence of this development. Most importantly however, the state of affairs where no certainty prevails on whether digital exhaustion exists, creates injustice from the consumers’ point of view. Accordingly, acts by EU legislators of the Court of Justice of the European Union are required to clarify the issue.


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CSR has been subject of broad debate and research over the decades and has gained attention recently. The purpose of this thesis is to find out how companies perceive CSR. In addition this thesis is researching what is CSR in Finnish companies, how do companies measure CSR, what are the effects of CSR and how companies perceive those effects and what actors and factors support CSR. This research is a case study where altogether nine informants from seven companies were interviewed. This research is qualitative case study implemented with theme interviews. The analysis method is content analysis. Several interesting issues emerged from the empirical findings. CSR is playing pivotal role in companies values, vision and mission. CSR was perceived differently in companies but also mutual points emerged. The role of stakeholders is essential in CSR. In addition the communication with stakeholders was seen very important. Companies perceived that they can gain many benefits when acting responsibly for instance in issues related to cost reduction, reputation and personnel. However measuring these effects from CSR point of view was seen challenging. Other CSR related challenges are for example change and lack of resources. When considering empirical findings from a theoretical point of view, three interesting issues emerged. CSR reports play an important role in measuring and developing of CSR. However, this is not the case with all companies and some of them argued that reporting has too much attention nowadays when talking about CSR. The benefits of CSR are mostly related to responsive CSR. However maybe in a long-term follow-up strategic CSR related competitive advantage benefits could be more easily noticed. Many different issues supported CSR. Some issues are driven by outside of companies like NGO`s and media and some inside like the motivation of personnel and management. Vastuullista liiketoimintaa on tutkittu vuosien saatossa laajalti ja se on saanut viime vuosina erityisen paljon huomiota. Tämän pro gradu –tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, miten yritykset kokevat vastuullisen liiketoiminnan. Tämän lisäksi tutkimuksessa selvitetään, mitä vastuullinen liiketoiminta suomalaisissa yrityksissä tarkoittaa, miten yritykset mittaavat omaa vastuullisuuttaan, mitkä ovat vastuullisuuden vaikutukset, miten yritykset kokevat vastuullisuuden vaikutukset ja mitkä tekijät tukevat vastuullisen liiketoiminnan syntyä. Tutkimus toteutettiin haastattelemalla yhdeksää suomalaisen yrityksen yritysvastuusta vastaavaa tai sen kanssa työskentelevää henkilöä seitsemästä eri organisaatiosta loppuvuodesta 2014 ja alkuvuodesta 2015. Tutkimus on laadullinen, teemahaastatteluilla toteutettu haastattelututkimus. Aineisto on analysoitu teemoittain. Tutkimusaineiston perusteella vaikuttaa siltä, että vastuullinen liiketoiminta on tärkeässä roolissa yritysten arvoissa, visiossa ja missiossa. Yritysvastuu koettiin yrityksissä erilailla, mutta myös yhtäläisyyksiä on nähtävissä. Sidosryhmien rooli on erittäin tärkeä yritysvastuusta puhuttaessa ja myös kommunikointi sidosryhmien kanssa nousi tärkeäksi aiheeksi. Yritykset kokivat saavuttavansa monia hyötyjä vastuullisesta toiminnasta kuten kustannussäästöihin, maineeseen ja työntekijöihin liittyvissä asioissa. Näiden hyötyjen mittaaminen yritysvastuun näkökulmasta koettiin kuitenkin haasteelliseksi. Muita vastuullisuuteen liittyviä haasteita olivat esimerkiksi siihen liittyvä muutos sekä niukat resurssit. Tutkimuksen johtopäätöksistä nousi esille kolme merkittävää seikkaa. Vastuullisuusraportoinnin koettiin olevan hyödyllinen yritysvastuun mittaamisessa ja kehittämisessä. Kaikki yritykset eivät kuitenkaan olleet tätä mieltä ja osa koki raportoinnin saavan liian paljon huomiota nykypäivänä. Yritysten kokemat hyödyt vastuullisuuteen liittyen syntyivät pääosin reaktiivisesta vastuullisuudesta. Tässä kohdin on kuitenkin huomionarvoista mainita, että strategisen vastuullisuuden hyödyt olisivat saattaneet nousta paremmin esille pidemmän aikavälin tutkimuksessa. Yritysvastuun syntyä tukevia tekijöitä löytyi monia. Osa tekijöistä oli yrityksen ulkopuolisia kuten kansalaisjärjestöt ja media ja jotkut taas kumpusivat yrityksen sisältä esimerkiksi työntekijöiden ja johdon motivaatio.


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This doctoral study conducts an empirical analysis of the impact of Word-of-Mouth (WOM) on marketing-relevant outcomes such as attitudes and consumer choice, during a high-involvement and complex service decision. Due to its importance to decisionmaking, WOM has attracted interest from academia and practitioners for decades. Consumers are known to discuss products and services with one another. These discussions help consumers to form an evaluative opinion, as WOM reduces perceived risk, simplifies complexity, and increases the confidence of consumers in decisionmaking. These discussions are also highly impactful as WOM is a trustworthy source of information, since it is independent from the company or brand. In responding to the calls for more research on what happens after WOM information is received, and how it affects marketing-relevant outcomes, this dissertation extends prior WOM literature by investigating how consumers process information in a highinvolvement service domain, in particular higher-education. Further, the dissertation studies how the form of WOM influences consumer choice. The research contributes to WOM and services marketing literature by developing and empirically testing a framework for information processing and studying the long-term effects of WOM. The results of the dissertation are presented in five research publications. The publications are based on longitudinal data. The research leads to the development of a proposed theoretical framework for the processing of WOM, based on theories from social psychology. The framework is specifically focused on service decisions, as it takes into account evaluation difficulty through the complex nature of choice criteria associated with service purchase decisions. Further, other gaps in current WOM literature are taken into account by, for example, examining how the source of WOM and service values affects the processing mechanism. The research also provides implications for managers aiming to trigger favorable WOM through marketing efforts, such as advertising and testimonials. The results provide suggestions on how to design these marketing efforts by taking into account the mechanism through which information is processed, or the form of social influence.


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This study concentrates on developing a suitable business model for Finnish biobanks, with particular emphasis on value creation to stakeholders. The sub-objective of this thesis are to map the commercial possibilities of biobanks and potential barriers for business development. The study approaches the subject from the biobanks’ as well as the stakeholders’ point of view, integrating their hopes and needs considering current and future co-operation into the findings. In 2013 the Biobank Act came into effect, after which six biobanks have been established and several other pending biobank projects are in process. There is relatively little research in regard to the commercial opportunities of this newcomer of the biomedical industry, and particularly in the Finnish markets. Therefore, the aim of this study is to partially fill the research gap of the commercial potential of biobanks and particularly outline the problematic elements in developing business. The theoretical framework consists of a few select theories, which depict business modeling and value creation of organizations. The theories are combined to form a synthesis, which best adapts to biobanks, and acts as a backbone for interviews. The empirical part of the study was conducted mainly by seven face-to-face interviews, and complemented by two phone interviews and an e-mail questionnaire with four responses. The findings consist mainly of the participants’ reflections on the potential products and services enabled by consumer genomics, as well as perceptions on different obstacles for biobanks’ business development. The nature of the study is tentative, as biobanks are relatively new organizations in Finland, and their operation models and activities are still molding. The aim is to bring to surface the hopes and concerns of biobanks’ representatives, as well as the representatives of stakeholders, in order to transparently discuss the current situation and suggestions for further development. The study concludes that in principle, the interviewees’ agree on the need for development in order not to waste the potential of biobanks; regardless, the participants emphasize different aspects and subsequently lean on differing methods.


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In the industry of the case company, transportation and warehousing costs account for more than 10% of the total cost which is more than on average. A Finnish company has an understanding that by sending larger shipments in parcels, they could save tens of thousands of euros annually in freight costs in Finland’s domestic shipments. To achieve these savings and optimize total logistics cost, company’s interest is to find out which is the cost efficient way of shipping road shipments of certain volumes; in parcel boxes or on pallets, and what should be the split volume determining the shipment type. Distribution center (DC) costs affect this decision and therefore they need to be also evaluated to determine the total logistics cost savings. Main results were achieved by executing activity-based costing-calculations including DC and road freight costs to determine the ideal split volume with which the total logistics cost is optimal. Calculations were done for Finland’s DC, separately for two main road freight destinations, Finland and Sweden, which cover 50% of road shipment spend. Data for calculations was collected both manually and automatically from various internal and external sources, such as the company ERP system and logistics service providers’ (LSP) reporting. DC processes were studied in practice and compared to model processes. Currently used freight rates were compared to existing pricing models and freight service tendering process was evaluated by participating in the process and comparing it to the models based on literature. The results show that the potential savings are not as significant as the company hoped for, mainly because of packing work increasing DC labor cost. Annual savings by setting ideal split volume per country would account for 0,4 % of the warehousing and transportation costs of shipments in scope of this thesis. Split volume should be set separately for each route, mainly because the pricing model for road freight is different in each country. For some routes bigger parcels should be sent but for some routes pallets should be used more. Next step is to do these calculations for remaining routes to determine total savings potential. Other findings show that the processes in the DC are designed well and the company could achieve savings by executing tenders more efficiently. Company should also pay more attention to parcel pricing and packing the shipments accordingly.


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Consumer neuroscience (neuromarketing) is an emerging field of marketing research which uses brain imaging techniques to study neural conditions and processes that underlie consumption. The purpose of this study was to map this fairly new and growing field in Finland by studying the opinions of both Finnish consumers and marketing professionals towards it and comparing the opinions to the current consumer neuroscience literature, and based on that evaluate the usability of brain imaging techniques as a marketing research method. Mixed methods research design was chosen for this study. Quantitative data was collected from 232 consumers and 28 marketing professionals by means of online surveys. Both respondent groups had either neutral opinions or lacked knowledge about the four themes chosen for this study: benefits, limitations and challenges, ethical issues and future prospects of consumer neuroscience. Qualitative interview data was collected from 2 individuals from Finnish neuromarketing companies to deepen insights gained from quantitative research. The four interview themes were the same as in the surveys and the interviewees’ answers were mostly in line with the current literature, although more optimistic about the future of the field. The interviews also exposed a gap between academic consumer neuroscience research and practical level applications. The results of this study suggest that there are still many unresolved challenges and relevant populations either have neutral opinions or lack information about consumer neuroscience. The practical level applications are, however, already being successfully used and this new field of marketing research is growing both globally and in Finland.


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This study concentrates on developing a suitable business model for Finnish biobanks, with particular emphasis on value creation to stakeholders. The sub-objective of this thesis are to map the commercial possibilities of biobanks and potential barriers for business development. The study approaches the subject from the biobanks’ as well as the stakeholders’ point of view, integrating their hopes and needs considering current and future co-operation into the findings. In 2013 the Biobank Act came into effect, after which six biobanks have been established and several other pending biobank projects are in process. There is relatively little research in regard to the commercial opportunities of this newcomer of the biomedical industry, and particularly in the Finnish markets. Therefore, the aim of this study is to partially fill the research gap of the commercial potential of biobanks and particularly outline the problematic elements in developing business. The theoretical framework consists of a few select theories, which depict business modeling and value creation of organizations. The theories are combined to form a synthesis, which best adapts to biobanks, and acts as a backbone for interviews. The empirical part of the study was conducted mainly by seven face-to-face interviews, and complemented by two phone interviews and an e-mail questionnaire with four responses. The findings consist mainly of the participants’ reflections on the potential products and services enabled by consumer genomics, as well as perceptions on different obstacles for biobanks’ business development. The nature of the study is tentative, as biobanks are relatively new organizations in Finland, and their operation models and activities are still molding. The aim is to bring to surface the hopes and concerns of biobanks’ representatives, as well as the representatives of stakeholders, in order to transparently discuss the current situation and suggestions for further development. The study concludes that in principle, the interviewees’ agree on the need for development in order not to waste the potential of biobanks; regardless, the participants emphasize different aspects and subsequently lean on differing methods.


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This thesis focuses on consolidation the recommendations on the integration of consumer in new product development (NPD) given in the academic literature, and on the example of the three NPD projects in the case company. The empirical findings advocate that the case company fulfills the principles of consumer-led NPD, and it is only one-step away of the full consumer empowerment strategy. Therefore, its NPD can be seen as an example of consumer-led NPD implementation. The findings also suggest that the product can be developed in consumer-led way regardless of the source of an idea (product- or need-driven), the target audience and resources assigned, in case when consumer mindset is integrated on all levels of organisation: strategic, cultural, operational and process. It is possible with top-management commitment, internal consumer research group, and the sophisticated consumer research methods. The specific managerial recommendations are given on developing consumer-led culture, strategy, NPD process and the appropriate consumer research methods and techniques.


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The textile industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world. The amount of air and water pollution it causes puts a burden on the environment. There are companies who have taken the environmental and social aspects into account in the their production and chosen to operate in a green manner. This thesis studies how the phenomenon of green branding is seen from the perspectives of small Finnish textile companies. The theory used in this thesis has to do with green branding and identity building. The theory is used to analyze the results of the empirical findings. The main research question that the thesis aims to answer is how green branding is perceived within the Finnish textile industry. In order to answer the main research question, empirical data was collected from five relevant companies within the Finnish textile industry. The companies interviewed for the study were WST, Saana ja Olli, RCM, R-collection and Tiensivu. The study was conducted as a multiple case based study where multiple experts from green companies were interviewed. The experts were all owners or employees of companies that have a so-called green brand identity. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews, where the relevant experts from each company were interviewed either by themselves, in pairs or in groups. The data that was collected for this study was primary data, and the results of the study are mainly based on the experiences and opinions of the experts interviewed. The data collected does not cover the entire green textile industry within Finland, but study does however give a fairly comprehensive view of the phenomenon, as the textile industry in Finland is quite concise. The general findings of the study show that all experts from the companies interviewed agreed that a green brand identity does benefit their company in one way or the other. The findings also show contradictions with the older theory (eg. Charter et al. 1999, Pickett et al. 1995), and perhaps give a more modern view of the thoughts within the industry.


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Consumer neuroscience (neuromarketing) is an emerging field of marketing research which uses brain imaging techniques to study neural conditions and processes that underlie consumption. The purpose of this study was to map this fairly new and growing field in Finland by studying the opinions of both Finnish consumers and marketing professionals towards it and comparing the opinions to the current consumer neuroscience literature, and based on that evaluate the usability of brain imaging techniques as a marketing research method. Mixed methods research design was chosen for this study. Quantitative data was collected from 232 consumers and 28 marketing professionals by means of online surveys. Both respondent groups had either neutral opinions or lacked knowledge about the four themes chosen for this study: benefits, limitations and challenges, ethical issues and future prospects of consumer neuroscience. Qualitative interview data was collected from 2 individuals from Finnish neuromarketing companies to deepen insights gained from quantitative research. The four interview themes were the same as in the surveys and the interviewees’ answers were mostly in line with the current literature, although more optimistic about the future of the field. The interviews also exposed a gap between academic consumer neuroscience research and practical level applications. The results of this study suggest that there are still many unresolved challenges and relevant populations either have neutral opinions or lack information about consumer neuroscience. The practical level applications are, however, already being successfully used and this new field of marketing research is growing both globally and in Finland.


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Celebrity endorsement has increased in popularity over the past decades and companies are willing to spend increasingly excessive amounts of money into it. Even though multiple studies support celebrity endorsement, further research on its impact on advertising effectiveness is called for. Fur-ther, the role of consumers’ product class involvement in advertising needs to be further studied. The purpose of this study is to explore if consumers’ product class involvement and exposure to celebrity endorsers affect consumers brand recall. Supported by earlier studies, brand recall was used as a measure for advertising effectiveness in this study. In general, a psychological approach was chosen for building the theoretical framework. Concept of classical conditioning was presented in order to understand why people act how they do. Balanced theory and meaning transfer model were presented in order to study how celebrities can be used effectively in advertising context. Further, the importance of product class involvement in advertising effectiveness was evaluated. Hypotheses were formulated based on a literature review of the existing research. Because of the versatility of the research design, a mixed methods approach for this study was adopted. Empirical part of the study was conducted in three stages. First, a pre-test was conducted in order to choose suitable product endorsers for the advertisement stimuli used in the experiment. Second, an eye-tracking experiment with 30 test subjects was conducted in order to study how people view advertisements and whether the familiarity of the product endorser and consumers’ product class involvement affects brand recall. For the experiment, a fictional brand was created in order to avoid bias on brand recall. Third, qualitative interviews for 15 test subjects were conducted in the post-experiment stage in order to gain deeper understating of the phenomenon and to make sense of the findings from the experiment. Findings from this study support celebrity endorsement by suggesting that a famous spokesperson does not steal attention from brand information more than a non-celebrity product endorser. As a result, the use of a celebrity endorser did not decrease brand recall. Results support earlier research as consumer’ higher product class involvement resulted in a better brand recall. Findings from the interviews suggest that consumers have positive perceptions of celebrity endorsement in general. However, the celebrity–brand congruence is a crucial factor when creating attitudes towards the advertisement. Future research ideas were presented based on the limitations and results of this study