52 resultados para defensive routines


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Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan suomalaisnuorten itsemurhia teon inhimillisen ja sosiaalisen ulottuvuuden näkökulmasta. Tutkimustehtävänä on itsemurhan tehneen lapsen vanhempien subjektiivisten kokemusten tavoittaminen. Tarkoituksena on selvittää (1) millaisia sisältöjä ja merkityksiä nuoren elämä ja itsemurha saavat vanhempien kertomuksissa, (2) millä tavoin vanhemmat ovat ennakoineet nuoren tulevaa itsemurhaa ja millaisiksi varjelevat tekijät muodostuvat vanhempien ennakointien pohjalta sekä (3) miten auttamistyö merkityksellistyy osana ennusmerkkeihin ja varjeleviin tekijöihin liittyviä kertomuksia. Tutkimus on suunnattu edistämään itsemurhien ehkäisyä. Tutkimustyyppinä on narratiivinen laadullinen tutkimus. Pääaineistona on 14 lapsen itsemurhakuoleman kokeneen vanhemman kerronnallista haastattelua. Nuorten kuoliniän vaihteluväli on 15–31 vuotta. Täydentävä aineisto koostuu vanhempien kanssa käydyistä sähköpostikeskusteluista sekä heidän antamasta kirjallisesta lisämateriaalista, johon lukeutuu vanhempien omia muistelmia, heidän itsemurhan tehneiden lasten päiväkirjamerkintöjä ja jäähyväiskirjeitä. Analysointi on väljästi ymmärrettynä aineistolähtöinen. Analyysi perustuu narratiivisuuden ja sisällönanalyysin suomiin mahdollisuuksiin tukeutuen myös elämäkerralliseen näkökulmaan. Elämä ja kuolema ovat toistensa vastakohtia ja tiloja, jotka ovat jatkuvassa vuorovaikutuksessa keskenään. Itsensä surmaamisessa merkityksellistyy tavoitteellinen toiminta, jolla on korostuneesti yhteys nuoren sosiaaliseen ympäristöön suhteineen ja tapahtumineen. Ennusmerkit, eli vanhempien jälkikäteen näkemät vihjeet ennen lapsen itsemurhaa, liittyvät useisiin samanaikaisesti tapahtuneisiin prosesseihin, joissa elämään yleisesti liittyvät osa-alueet ovat yhdistyneet toisiinsa ja sekoittuneet keskenään. Varjelevat tekijät rakentuvat ennusmerkkien kääntöpuolina eli sisältöinä, joita vanhemman näkökulmasta nuoren eläessä olisi pitänyt tapahtua. Kyse voi olla myös seikoista, joista vanhempi on jälkeenpäin pohtinut, että tämä jonkun olisi pitänyt ymmärtää tai tehdä toisin. Vanhemmat kritisoivat laajasti auttamistyötä. Kritiikki kohdistui palvelujärjestelmään ja auttamistyötä toteuttaneiden tahojen toimintaan. Vanhempien kriittinen toimijuus tekee näkyväksi yksilön ja yhteiskunnan välisen kompleksisen suhteen. Palvelujärjestelmää on kehitettävä kokemusperäisen tiedon näkökulmasta. Ammattikäytännöissä korostuu psykososiaalisen työn merkitys. Tutkimus osoittaa, että sensitiivisten aiheiden tutkiminen on tärkeää ja laadullisen kulttuurisen kontekstin huomioivain itsemurhatutkimuksen tarve on suuri.


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Ellagitannins are secondary metabolites that are produced by plants. Among other features, they are assumed to function as plants’ defensive compounds against plant-eating herbivores. This thesis focuses on a theory, which suggests that the biological activity of ellagitannins is based on their tendency to oxidize at the highly alkaline gut conditions of insect herbivores (oxidative activity). To study the biological activities of ellagitannins, a wide variety of structurally different ellagitannins were purified from different plant species by using liquid chromatographic techniques. The structures were characterized with the aid of spectrometric methods. Based on the acquired data, it was also possible to create a scheme, which enables the classification and even identification of ellagitannins from plant extracts without the need to isolate each compound for individual characterization. The biological activities of ellagitannins were determined with methods that are based on the abilities of the compounds to scavenge radicals, chelate iron ions, and on their rate of oxidation at high pH. The results showed that ellagitannins possess oxidative activities both at high and neutral pH, and that their activities depend on structure. The occurrence, distribution and content of ellagitannins in Finnish plant species were also studied. The specific ellagitannin profiles of the studied plant species were found to correlate well with their taxonomic classification.


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Tämän Pro Gradu –tutkielman tarkoituksena selvittää yritysten strategisen johdon roolia tuoteinnovaatioiden mahdollistajina. Tutkielmassa perehdytään dynaamisiin kyvykkyyksiin ja dynaamisiin johtamiskyvykkyyksiin tuoteinnovaatiotoiminnan taustalla healthtech-toimialalla. Tutkimuksen perustana on teoriakatsauksen pohjalta laadittu viitekehys, joka toimii pohjana tutkimuksen empiirisessä osuudessa. Viitekehys koostuu innovaatioteoriasta sekä dynaamisista kyvykkyyksistä, jotka ovat sensing-kyvykkyys, seizing-kyvykkyys ja reconfiguring-kyvykkyys. Kyvykkyyksien taustalta selvitetään minkälaisia prosesseja, rutiineja ja toimintatapoja yrityksillä, ja niiden strategisella johdolla, on tuoteinnovaatioiden johtamisessa. Tutkimuksessa empiriisessä osuudessa käytettiin tapaustutkimusta, jonka aineisto kerättiin tutkimuksen kohderyhmälle toteutuin teemahaastatteluin. Haastattelurunko koostui tutkielman viitekehyksen pohjalta. Teemahaastatteluiden litteroitu aineisto analysoitiin sisällönanalyysin keinoin, jonka jälkeen päädyttiin johtopäätöksiin siitä, minkälaisia prosesseja, rutiineja ja toimintatapoja kyvykkyyksien taustalla on, mikä on innovaatioiden rooli liiketoiminnalle, ja miten dynaamiset johtamiskyvykkyydet näyttäytyivät. Tärkeinpänä tutkimustuloksena havaittiin, että selkeitä teorian mukaisia rutiineja, prosesseja ja toimintatapoja löytyi niin uusien mahdollisuuksien havaitsemissa, niihin tarttumisessa kuin uhkilta suojautumisessa. Havaittiin myös, että toimialalla innovaatioiden rooli on korostunut.


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Gear rattle is a phenomenon that occurs when idling or lightly loaded gears collide due to engine’s torque fluctuations. This behaviour is related to vibration behaviour of the transmission system. Aim of this master’s thesis is to evaluate Adams and Adams/Machinery as a simulation tools for modelling the rattle e ect in a transmission system. A case study of tractor’s power take-o driveline, suspected to be prone to rattle, is performed in this work. Modelling methods used by Adams in this type of study are presented in the theory section while simulation model build with the software during this work is presented in the results. The Machinery toolbox is used to create gears and bearings while other model components are created with standard Adams tool set. Geometries and excitations are exported from other softwares. Results were obtained from multiple variations of a base model. These result sets and literature review suggest that Adams/Machinery may not be the most suitable tool for rattle analysis. While the system behaviour was partially captured, for accurate modelling user-written routines must be used which may be more easily performed with other tools. Further research about this topic is required.


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THE WAY TO ORGANIZATIONAL LONGEVITY – Balancing stability and change in Shinise firms The overall purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the secret of longevity in Shinise firms. On the basic assumption that organizational longevity is about balancing stability and change, the theoretical perspectives incorporate routine practice, organizational culture, and organizational identity. These theories explain stability and change in an organization separately and in combination. Qualitative inductive theory building was used in the study. Overall, the empirical data comprised 75 in-depth and semi-structured interviews, 137 archival materials, and observations made over 17 weeks. According to the empirical findings, longevity in Shinise firms is attributable to the internal mechanisms (Shinise tenacity, stability in motion, and emergent change) to secure a balance between stability and change, the continuing stability of the socio-cultural environment in the local community, and active interaction between organizational and local cultures. The contribution of the study to the literature on organizational longevity and the alternative theoretical approaches is first, in theorizing the mechanisms of Shinise tenacity and cross-level cultural dynamism, and second, in pointing out the critical role of: the way firms set their ultimate goal, the dynamism in culture, and the effect of history of the firm to the current business in securing longevity. KEY WORDS Change; Culture; Organizational identity; Organizational longevity; Routines; Shinise firms; Stability; Qualitative research


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If electricity users adjusted their consumption patterns according to time-variable electricity prices or other signals about the state of the power system, generation and network assets could be used more efficiently, and matching intermittent renewable power generation with electricity demand would be facilitated. This kind of adjustment of electricity consumption, or demand response, may be based on consumers’ decisions to shift or reduce electricity use in response to time-variable electricity prices or on the remote control of consumers’ electric appliances. However, while demand response is suggested as a solution to many issues in power systems, actual experiences from demand response programs with residential customers are mainly limited to short pilots with a small number of voluntary participants, and information about what kinds of changes consumers are willing and able to make and what motivates these changes is scarce. This doctoral dissertation contributes to the knowledge about what kinds of factors impact on residential consumers’ willingness and ability to take part in demand response. Saving opportunities calculated with actual price data from the Finnish retail electricity market are compared with the occurred supplier switching to generate a first estimate about how large savings could trigger action also in the case of demand response. Residential consumers’ motives to participate in demand response are also studied by a web-based survey with 2103 responses. Further, experiences of households with electricity consumption monitoring systems are discussed to increase knowledge about consumers’ interest in getting more information on their electricity use and adjusting their behavior based on it. Impacts of information on willingness to participate in demand response programs are also approached by a survey for experts of their willingness to engage in demand response activities. Residential customers seem ready to allow remote control of electric appliances that does not require changes in their everyday routines. Based on residents’ own activity, the electricity consuming activities that are considered shiftable are very limited. In both cases, the savings in electricity costs required to allow remote control or to engage in demand response activities are relatively high. Nonmonetary incentives appeal to fewer households.


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The aim of this study was to examine how to support breastfeeding of preterm infants immediately after birth in the delivery ward, during their hospital stay in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), and at home after hospital discharge. Specifically, the role of early physical contact, maternal breastfeeding attitude, and an internet-based peer support group were investigated. The delivery ward practices concerning the implementation of early physical contact between a mother and her infant admitted to a NICU were examined by a structured survey in two hospitals. An Internet-based, breastfeeding peer-support intervention for the mothers of preterm infants was developed and tested in a randomized controlled design with one year follow-up. The main outcomes were the duration of exclusive and overall breastfeeding, expressing milk, and maternal attitude. In addition, the perceptions of mothers of preterm infants were investigated by analyzing the peer-support group discussions with a qualitative approach. The implementation of early physical contact was different between the two hospitals studied and was based more on hospital routines than the physiological condition of the infant. Preterm infants, who were born before a gestational age (GA) of 32 weeks, were hardly ever allowed to have early contact with their mothers. Both, a higher GA and early physical contact predicted earlier initiation and increased frequency of breastfeeding in the NICU. A maternal breastfeeding-favorable attitude predicted increased frequency of breastfeeding in the NICU and also a longer duration of overall breastfeeding. The actual duration of breastfeeding was, however, shorter than the mothers intended in advance. The internet-based, peer-support intervention had no effect on the duration of breastfeeding, expressing milk, or maternal attitude. The participating mothers enjoyed the possibility of sharing their experiences of preterm infants with other mothers in similar situations. Some of the mothers also experienced being given useful advice for breastfeeding. Based on the mothers’ discussions, a process of breastfeeding preterm infants was created. This included some paradoxical elements in the NICU where, for example, breast milk was emphasized over breastfeeding and support in the hospital varied. Hospital discharge was a critical point, when the mothers faced breastfeeding in reality. Over time, the mothers assimilated their breastfeeding experience into part of being a mother. The care practices related to early physical contact in delivery wards need to be re-evaluated to allow more infants to have a moment with the mother. Maternal attitude could be screened prenatally and attitude-focused interventions developed. Breastfeeding support in the NICU should be standardized. Internet-based breastfeeding peer-support intervention was feasible but additional research is needed.