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Understanding how firms create, communicate, and deliver value to customers is a key factor when firms seek to differentiate in increasingly competitive and commoditized business markets. As product and price have become less important differentiators in many industries, suppliers are increasingly seeking ways to differentiate themselves based on delivered customer value. Therefore, to gain a holistic understanding on what their offerings are worth to the customer, suppliers need to conduct customer value assessment, which quantifies the impact of a supplier´s offering to customers’ costs and returns. However, from a managerial perspective, customer value assessment is the single most critical challenge for firms in business markets. Consequently, developing holistic frameworks for customer value assessment is seen as one of the most important research priorities for marketing research. The purpose of this study is to explore the process of customer value assessment in business markets. Business markets represent a context where an increasing number of industrial firms are transitioning from basic product offerings towards service-based and solution-oriented hybrid offerings, which emphasize value co-creation and realization in the long term, thus making it difficult to quantify their monetary value. This study employs exploratory and qualitative research design by applying inductive and discovery-oriented grounded theory and multiple case research methods. The empirical data comprise interviews with 61 managers from 12 industrial firms, including seven best practice firms in customer value assessment. The findings of this study show that customer value assessment is essentially a crossfunctional process, which involves several organizational functions. The process begins well before and continues long after the actual delivery, often until the end of a supplier´s offering’s life-cycle. Furthermore, the findings shed light on alternative strategies that firms in business markets can adopt to implement the customer value assessment process. Overall, the findings contribute to customer value research, the sales and organizational management literature, the service marketing and solutions business literature, and suggest several managerial implications on how firms in business markets can adopt a holistic approach to assess value created for customers.
Valuable minerals can be recovered by using froth flotation. This is a widely used separation technique in mineral processing. In a flotation cell hydrophobic particles attach on air bubbles dispersed in the slurry and rise on the top of the cell. Valuable particles are made hydrophobic by adding collector chemicals in the slurry. With the help of a frother reagent a stable froth forms on the top of the cell and the froth with valuable minerals, i.e. the concentrate, can be removed for further processing. Normally the collector is dosed on the basis of the feed rate of the flotation circuit and the head grade of the valuable metal. However, also the mineral composition of the ore affects the consumption of the collector, i.e. how much is adsorbed on the mineral surfaces. Therefore it is worth monitoring the residual collector concentration in the flotation tailings. Excess usage of collector causes unnecessary costs and may even disturb the process. In the literature part of the Master’s thesis the basics of flotation process and collector chemicals are introduced. Capillary electrophoresis (CE), an analytical technique suitable for detecting collector chemicals, is also reviewed. In the experimental part of the thesis the development of an on-line CE method for monitoring the concentration of collector chemicals in a flotation process and the results of a measurement campaign are presented. It was possible to determine the quality and quantity of collector chemicals in nickel flotation tailings at a concentrator plant with the developed on-line CE method. Sodium ethyl xanthate and sodium isopropyl xanthate residuals were found in the tailings and slight correlation between the measured concentrations and the dosage amounts could be seen.
Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
Mobile applications market shows one of the highest growth rates for the market of intellectual products. The market is attractive to investors, despite the fact that the major companies of this industry already firmly consolidated its position. Experts predict the growth of the market for mobile applications with the development of mobile technologies in general. To demonstrate the explosive growth of the market and the scale of its impact, it is worth recalling the mobile game Angry Birds, which was able to achieve a huge reach and formed a full-fledged media brand, comparable to the film industry brands. The reasons why some games become popular and others not, are important for understanding the driving factors of the games industry. The Master’s Thesis explores the factors for mobile games applications popularity and ranking and propose recommendations for mobile games app store optimization of app representation. It discovers particular features of mobile games applications and releases’ influence on their popularity. Also the study assumes usage of such business models as The Business Model Canvas by Osterwalder and The Lean Startup Methodology by Ries, and describes the best practices of mobile application development process and market positioning. Moreover, the Master’s Thesis gives examples of multiple case studies about successful mobile apps developers.
Työn tavoitteena oli tuottaa selvitys kohdeyrityksen kotimaan kuljetusten nykytilasta sekä toimenpidesuositus perusteluineen, onko tarpeellista kannustaa nykyisiä kuljetusalihankkijoita hankkimaan uutta kuljetuskalustoa. Lisäksi tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää ne tilanteet, joissa korkeampien kuormien hyödyntäminen olisi kaikkein kannattavinta kohdeyrityksen kannalta. Tutkimuksen teoriaosiossa käytiin läpi kuljetustoimintojen merkitystä yrityksissä, kerrottiin taustatietoa 1.10.2013 voimaantulleesta mitta- ja massauudistuksesta sekä kuljetuspalveluiden hinnoitteluun liittyviä seikkoja. Työn empiriaosiossa käsiteltiin tutkimukseen valittujen case – tehtaiden kotimaankuljetusten nykytilaa ja tehtaisiin liittyviä kuljetuskustannuslaskelmia tuloksineen, sekä nykytilan mukaisia että aiempaa suurempia sallittuja kuormia hyödynnettäessä. Lisäksi empiriaosiossa esitettiin laskelmiin perustuen toimenpidesuosituksia työn toimeksiantajalle. Työn keskeisin tulos oli, että mitta- ja massauudistusta kannattaa hyödyntää tilanteissa, joissa kuljetettavat määrät ovat mahdollisimmat suuria, välimatkat pitkiä ja joissa kuorma puretaan esim. satamassa. Käytännössä tämä toteutuu Pohjois-Suomesta Etelä-Suomeen suuntautuvissa kuljetuksissa ja se on myös kuljetusyritysten näkökulmasta kannattavin vaihtoehto.
This thesis was carried out as a case study of a company YIT in order to clarify the sev-erest risks for the company and to build a method for project portfolio evaluation. The target organization creates new living environment by constructing residential buildings, business premises, infrastructure and entire areas worth for EUR 1.9 billion in the year 2013. Company has noted project portfolio management needs more information about the structure of project portfolio and possible influences of market shock situation. With interviews have been evaluated risks with biggest influence and most appropriate metrics to examine. The major risks for the company were evaluated by interviewing the executive staff. At the same time, the most appropriate risk metrics were considered. At the moment sales risk was estimated to have biggest impact on company‟s business. Therefore project port-folio evaluation model was created and three different scenarios for company‟s future were created in order to identify the scale of possible market shock situation. The created model is tested with public and descriptive figures of YIT in a one-year-long market shock and the impact on different metrics was evaluated. Study was conducted using con-structive research methodology. Results indicate that company has notable sales risk in certain sections of business portfolio.
The thesis is rooted in caring science and the notion that the human being is an indivisible unity of body, soul and spirit. The purpose is to search for new, or expanded knowledge and understanding of the substance of the human’s spiritual space, as well as aspects that may constitute a foundation for the safeguard of human dignity. The clinical research study concerns the importance of spirituality and dignity in the care for older people. The thesis consists of three substudies with four articles, and the methodology is based on Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics. Through a metasynthesis of 17 research articles, sub-study I searched for understanding of the concept of spirituality as it may appear in reality (deduction). 17 older people were interviewed in sub-study II. This sub-study sought understanding for spirituality and dignity in the specific reality (induction). Sub-study III searched for theory development regarding spirituality, through a literature review of 20 research articles and a text by Tillich (abduction). The findings imply that spirituality entails human beings’ connectedness with one’s inner space and connectedness beyond oneself. Love in connectedness appears as a force in both spirituality and dignity. Themes portrayed include understanding of the spiritual space, religiousness, dignity, and spiritual care. The relationship between dignity and spirituality can be seen in the confirmation of human worth and care for the whole human being, including the spiritual dimension, and this is understood as a prerequisite for perceived dignity. It seems to be important that older people feel valued, loved, not abandoned, and alive. The theoretical model portrays love as a reunifying and connecting force that may foster confirmation, serving, longing and holiness. The movement towards connectedness may create room for the human being’s perception of dignity and holiness, and as such, it may be a force in the search for wholeness and becoming in health.
Study of the advancement of innovations in communications industry. Case study: Russian Post Company
This study attempted to provide a project based on the already tested and successful results of foreign business which can help to contain the final price of innovation on desired levels. The research will attempt to dig out most of available information related to aforementioned definitions and thus completing theoretical background. Next author will explain used methodology and the process of evidence collection. After that the study will show the analysis of collected data in order to obtain results which are going to be compared with stated objectives in the final part. The conclusion of the research and proposed possibilities for additional work will be given in the last part. For this study author has chosen the qualitative model because it performs very well for analysis of small scale of data. The case study method was used because it gave author an opportunity to make an in-depth analysis of the collected information about particular organization so it became possible to analyze system's details in comparison. The results have been early considered valid and applicable to other studies. As the result thesis has proposed undertakings which reflect researches aimed on solving problems with provision of services and development of communications. In addition thesis has proposed formulation of database of postal service for Russian Post when (by request) customer possess an account where he or she can access postal services via PC or info table in postal office and order delivery of postal products which will be given private identification code. Project's payoff period has been calculated as well.
This thesis examines the determinants of financial leverage ratio of large publicly listed companies within Nordic Telecom sector. The study is done as a case study and it covers 5 case companies headquartered in Nordic countries during period of 2002 - 2014 and by using restated values of quarterly observations from each case company’s interim reports. The chosen hypotheses are tested with multiple linear regressions firm by firm. The Findings of the study showed that uniqueness of Telecom sector and the region of our sample could not provide us unequivocal determinants of leverage ratio within the sector. However, e.g. Pecking order theory’s statement of Liquidity was widely confirmed by 3 out of 5 case companies which is worth to be taken into account in the big picture. The findings also showed that theories and earlier empirical evidence are confirmed by our case companies individually and non-systematically. Though Telecom sector is considered as quite unique industry and we did not discover absolute common relationships that would have held through all the Nordic case companies, we got unique and valuable evidence to conduct the research of this sector in future.
Tutkimus käsittelee islaminuskoisten somalityttöjen hyvään ja huonoon maineeseen liittyviä uskonnollisia, kulttuurisia ja etnisiä määrittelyjä ja niiden merkityksiä heidän arjessaan. Turussa hankittu etnografinen tutkimusaineisto koostuu osallistuvaan havainnointiin perustuvasta kenttäpäiväkirja-aineistosta sekä kahdestakymmenestäviidestä 17‒35-vuotiaiden somalityttöjen ja -naisten teemahaastattelusta vuosilta 2003–2006. Tutkimuksen tehtävänä on selvittää, minkälaista somalityttöä pidetään maineeltaan hyvänä ja miten tytön maine voi mennä. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan yhtäältä sitä, mikä merkitys sosiaalisilla verkostoilla on tyttöjen maineen määrittelyssä. Toisaalta kysytään, mitä somalitytöt ja nuoret naiset itse ajattelevat tytön maineeseen liittyvistä odotuksista ja miten he niistä tietoisina toimivat. Lähestymistapa rakentuu uskontotieteen, antropologian, sukupuolentutkimuksen, tyttötutkimuksen, nuorisotutkimuksen ja kulttuurimaantieteen näkökulmia yhdistelemällä. Ensimmäisessä aineistontulkintaluvussa tarkastellaan tyttöyteen ja maineen rakentumiseen liittyvää ruumiillista merkityksenantoa pukeutumisen, seksuaalisuuden, tyttöjen ympärileikkausta koskevan asennemuutoksen ja seurustelun teemojen kautta. Toisessa luvussa keskitytään kaupunkitilan ja tyttöjen vapaa-ajanvieton sosiotilallisiin tulkintoihin sekä tyttöjen käytöstä kodin ulkopuolella määritteleviin ja mainetta rakentaviin puheisiin. Haastatellut arvostivat islamiin ja somaliperinteeseen liittyviä arvoja ja pitivät niitä oman käytöksensä ohjenuorina. Omanarvontunto, itsekontrolli ja vastuuntunto omista teoista liitettiin ”hyvään tyttöyteen”. Tyttöjen toimijuus ilmeni heihin kohdistuvien odotusten suuntaisena käyttäytymisenä ja näiden ihanteiden arvostamisena. Toimijuus näkyi myös tiettyjen tyttöihin ja poikiin kohdistuvien erilaisten odotusten kyseenalaistamisena ja joissakin tapauksissa vastoin odotuksia toimimisena. Turkua myös verrattiin somalityttöjen käytöksen osalta pääkaupunkiseutuun. Tässä vertailussa Turku nimettiin kulttuurisen jatkuvuuden, pääkaupunkiseutu kulttuurisen muutoksen paikaksi. Haastateltujen mukaan yhteisöllisiä tulkintoja tyttöjen käytöksestä tehtiin puheissa ja juoruissa, usein suhteessa havaintoihin suomalaistyttöjen käytöksestä. Tyttöjen arkeen nämä etniset ja moraaliset eroteot eivät kuitenkaan vaikuttaneet aina samalla tavoin, koska tulkinnat tyttärille sopivasta ja mahdollisesta käytöksestä voivat vaihdella perheiden välillä. Tutkimus tuo esille, että tytön hyvä maine on eräs perheen hyvinvointiin vaikuttavista tekijöistä. Somalityttöjen käytös on myös eräs yhteisöllinen peili, jota vasten tehdään laajempia tulkintoja somalikulttuurin ja uskonnollisten arvojen tilasta diasporassa. Liiallinen muutos tyttöjen käyttäytymisessä uhkasi yhteisöllistä jatkuvuutta ja uskonnolliskulttuuristen arvojen välittymistä seuraaville sukupolville. Laajasti ymmärrettynä ”hyvä tyttöys” ja hyvä maine oli onnistuneen kulttuurisen neuvottelun tulosta diasporassa. Se tarkoitti, että tyttö kiinnittyi somalialaiseen taustaansa ja sen välittämiin arvoihin, osallistuen samalla kuitenkin myös suomalaiseen yhteiskuntaan.
Tässä diplomityössä käydään läpi materiaalihallintaa strategisista näkökulmista, joihin kuuluvat strateginen suunnittelu ja johtaminen, hankintatoimi, materiaalihallinta ennustamisen ja varastoimisen kautta sekä yleinen toiminnan kehittäminen. Näiden osa-alueiden kokonaissummasta tulee käsite strateginen materiaalihallinta, jonka avulla tässä työssä yritetään ratkaista tutkimuskohteena olevan yrityksen materiaalihallinnan haasteita. Strateginen materiaalihallinnan suunnittelu pitää aloittaa hahmottamalla oma ympäristö, esimerkiksi portfolioanalyysiä ja Ishikawan kalanruotokaaviota hyväksikäyttäen. Tämän jälkeen omat materiaalihallinnan kyvykkyydet voidaan analysoida, esimerkiksi SWOT-analyysin avulla, jolla pystytään kartoittamaan omat vahvuudet ja heikkoudet, sekä uhat että mahdollisuudet. Vasta kun ympäristö ja omat kyvykkyydet ovat analysoitu, voidaan asettaa päämäärät ja tavoitteet, joilla pyritään tukemaan kyseistä liiketoimintaa strategisen materiaalihallinnan avulla. Näiden tavoitteiden ja päämäärien saavuttamista on tärkeää myös seurata ja mitata. Strategista materiaalihallintaa voidaan optimoida eri tavoin, esimerkiksi erilaisilla hankinta-, varastointi, ja ennustemalleilla. Myös ABC-analyysin avulla voidaan ohjata eri ABC-luokkien materiaalihallintaa. Strateginen materiaalihallinta pyrkii siis tukemaan strategisesti liiketoimintojen päämääriä ja samalla vastaamaan asiakaskysyntään määritetyllä toimituskyvyllä minimi kokonaiskustannuksin.
Organizations that provide health and social services operate in a complex and constantly changing environment. Changes occur, for example, in ageing, technology and biotechnology, and customers’ expectations, as well as the global economic situation. Organizations typically aim to adapt the changes by introducing new organizational structures and managerial practices, such as process and lean management. Only recently has there been an interest in evaluating whether organizations providing health and social services could apply modularity in order to respond to some of the changes. The concept of modularity originates from manufacturing, but is applied in many other disciplines, such as information technology and logistics. However, thus far, the literature concerning modularity in health and social services is scarce. Therefore the purpose of this thesis is to increase understanding concerning modularity and the possibilities to apply modularity in the health and social services context. In addition, the purpose is to shed light on the viewpoints that are worth taking into account when considering the application of modularity in the health and social services context. The aim of the thesis is to analyze the way in which the modular structures are applied in the health and social services context and to analyze what advantages and possible barriers, as well as managerial concerns, might occur if modularity is applied in the health and social services context. The thesis is conducted by using multiple methods in order to provide a broad aspect to the topic. A systematic literature review provided solid ground for pre-understanding the topic and supported the formulation of the research questions. Theoretical reasoning provided a general overview of the special characteristics of the health and social services context and their effect on application of modularity. Empirical studies concentrated on managerial concerns of modularity particularly from the perspective of health and social services for the elderly. Results of the thesis reveal that structures in products, services, processes, and organizations are rather modular in health and social services. They can be decomposed in small independent units, while the challenges seem to occur especially in the compatibility of the services. It seems that health and social services managers have recognized this problem and they are increasingly paying attention to this challenge in order to enhance the flexible compatibility of services. Advantages and possible barriers of modularity are explored in this thesis, and from the theoretical perspective it could be argued that modularity seems to be beneficial in the context of health and social services. In fact, it has the potential to alleviate several of the challenges that the health and social services context is confronting. For example, modular structures could support organizations in their challenging task to respond to customers’ increasing demand for heterogeneous services. However, special characteristics of the health and social services context create barriers and provide significant challenges in application of modularity. For example, asymmetry of information, negative externalities, uncertainty of demand, and rigid regulation prevent managers from extensively drawing benefits from modularity. Results also reveal that modularity has managerial implications in health and social service. Modularity has the potential to promote and support new service development and outsourcing. Results also provide insights into network management and increases managerial understanding of different network management strategies. Standardization in health and social services is extensive due to legislation and recommendations. Modularity provides alternative paths to take an advantage of standardization while still ensuring the quality of the services. Based on this thesis, it can be concluded, both from a theoretical perspective and from empirical results concerning modularity in health and social services, that modularity might fit well and be beneficial. However, the special characteristics of the health and social services context prevent some of the benefits of modularity and complicate its application. This thesis contributes to the academic literature on the organization and management of health and social services by describing modularity as an alternative way for organizing and managing health and social services. In addition, it contributes to the literature of modularity by exploring the applicability of modularity in the context of health and social services. It also provides practical contribution to health and social services managers by evaluating the pros and cons of modularity when applied to health and social services.
Tämän kandidaatintutkielman tarkoituksena on tutkia, miten lohkoketjuteknologiaa voi soveltaa finanssisektorille. Tutkimus tarjoaa yleiskuvan lohkoketjuteknologista, sekä sen sovelluskohteista finanssisektorilla. Tutkimusmenetelmä on kvalitatiivinen ja se toteutettiin haastattelemalla pankkeja, jotka osallistuvat Distributed Ledger Group (DLG)-konsortioon. Kyseinen konsortio pyrkii 42 pankin ja R3cev nimisen yrityksen välisessä yhteistyössä soveltamaan lohkoketjuteknologiaa pankkisektorille. Haastattelujen perusteella pankit pitävät lohkoketjuteknologian potentiaalia pitkällä aikavälillä suurena. Erityisesti lohkoketjuteknologian odotetaan laskevan kustannuksia, sekä nopeuttavan toimintoja useiden eri tuotteiden kohdalla. Pelkästään pankkisektorilla tutkitaan tällä hetkellä kymmeniä eri sovelluskohteita. Ennen kuin lohkoketjulla voidaan nähdä kaupallista toimintaa, tulee haasteita ylittää sekä teknisellä, että säädännöllisellä puolella. Vielä on liian varhaista arvioida, milloin lohkoketjuteknologiaa tullaan soveltamaan laajemmin finanssisektorilla. Pankkien oma tutkimus aiheesta oli vielä suhteellisen varhaisessa vaiheessa. Lohkoketjuteknologian potentiaali voidaan nähdä tutkimuksen perusteella valtavan suurena. Vielä on kuitenkin vaikea arvioida tullaanko tähän potentiaaliin tulevaisuudessa yltämään. Finanssisektorilla on monia toimijoita, jotka tutkivat lohkoketjuteknologiaa ja se vauhdittaa kehitystä. Lohkoketjuteknologia saattaa tulevaisuudessa mullistaa monia finanssisektorin osa-alueita tai jopa korvata ne kokonaan.