68 resultados para Objective measure


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Ride comfort of elevators is one of the quality criteria valued by customers. The objective of this master’s thesis was to develop a process to measure the ride comfort of automatic elevator doors. The door’s operational noise was chosen as a focus area and other kinds of noise for example caused by pressure differences in the elevator shaft were excluded. The thesis includes a theory part and an empirical part. In the first part theories of quality management, measuring of quality and acoustics are presented. In the empirical part the developed ride comfort measuring process is presented, different operational noise sources are analyzed and an example is presented of how this measuring process can be used to guide product development. To measure ride comfort a process was developed where a two-room silent room was used as a measuring environment and EVA-625 device was used in the actual measuring of door noise. A-weighted decibels were used to scale noise pressure levels and the door movement was monitored with an accelerometer. This enabled the connection between the noise and noise sources which in turn helped to find potential ride comfort improvement ideas. The noise isolation class was also measured with the Ivie-measuring system. Measuring of door ride comfort gives feedback to product development and to managing current product portfolio. Measuring enables the continuous improvement of elevator door ride comfort. The measuring results can also be used to back up marketing arguments for doors.


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The economic importance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and entrepreneurship has increased significantly in recent decades and entrepreneurial activity and SMEs are deemed vital to economic progress. Therefore, it is justifiable to study how small firms and entrepreneurs can enhance their performance and emergence in the turbulent economic environment. The concept of entrepreneurial orientation (EO) has recently attracted considerable attention in the field of entrepreneurship research. EO generally refers to a firm’s propensity to be innovative, to be proactive and to take risks. A majority of EO studies so far have found that adopting EO associated entrepreneurial behaviors will help firms to create or sustain a high level of performance. This dissertation explores the main drivers and performance implications of EO for SMEs in time of economic crisis. Hence the first objective of this dissertation is to examine the performance implications of EO and to test the role of EO on how firms are treated by the crisis at operative level. The second objective is to expand the prevailing understanding of determinants of EO by exploring the relationship between owner's work related values, attitudes, demographic characteristics, firm’s financial resources and EO. EO was found to be a significant and positive factor behind a firm’s long run growth. Hence it can be said that EO has positive implications for firm performance. But on the other hand, during a time of economic crisis the different dimensions of EO had both positive and negative effects on performance of SMEs. The performance implications varied across different stages of the crisis and were also dependent on what measure was used for measuring the performance. The main drivers of EO in SMEs were the personal work related values of the entrepreneur and his/her prior experience as an entrepreneur. The intrinsic work values related to interest, responsibility, challenge, self-development or intellectual stimulation and values related to status, power, achievement and recognition had a positive effect on the level of EO. On the other hand, extrinsic values related to high income, material possessions, benefits such as generous holidays, job security, and comfort through good working conditions decreased the level of EO


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Elevator landing doors are fire tested to measure their fire resistance. The objective of this master’s thesis was to create a method to evaluate the fire tests and the organizations that provide these testing services. The main focus area was in creating accurate evaluation criteria and weighting the criteria. The thesis was formed by first presenting the reader with the literature review of the closest related theories. The theories which were chosen were systematic decision making, supplier selection, and make or buy and outsourcing theories. In the empirical section the created process of evaluating fire testing is presented, with analysis of the current situation of fire testing processes and evaluation methods. Evaluating fire testing services required two types of criteria to be formed, technical criteria to evaluate the technical requirements, and service criteria to evaluate the organization which was offering the testing service. These criteria formed the core for the evaluation process which consisted of five different phases that were developed based on the literature review. The process was tested to create best practices and to make improvement proposals accordingly. Systematical process for evaluating fire testing helps to recognize the most important technical and service related aspects. The created criteria can be also used in future to benchmark and monitor the situation of fire testing. The results of the process can be used when deciding whether to outsource the service or to keep it in-house.


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Factors affecting outcome after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair are unclear and there is still insufficient evidence of efficacy of any treatment modality for rotator cuff tears. The purpose of the current study was to determine in a prospective randomized multicenter trial whether there is a difference in clinical outcome between three different treatment modalities in the treatment of degenerative, atraumatic supraspinatus tendon tear in elderly patients. 180 shoulders were randomized into three treatment groups: 1) physiotherapy, 2) arthroscopic acromioplasty and physiotherapy, 3) arthroscopic rotator cuff reconstruction, acromioplasty and physiotherapy. The objective of this study was also to evaluate retrospectively the effect of trauma, the size of the rotator cuff tear, smoking habits and glenohumeral osteoarthritis on the clinical treatment outcome after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair in a consecutively prospectively collected series of patients. The patient data was gathered to the electronic database. The Constant score was used as a primary outcome measure. The follow‐up time was one year. The main finding was that operative treatment did not provide benefit over conservative regimen in elderly patients with atraumatic supraspinatus tear. Trauma did not affect on the clinical outcome and there was neither difference in the age of patients with traumatic vs. non‐traumatic rotator cuff tears. The size of the rotator cuff tear correlated significantly with the clinical results. The outcome was significantly poorer in tears with infraspinatus involvement compared to anterosuperior tears. Operatively treated rotator cuff tear patients who smoked were significantly younger than non‐smokers, and smoking was associated with poorer clinical outcome. Concomitant osteoarthritis of the glenohumeral joint was found to be a relatively common finding in supraspinatus tear patients. Osteoarthritis of the glenohumeral joint in operatively treated supraspinatus tear patients predicted poorer clinical results comparing to patients without osteoarthritis.


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Kunnossapidon tavoitteena on ylläpitää riittävää käyttövarmuutta mahdollisimman kustannustehokkaasti. Kunnossapito-organisaation menestys riippuu kyvystä toteuttaa oikeita kunnossapitotöitä sekä kyvystä suoriutua töistä mahdollisimman pienillä resursseilla. Elinjaksoajattelulla tarkoitetaan käyttöomaisuuden omistamisen luoman arvon ja vaatimien resurssien mallintamista. Tällöin jo hankintojen suunnitteluvaiheessa pohditaan omistamisen luomia vaatimuksia tuotantohyödykkeen tuoman hyödyn ohella. Elinjaksoajattelu tuo toiminnanohjaukseen yksittäisten kohteiden optimaalisten käyttökustannusten suunnittelun näkökulman, mikä on yksi tärkeä tekijä kunnossapidon päätöksentekotilanteissa. Se ohjaa organisaatiota hahmottamaan kunnossapidon tämän hetken ja tulevaisuuden työkuormaa. Elinjaksosuunnittelun määrittelemän työkuorman ja olemassa olevien resurssien vertaaminen keskenään kertoo käyttöomaisuuteen kohdistuvan korjausvelan määrän. Korjausvelan määrän kehitys vaikuttaa kohteen toimintavarmuuteen. Korjausvelka kertoo elinjaksosuunnitelman realistisuudesta, ja käyttöomaisuuden hallinnan luotettavuudesta. Elinjaksoajattelu mahdollistaa kunnossapitotoiminnan suunnittelun kustannustavoitelähtöisesti. Tällöin budjetointi toteutetaan suunnittelemalla käyttövarmuustaso vastaamaan tahdottua kustannustasoa.


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The global concern about sustainability has been growing and the mining industry is questioned about its environmental and social performance. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an important issue for the extractive industries. The main objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between CSR performance and financial performance of selected mining companies. The study was conducted by identifying and comparing a selection of available CSR performance indicators with financial performance indicators. Based on the result of the study, the relationship between CSR performance and financial performance is unclear for the selected group of companies. The result is mixed and no industry specific realistic way to measure CSR performance uniformly is available. The result as a whole is contradictory and varies at company level as well as based on the selected indicators. The result of this study confirms that the relationship between CSR performance and financial performance is complicated and difficult to determine. As an outcome, evaluation of benefits of CSR in the mining sector could better be analyzed based on different attributes.


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This study is a qualitative action research by its nature with elements of personal design in the form of a tangible model implementation framework construction. Utilized empirical data has been gathered via two questionnaires in relation to the arranged four workshop events with twelve individual participants. Five of them represented maintenance customers, three maintenance service providers and four equipment providers respectively. Further, there are two main research objectives in proportion to the two complementary focusing areas of this thesis. Firstly, the value-based life-cycle model, which first version has already been developed prior to this thesis, requires updating in order to increase its real-life applicability as an inter-firm decision-making tool in industrial maintenance. This first research objective is fulfilled by improving appearance, intelligibility and usability of the above-mentioned model. In addition, certain new features are also added. The workshop participants from the collaborating companies were reasonably pleased with made changes, although further attention will be required in future on the model’s intelligibility in particular as main results, charts and values were all reckoned as slightly hard to understand. Moreover, upgraded model’s appearance and added new features satisfied them the most. Secondly and more importantly, the premises of the model’s possible inter-firm implementation process need to be considered. This second research objective is delivered in two consecutive steps. At first, a bipartite open-books supported implementation framework is created and its different characteristics discussed in theory. Afterwards, the prerequisites and the pitfalls of increasing inter-organizational information transparency are studied in empirical context. One of the main findings was that the organizations are not yet prepared for network-wide information disclosure as dyadic collaboration was favored instead. However, they would be willing to share information bilaterally at least. Another major result was that the present state of companies’ cost accounting systems will definitely need implementation-wise enhancing in future since accurate and sufficiently detailed maintenance data is not available. Further, it will also be crucial to create supporting and mutually agreed network infrastructure. There are hardly any collaborative models, methods or tools currently in usage. Lastly, the essential questions about mutual trust and predominant purchasing strategies are cooperation-wise important. If inter-organizational activities are expanded, a more relational approach should be favored in this regard. Mutual trust was also recognized as a significant cooperation factor, but it is hard to measure in reality.


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Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are assuredly important to maintain strong economic growth. How to manage and maintain SMEs’ performance is a sizable challenge, and requires an understanding of the drivers of performance. Innovation capability has been suggested to be one of these key drivers. In order to manage innovation capability– performance relationship, it has to be measured. SMEs may have distinct characteristics that separate them being just smaller versions of large firms. Performance measurement and management of innovation capability is challenging, because SMEs usually have some drawbacks compared to large firms. Thus, it is unclear whether theories developed to understand large firms apply to SMEs. This research contributes to the existing discussion on performance management through innovation capability in the SME context. First, it aims at increasing understanding of the role of innovation capability in performance management. Second, it aims at clarifying the role of performance measurement in developing innovation capability. Thus, the main objective of the research is to study how to manage performance through measuring and managing innovation capability. The thesis is based on five research articles that follow a positivist approach. From a methodological point of view, quantitative and complementing conceptual methods of data collection are utilized. This research indicates that the performance management and measurement play a significant role in innovation capability in SMEs. This research makes three main contributions. First, it gives empirical evidence on the connection between innovation capability and SME performance. Second, it illustrates the connection between performance measurement and innovation capability. Thirdly, it clarifies how to measure the relationship between innovation capability and performance.


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ABSTRACT Maria Peltola Electrical status epilepticus during sleep – Continuous spikes and waves during sleep Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, University of Turku Department of Clinical Neurophysiology and Department of Pediatric Neurology, Children’s Hospital, Helsinki University Central Hospital Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Medica-Odontologica, Turku, Finland, 2014 Background: Electrical status epilepticus during sleep (ESES) is an EEG phenomenon of frequent spikes and waves occurring in slow sleep. ESES relates to cognitive deterioration in heterogeneous childhood epilepsies. Validated methods to quantitate ESES are missing. The clinical syndrome, called epileptic encephalopathy with continuous spikes and waves during sleep (CSWS) is pharmacoresistant in half of the patients. Limited data exists on surgical treatment of CSWS. Aims and methods: The effects of surgical treatment were studied by investigating electroclinical outcomes in 13 operated patients (nine callosotomies, four resections) with pharmacoresistant CSWS and cognitive decline. Secondly, an objective paradigm was searched for assessing ESES by the semiautomatic quantification of spike index (SI) and measuring spike strength from EEG. Results: Postoperatively, cognitive deterioration was stopped in 12 (92%) patients. Three out of four patients became seizure-free after resective surgery. Callosotomy resulted in greater than 90% reduction of atypical absences in six out of eight patients. The preoperative propagation of ESES from one hemisphere to the other was associated with a good response. Semiautomatic quantification of SI was a robust method when the maximal interspike interval of three seconds was used to determine the “continuous” discharge in ten EEGs. SI of the first hour of sleep appeared representative of the whole night SI. Furthermore, the spikes’ root mean square was found to be a stable measure of spike strength when spatially integrated over multiple electrodes during steady NREM sleep. Conclusions: Patients with pharmacoresistant CSWS, based on structural etiology, may benefit from resective surgery or corpus callosotomy regarding both seizure outcome and cognitive prognosis. The semiautomated SI quantification, with proper userdefined settings and the new spatially integrated measure of spike strength, are robust and promising tools for quantifying ESES. Keywords: Electrical status epilepticus during sleep, ESES, continuous spikes and waves during sleep, CSWS, epilepsy surgery, spike index, spike strength, RMS TIIVISTELMÄ Maria Peltola Unenaikainen sähköinen status epilepticus Kliininen neurofysiologia, Turun yliopisto Kliininen neurofysiologia ja lastenneurologia, Lasten ja nuorten sairaala, Helsingin yliopistollinen keskussairaala Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Medica-Odontologica, Turku, Suomi, 2014 Tausta: Sähköinen status epilepticus unessa (ESES) on aivosähkökäyrä (EEG)-ilmiö, jossa hidasaaltounen aikana esiintyy tiheä piikkihidasaaltopurkaus. ESES:n kvantifioimiseen ei ole olemassa validoituja menetelmiä. ESES on liitetty kognitiivisen tason laskuun ja tällöin puhutaan CSWS (continuous spikes and waves during sleep) - oireyhtymästä. CSWS ei vastaa lääkehoitoon puolella potilaista ja sen epilepsiakirurgisesta hoidosta on olemassa vain vähän tietoa. Tavoitteet ja menetelmät: Selvitimme retrospektiivisesti epilepsiakirurgian vaikusta elektrokliinisiin löydöksiin 13:lla lääkeresistenttiä CSWS-oireyhtymää sairastavalla lapsella, joilla oli rakenteellinen aivojen poikkeavuus. Toinen tavoite oli löytää objektiivinen puoliautomaattinen tapa mitata purkauksen määrää ja piikkien voimakkuutta EEG:stä. Tulokset: Kognitiivisen tason jatkuva heikentyminen loppui 12 (92 %) potilaalla leikkauksen jälkeen. Kolme neljästä resektiopotilaasta tuli kohtauksettomaksi. Kallosotomian jälkeen kuudella kahdeksasta potilaasta päivittäiset kohtaukset vähenivät yli 90 %:lla. Purkauksen leviäminen leikkausta edeltävästi vain yhdestä hemisfääristä toiseen liittyi hyvään leikkaushoitovasteeseen. Piikki-indeksi, jossa käytetään jatkuvan purkauksen määritelmänä maksimissaan kolmea sekuntia piikkien välillä, osoittautui luotettavaksi menetelmäksi ESES:n kvantifioimiseen. Useammasta elektrodista integroitu piikkien neliöllinen keskiarvo oli piikin voimakkuuden vakaa mitta häiriintymättömässä NREM-unessa. Päätelmät: Lääkehoidolle vastaamatonta CSWS:ää sairastavat potilaat, joilla on rakenteellinen aivopoikkeavuus ja yhdensuuntainen purkauksen leviämismalli, näyttävät kohtausten vähenemisen lisäksi hyötyvän epilepsiakirurgiasta kognitiivisesti. Puoliautomaattinen piikki-indeksin kvantifiointi sopivilla käyttäjäasetuksilla ja uusi spatiaalisesti integroitu piikin voimakkuuden mittari ovat stabiileja ja lupaavia ESES:n kvantitatiivisia mittareita. Avainsanat: Unenaikainen sähköinen status epilepticus, ESES, CSWS, epilepsiakirurgia, piikki-indeksi, piikin voimakkuus, neliöllinen keskiarvo


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Diplomityö toteutettiin Yritys X:n toimeksiantona. Työ sai alkunsa Yritys X:n tarpeesta kehittää yrityksen ja sen asiakasomistajien yhteistä tuotetietoprosessia. Tavoitteena oli saada kuvaus tuotetietoprosessin nykytilasta sekä sen pohjalta luoda kehitysehdotukset, joilla prosessia voitaisiin tehostaa. Työssä käytettiin kvalitatiivista eli laadullista tutkimusmenetelmää. Tietoa tuotetietoprosessin nykytilasta etsittiin pääsääntöisesti lukuisten Yritys X:n ja sen asiakasomistajien henkilöstön haastattelujen avulla. Lisäksi työtä tehdessä tutustuttiin laajasti toimitusketjuyhteistyöstä, tiedon läpinäkyvyyden merkityksestä, tiedonhallinnasta ja tuotetietoprosessista kertovaan kirjallisuuteen. Työn tuloksena saatiin kuvaus siitä, miten Yritys X ja sen asiakasomistajat käsittelevät tuotetietoja sekä mitkä ovat tuotetietoprosessin suurimmat haasteet. Tämän pohjalta luotiin kehitysehdotukset, joilla prosessia voitaisiin tehostaa. Tuotetietoprosessin suurimpana haasteena nähtiin olevan se, että koko ryhmittymän yhteistä etua ei ole huomioitu prosessia luodessa sekä se, että prosessissa tehdään päällekkäistä ja manuaalista työtä, joka olisi mahdollista välttää tiedon jakamisen ja sähköisen tiedonsiirron avulla. Tärkeimmiksi kehitysehdotuksiksi muodostui tuotetietoprosessin tarkastelu ja kehittäminen jatkossa kokonaisuutena, yhteistyön ja tiedon jakamisen lisääminen, Yritys X:ltä saatavien tuotetietojen laajempi hyödyntäminen asiakasomistajilla, sähköisen tiedonsiirron merkittävä lisääminen sekä yhtenäisen tuotetietojen laadunhallintajärjestelmän luominen ja sitä myötä tuotetietoprosessin ja sen tehokkuuden mittaaminen.


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The aim of this research is to examine the pricing anomalies existing in the U.S. market during 1986 to 2011. The sample of stocks is divided into decile portfolios based on seven individual valuation ratios (E/P, B/P, S/P, EBIT/EV, EVITDA/EV, D/P, and CE/P) and price momentum to investigate the efficiency of individual valuation ratio and their combinations as portfolio formation criteria. This is the first time in financial literature when CE/P is employed as a constituent of composite value measure. The combinations are based on median scaled composite value measures and TOPSIS method. During the sample period value portfolios significantly outperform both the market portfolio and comparable glamour portfolios. The results show the highest return for the value portfolio that was based on the combination of S/P & CE/P ratios. The outcome of this research will increase the understanding on the suitability of different methodologies for portfolio selection. It will help managers to take advantage of the results of different methodologies in order to gain returns above the market.


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Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli laadullisia tutkimusmenetelmiä yhdistelemällä ja relevanttia tieteellistä kirjallisuutta hyödyntämällä selvittää, miten tutkimuksen kohdeyrityksen toteuttamaa tapahtumamarkkinointia voitaisiin kehittää vastaamaan paremmin yrityksen muuttuvia tarpeita. Tähän liittyen tutkittiin kohdeyrityksen näkökulmasta, miten tapahtumamarkkinointi nähdään, ja miten sitä hyödynnetään tällä hetkellä osana yrityksen markkinointiviestintää. Kuluttajan näkökulmaa hyödyntäen pyrittiin selvittämään, mitä vaikutuksia toteutetulla tapahtumamarkkinoinnilla on tapahtumiin osallistuvien yksilöiden kuluttajakäyttäytymiseen ja heidän kokemaansa brändiin. Lopuksi tutkittiin, missä rooleissa tapahtumiin osallistuvat yksilöt ovat kohdeyrityksen tuotteiden kuluttamiseen liittyvässä päätöksentekoprosessissa, ja mitä muita vaikuttajia prosessiin sisältyy. Empiirisiä tutkimustuloksia ja tieteellisessä kirjallisuudessa määriteltyjä parhaita toimintatapoja vertailemalla pyrittiin tunnistamaan eroavaisuuksia ja mahdollisia kehityskohteita. Työ toteutettiin tapaustutkimuksena, jossa tutkittavaa ilmiötä lähestyttiin sekä yrityksen että kuluttajan näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen laadullinen aineisto kerättiin puolistrukturoitujen haastattelujen avulla, jonka lisäksi tukevana menetelmänä hyödynnettiin havainnointia. Haastattelujen kohteena oli kohdeyrityksen markkinointivastaavan lisäksi 19 järjestettyyn case-tapahtumaan osallistunutta yksilöä. Tulokset paljastivat tiettyjä eroavaisuuksia kohdeyrityksen toteuttaman tapahtumamarkkinoinnin ja alan tieteellisessä kirjallisuudessa määriteltyjen parhaiden toimintatapojen välillä. Tutkimustulokset kohdistivat huomiota myös tapahtumamarkkinoilla saavutettaviin hyötyihin lyhyellä ja pitkällä aikavälillä. Lisäksi tuloksiin perustuen muodostettiin uutta tietoa toiminnan kohteena olevien yksilöiden ku-luttamiseen liittyvästä päätöksentekoprosessista ja siihen sisältyvistä rooleista.


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Työn tavoitteena on löytää kohdeyrityksen sisäisen logistiikan prosessien ja materiaalivirtojen tehostamiskohteita. Sisäisen logistiikan ja materiaalienohjauksen toimivuutta halutaan tutkittavan lähtötiedoksi prosessien ja materiaalivirtojen parantamiselle. Materiaalivirtojen tutkimisella saadaan selville tutkimuksen aikana suoritettavan kehitysprojektin aiheuttamat muutokset. Tutkimuksen aikana kehitetään kustannustyökalu, jolla voidaan määrittää materiaaliensiirroista aiheutuvia kustannuksia. Tutkimus suoritettiin käyttäen sekä kvantitatiivisia että kvalitatiivisia tutkimusmenetelmiä. Haastattelut ja keskustelut antoivat lähtötiedot materiaalivirtojen tutkimiselle, jonka vuoksi ne tukevat toinen toisiaan. Taustatiedoksi syvennytään kirjallisuudessa ilmenneisiin ohjeisiin prosessien ja materiaalivirtojen analysoimisesta, mittareista sekä kehitettävän kustannustyökalun kannalta toimintolaskennan menetelmistä. Tutkimuksen tuloksena pystyttiin havaitsemaan prosessien toimintoihin liityviä haasteita sekä turhia materiaalivirtoja. Materiaalivirta-analyysillä pystyttiin arvioimaan materiaalivirtojen merkitystä sekä kehitysprojektin aiheuttamien muutoksien luomia vaatimuksia. Lisäksi materiaalivirta-analyysin pohjalta pystyttiin muodostamaan skenaarioita materiaalivirtojen tehostamiseksi.


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The objective of this thesis is to develop and generalize further the differential evolution based data classification method. For many years, evolutionary algorithms have been successfully applied to many classification tasks. Evolution algorithms are population based, stochastic search algorithms that mimic natural selection and genetics. Differential evolution is an evolutionary algorithm that has gained popularity because of its simplicity and good observed performance. In this thesis a differential evolution classifier with pool of distances is proposed, demonstrated and initially evaluated. The differential evolution classifier is a nearest prototype vector based classifier that applies a global optimization algorithm, differential evolution, to determine the optimal values for all free parameters of the classifier model during the training phase of the classifier. The differential evolution classifier applies the individually optimized distance measure for each new data set to be classified is generalized to cover a pool of distances. Instead of optimizing a single distance measure for the given data set, the selection of the optimal distance measure from a predefined pool of alternative measures is attempted systematically and automatically. Furthermore, instead of only selecting the optimal distance measure from a set of alternatives, an attempt is made to optimize the values of the possible control parameters related with the selected distance measure. Specifically, a pool of alternative distance measures is first created and then the differential evolution algorithm is applied to select the optimal distance measure that yields the highest classification accuracy with the current data. After determining the optimal distance measures for the given data set together with their optimal parameters, all determined distance measures are aggregated to form a single total distance measure. The total distance measure is applied to the final classification decisions. The actual classification process is still based on the nearest prototype vector principle; a sample belongs to the class represented by the nearest prototype vector when measured with the optimized total distance measure. During the training process the differential evolution algorithm determines the optimal class vectors, selects optimal distance metrics, and determines the optimal values for the free parameters of each selected distance measure. The results obtained with the above method confirm that the choice of distance measure is one of the most crucial factors for obtaining higher classification accuracy. The results also demonstrate that it is possible to build a classifier that is able to select the optimal distance measure for the given data set automatically and systematically. After finding optimal distance measures together with optimal parameters from the particular distance measure results are then aggregated to form a total distance, which will be used to form the deviation between the class vectors and samples and thus classify the samples. This thesis also discusses two types of aggregation operators, namely, ordered weighted averaging (OWA) based multi-distances and generalized ordered weighted averaging (GOWA). These aggregation operators were applied in this work to the aggregation of the normalized distance values. The results demonstrate that a proper combination of aggregation operator and weight generation scheme play an important role in obtaining good classification accuracy. The main outcomes of the work are the six new generalized versions of previous method called differential evolution classifier. All these DE classifier demonstrated good results in the classification tasks.


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The purpose of this research was to define content marketing and to discover how content marketing performance can be measured especially on YouTube. Further, the aim was to find out what companies are doing to measure content marketing and what kind of challenges they face in the process. In addition, preferences concerning the measurement were examined. The empirical part was conducted through multiple-case study and cross-case analysis methods. The qualitative data was collected from four large companies in Finnish food and drink industry through semi-structured phone interviews. As a result of this research, a new definition for content marketing was derived. It is suggested that return on objective, or in this case, brand awareness and engagement are used as the main metrics of content marketing performance on YouTube. The major challenge is the nature of the industry, as companies cannot connect the outcome directly to sales.