97 resultados para Competitive price
The focus of this study has been comovement of stock price risk level between two companies as they form strategic alliance. Thus the main reason has been to shed more light to possible increased risk level that the stockholder confronts when a company he owns forms a strategic alliance with another company. This study has centralized to interfirm cooperation between mobile and internet companies, which have furthered the development of mobile internet. The study has been divided into theoretical and empirical part. In theoretical part the main concepts riskiness of a stock (volatility), comovement and strategic alliance have been run through. In empirical part seven strategic alliances formed by mobile internet companies have been examined. Based on this, strategic alliance seems to increase comovement of stock price risk in some degree. This comovement seems to be stronger when core businesses or operating environments of cooperating companies differ more from each other.
Globalization is the trend which is realized in all areas in today’s business world. Pressure for cost reduction, changes in market situation and available scale economies have changed business environment more global than ever. To respond to new situation, companies are establishing global strategies. In this thesis, available global competitive advantages in electrical machine industry are studied in context of gaining them by global technology transfers. In theory part, establishing global strategy and competitive advantage is considered with connection to global sourcing and supply chain management. Additionally, market development in 21st century and its impact on global strategies is studied. In practice, global manufacturing is enabled by technology transfer projects. Smooth and fast project implementation enables faster and more flexible production ramp up. By starting the production available competitive advantages can be realized. In this thesis the present situation of technology transfer projects and the risks and advantages related to global manufacturing are analyzed. The analysis of implemented technology transfer projects indicates that project implementation is in good level. For further development of project execution 10 minor suggestions could be presented with two major ones: higher level standardization and development of product information model to support better global manufacturing.
Systems suppliers are focal actors in mechanical engineering supply chains, in between general contractors and component suppliers. This research concentrates on the systems suppliers’ competitive flexibility, as a competitive advantage that the systems supplier gains from independence from the competitive forces of the market. The aim is to study the roles that power, dependence relations, social capital, and interorganizational learning have on the competitive flexibility. Research on this particular theme is scarce thus far. The research method applied here is the inductive multiple case study. Interviews from four case companies were used as main source of the qualitative data. The literature review presents previous literature on subcontracting, supply chain flexibility, supply chain relationships, social capital and interorganizational learning. The result of this study are seven propositions and consequently a model on the effects that the dominance of sales of few customers, power of competitors, significance of the manufactured system in the end product, professionalism in procurement and the significance of brand products in the business have on the competitive flexibility. These relationships are moderated by either social capital or interorganizational learning. The main results obtained from this study revolve around social capital and interorganizational learning, which have beneficial effects on systems suppliers’ competitive flexibility, by moderating the effects of other constructs of the model. Further research on this topic should include quantitative research to provide the extent to which the results can be reliably generalized. Also each construct of the model gives possible focus for more thorough research.
The study of price risk management concerning high grade steel alloys and their components was conducted. This study was focused in metal commodities, of which nickel, chrome and molybdenum were in a central role. Also possible hedging instruments and strategies for referred metals were studied. In the literature part main themes are price formation of Ni, Cr and Mo, the functioning of metal exchanges and main hedging instruments for metal commodities. This section also covers how micro and macro variables may affect metal prices from the viewpoint of short as well as longer time period. The experimental part consists of three sections. In the first part, multiple regression model with seven explanatory variables was constructed to describe price behavior of nickel. Results were compared after this with information created with comparable simple regression model. Additionally, long time mean price reversion of nickel was studied. In the second part, theoretical price of CF8M alloy was studied by using nickel, ferro-chrome and ferro-molybdenum as explanatory variables. In the last section, cross hedging possibilities for illiquid FeCr -metal was studied with five LME futures. Also this section covers new information concerning possible forthcoming molybdenum future contracts as well. The results of this study confirm, that linear regression models which are based on the assumption of market rationality, are not able to reliably describe price development of metals at issue. Models fulfilling assumptions for linear regression may though include useful information of statistical significant variables which have effect on metal prices. According to the experimental part, short futures were found to incorporate the most accurate information concerning the price movements in the future. However, not even 3M futures were able to predict turning point in the market before the faced slump. Cross hedging seemed to be very doubtful risk management strategy for illiquid metals, because correlations coefficients were found to be very sensitive for the chosen time span.
Deregulation of the electricity sector liberated the electricity sale and production for competitive forces while in the network business, electricity transmission and distribution, natural monopoly positions were recognised. Deregulation was accompanied by efficiencyoriented thinking on the whole electricity supply industry. For electricity distribution this meant a transition from a public service towards profit-driven business guided by economic regulation. Regulation is the primary means to enforce societal and other goals in the regulated monopoly sector. The design of economic regulation is concerned with two main attributes; end-customer price and quality of electricity distribution services. Regulation limits the costs of the regulated company but also defines the desired quality of monopoly services. The characteristics of the regulatory framework and the incentives it provides are therefore decisive for the electricity distribution sector. Regulation is not a static factor; changes in the regulatory practices cause discontinuity points, which in turn generate risks. A variety of social and environmental concerns together with technological advancements have emphasised the relevance of quality regulation, which is expected to lead to the large-scale replacement of overhead lines with underground cables. The electricity network construction activity is therefore currently witnessing revolutionary changes in its competitive landscape. In a business characterised by high statutory involvement and a high level of sunk costs, recognising and understanding the regulatory risks becomes a key success factor. As a response, electricity distribution companies have turned into outsourcing to attain efficiency and quality goals. This doctoral thesis addresses the impacts of regulatory risks on electricity network construction, which is a commonly outsourced activity in the electricity distribution network sector. The chosen research approach is characterised as an action analytical research on account of the fact that regulatory risks are greatly dependent on the individual nature of the regulatory regime applied in the electricity distribution sector. The main contribution of this doctoral thesis is to develop a concept for recognising and managing the business risks stemming from economic regulation. The degree of outsourcing in the sector is expected to increase in years to come. The results of the research provide new knowledge to manage the regulatory risks when outsourcing services.
The aim of this study is to examine how small and medium sized (SME) sawmills sustain their competitive advantage in the changing environment. Firstly, this study researches what changes affect SME sawmills’ competitiveness and what factors construct their competitive advantage. Secondly, this study examines how SME sawmills sustain their competitive advantage in the future and how agile and flexible they are. The theoretical part of this study represents the existing literature related to changes and competitive advantage in changing situations. The empirical part was executed as a qualitative research and it consists of thematic interviews with two SME sawmills. The results of the study indicate that several change factors affect the competitiveness of SME sawmills and therefore it is crucial to be alert on them. SME sawmills sustain their competitive advantage in the future by specialization and by being agile.
In the Russian Wholesale Market, electricity and capacity are traded separately. Capacity is a special good, the sale of which obliges suppliers to keep their generating equipment ready to produce the quantity of electricity indicated by the System Operator. The purpose of the formation of capacity trading was the maintenance of reliable and uninterrupted delivery of electricity in the wholesale market. The price of capacity reflects constant investments in construction, modernization and maintenance of power plants. So, the capacity sale creates favorable conditions to attract investments in the energy sector because it guarantees the investor that his investments will be returned.
In this report, we summarize results of our part of the ÄLYKOP-project on customer value creation in the intersection of the health care, ICT, forest and energy industries. The research directs to describe how industry transformation and convergence create new possibilities, business opportunities and even new industries.The report consists of findings which are presented former in academic publications. The publication discusses on customer value, service provision and resource basis of the novel concepts through multiple theorethical frameworks. The report is divided into three maim sections which are theoretical background, discussion on health care industry and evaluations regarding novel smart home concepts. Transaction cost economics and Resource- Based view on the firm provides the theoretical basis to analyze the prescribed phenomena. The health care industry analysis describes the most important changes in the demand conditions of health care services, and explores the features that are likely to open new business opportunities for a solution provider. The third part of the report on the smart home business provides illustrations few potential concepts that can be considered to provide solutions to economical problems which arise from aging of population. The results provide several recommendations for the smart home platform developers in public and private sectors. By the analysis, public organizations dominate service provision and private markets are emergent state at present. We argue that public-private partnerships are nececssary for creating key suppliers. Indeed, paying attion on appropriate regulation, service specifications and technology standards would foster diffusion of new services. The dynamics of the service provision networks is driven by need for new capabiltities which are required for adapting business concepts to new competitive situation. Finally, the smart home framework revealed links between conventionally distant business areas such as health care and energy distribution. The platform integrates functionalities different for purposes which however apply same resource basis.
Ruostumattomien terästen hinta on kasvanut maailman laajuisen kysynnän kasvun seurauksena. Samoin on käynyt myös ruostumattomien terästen valmistukseen käytettävien seosaineiden hinnalle. Terästen valmistajat ovatkin kehittäneet lean duplex teräksiä vastatakseen hintatietoisten markkinoiden kysyntään. Näissä lean duplex teräksissä kalliita seosaineita kuten nikkeliä ja molybdeenia on korvattu typellä ja mangaanilla. Houkutteleviksi vaihtoehdoiksi perinteisille ruostumattomille teräksille lean duplex laadut tekee myös niiden hyvät lujuus- ja korroosio-ominaisuudet. Kirjallisuus osio esittelee lasereiden toimintaperiaatteen. Myös avaimenreikähitsauksen periaate on esitetty. Ruostumattomien terästen yleisimmät seosaineet ovat esitelty, kuten myös syy niiden seostamiseen. Ruostumattomat duplex-teräkset on esitelty samoin kuin lean duplex teräkset. Kokeellisen osion koehitsit hitsattiin osin samalla tuotantolinjalla lopputuotteen kanssa ja osin laboratoriossa. Koemateriaaleina olivat lean duplex teräkset 1.4162 ja 1.4362 joiden materiaalipaksuudet olivat 1.2 mm ja 1.5 mm. Hitsatuille lamelleille tehtiin painetestaus. Makroskopiaa ja valomikroskopiaa käytettiin koehitsien arvioinnissa kuten myös ristivetokoetta. Kiinnostavimmista hitseistä määritettiin myös faasisuhde. Lean duplex teräs 1.4362 havaittiin sopivammaksi laaduksi tämän kaltaisessa sovelluksessa, mutta myös laatu 1.4162 täyttää sovelluksen hitsille asetetut vaatimukset, tosin huomattavasti pienemmässä parametri ikkunassa. Valittu menetelmä faasisuhteen määrittämiseen osoittautui epätarkaksi, joten faasisuhteen osalta tämän tutkimuksen tulokset ovat vain suuntaa-antavia.
Being a top of high technology industries, the aerospace represents one of the most complex fields of study. While the competitiveness of aircraft systems’ manufacturers attracts a significant number of researchers, some of the issues remain to be a blank spot. One of those is the after-sale modernization. The master thesis investigates how this concept is related to the theory of competitive advantages. Finding the routes in the framework of complex technological systems’ lifecycle, the key drivers of the aircraft modernization market are revealed. The competitive positioning of players is defined through multiple case studies in a form of several in-depth interviews. The key result of the research is the conclusion that modernization should be considered as an inherent component of strategy of any aircraft systems’ manufacturer, while the master thesis aims to support managerial decision making.
Tuulivoimalla on pitkä historia. Tuulivoima soveltuu nykyajan energiantuotantoon. Suunniteltaessa ja rakennettaessa uusia tuulivoimaloita on tunnettava tuulisuuteen vaikuttavat tekijät samoin kuin tuulivoimalan sijoituspaikalla on tehtävä perusteelliset tuu-liolosuhdemittaukset. Nykyisellä sähkön hinnalla tuulivoimalat eivät ole täysin kilpailukykyisiä, joten niitä on tuettava. Tukimuotoja on monia. Suomessa pääasiallinen tukimuoto on syöttötariffi. Vallitseva politiikka on ratkaisevassa asemassa luotaessa tukijärjestelmiä tuulivoimalle. Suomessa tehtävät tuulivoimainvestoinnit ovat kasvussa. Tuulivoimaan liittyy niin hyviä kuin huonoja puolia. Huonot puolet ovat ratkaistavissa. Päästökaupan kannalta on tuulivoima yksi keino alentaa kasvihuonekaasuja ilmakehässä. Tuulivoiman osuuden kasvattaminen sähköntuotannossa luo työpaikkoja Suomeen ja luo vientimahdollisuuksia ulkomaille. Tuulivoimalla on valoisa tulevaisuus.
By so far, scholars have discussed how the characteristics of consumer co-operatives (cooperative principles, values and the dual role of members as the users and owners) can potentially give them a competitive advantage over investor-owned firms (IOFs). In addition, concern for the community (as partly derived from locality and regionality) has been seen as a potential source of success for consumer co-operatives. On the other hand, the geographicbound purpose of consumer co-operation causes that consumer co-operative can be regarded as a challenging company form to manage. This is because, according to the purpose of consumer co-operation, co-operatives are obligated to 1) provide the owners with services and goods that are needed and do so at more affordable prices than their competitors do and/or 2) to operate in areas in which competitors do not want to operate (for example, because of the low profitability in certain area of business or region). Thus, consumer co-operatives have to operate very efficiently in order to execute this geographic-bound corporate purpose (e.g. they cannot withdraw from the competition during the declining stages of business). However, this efficiency cannot be achieved by any means; as the acceptance from the important regional stakeholders is the basic operational precondition and lifeline in the long run. Thereby, the central question for the survival and success of consumer co-operatives is; how should the consumer co-operatives execute its corporate purpose so it can be the best alternative to its members in the long run? This question has remained unanswered and lack empirical evidence in the previous studies on the strategic management of consumer cooperation. In more detail, scholars have not yet empirically investigated the question: How can consumer co-operatives use financial and social capital to achieve a sustained competitive advantage? It is this research gap that this doctoral dissertation aims to fulfil. This doctoral dissertation aims to answer the above questions by combining and utilizing interview data from S Group co-operatives and the central organizations in S Group´s network (overall, 33 interviews were gathered), archival material and 56 published media articles/reports. The study is based on a qualitative case study approach that is aimed at theory development, not theory verification (as the theory is considered as nascent in this field of study). Firstly, the findings of this study indicate that consumer co-operatives accumulate financial capital; 1) by making profit (to invest and grow) and 2) by utilizing a network-based organizational structure (local supply chain economies). As a result of financial capital accumulation, consumer co-operatives are able to achieve efficiency gains but also remain local. In addition, a strong financial capital base increases consumer co-operatives´ independence, competitiveness and their ability to participate in regional development (which is in accordance with their geographically bound corporate purpose). Secondly, consumer cooperatives accumulate social capital through informal networking (with important regional stakeholders), corporate social responsibility (CSR) behaviour and CSR reporting, pursuing common good, and interacting and identity sharing. As a result of social capital accumulation, consumer co-operatives are able to obtain the resources for managing; 1) institutional dependencies and 2) customer relations. By accumulating both social and financial capital through the above presented actions, consumer co-operatives are able to achieve sustained competitive advantage. Finally, this thesis provides useful ideas and new knowledge for cooperative managers concerning why and how consumer co-operatives should accumulate financial and social capital (to achieve sustained competitive advantage), while aligning with their corporate purpose.