69 resultados para shared practice


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Presentation at the Open Repositories 2012 conference


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Avhandlingen är en analys av den roll som mänskliga rättigheter spelar i utvecklingssamarbete i allmänhet och tre matsäkerhetsprojekt i Malawi i synnerhet. Författaren undersöker huruvida mänskliga rättigheter kan bidra till samhälleliga förändringsprocesser. Undersökningen har en diskursiv syn på mänskliga rättigheter; rättigheter ses som sociala konstruktioner skapade av människor, konstruktioner som förändras i takt med att aktörerna ger dem ny mening. Människorättsbaserade utvecklingsstrategier riktar uppmärksamheten mot olika aktörers skyldigheter samt vikten av att mänskliga rättigheter inte kränks genom utvecklingspolitiska beslut. En analys som utgår från mänskliga rättigheter kan leda till att nya frågor lyfts fram: vem har skyldigheter, vem har rättigheter, och varför förverkligas inte dessa? Fokus flyttas till hur politiska, ekonomiska och juridiska strukturer kan förändras så att de främjar mänskliga rättigheter. Författaren använder empiriskt material från Malawi för att visa vilken roll mänskliga rättigheter och så kallade människorättsprinciper spelar inom tre projekt: (1) ett mathjälpsprojekt; (2) ett rättighetsbaserat projekt med fokus på att stärka strategier för livsuppehälle; (3) ett juridiskt projekt inom ramen för vilket man skapat ett lagförslag om rätten till föda. Analysen visar att det rättighetsbaserade projektet strävade efter den mest djupgående samhälleliga förändringen. Människorättsprinciperna ansvarighet och deltagande handlade inte endast om verksamheten inom projektet utan man strävade även efter att stärka dessa principer mellan medborgare och myndigheter. Rättigheter, som ett sätt att tala, tänka och handla, inte som abstrakta juridiska normer, påverkade de lokala aktörernas sätt att kräva bl.a. tjänster av lokala myndigheter. Teoretiskt kan man säga att det rättighetsbaserade projektet representerar ett aktörsperspektiv på mänskliga rättigheter där aktörernas egna uppfattningar om vad de är berättigade till samt krav på myndigheters ansvar formade vilken mening rättigheterna kom att få.


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Contemporary organisations have to embrace the notion of doing ‘more with less’. This challenges knowledge production within companies and public organisations, forcing them to reorganise their structures and rethink what knowledge production actually means in the context of innovation and how knowledge is actually produced among various professional groups within the organisation in their everyday actions. Innovations are vital for organisational survival, and ‘ordinary’ employees and customers are central but too-often ignored producers of knowledge for contemporary organisations. Broader levels of participation and reflexive practices are needed. This dissertation discusses the missing links between innovation research conducted in the context of industrial management, arts, and culture; applied drama and theatre practices (specifically post-Boalian approaches); and learning – especially organising reflection – in organisational settings. This dissertation (1) explores and extends the role of research-based theatre to organising reflection and reflexive practices in the context of practice-based innovation, (2) develops a reflexive model of RBT for investigating and developing practice-based organisational process innovations in order to contribute to the development of a tool for innovation management and analysis, and (3) operationalises this model within private- and publicsector organisations. The proposed novel reflexive model of research-based theatre for investigating and developing practice-based organisational process innovations extends existing methods and offers a different way of organising reflection and reflexive practices in the context of general innovation management. The model was developed through five participatory action research processes conducted in four different organisations. The results provide learning steps – a reflection path – for understanding complex organisational life, people, and relations amid renewal and change actions. The proposed model provides a new approach to organising and cultivating reflexivity in practice-based innovation activities via research-based theatre. The results can be utilised as a guideline when processing practice-based innovation within private or public organisations. The model helps innovation managers to construct, together with their employees, temporary communities where they can learn together through reflecting on their own and each others’ experiences and to break down assumptions related to their own perspectives. The results include recommendations for practical development steps applicable in various organisations with regard to (i) application of research-based theatre and (ii) related general innovation management. The dissertation thus contributes to the development of novel learning approaches in knowledge production. Keywords: practice-based innovation, research-based theatre, learning, reflection, mode 2b knowledge production


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Kokemusperäinen tieto on käytäntöihin sitoutunutta ja siirtyy pitkälti vuorovaikutuksen kautta. Organisaation toiminnalle keskeisenä osatekijänä sen jakamisen tulee olla suunnitelmallista. Tämä tutkimus keskittyy tarkastelemaan kokemusperäisen tiedon jakamista työkierron avulla. Työkierto osaamisen kehittämisen menetelmänä on laajalti organisaatioiden käyttämä, mutta sen tutkiminen kokemusperäisen tiedon osalta on ollut vähäistä. Tutkimuksen teoriaosuus tarkastelee tiedon jakamista ja omaksumista yksilön ja organisaation tasoilla hyödyntäen tietoperustaisen näkemyksen ja organisaation oppimisen teorioita, joiden kautta tutkimuksen viitekehys muotoutui. Tutkimuksen empiriaosuus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisina teemahaastatteluina, joissa haastateltiin kuutta työkierron mentori-oppija –paria. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat työkierron olevan toimiva keino siirtää kokemusperäistä tietoa, johon merkittävimpinä keinoina vaikuttivat vuorovaikutuksellinen yhdessä työskenteleminen, sekä toiminnan organisoinnin suunnitelmallisuus. Tutkimuksen johtopäätöksenä esitettiin yhdenmukaisen työkierron suunnitelman rakentamista, sekä työkierron toteutumisen sitouttamista osaksi työn arviointia.


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This dissertation approaches the manifestations of ideology in U.S. Strategic Communication. The discussion approaches Strategic Communication by relating it to the Enlightenment narratives and suggesting these narratives maintain similar social and political functions. This dissertation aims to address the key contents and mechanisms of Strategic Communication by covering the perspectives of (i) communication as leadership as well as (ii) communication as discourse , i.e. practice and contents. Throughout the empirical part of the dissertation, the communication theoretical discussion is supported by a methodological framework that bridges Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and functional language theory. According to the principles of CDA, Strategic Communication is treated as ideological, hegemonic discourse that impacts social order. The primary method of analysis is transitivity analysis, which is concerned with how language and its patterns construe reality. This analysis is complemented with a discussion on the rituals of production and interpretation, which can be treated as visual extensions of textual transitivity. The concept of agency is the key object of analysis. From the perspective of leadership, Strategic Communication is essentially a leadership model through which the organization defines itself, its aims and legitimacy. This dissertation arrives to the conclusion that Strategic Communication is used not only as a concept for managing Public Relations and information operations. It is an esse ntial asset in the inter-organization management of its members. The current developments indicate that the concept is developing towards even heavier measures of control. From the perspective of language and discourse, the key narratives of Strategic Communication are advocated with the intrinsic values of democracy and technological progress as the prerequisites of ethics and justice. The transitivity patterns reveal highly polarized agency. The agency of the Self is typically outsourced to technology. Further, the transitivity pa tterns demonstrate how the effects-centric paradigm of warfare has created a lexicon that is ideologically exclusive. It has led to the development of two mutually exclusive sets of vocabulary, where the desc riptions of legitimate ac tion exclude Others by default. These ideological discourses have become naturalized in the official vocabulary of strategic planning and le adership. Finally, the analysis of the images of the captures and deaths of Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden and Muammar Gaddafi bring the discussion back to the themes of the Enlightenment by demonstrating how democracy is framed to serve political purposes. The images of democracy are essentially images of violence. Contrary to the official, instrumental and humanitari an narratives of Strategic Communication, it is the grammar of expressive, violent rituals that serve as the instrument of unity.


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The general purpose of the thesis was to describe and explain the particularities of inbound marketing methods and the key advantages of those methods. Inbound marketing can be narrowed down to a set of marketing strategies and techniques focused on pulling prospects towards a business and its products on the Internet by producing useful and relevant content to prospects. The main inbound marketing methods and channels were identified as blogging, content publishing, search engine optimization and social media. The best way to utilise these methods is producing great content that should cover subjects that interest the target group, which is usually a composition of buyers, existing customers and influencers, such as analysts and media The study revealed increase in Lainaaja.fi traffic and referral traffic sources that was firmly confirmed as statistically significant, while number of backlinks and SERP placement were clearly positively correlated, but not statistically significant. The number of new registered users along with new loan applicants and deposits did not show correlation with increased content producing. The conclusion of the study shows inbound marketing campaign clearly increasing website traffic and plausible help on getting better search engine results compared to control period. Implications are clear; inbound marketing is an activity that every business should consider implementing. But just producing content online is not enough; equal amount of work should be put into turning the visitors into customers. Further studies are recommended on using inbound marketing combined with monitoring of landing pages and conversion optimization to incoming visitors.


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L‘interculturel est un concept souvent partagé mais rarement défini dans la recherche alors que ses compréhensions, interprétations et applications sont variées, ce qui mène à des malentendus et des positionnements épistémologiques et méthodologiques ambigus. En parallèle, de nombreuses critiques et propositions de réorientations de la notion voient le jour. Nous entendons faire le point sur la notion et son intégration potentielle dans l‘enseignement de la communication interculturelle (ECI). Notre étude se base sur l‘analyse de six groupes focalisés d‘enseignants (-chercheurs) impliqués dans l‘enseignement de l‘interculturel du niveau supérieur en Finlande, pays du nord de l‘Europe. Nous avons recours aux paradigmes postmodernes et aux sciences du langage (analyse du discours inspirée d‘auteurs français, et plus particulièrement de l‘école française de la deuxième génération (les théories de l‘énonciation (Kerbrat-Orecchioni, 2002 ; Marnette, 2005) et une approche du dialogisme inspirée par Bakhtine (1977))). Ces méthodes permettent de mettre en avant la complexité identitaire en posant l‘hétérogénéité du discours comme principe, c‘est-à-dire qu‘elles considèrent que tout discours inclut la « voix » de l‘autre. Repérer la présence de ces voix dans les discours des enseignants/chercheurs nous a permis de démontrer comment celles-ci participaient à la construction de leur identité pendant l‘interaction. Nous avons pu observer comment les relations entre ces interactions verbales donnaient lieu à des instabilités (contradictions, omissions), dont l‘étude nous a aidée à déduire leur(s) façon(s) de concevoir l‘interculturel. Les discours analysés révèlent a) que la définition de l‘interculturel est partagée sans être perçue de la même manière et b) que les différentes représentations du concept peuvent varier dans le discours d‘un même enseignant, mettant en évidences des contradictions qui posent problème s‘il s‘agit de communiquer un savoir-être aux apprenants. Nous nous sommes efforcée de trouver la place d‘un interculturel renouvelé parmi ces discours et de dissocier l‘image de l‘éducation interculturelle qui est promue en Finlande de ce qui est proposé en réalité : les changements actuels semblent avoir un minimum d‘impact sur la façon dont les enseignants traitent l‘interculturel. Nous nous demandons alors comment l‘Etat finlandais peut promouvoir un enseignement interculturel cohérent sans proposer aux enseignants/chercheurs une formation qui leur permettrait de reconnaitre les diverses diversités impliquées par l‘interculturel. Mots clés : Communication interculturelle, diversité, culture, enseignement supérieur finlandais.


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Workshop at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Workshop at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Panel at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014