41 resultados para rotational isomerism


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The general trend towards increasing e ciency and energy density drives the industry to high-speed technologies. Active Magnetic Bearings (AMBs) are one of the technologies that allow contactless support of a rotating body. Theoretically, there are no limitations on the rotational speed. The absence of friction, low maintenance cost, micrometer precision, and programmable sti ness have made AMBs a viable choice for highdemanding applications. Along with the advances in power electronics, such as signi cantly improved reliability and cost, AMB systems have gained a wide adoption in the industry. The AMB system is a complex, open-loop unstable system with multiple inputs and outputs. For normal operation, such a system requires a feedback control. To meet the high demands for performance and robustness, model-based control techniques should be applied. These techniques require an accurate plant model description and uncertainty estimations. The advanced control methods require more e ort at the commissioning stage. In this work, a methodology is developed for an automatic commissioning of a subcritical, rigid gas blower machine. The commissioning process includes open-loop tuning of separate parts such as sensors and actuators. The next step is to apply a system identi cation procedure to obtain a model for the controller synthesis. Finally, a robust model-based controller is synthesized and experimentally evaluated in the full operating range of the system. The commissioning procedure is developed by applying only the system components available and a priori knowledge without any additional hardware. Thus, the work provides an intelligent system with a self-diagnostics feature and an automatic commissioning.


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Transportation of fluids is one of the most common and energy intensive processes in the industrial and HVAC sectors. Pumping systems are frequently subject to engineering malpractice when dimensioned, which can lead to poor operational efficiency. Moreover, pump monitoring requires dedicated measuring equipment, which imply costly investments. Inefficient pump operation and improper maintenance can increase energy costs substantially and even lead to pump failure. A centrifugal pump is commonly driven by an induction motor. Driving the induction motor with a frequency converter can diminish energy consumption in pump drives and provide better control of a process. In addition, induction machine signals can also be estimated by modern frequency converters, dispensing with the use of sensors. If the estimates are accurate enough, a pump can be modelled and integrated into the frequency converter control scheme. This can open the possibility of joint motor and pump monitoring and diagnostics, thereby allowing the detection of reliability-reducing operating states that can lead to additional maintenance costs. The goal of this work is to study the accuracy of rotational speed, torque and shaft power estimates calculated by a frequency converter. Laboratory tests were performed in order to observe estimate behaviour in both steady-state and transient operation. An induction machine driven by a vector-controlled frequency converter, coupled with another induction machine acting as load was used in the tests. The estimated quantities were obtained through the frequency converter’s Trend Recorder software. A high-precision, HBM T12 torque-speed transducer was used to measure the actual values of the aforementioned variables. The effect of the flux optimization energy saving feature on the estimate quality was also studied. A processing function was developed in MATLAB for comparison of the obtained data. The obtained results confirm the suitability of this particular converter to provide accurate enough estimates for pumping applications.


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Fan systems are responsible for approximately 10% of the electricity consumption in industrial and municipal sectors, and it has been found that there is energy-saving potential in these systems. To this end, variable speed drives (VSDs) are used to enhance the efficiency of fan systems. Usually, fan system operation is optimized based on measurements of the system, but there are seldom readily installed meters in the system that can be used for the purpose. Thus, sensorless methods are needed for the optimization of fan system operation. In this thesis, methods for the fan operating point estimation with a variable speed drive are studied and discussed. These methods can be used for the energy efficient control of the fan system without additional measurements. The operation of these methods is validated by laboratory measurements and data from an industrial fan system. In addition to their energy consumption, condition monitoring of fan systems is a key issue as fans are an integral part of various production processes. Fan system condition monitoring is usually carried out with vibration measurements, which again increase the system complexity. However, variable speed drives can already be used for pumping system condition monitoring. Therefore, it would add to the usability of a variablespeed- driven fan system if the variable speed drive could be used as a condition monitoring device. In this thesis, sensorless detection methods for three lifetime-reducing phenomena are suggested: these are detection of the fan contamination build-up, the correct rotational direction, and the fan surge. The methods use the variable speed drive monitoring and control options for the detection along with simple signal processing methods, such as power spectrum density estimates. The methods have been validated by laboratory measurements. The key finding of this doctoral thesis is that a variable speed drive can be used on its own as a monitoring and control device for the fan system energy efficiency, and it can also be used in the detection of certain lifetime-reducing phenomena.


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Suurnopeustekniikasta on tehty tutkimusta 1980-luvulta lähtien. On havaittu, että tiettyjen energiateknisten sovellusten hyötysuhde paranee, kun käytetään selkeästi tavanomaista suurempaa pyörimisnopeutta. Suurnopeuspumppuja on totuttu näkemään lähinnä erikoiskohteissa, kuten avaruustekniikassa. Tämän työn tarkoituksena on kartoittaa, voiko suurnopeuspumppuja käyttää tavallisissa teollisuussovelluksissa, joissa tarvitaan korkeapaineista vettä. Työssä selvitetään pumppujen laskentaan ja valintaan liittyvää käsitteistöä, sekä luodaan kirjallisuuskatsaus suurnopeuspumppujen kehitykseen. Työn tarkoituksena on myöskin luoda valmiuksia suurnopeuspumppujen tutkimukseen ja arviointiin.


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The pumping processes requiring wide range of flow are often equipped with parallelconnected centrifugal pumps. In parallel pumping systems, the use of variable speed control allows that the required output for the process can be delivered with a varying number of operated pump units and selected rotational speed references. However, the optimization of the parallel-connected rotational speed controlled pump units often requires adaptive modelling of both parallel pump characteristics and the surrounding system in varying operation conditions. The available information required for the system modelling in typical parallel pumping applications such as waste water treatment and various cooling and water delivery pumping tasks can be limited, and the lack of real-time operation point monitoring often sets limits for accurate energy efficiency optimization. Hence, alternatives for easily implementable control strategies which can be adopted with minimum system data are necessary. This doctoral thesis concentrates on the methods that allow the energy efficient use of variable speed controlled parallel pumps in system scenarios in which the parallel pump units consist of a centrifugal pump, an electric motor, and a frequency converter. Firstly, the suitable operation conditions for variable speed controlled parallel pumps are studied. Secondly, methods for determining the output of each parallel pump unit using characteristic curve-based operation point estimation with frequency converter are discussed. Thirdly, the implementation of the control strategy based on real-time pump operation point estimation and sub-optimization of each parallel pump unit is studied. The findings of the thesis support the idea that the energy efficiency of the pumping can be increased without the installation of new, more efficient components in the systems by simply adopting suitable control strategies. An easily implementable and adaptive control strategy for variable speed controlled parallel pumping systems can be created by utilizing the pump operation point estimation available in modern frequency converters. Hence, additional real-time flow metering, start-up measurements, and detailed system model are unnecessary, and the pumping task can be fulfilled by determining a speed reference for each parallel-pump unit which suggests the energy efficient operation of the pumping system.


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Vibrations in machines can cause noise, decrease the performance, or even damage the machine. Vibrations appear if there is a source of vibration that excites the system. In the worst case scenario, the excitation frequency coincides with the natural frequency of the machine causing resonance. Rotating machines are a machine type, where the excitation arises from the machine itself. The excitation originates from the mass imbalance in the rotating shaft, which always exists in machines that are manufactured using conventional methods. The excitation has a frequency that is dependent on the rotational speed of the machine. The rotating machines in industrial use are usually designed to rotate at a constant rotational speed, the case where the resonances can be easily avoided. However, the machines that have a varying operational speed are more problematic due to a wider range of frequencies that have to be avoided. Vibrations, which frequencies equal to rotational speed frequency of the machine are widely studied and considered in the typical machine design process. This study concentrates on vibrations, which arise from the excitations having frequencies that are multiples of the rotational speed frequency. These vibrations take place when there are two or more excitation components in a revolution of a rotating shaft. The dissertation introduces four studies where three kinds of machines are experiencing vibrations caused by different excitations. The first studied case is a directly driven permanent magnet generator used in a wind power plant. The electromagnetic properties of the generator cause harmonic excitations in the system. The dynamic responses of the generator are studied using the multibody dynamics formulation. In another study, the finite element method is used to study the vibrations of a magnetic gear due to excitations, which frequencies equal to the rotational speed frequency. The objective is to study the effects of manufacturing and assembling inaccuracies. Particularly, the eccentricity of the rotating part with respect to non-rotating part is studied since the eccentric operation causes a force component in the direction of the shortest air gap. The third machine type is a tube roll of a paper machine, which is studied while the tube roll is supported using two different structures. These cases are studied using different formulations. In the first case, the tube roll is supported by spherical roller bearings, which have some wavinesses on the rolling surfaces. Wavinesses cause excitations to the tube roll, which starts to resonate at the frequency that is a half of the first natural frequency. The frequency is in the range where the machine normally operates. The tube roll is modeled using the finite element method and the bearings are modeled as nonlinear forces between the tube roll and the pedestals. In the second case studied, the tube roll is supported by freely rotating discs, which wavinesses are also measured. The above described phenomenon is captured as well in this case, but the simulation methodology is based on the flexible multibody dynamics formulation. The simulation models that are used in both of the last two cases studied are verified by measuring the actual devices and comparing the simulated and measured results. The results show good agreement.


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In this Master’s Thesis work the rheological properties of different polysaccharide gels have been studied. The results of this study are used as a starting point for further investigations of potential applications. In order to understand rheological behavior of studied materials, the commercial hydrocolloids such as sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, xanthan gum and guar gum were used as reference and comparison material for rheological studies. As a part the rheological research the development and implementation of proper measurement methods for studied materials were carried out. In the literature review, short introductions of studied materials and application areas of rheological modifiers are summarized. In addition, basic rheological concepts and key fundamentals are explained. In the experimental part the focus was on the rheological characterization of aqueous suspensions of studied materials. Especially, gel strength and solution stability were investigated. The rheological measurements included both rotational and oscillatory measurements in different conditions, where several chemical and physical properties were measured with Anton Paar MCR302 dynamic rotational rheometer. Studied polysaccharide gels can be clearly defined to be shear thinning and thixotropic materials. They have strong gel forming properties even at low concentrations, which explains the superior thickening behavior for some of the samples. Along with rheological characterization of selected materials the factors behind different phenomena were investigated. To reveal value and potential use of polysaccharide gels the influence of various factors such as concentration, temperature and ionic strength were determined. The measurements showed a clear difference between studied materials under investigated external parameters.


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Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää kaupallisen dynamiikansimulointiohjelmiston so-veltuvuus roottoridynamiikan analysointiin. Työssä keskityttiin erityisesti rootto-rin dynamiikkaan vaikuttavien epäideaalisuuksien mallintamiseen. Simulointitu-losten tarkkuutta selvitettiin mittauksilla. Lisäksi vertailtiin yleiskäyttöisen dyna-miikan simulointiohjelmiston ja roottoridynamiikan erikoisohjelmiston teoriaa. Tutkittava roottori oli paperikoneen putkitela. Telan joustavuus kuvattiin ele-menttimenetelmällä ratkaistujen moodien avulla. Elementtimallissa huomioitiin telan vaipan seinämänpaksuusvaihtelu, joka vaikuttaa telan massa- ja jäykkyysja-kaumaan. Dynamiikkaohjelmistossa mallinnettiin telan tuennasta tulevat herätteet. Dynamiikkaohjelmistona käytettiin ADAMS:ia ja FEM-ohjelmana ANSYS:stä. Tuloksista havaittiin käytetyn menetelmän soveltuvan roottoridynamiikan ana-lysointiin ja roottorin epäideaalisuuksien mallintamiseen. Simulointimallilla saa-tiin esille murtolukukriittiset pyörimisnopeudet ja telan kriittinen pyörimisnopeus vastasi hyvin mittaustuloksia.


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Aktiivinen magneettilaakeri on järjestelmä joka mahdollistaa pyörivän kappaleen, esimerkiksi sähkökoneen roottorin, leijuttamisen magneettikentässä ilman fyysistä kontaktia vastakappaleiden välillä. Tekniikalla on joitain merkittäviä etuja muihin laakerointijärjestelmiin verrattuna erityisesti suurnopeuksisissa tai puhdastiloissa käytettävissä sähkökäytöissä. Magneettilaakereiden yleistymistä nopeuttaisi ja niiden hintaa laskisi mikäli laakereiden säätöön ja tehonsyöttöön voitaisiin käyttää standardeja teollisuusautomaatiolaitteita erityisesti tätä käyttötarkoitusta varten kehitettyjen laitteiden sijaan. Tässä työssä luodaan menetelmä määrittää vähimmäisvaatimukset aktiivisen magneettilaakerin säätöalgoritmien suorittamiseen käytetylle säätöjärjestelmälle ja anturoinnille sekä laakerin toimintaan tarvittavalle tehoelektroniikalle. Näiden vaatimusten perusteella luodaan katsaus soveltuviin laitteisiin ja kootaan esimerkkikokoonpanot kahdelle erilaiselle magneettilaakeroitavalle kohteelle. Lisäksi työssä esitellään LUT:ssa vuosina 2014-2015 kehitetty magneettilaakerin teholähdeprototyyppi ja selvitetään edellytykset käyttää laitetta laakerijärjestelmän osana.


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Increased rotational speed brings many advantages to an electric motor. One of the benefits is that when the desired power is generated at increased rotational speed, the torque demanded from the rotor decreases linearly, and as a consequence, a motor of smaller size can be used. Using a rotor with high rotational speed in a system with mechanical bearings can, however, create undesirable vibrations, and therefore active magnetic bearings (AMBs) are often considered a good option for the main bearings, as the rotor then has no mechanical contact with other parts of the system but levitates on the magnetic forces. On the other hand, such systems can experience overloading or a sudden shutdown of the electrical system, whereupon the magnetic field becomes extinct, and as a result of rotor delevitation, mechanical contact occurs. To manage such nonstandard operations, AMB-systems require mechanical touchdown bearings with an oversized bore diameter. The need for touchdown bearings seems to be one of the barriers preventing greater adoption of AMB technology, because in the event of an uncontrolled touchdown, failure may occur, for example, in the bearing’s cage or balls, or in the rotor. This dissertation consists of two parts: First, touchdown bearing misalignment in the contact event is studied. It is found that misalignment increases the likelihood of a potentially damaging whirling motion of the rotor. A model for analysis of the stresses occurring in the rotor is proposed. In the studies of misalignment and stresses, a flexible rotor using a finite element approach is applied. Simplified models of cageless and caged bearings are used for the description of touchdown bearings. The results indicate that an increase in misalignment can have a direct influence on the bending and shear stresses occurring in the rotor during the contact event. Thus, it was concluded that analysis of stresses arising in the contact event is essential to guarantee appropriate system dimensioning for possible contact events with misaligned touchdown bearings. One of the conclusions drawn from the first part of the study is that knowledge of the forces affecting the balls and cage of the touchdown bearings can enable a more reliable estimation of the service life of the bearing. Therefore, the second part of the dissertation investigates the forces occurring in the cage and balls of touchdown bearings and introduces two detailed models of touchdown bearings in which all bearing parts are modelled as independent bodies. Two multibody-based two-dimensional models of touchdown bearings are introduced for dynamic analysis of the contact event. All parts of the bearings are modelled with geometrical surfaces, and the bodies interact with each other through elastic contact forces. To assist in identification of the forces affecting the balls and cage in the contact event, the first model describes a touchdown bearing without a cage, and the second model describes a touchdown bearing with a cage. The introduced models are compared with the simplified models used in the first part of the dissertation through parametric study. Damages to the rotor, cage and balls are some of the main reasons for failures of AMB-systems. The stresses in the rotor in the contact event are defined in this work. Furthermore, the forces affecting key bodies of the bearings, cage and balls can be studied using the models of touchdown bearings introduced in this dissertation. Knowledge obtained from the introduced models is valuable since it can enable an optimum structure for a rotor and touchdown bearings to be designed.


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Fluid handling systems account for a significant share of the global consumption of electrical energy. They also suffer from problems, which reduce their energy efficiency and increase life-cycle costs. Detecting or predicting these problems in time can make fluid handling systems more environmentally and economically sustainable to operate. In this Master’s Thesis, significant problems in fluid systems were studied and possibilities to develop variable-speed-drive-based detection methods for them was discussed. A literature review was conducted to find significant problems occurring in fluid handling systems containing pumps, fans and compressors. To find case examples for evaluating the feasibility of variable-speed-drive-based methods, queries were sent to industrial companies. As a result of this, the possibility to detect heat exchanger fouling with a variable-speed drive was analysed with data from three industrial cases. It was found that a mass flow rate estimate, which can be generated with a variable speed drive, can be used together with temperature measurements to monitor a heat exchanger’s thermal performance. Secondly, it was found that the fouling-related increase in the pressure drop of a heat exchanger can be monitored with a variable speed drive. Lastly, for systems where the flow device is speed controlled with by a pressure measurement, it was concluded that increasing rotational speed can be interpreted as progressing fouling in the heat exchanger.