44 resultados para road project
This Master’s Thesis examines knowledge creation and transfer processes in an iterative project environment. The aim is to understand how knowledge is created and transferred during an actual iterative implementation project which takes place in International Business Machines (IBM). The second aim is to create and develop new working methods that support more effective knowledge creation and transfer for future iterative implementation projects. The research methodology in this thesis is qualitative. Using focus group interviews as a research method provides qualitative information and introduces the experiences of the individuals participating in the project. This study found that the following factors affect knowledge creation and transfer in an iterative, multinational, and multi-organizational implementation project: shared vision and common goal, trust, open communication, social capital, and network density. All of these received both theoretical and empirical support. As for future projects, strengthening these factors was found to be the key for more effective knowledge creation and transfer.
Euroopan unioni on tiukentanut teiden laitteiden ja tukirakenteiden törmäysturvallisuusvaatimuksia. Uuden standardoinnin tarkoituksena on lieventää ajoneuvon kuljettajan ja matkustajan vammojen vakavuutta ajoneuvon törmätessä tielaitteiden pysyviin rakenteisiin. Käytännössä rakenteiden tulee hidastaa ajoneuvon nopeutta hallitusti eri törmäysnopeuksilla, jolloin matkustajaan kohdistuvat kiihtyvyydet eivät aiheuta vakavaa loukkaantumisriskiä. Vuonna 2005 Mikkelin ammattikorkeakoulun YTI-tutkimuskeskus ja Tehomet Oy kehittivät ensimmäisen version törmäysystävällisestä valaisinpylväästä. Tässä diplomityössä tavoitteena oli kehittää aikaisemmin tehdystä versiosta helpommin valmistettava versio sekä parantaa pylvään törmäyskäyttäytymistä. Valmistusmenetelmistä valittiin pultruusio, kuitukelaus, alipaineinjektio ja RTM. Menetelmille suunniteltiin soveltuvat rakenteet ja laskettiin rakenteiden valmistuskustannukset. Pultruusiolla, alipaineinjektiolla ja RTM:11ä valmistettiin koe-erä esitörmäyskokeita varten. Esitörmäyskokeiden jälkeen valittiin valmistusmenetelmäksi RTM. TKK/Tielaboratorion virallisissa testeissä kehitetylle pylväälle myönnettiin HE2-turvaluokitus. Hanketta jatketaan kehittämällä valmistusprosessia tehokkaammaksi uudistamalla muottitekniikkaa sekä ottamalla käyttöön lujiteaihiot. Tavoitteena on käynnistää tuotanto keväällä 2008. Kehitetty pylväs esitellään kansainvälisillä "Sähkö, Tele, Valo- ja AV 2008"-messuilla Jyväskylän Paviljongissa 6.-8.2.2008.
The aim of this work is to design a flywheel generator for a diesel hybrid working machine. In this work we perform detailed design of a generator. Mobile machines are commonly used in industry: road building machines, three harvesting machines, boring machines, trucks and other equipment. These machines work with a hydraulic drive system. This system provides good service property and high technical level. Manufacturers of mobile machines tend to satisfy all requirements of customers and modernized drive system. In this work also a description of the frequency inverter is present. Power electronics system is one of the basic parts for structures perform in the project.
Väylävirastojen hankkeen ja hankesalkun hallintaprosessien sovittaminen toiminnanohjausjärjestelmään
Tiehallinto ja Ratahallintokeskus (väylävirastot) ovat hankkineet yhteisen toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän. Työn tavoitteena on kuvata väylävirastojen hankkeen ja hankesalkun hallintaprosessit ja selvittää, onko väylävirastoille löydettävissä Sampo-järjestelmään yhtenäiset toimintamallit prosesseille, sekä määrittää virastoille yhteinen sanasto. Lisäksi työn tavoitteena on tutkia, millaisia menetelmiä ja malleja on olemassa toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän käyttöönottoprojektin läpiviemiseksi. Teoriaosuudessa tarkastellaan toiminnanohjausjärjestelmiä ja niiden käyttöönottoprosessimalleja sekä prosesseja ja niiden kuvaamista. Empiriaosuuden alussa tarkastellaan toteutus- ja käyttöönottoprojektin etenemistä teoriassa esitetyn mallin mukaisesti. Työssä kuvataan hankkeen ja hankesalkun hallintaprosessien nykytila, tavoitetila sekä järjestelmään sovittaminen. Väylävirastot löysivät yhtenäisen tavoitetilan. Prosessien sovittaminen järjestelmään on vielä kesken. Kesällä 2008 näytti siltä, että väylävirastojen yhtenäiset tavoitetilan prosessit saadaan sovitettua pienillä muutoksilla järjestelmään. Järjestelmä tuo toimintaan paljon muutoksia ja vaikutuksia. Kevään aikana yhtenäisen sanaston tärkeys korostui.
The present study explores relationships between project marketers and their customers in project marketing context. The purpose of the study is to increase the understanding on supplier’s position in project marketing networks. Project marketing is representing a high volume in the international business, and the industrial network approach and the project marketing research cannot fully explain a supplier’s position in project marketing networks. Increased knowledge on project networks can also contribute to industrial marketing research more generally. Data for the present study was collected firstly during the pilot case study from project buyers in the paper and the steel industry in interviews. Secondly an entire project marketing case concerning a steel industry case was used as a data source. The data included interviews, correspondence between the supplier and the buyer, and project documents. The data of the pilot case was analysed with contents analysis, and in the case a deeper analysis based on the developed Stage Dimension framework was used. Supplier’s position in project marketing networks is a hierarchical and dynamic concept including a supplier’s position on the highest level. The dimensions of the position concept are the intermediate level, and the dimensions are based on the underlying components. Supplier’s position is composed from four organization related dimensions, and two individual actor related dimensions. The composition of the supplier’s position varies during the project marketing process, and consequently the relative importance of the dimensions is changing over the process. Supplier’s position in project marketing networks is shaped by incremental and radical changes. Radical changes are initiated by critical events. The study contributes to the research of industrial networks and project marketing. The theoretical contribution of the study is threefold: firstly it proposes a structure of the position concept in project marketing networks, secondly it proposes the Position Stage Dimension Component (PSDC) model for the development of supplier’s position during the project marketing process, and thirdly the study widens the critical event concept to cover the project marketing process both on the organizational and individual level. In addition to the theoretical contributions there are several managerial implications for planning and implementing marketing strategies in the project context.
The purpose of the Master’s Thesis is to study the best practices to virtual project management from the project manager’ point of view. The best practices are divided according to a five-phase virtual project life cycle model. Each phase include concrete suggestions for actions. Research’s theoretical background is wide because of the broad subject matter. In the theoretical part topics such as virtual working, virtual project management challenges are examined and some concrete actions to tackle these challenges are introduced. Thesis’ approach is constructive, where a known problem is solved piece by piece after creating a pre-understanding of the topic. Existing research work is utilized when creating a model for virtual project team management. The basis of the model comes from various best practices read from literature and from the interviews conducted on experienced virtual project managers in the case organization. As a result the model combines both previous research and the organizations empirical experience. As an output of the thesis a model for virtual project team management is developed, which can be used as a guideline by the virtual project managers in their work. The model includes actions and practices what can be used to overcome the challenges of virtual project management.
The purpose of the study is to find factors affecting projects' profitability in project business. The issue is approached from customer profitability and project management point of view. The study has been made for a big Finnish company acting in a global market place. The research method is quantitative. Research hypotheses are based on the literature. The used database is originated from the company's ERP- (enterprise resource planning) and project financial follow-up —system. The findings of the study supported the hypotheses weakly. Obviously profitability fluctuated depending on a customer and a project manager. The reasons could not be justified with the variables used in the research.
No 2/2008, sivu 8.
Stora Enso has research centres in Finland, Sweden and Germany. The research centres use PIMS as a research project invoicing and monitoring system. Possible reorganization and new financing model for R&D functions have been considered and the project management system should be developed to support the new operation model. The objective of this thesis is to find a model for R&D project management, and to present the project management system of Stora Enso, and to discuss if the current system could be developed to respond to the new needs or should it be replaced with another system. The theoretical part of the study describes challenges in R&D project management, and presents different project characteristics, and methods for managing R&D project portfolio. It is also described how the project management system can support project monitoring and controlling, and how inter-project learning can be enhanced. The empirical part of the study presents the current project management system of Stora Enso and how the system should be developed to support Stora Enso’s R&D functions better. In conclusion, it is stated that there is no relevant reason to replace PIMS with another system, because PIMS can be developed to support R&D project management better with a hybrid system. It is also suggested that the new financing model should not be implemented before more comprehensive analysis of its effects is conducted.
The objective of this study was to find out how project success can be measured in a case where the output of a project is an intangible information product, what kind of framework can be used to evaluate the project success, and how the project assessment can be done in practice. As a case example, the success of a business blueprint project was assessed from the product point of view. A framework for assessing business blueprint project success was made based on a literature review. Furthermore, separate frameworks for measuring information product quality and project costs were developed. The theory of business blueprinting was discovered not to be firmly institutionalized and it is briefly covered in the thesis. The possible net benefits from the strategic business process harmonization were noted to be much more significant than the costs of the business blueprint project. The project was seen as a sufficient success from the viewpoint of the created output.
The main aim of this study was to develop the project management framework model which would serve as the new model to follow for upcoming projects at the Lappeenranta cement plant. The other goal was to execute the SNCR (selective non catalytic reduction) project successfully so that the nitrogen oxides emissions are below the stated emission limit when the new emission limit comes into effect beginning in July, 2008. Nitrogen oxides, project management aspects, SNCR and the invested system are explained in the theory part. In the practical part of the study, the SNCR project in the Lappeenranta cement plant was executed and the findings were documented. In order to reach the aim of this study, a framework of project management was made. The framework is based on the executed SNCR project, previous projects in the cement plant and on the available literature relating to the subject matter. The developed project turned out to be successful.
This study aims at enhancing understanding and deriving new constructs about the management of intellectual capital in the early phases of project marketing. The research methodology employed is deductive; conceptual reasoning is based on existing literature. The study's knowledge base is drawn from the bodies of literature dealing with project, relationship, and industrial marketing, as well as from the literature dealing with mechanical engineering, network approach, systems selling, R&D, project portfolio, strategic, financial, and knowledge management. As a result, three processes, 32 summaries and 19 conclusions give to the management of intellectual capital meaning in the context of project marketing. These conclusions and synthesis are proposed to improve the existing concepts and models in project marketing.