39 resultados para Employee Commitment
Yrityksen aineeton pääoma ja etenkin osaaminen on arvokasta, mutta sen mittaaminen on vaikeaa. Osaaminen on ensin tunnistettava, jotta sitä voidaan kehittää. Tässä tutkimuksessa on tarkoitus luoda kaupan alalle osaamiselle lukuarvo, joka voidaan viedä ketjun tuloskorttiin. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu kuvailevasta ja tilastollisesta osasta. Case yrityksenä on Osuuskauppa Hämeenmaan Sale-ketju ja kartoitus kohdentuu päivittäistavarakaupan myyjän osaamistarpeisiin. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena tutkimuksena, mutta yhteenvedossa on myös kvantitatiivisia piirteitä. Kuvaileva aineisto koostui ryhmähaastattelusta, joka tehtiin lomakkeen suunnitteluvaiheessa haastattelemalla Osuuskauppa Hämeenmaan Sale-ketjun esimiehiä tulevaisuuden osaamistarpeista. Tilastollinen aineisto koostui osaamistarpeiden kartoituksessa käytetystä kyselystä. Tutkimuksessa tulevaisuuden osaamisen tarve eroaa tutkijoiden esittämästä näkemyksestä ja painottuu asenne osaamiseen. Sale-ketjun asenne osaamisissa vahvuuksia ovat: sitoutuminen omaan työhön ja halu oppia. Ammattiosaamiset kuten hyllytys ja kassatyö ovat myös vahvuuksia. 2013 vuoden tutkimuksessa suurimmat kehitystarpeet olivat tilausjärjestelmien hallitsemisessa sekä kilpailuetuosaamisissa. Yksiköiden välissä tarkastelussa löytyi selkeitä eroja, mutta erot eivät olleet riippuvaisia yksikön koosta tai työryhmän keski-iästä. Tutkimuksen tuloksena jokaiselle yksikölle tuotettiin yhteenveto sen hetkisestä osaamisesta, selvittäen vahvuudet ja kehittämisalueet. Näiden pohjalta tehtiin yksiköille kehityssuunnitelmat sekä jokaiselle työntekijälle henkilökohtainen kehityssuunnitelma kehityskeskustelun yhteydessä. Tämän tutkimuksen mukaan osaaminen, työtyytyväisyys ja asiakastyytyväisyys korreloivat keskenään. Yksikössä, jossa on hyvä osaaminen, ovat myös työtyytyväisyys ja asiakaspalvelu kunnossa. Vaikuttava tekijä taustalla on johtaminen. Esimiehet, jotka jakavat vastuuta työryhmässään saavuttivat osaamisessa suurempaa kehitystä kuin ne esimiehet, jotka eivät vastuuta jakaneet. Päivittäistavarakauppa on murroksessa tällä hetkellä ja tulevaisuuden osaamistarpeet ovat muuttuneet jo tämän tutkimuksen aikana. Vuonna 2014 toteutettiin sama kartoitus kuin vuonna 2013 ja voitiin todeta osaamistarpeen muuttuneen. Kustannustietous ja kriisienhallinta ovat työryhmien arkea ja osaamisalueet kuten työssä jaksaminen, ripeys ja muutosvalmius ovat korostuneet vuoden aikana. Henkilöstöjohtamisen luonteessa on myös havaittavissa muutoksia, kauaskantoinen tekeminen on muuttunut ketteräksi ja joustavaksi strategiseksi kumppanuudeksi. Osaamista johdetaan edelleen hyvin perinteisin menetelmin, johtaminen on vain entistä kohdennetumpaa. Tutkimuksessa syntyi kuvaava malli henkilöstöjohtamisen luonteesta sekä kaupanalan osaamistarpeesta 2014.
The interconnections of customer loyalty, employee engagement and business performance have been separately examined in several previous studies but actually a coherent study combining all of these components together has been lacking. This thesis aims to study all of these components and their interrelations at the same time in order to understand the organization as a one whole. The thesis includes an encompassing review of the previous studies related to customer loyalty and employee engagement. The theory presents both the theoretical approaches and the empirical findings from the earlier literature and builds therefore a strong fundament for the empirical part of this thesis. The empirical data in this thesis was provided by three case companies of a Nordic group operating in a business-to-business professional services branch and it used the Net Promoter Score method for measuring both customer loyalty and employee engagement. The thesis left interesting research questions open and provides therefore an intriguing study field for the future researches.
Finnish companies have usually formed a strategic alliance as entry mode when entering the Japanese market. However, these strategic alliances have not been studied in a general level and it remains unknown, what kind cooperation the Finnish companies are operating with their Japanese partners. Especially Finnish companies that aims to penetrate the Japanese market are eager to know more about this. The recent studies on topic have focused on a single industry or company and that is why more general level study was needed. The purpose of this study is to analyze types of Finnish–Japanese strategic alliances from the Finnish point of view. The analysis is conducted by answering the questions what strategic alliance types appear in the strategic alliances between Japanese and Finnish companies, and how commitment affects strategic alliance type. This study also examines how committed Finnish–Japanese strategic alliances are. In this study multiple case study was selected as research method. The data is collected by interviewing six representative of Finnish companies in Japan individually. Multiple case study was chosen for this study, because this study is interested in the topic in general level and this research method is suitable for this kind of research. From the interviews common attributes were pointed out and from them the big picture of the topic was created. Types of strategic alliances were determined by using previous literature on that topic. Two different types of strategic alliance were discovered: supplier alliance which is the most common one and learning alliance. The commitment of strategic alliance was measured visually by utilizing a figure that was modified for this study.The figure is originally based on earlier studies on strategic alliance types and their connection to ownership and commitment. By utilizing the figure it was noticed that commitment affects strategic alliance types: the more there is commitment involved, the more there is cooperation. Finnish–Japanese strategic alliances are not very committed despite they have existed for a long time. However, there is potential to be more committed. That is why Finnish companies should increase the commitment and attract the partners to develop the strategic alliances, because it would possible increase competitive advantage. This would be beneficial to all members within the strategic alliance.
Six sigma is a quality improvement philosophy with systematic and formal approach. In order to successfully implement and utilize six sigma the basic disciplines of it should be adopted by the entire organization. Furthermore, employee involvement is crucial in six sigma implementation. This thesis addresses the challenges of long-lasting involvement in the case company. It focuses on gaps of involving six sigma trained employees, Black Belts. Theoretical framework of the thesis illustrates different factors influencing employee involvement. Influencing factors can be divided into ten categories: organizational culture, managerial commitment, leadership style, employee empowerment, employees’ perceptions, communication, training, goals, performance measurement and incentives. Factors and categories overlap and are related to each other. The framework provides holistic view of employee involvement in six sigma context but can be used also with other quality management philosophies. This thesis was conducted as a case study and written on an assignment to a power and automation technology company. Due to the nature of research problem, the data collection was conducted by interviewing case company personnel. In order to study involvement from employees’ point of view interview questions were designed to be open-ended and to allow the interviewees to tell freely about the phenomenon. This thesis provides empirical support on previous studies in organizational support, management commitment and employee empowerment. In addition, it indicates the importance of separate function for Black Belts in the organization. The gaps in Black Belt involvement can be categorized under two categories: Management driven gaps are related to management commitment, organizational structure and culture and information systems. Black Belt driven gaps are related to practice and effort of using six sigma. This thesis finds solutions for bridging these gaps in the case company by applying findings from literature research and suggestions given by the interviewees. For each gap, actions are suggested for bridging the discrepancy between current and desired situations. The thesis states that in order to embed six sigma in the organization the most crucial gaps, lack of management commitment, six sigma vision and possibilities to use six sigma, should be diminished.
Six sigma is a quality improvement philosophy with systematic and formal approach. In order to successfully implement and utilize six sigma the basic disciplines of it should be adopted by the entire organization. Furthermore, employee involvement is crucial in six sigma implementation. This thesis addresses the challenges of long-lasting involvement in the case company. It focuses on gaps of involving six sigma trained employees, Black Belts. Theoretical framework of the thesis illustrates different factors influencing employee involvement. Influencing factors can be divided into ten categories: organizational culture, managerial commitment, leadership style, employee empowerment, employees’ perceptions, communication, training, goals, performance measurement and incentives. Factors and categories overlap and are related to each other. The framework provides holistic view of employee involvement in six sigma context but can be used also with other quality management philosophies. This thesis was conducted as a case study and written on an assignment to a power and automation technology company. Due to the nature of research problem, the data collection was conducted by interviewing case company personnel. In order to study involvement from employees’ point of view interview questions were designed to be open-ended and to allow the interviewees to tell freely about the phenomenon. This thesis provides empirical support on previous studies in organizational support, management commitment and employee empowerment. In addition, it indicates the importance of separate function for Black Belts in the organization. The gaps in Black Belt involvement can be categorized under two categories: Management driven gaps are related to management commitment, organizational structure and culture and information systems. Black Belt driven gaps are related to practice and effort of using six sigma. This thesis finds solutions for bridging these gaps in the case company by applying findings from literature research and suggestions given by the interviewees. For each gap, actions are suggested for bridging the discrepancy between current and desired situations. The thesis states that in order to embed six sigma in the organization the most crucial gaps, lack of management commitment, six sigma vision and possibilities to use six sigma, should be diminished.
The subject of the study is a performance measurement system design of a profit center guided expert organization. Successful performance measurement system allows management to focus on the most important issues and guide the opera-tion of activities towards the objectives. The aim of this study is to examine the profit center organization´s performance measurement, what are the challenges associated with the scorecard, which issues the planning process should take into account, in the case of an expert organization. The study was conducted as a qualitative case study, for a one case study organ-ization. The study was made by interviewing personnel from top management to experts in the case organization. Balanced Scorecard as well as ready-made in-strument implementation models, that are presented in the theoretical part of the study, are being used as the design of the indicators. The target company's performance has been measured so far mainly on financial measures and there have also occasionally been measured employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction. The design of the indicators focused on non-economic, and mainly in the organization´s internal performance measurement. Learning and growth, client and processes were elected as the specific perspectives. The or-ganization's vision and strategy were the basis of the perspectives and the suc-cess factors. The thesis ends on selected indicator proposals derived from the success factors and on proposal for further actions for the case organization. Goal-setting, communication and staff commitment rose as matters should be taken into account in the design process. The results of the empirical study are consistent with the theory.
Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat henkilöstöpalvelualan yrityksessä työskentelevien y-sukupolveen kuuluvien tietotyöläisten organisaatiositoutumiseen ja näin löytää keinoja edistää tämän henkilöstöryhmän sitoutumista. Päätutkimuskysymys on ”Miten tietotyötä tekevän milleniaalin organisaatiositoutumista voidaan edistää?”. Tutkielma on kvalitatiivinen tapaustutkimus, aineisto kerättiin puolistrukturoiduilla haastatteluilla. Aineisto analysoitiin teoriaohjaavasti organisaatiositoutumiseen, milleniaaleihin ja tietotyöhön liittyvää teoreettista viitekehystä tukena käyttäen ja abduktiivista päättelyä hyödyntäen. Tutkimustulosten mukaan tietotyötä tekevä milleniaali on sitoutunut työhönsä, työyhteisöönsä ja organisaatioon. Organisaatiositoutuminen muodostuu useammasta kuin yhdestä komponentista ja on aineiston mukaan muodoltaan niin affektiivista, normatiivista kuin jatkuvaakin. Nykyorganisaatiossa sitouttavat erityisesti hyvä esimiestyö, työn haastavuus, mahdollisuudet työnkuvan monipuolistamiseen, uramahdollisuudet ja ammatillisen kehittymisen tukeminen. Tulevaisuudessa tietotyötä kohdeyrityksessä tekevät milleniaalit toivovat, että organisaatio panostaisi sitouttamisen edistämiseksi erityisesti yksilön arvostamiseen, työntekijöiden ammatilliseen kehittymiseen, urasuunnitteluun, palkitsemiseen, esimiestyöhön ja yhteisöllisyyteen.
Finnish companies have usually formed a strategic alliance as entry mode when entering the Japanese market. However, these strategic alliances have not been studied in a general level and it remains unknown, what kind cooperation the Finnish companies are operating with their Japanese partners. Especially Finnish companies that aims to penetrate the Japanese market are eager to know more about this. The recent studies on topic have focused on a single industry or company and that is why more general level study was needed. The purpose of this study is to analyze types of Finnish–Japanese strategic alliances from the Finnish point of view. The analysis is conducted by answering the questions what strategic alliance types appear in the strategic alliances between Japanese and Finnish companies, and how commitment affects strategic alliance type. This study also examines how committed Finnish–Japanese strategic alliances are. In this study multiple case study was selected as research method. The data is collected by interviewing six representative of Finnish companies in Japan individually. Multiple case study was chosen for this study, because this study is interested in the topic in general level and this research method is suitable for this kind of research. From the interviews common attributes were pointed out and from them the big picture of the topic was created. Types of strategic alliances were determined by using previous literature on that topic. Two different types of strategic alliance were discovered: supplier alliance which is the most common one and learning alliance. The commitment of strategic alliance was measured visually by utilizing a figure that was modified for this study. The figure is originally based on earlier studies on strategic alliance types and their connection to ownership and commitment. By utilizing the figure it was noticed that commitment affects strategic alliance types: the more there is commitment involved, the more there is cooperation. Finnish–Japanese strategic alliances are not very committed despite they have existed for a long time. However, there is potential to be more committed. That is why Finnish companies should increase the commitment and attract the partners to develop the strategic alliances, because it would possible increase competitive advantage. This would be beneficial to all members within the strategic alliance.
Small businesses form a significant share of all businesses and employ a large share of all employees. Therefore, governments are often interested in subsidizing them and especially employment in smaller firms. Nonemployer firms have received special interest, especially in Finland, due to their large share of all businesses. It has been argued that the government should encourage them to hire by subsidizing employment. However, there is no evidence on the effectiveness of such policies. In general, there is surprisingly little evidence on how small firms react to employment subsidies or of employment subsidies targeted according to firm characteristics. The subject of this thesis is the effects of subsidizing the first employee. While theoretical background suggests the subsidy might have efficiency gains, because there might be market inefficiencies that lead to too little employment in small firms. The focus of this research, however, is on the empirical evidence. There was a regional subsidy for hiring the first employee in Finland between 2007 and 2011. Nonemployer firms in the subsidy area were eligible for a wage subsidy for two years when they hired the first employee. The design of the subsidy enables studying the effects in a natural experiment framework that are nowadays popular in public economics. It can be shown that the area without the subsidy provides a good counterfactual to the area where the subsidy was available. Therefore, the effects of the subsidy can be estimated with difference-in-differences method. This method compares the change in the subsidy area to the change in the area without the subsidy. The data used is firm level data spanning from 2000 to 2013. The data is provided by the Finnish Tax Administration including tax declarations by all Finland based companies. The effects for hiring decisions are estimated by examining the effects for alternative variables such as employment, wage expenditure and turnover. According to the results, the subsidy did not have statistically significant effect on any of the variables of interest. Therefore, it can be concluded that the subsidy did not increase hires in nonemployer firms. This implies that the labour demand elasticity of nonemployer firms is very small. The results are in line with previous literature on the effectiveness of general employment subsidies in Scandinavia that suggest that labour demand elasticity is rather small resulting in small or no effects of employment subsidies. However, my research provides new evidence on labour demand of nonemployer firms especially that has not been studied before. The results are in line with the observation that most nonemployer firms are self-employed persons who are not interested in growing their business to employ others as well, but only provide for themselves. Because of this employment subsidies to the self-employed are not particularly well targeted. The theoretical grounds for the subsidy actually hold for other small firms as well, so it can be argued the subsidy would be more effective if it was extended for hiring the first few employees.