39 resultados para Approach through a game
Heritage and tourism have become inextricably linked. This link can be seen as producing inauthentic and falsified tradition, and it can therefore be seen as a threat to cultural heritage. On the other hand the link can be seen as a positive thing, as something which helps to preserve herit-age, culture and folklore in a changing and globalising world. This dissertation investigates heritage in the context of Dracula Tourism in Romania. Dracula tourism is tourism where tourists visit places connected with either the fictional vampire Dracula or the historical Dracula, a Romanian historical ruler Vlad the Impaler. The main research question of this study is how can Romanian heritage and culture be shown and promoted through a seemingly superficial Dracula tourism which is based on Western popular cul-ture? And is it possible to find Romanian heritage through popular fiction in Dracula tourism? The main sources for this work are based on the fieldwork done by the author in 2010 and 2011 and the web pages of ten Romanian travel agencies that offer Dracula tourism. The stories and images found on the web pages and used by the tour guides form the bulk of the research material. The emphasis and perspective of this research is folkloristic. Critical discourse analysis and multimodal discourse analysis form the main theoretical approach of this dissertation. In addition the research material is approached through intertextuality, folklore process, hybridisation, authenticity and social constructionism. This dissertation aims to offer new perspectives on the research literature concerning tourism and heritage and to offer a folkloristic view of tourism research. It also aims to offer new perspectives to folkloristics in terms of the research on the use of folklore and tradition and offer new perspectives on the use and definition of the concept of authenticity. Although the research subject of this thesis is Dracula tourism in Romania, the findings can be utilised and applied in a larger context and field of research. The key research findings show that heritage can be found within Dracula Tourism in three forms: as defined from above (UNESCO World Heritage Sites), as local heritage and as a form of opposition. The Romanian travel agencies researched in this dissertation use Dracula tourism as a gateway into Romanian history, culture, tradition and heritage. Kulttuuriperintö ja turismi yhdistyvät toisiinsa erottamattomasti. Toisaalta tämän yhteyden on nähty tuottavan epäautenttista ja väärennettyä perinnettä, ja tällöin sen on koettu muodostavan uhan kulttuuriperinnölle. Toisaalta yhteys on mielletty myös positiivisena asiana, sillä sen on nähty toimivan globalisoituvassa maailmassa kulttuuriperintöä, kulttuuria ja kansanperinnettä säilyttävänä tekijänä. Väitöskirjassa tutkitaan sitä, miten kulttuuriperintö ilmenee Dracula-turismissa Romaniassa. Dracula- turismi on turismia, joka liittyy joko fiktiiviseen vampyyrikreivi Draculaan tai historiallisena Draculana tunnettuun romanialaiseen hallitsijaan Vlad Seivästäjään. Väitöskirjan päätutkimuskysymyksenä on, miten romanialaista kulttuuriperintöä ja kulttuuria voidaan tuoda esiin näennäisesti pinnallisen ja länsimaiseen populaarikulttuuriin pohjautuvan Dracula-turismin kautta. Työn päälähteet pohjautuvat tutkijan vuosina 2010 ja 2011 tekemiin kenttätöihin sekä kymmenen Dracula-turismia tarjoavan romanialaisen matkatoimiston WWW-sivustoihin. Internet-sivuilta löytyvät tarinat ja kuvat sekä matkaoppaiden käyttämät tarinat muodostavat tutkimuksen tutkimusaineiston. Tutkimuksen painotus ja näkökulma ovat folkloristisia. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys muodostuu kriittisestä diskurssianalyysistä sekä multimodaalisesta diskurssianalyysistä. Näiden lisäksi tutkimusaineistoa analysoidaan intertekstuaalisuuden, folkloreprosessin, hybridisaation, autenttisuuden ja sosiaalisen konstruktion käsitteiden avulla. Väitöskirjatutkimus tarjoaa uusia näkökulmia turismia ja kulttuuriperintöä käsittelevään tutkimukseen sekä tarjoaa matkailun tutkimukseen folkloristisen lisänäkökulman. Folkloristisen tutkimuksen näkökulmasta työn keskiössä ovat perinteen ja folkloren hyödyntäminen sekä autenttisuuden käsitteen määrittely ja käyttö, joihin työssä otetaan kantaa. Vaikka tutkimus käsittelee Dracula-turismia Romaniassa, ovat tutkimustulokset käytettävissä ja sovellettavissa myös laajemmin. Työn keskeiset tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että kulttuuriperintö ilmenee Dracula-turismissa kolmella eri tavalla: ylätasolla kuten esimerkiksi UNESCO:n kohteissa, alatasolla paikallisten ihmisten tai ihmisryhmien määrittelemänä sekä vastustuksen muotona. Väitöskirjassa tutkitut matkatoimistot käyttävät Dracula-turismia ikään kuin porttina romanialaiseen historiaan, kulttuuriin, perinteeseen ja kulttuuriperinteeseen.
Retaining players and re-attracting switching players has long been a central topic for SNG providers with regard to the post-adoption stage of playing an online game. However, there has not been much research which has explored players’ post-adoption behavior by incorporating the continuance intention and the switching intention. In addition, traditional IS continuance theories were mainly developed to investigate users’ continued use of utilitarian IS, and thus they may fall short when trying to explain the continued use of hedonic IS. Furthermore, compared to the richer literature on IS continuance, far too little attention has been paid to IS switching, leading to a dearth of knowledge on the subject, despite the increased incidence of the switching phenomenon in the IS field. By addressing the limitations of prior literature, this study seeks to examine the determinants of SNG players’ two different post-adoption behaviors, including the continuance intention and the switching intention. This study takes a positivist approach and uses survey research method to test five proposed research models based on Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2; Use and Gratification Theory; Push-Pull-Mooring model; Cognitive Dissonance Theory; and a self-developed model respectively with empirical data collected from the SNG players of one of the biggest SNG providers in China. A total of 3919 valid responses and 541 valid responses were used to examine the continuance intention and the switching intention, respectively. SEM is utilized as the data analysis method. The proposed research models are supported by the empirical data. The continuance intention is determined by enjoyment, fantasy, escapism, social interaction, social presence, social influence, achievement and habit. The switching intention is determined by enjoyment, satisfaction, subjective norms, descriptive norms, alternative attractiveness, the need for variety, change experience, and adaptation cost. This study contributes to IS theories in three important ways. Firstly, it shows IS switching should be included in IS post-adoption research together with IS continuance. Secondly, a modern IS is usually multi-functional and SNG players have multiple reasons for using a SNG, thus a player’s beliefs about the hedonic, social and utilitarian perceptions of their continued use of the SNG exert significant effects on the continuance intention. Thirdly, the determinants of the switch ing intention mainly exert push, pull, and mooring effects. Players’ beliefs about their current SNG and the available alternatives, as well as their individual characteristics are all significant determinants of the switching intention. SNG players combine these effects in order to formulate the switching intention. Finally, this study presents limitations and suggestions for future research.
Tämä teorialähtöinen, hermeneuttinen tutkimus sijoittuu käännöstieteen sekä uskonnon- ja kielifilosofian rajapintaan. Tutkimuksessa kuvataan kristinuskon tekstimaailmaa relevantin tulkintakehyksen kautta sekä esitetään tekstimaailman tulkintaan soveltuva lähestymistapa ammattikääntäjän eli välittävän vastaanottajan näkökulmasta. Tutkimus pureutuu käännösprosessin hermeneutiikkaan eli lähdetekstin ja sen maailman tulkintaan, ymmärtämiseen ja selittämiseen liittyviin aspekteihin. Tutkimuksessa ei esitetä käännösratkaisuja. Tutkimus nostaa esiin filosofisen ja teologisen hermeneutiikan peruskysymyksiä. Niitä ovat Raamatun tekstien vaikutushistoria, erilaiset todellisuus- ja kielikäsitykset, kirkon oppi, teologian pääsuuntaukset, uskonnolliset yhteisöt ja niiden perinteet, inhimillinen kulttuuri ja aika. Ne ovat ulottuvuuksia, jotka vaikuttavat kääntäjän tekstin- ja maailmantulkintaan ja vaativat laajojen kontekstien huomioonottamista sekä lähestymistä monista eri näkökulmista. Ludwig Wittgensteinin myöhäisfilosofiaan liittyvän kielipelin idea tarjoaa ajatusmallin, jonka avulla uskonnon käsite-, merkki- ja tekstimaailmalle voidaan luoda moninäkökulmainen tulkintakehys. Kielipelin käsitettä käytetään tässä tutkimuksessa tekstien samankaltaisuutta ja erilaisuutta kokoavana järjestelmänä, joka toimii intratekstuaalisesti eli sillä on omat pelisääntönsä, tulkinnan lähteensä sekä tunnistettava identiteetti. Järjestelmän keskiössä ovat uskonnon konstituioivat käsitteet ja kertomukset, jotka ovat muiden tulkintojen eli metatekstien lähde. Kääntäjän varsinaisina tulkintakohteina ovat metatekstit, eivät raamatunkääntämiseen liittyvät kysymykset suoranaisesti. Tutkimuksessa luodaan kuitenkin tulkintamalli, jonka mukaan metatekstejä ja raamatun tekstejä luetaan rinnakkain. Ymmärtäminen ja ongelmanratkaisu rakentuvat tekstuaalisen kommunikaation pohjalta. Tekstejä luetaan sekä sääntöteorian että narratiivisen teorian valossa. Kertomus puhuttelee vastaanottajaa eri tavalla kuin sääntö. Tulkintamallissa yhdistyvät sekä analyyttinen että luovan mielikuvituksen sallima lukutapa. Molemmat toimivat yhdessä kääntäjän tekstin- merkin- ja maailmantulkinnan apuna. Tutkimuksessa pohditaan myös tekstiteorettisia kysymyksiä, tekstin ja merkin käsitteitä sekä niiden toimintadynamiikkaa. Tulkinnan mekanismi esitetään semioosin käsitteen avulla. Teksti määritellään heuristiseksi ja eksemplaariseksi kuvaukseksi maailmasta, ja se edustaa vain osaa tulkintakokonaisuudesta. Kääntäjän hermeneuttinen kenttä ulotetaan tekstinulkoiseen maailmaan, käytäntöön ja elämänmuotoon.
The objective of this thesis is to better understand customer’s role in lean startup methodology. The aim is to find out how customers are involved in lean startup methodology implantation and increase the likelihood of new venture survival. This study emphasizes the usage of customers in shaping of new product development processes within companies, through iteration and constant communication. This communication facilitates the development of features that are requested by the customers and enhances the prospects of the new venture. The empirical part of the study is a single qualitative case study that uses action research to implement the lean startup methodology into a pre-revenue venture and examines its customer involvement processes. The studied case company is Karaoke d.o.o., developing a game called kParty. The study used the theory discussed in the literature review: customer involvement (in the survey and interviews conducted for the lean startup methodology), lean principles (through the implementation of lean startup methodology) and lean startup methodology, which are the central building parts of this thesis as a whole. The thesis contributes to the understanding of customer involvement in lean startup methodology, while giving practical implications of customer orientation and product market fitting.
This study discusses the significance of having service as a business logic, and more specifically, how value co-creation can be seen as an enhancing phenomenon to business-to-business relationships in traditional business sector. The purpose of this study is to investigate how value cocreation can enhance a business-to-business relationship in the heating, ventilation and airconditioning (HVAC) industry of building services engineering, through three sub-objectives: to identify what is value in the industry, how value is co-created in the industry, and what is value in a business-to-business relationship in the industry. The theoretical part this study consists of academic knowledge and literature related to the concepts of value, value co-creation and business-to-business relationships. In order to research value co-creation and business-to-business relationships in HVAC industry of building services engineering both, metaphorical and conceptual thinking of service dominant (S-D) logic and more managerial approach of service logic (SL), contributed to the theoretical part of the study. The empirical research conducted for this study is based on seven semi-structured interviews, which constituted the holistic, qualitative single case study method chosen for the research. The data was collected in September 2014 from CEOs, managers and owners representing six building services engineering firms. The interviews were analysed with the help of transcriptions, role-ordered matrices and thematic networks. The findings of this study indicate that value in HVAC industry consists of client expertise and supplier expertise. The result of applying client expertise and supplier expertise to the business-to- business relationship is characterized as value-in-reputation, when continuity, interaction, learning and rapport of the business relationship are ensured. As a result, value co-creation in the industry consists of mutual and separate elements, which the client and the supplier apply in the process, in addition to proactive interaction. The findings of this study, together with the final framework, enhance the understanding of the connection existing between value co-creation and business-to-business relationship. The findings suggest that value in the HVAC industry is characterized by both value-in-use and value-inreputation. Value-in-reputation enhances the formation of value-in-use, and consequently, value cocreation enhances the business-to-business relationship. This study thus contributes to the existing knowledge on the concepts of value and value co-creation in business-to-business relationships.
Technological innovations and the advent of digitalization have led retail business into one of its biggest transformations of all time. Consumer behaviour has changed rapidly and the customers are ever more powerful, demanding, tech-savvy and moving on various plat-forms. These attributes will continue to drive the development and robustly restructure the architecture of value creation in the retail business. The largest retail category, grocery yet awaits for a real disruption, but the signals for major change are already on the horizon. The first wave of online grocery retail was introduced in the mid 1990’s and it throve until millennium. Many overreactions, heavy investments and the burst IT-bubble almost stag-nated the whole industry for a long period of time. The second wave started with a venge-ance around 2010. Some research was carried out during the first wave from a single-viewpoint of online grocery retail, but without a comprehensive approach to online-offline business model integration. Now the accelerating growth of e-business has initiated an increased interest to examine the transformation from traditional business models towards e-business models and their integration on the companies’ traditional business models. This research strove to examine how can we recognize and analyze how digitalization and online channels are affecting the business models of grocery retail, by using business mod-el canvas as an analysis tool. Furthermore business model innovation and omnichannel retail were presented and suggested as potential solutions for these changes. 21 experts in online grocery industry were being interviewed. The thoughts of the informants were being qualitatively analysed by using an analysis tool called the business model canvas. The aim of this research was to portray a holistic view on the Omnichannel grocery retail business model, and the value chain, in which the case company Arina along with its partners are operating. The key conclusions exhibited that online grocery retail business model is not an alterna-tive model nor a substitute for the traditional grocery retail business model, though all of the business model elements are to some extent affected by it, but rather a complementary business model that should be integrated into the prevailing, conventional grocery retail business model. A set of business model elements, such as value proposition and distribu-tion channels were recognized as the most important ones and sources of innovation within these components were being illustrated. Segments for online grocery retail were empiri-cally established as polarized niche markets in contrast of the segmented mass-market of the conventional grocery retail. Business model innovation was proven to be a considera-ble method and a conceptual framework, by which to come across with new value proposi-tions that create competitive advantage for the company in the contemporary, changing business environment. Arina as a retailer can be considered as a industry model innovator, since it has initiated an entire industry in its market area, where other players have later on embarked on, and in which the contributors of the value chain, such as Posti depend on it to a great extent. Consumer behaviour clearly affects and appears everywhere in the digi-talized grocery trade and it drives customers to multiple platforms where retailers need to be present. Omnichannel retail business model was suggested to be the solution, in which the new technologies are being utilized, contemporary consumer behaviour is embedded in decision-making and all of the segments and their value propositions are being served seamlessly across the channels.
Cancer affects more than 20 million people each year and this rate is increasing globally. The Ras/MAPK-pathway is one of the best-studied cancer signaling pathways. Ras proteins are mutated in almost 20% of all human cancers and despite numerous efforts, no effective therapy that specifically targets Ras is available to date. It is now well established that Ras proteins laterally segregate on the plasma membrane into transient nanoscale signaling complexes called nanoclusters. These Ras nanoclusters are essential for the high-fidelity signal transmission. Disruption of nanoclustering leads to reduction in Ras activity and signaling, therefore targeting nanoclusters opens up important new therapeutic possibilities in cancer. This work describes three different studies exploring the idea of membrane protein nanoclusters as novel anti-cancer drug targets. It is focused on the design and implementation of a simple, cell-based Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET)-biosensor screening platform to identify compounds that affect Ras membrane organization and nanoclustering. Chemical libraries from different sources were tested and a number of potential hit molecules were validated on full-length oncogenic proteins using a combination of imaging, biochemical and transformation assays. In the first study, a small chemical library was screened using H-ras derived FRET-biosensors. Surprisingly from this screen, commonly used protein synthesis inhibitors (PSIs) were found to specifically increase H-ras nanoclustering and downstream signalling in a H-ras dependent manner. Using a representative PSI, increase in H-ras activity was shown to induce cancer stem cell (CSC)-enriched mammosphere formation and tumor growth of breast cancer cells. Moreover, PSIs do not increase K-ras nanoclustering, making this screening approach suitable for identifying Ras isoform-specific inhibitors. In the second study, a nanoncluster-directed screen using both H- and K-ras derived FRET biosensors identified CSC inhibitor salinomycin to specifically inhibit K-ras nanocluster organization and downstream signaling. A K-ras nanoclusteringassociated gene signature was established that predicts the drug sensitivity of cancer cells to CSC inhibitors. Interestingly, almost 8% of patient tumor samples in the The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) database had the above gene signature and were associated with a significantly higher mortality. From this mechanistic insight, an additional microbial metabolite screen on H- and K-ras biosensors identified ophiobolin A and conglobatin A to specifically affect K-ras nanoclustering and to act as potential breast CSC inhibitors. In the third study, the Ras FRET-biosensor principle was used to investigate membrane anchorage and nanoclustering of myristoylated proteins such as heterotrimeric G-proteins, Yes- and Src-kinases. Furthermore, Yes-biosensor was validated to be a suitable platform for performing chemical and genetic screens to identify myristoylation inhibitors. The results of this thesis demonstrate the potential of the Ras-derived FRETbiosensor platform to differentiate and identify Ras-isoform specfic inhibitors. The results also highlight that most of the inhibitors identified predominantly perturb Ras subcellular distribution and membrane organization through some novel and yet unknown mechanisms. The results give new insights into the role of Ras nanoclusters as promising new molecular targets in cancer and in stem cells.
Project scope is to utilize Six Sigma DMAIC approach and lean principles to improve production quality of the case company. Six Sigma tools and techniques are explored through a literature review and later used in the quality control phase. The focus is set on the Pareto analysis to demonstrate the most evident development areas in the production. Materials that are not delivered to the customer or materials that damaged during transportation comprise the biggest share of all feedbacks. The goal is set to reduce these feedbacks by 50 %. Production observation pointed out that not only material shortages but also over-production is a daily situation. As a result, an initial picking list where the purchased and own production components can be seen, is created, reduction of over- and underproduction and material marking improvement are seen the most competitive options so that the goal can be reached. The picking list development should still continue to make sure that the list can be used not only in the case study but also in the industrial scale. The reduction of material missing category can be evaluated reliably not sooner than in few years because it takes time to gather the needed statistical information.
The production of biodiesel through transesterification has created a surplus of glycerol on the international market. In few years, glycerol has become an inexpensive and abundant raw material, subject to numerous plausible valorisation strategies. Glycerol hydrochlorination stands out as an economically attractive alternative to the production of biobased epichlorohydrin, an important raw material for the manufacturing of epoxy resins and plasticizers. Glycerol hydrochlorination using gaseous hydrogen chloride (HCl) was studied from a reaction engineering viewpoint. Firstly, a more general and rigorous kinetic model was derived based on a consistent reaction mechanism proposed in the literature. The model was validated with experimental data reported in the literature as well as with new data of our own. Semi-batch experiments were conducted in which the influence of the stirring speed, HCl partial pressure, catalyst concentration and temperature were thoroughly analysed and discussed. Acetic acid was used as a homogeneous catalyst for the experiments. For the first time, it was demonstrated that the liquid-phase volume undergoes a significant increase due to the accumulation of HCl in the liquid phase. Novel and relevant features concerning hydrochlorination kinetics, HCl solubility and mass transfer were investigated. An extended reaction mechanism was proposed and a new kinetic model was derived. The model was tested with the experimental data by means of regression analysis, in which kinetic and mass transfer parameters were successfully estimated. A dimensionless number, called Catalyst Modulus, was proposed as a tool for corroborating the kinetic model. Reactive flash distillation experiments were conducted to check the commonly accepted hypothesis that removal of water should enhance the glycerol hydrochlorination kinetics. The performance of the reactive flash distillation experiments were compared to the semi-batch data previously obtained. An unforeseen effect was observed once the water was let to be stripped out from the liquid phase, exposing a strong correlation between the HCl liquid uptake and the presence of water in the system. Water has revealed to play an important role also in the HCl dissociation: as water was removed, the dissociation of HCl was diminished, which had a retarding effect on the reaction kinetics. In order to obtain a further insight on the influence of water on the hydrochlorination reaction, extra semi-batch experiments were conducted in which initial amounts of water and the desired product were added. This study revealed the possibility to use the desired product as an ideal “solvent” for the glycerol hydrochlorination process. A co-current bubble column was used to investigate the glycerol hydrochlorination process under continuous operation. The influence of liquid flow rate, gas flow rate, temperature and catalyst concentration on the glycerol conversion and product distribution was studied. The fluid dynamics of the system showed a remarkable behaviour, which was carefully investigated and described. Highspeed camera images and residence time distribution experiments were conducted to collect relevant information about the flow conditions inside the tube. A model based on the axial dispersion concept was proposed and confronted with the experimental data. The kinetic and solubility parameters estimated from the semi-batch experiments were successfully used in the description of mass transfer and fluid dynamics of the bubble column reactor. In light of the results brought by the present work, the glycerol hydrochlorination reaction mechanism has been finally clarified. It has been demonstrated that the reactive distillation technology may cause drawbacks to the glycerol hydrochlorination reaction rate under certain conditions. Furthermore, continuous reactor technology showed a high selectivity towards monochlorohydrins, whilst semibatch technology was demonstrated to be more efficient towards the production of dichlorohydrins. Based on the novel and revealing discoveries brought by the present work, many insightful suggestions are made towards the improvement of the production of αγ-dichlorohydrin on an industrial scale.