687 resultados para Luukkanen, Arto: Projekti Putin
The objective of this study was to find out how project success can be measured in a case where the output of a project is an intangible information product, what kind of framework can be used to evaluate the project success, and how the project assessment can be done in practice. As a case example, the success of a business blueprint project was assessed from the product point of view. A framework for assessing business blueprint project success was made based on a literature review. Furthermore, separate frameworks for measuring information product quality and project costs were developed. The theory of business blueprinting was discovered not to be firmly institutionalized and it is briefly covered in the thesis. The possible net benefits from the strategic business process harmonization were noted to be much more significant than the costs of the business blueprint project. The project was seen as a sufficient success from the viewpoint of the created output.
The main aim of this study was to develop the project management framework model which would serve as the new model to follow for upcoming projects at the Lappeenranta cement plant. The other goal was to execute the SNCR (selective non catalytic reduction) project successfully so that the nitrogen oxides emissions are below the stated emission limit when the new emission limit comes into effect beginning in July, 2008. Nitrogen oxides, project management aspects, SNCR and the invested system are explained in the theory part. In the practical part of the study, the SNCR project in the Lappeenranta cement plant was executed and the findings were documented. In order to reach the aim of this study, a framework of project management was made. The framework is based on the executed SNCR project, previous projects in the cement plant and on the available literature relating to the subject matter. The developed project turned out to be successful.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kehittää Larox Oyj:n alihankintaprojektien kustannuslaskentaa. Yrityksessä oli havaittu, että pitkäaikaishankkeiden kustan-nusten kertymistä pitää pystyä ennustamaan tarkemmin. Konstruktiivisen tutkimusotteen mukaisesti tutkimuksessa luotiin esiymmärrys kohdeyrityksen nykytilanteesta, perehdyttiin vaikuttavaan lainsäädäntöön ja aikaisempaan tutkimustietoon. Kuvaus nykytilanteesta luotiin kohdeyrityksen ja alihankkijan edustajien haastatteluiden avulla, tutustumalla yrityksen toimintaohjeisiin ja keräämällä tietoa projektien kustannusten kertymisestä. Kerätyn tiedon perusteella luotiin konstruktiot eli ratkaisuehdotukset toiminnan kehittämiseksi. Tutkimuksessa kehitettiin raportointimalli alihankintaprojektien edistymisen raportointiin. Mallin tavoitteena on yhtenäistää alihankkijoiden raportointikäy-täntöjä ja tuottaa sellaista tietoa, jota Larox tarvitsee tuottojen tunnistamista varten. Toinen konkreettinen ratkaisu on alihankintaprojektien kustannuskertymän ennustetyökalu, jonka avulla voidaan ennakoida hankkeen valmiusasteen kehitystä projektin aikana. Malli on rakennettu yhden konetyypin projektien ennustamiseen, mutta siitä voidaan helposti muokata ennustemallit muidenkin projektityyppien tarpeisiin. Tarkempien ennusteiden avulla voidaan kehittää johdon raportointia ja parantaa kassavirtojen ennustettavuutta.
Advancements in power electronic semiconductor switching devices have lead to significantly faster switching times. In motor and generator applications, the fast switching times of pulse width modulated (PWM) inverters lead to overvoltages caused by voltage reflections with shorter and shorter cables. These excessive overvoltages may lead to a failure of the electrical machine in a matter of months. In this thesis, the causes behind the overvoltage phenomenon as well as its different mitigation techniques are studied. The most suitable techniques for mitigating the overvoltage phenomenon in wind power generator applications are chosen based on both simulations and actual measurements performed on a prototype. An RC filter at the terminals of the electrical machine and an inverter output filter designed to reduce the rise and fall times of voltage pulses are presented as a solution to the overvoltage problem. The performance and losses of both filter types are analysed.
Streaming potential measurements for the surface charge characterisation of different filter media types and materials were used. The equipment was developed further so that measurements could be taken along the surfaces, and so that tubular membranes could also be measured. The streaming potential proved to be a very useful tool in the charge analysis of both clean and fouled filter media. Adsorption and fouling could be studied, as could flux, as functions of time. A module to determine the membrane potential was also constructed. The results collected from the experiments conducted with these devices were used in the study of the theory of streaming potential as an electrokinetic phenomenon. Several correction factors, which are derived to take into account the surface conductance and the electrokinetic flow in very narrow capillaries, were tested in practice. The surface materials were studied using FTIR and the results compared with those from the streaming potentials. FTIR analysis was also found to be a useful tool in the characterisation of filters, as well as in the fouling studies. Upon examination of the recorded spectra from different depths in a sample it was possible to determine the adsorption sites. The influence of an external electric field on the cross flow microflltration of a binary protein system was investigated using a membrane electroflltration apparatus. The results showed that a significant improvement could be achieved in membrane filtration by using the measured electrochemical properties to help adjust the process conditions.
Soitinnus: sello, orkesteri.
This study aims at enhancing understanding and deriving new constructs about the management of intellectual capital in the early phases of project marketing. The research methodology employed is deductive; conceptual reasoning is based on existing literature. The study's knowledge base is drawn from the bodies of literature dealing with project, relationship, and industrial marketing, as well as from the literature dealing with mechanical engineering, network approach, systems selling, R&D, project portfolio, strategic, financial, and knowledge management. As a result, three processes, 32 summaries and 19 conclusions give to the management of intellectual capital meaning in the context of project marketing. These conclusions and synthesis are proposed to improve the existing concepts and models in project marketing.
Stora Enson Kotkan tehtaiden paperikone yksi on pieni erikoislaatuja tekevä paperikone, jonka hy6tysuhteen parantamiseen on etsitty keinoja kunnossapidon toimesta. Kansainvälisen kilpailun kiristyessä sekä raaka aineiden ja energian kallistuessa paperikoneen hy6tysuhteen tulee olla korkealla tasolla. Tämän diplomity6n kirjallisuusosassa on perehdytty yleisesti kunnossapidon käsitteisiin ja toimintatapoihin. Vikaantumisen osiossa on pyritty l6ytamaan mekanismi laakereiden vikaantumiseen ja kunnonvalvonnalla keinot laakereiden vikaantumisen ehkäisyyn. Työn käytännön osiossa tutkittiin paperikoneen häiriökirjauksia vuosilta 2006 ja 2007 tehtaan toiminnanohjausjärjestelmistä. Samanaikaisesti selvitettiin toimenpidekirjauksia ja tehtyjä korjauksia samoihin kohteisiin, joissa vikaantumista tapahtuu. Tavoitteena oli selvittää syyt suuriin hairi6seisokkiaikoihin sekä analysoida suunniteltujen ja suunnittelemattomien seisokkien suhdetta. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin häiriökirjauksien puutteellisuus ja kirjauksien merkitys häiriöiden ennaltaehkäisyssä.
Digitoitu 15. 10 2008.
Nykyään projektityö on erittäin yleistä katsomatta toimialaan tai yritysten kokoon. Projektiestimointi on olennainen osa onnistuneen hankkeen läpiviennissä. Työssä käsitellään projektin alkuvaiheessa tapahtuvaan arviontiprosessiin liittyvää teknistä ja taloudellista estimointia. Työssä perehdytään työmäärien estimointimenetelmiin sekä taloudellisen ennusteen rakentamiseen.