40 resultados para quadrature frequency conversion


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This Master's thesis deals with a Micro Scale Wind Wind Turbine application. The thesis consists of nine chapters. The first chapter is an introduction to the philosophy of a small scale wind turbine application. The second defines concepts, and lists the requirements. The third presents the whole application for an On-Grid , and for an Off-Grid arrangement, with main concentration on lighting, heating, and energy storage. The fourth deals with the Inverter's technology, which are used for the conversion of the produced power. The fifth chapter presents the available storage technology and it's possibilities. The sixth deals with the system, and the technological means used for the implementation. The seventh presents the PLC device, which was used as the controller for the management of the whole application. The eighth deals with the concept and the control application philosophy that the PLC involves. And the final chapter presents conclusions and ideas for further considerations.


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Invertteritekniikalla voidaan toteuttaa nykyaikainen, monipuolinen ja tehokas pääteaste moneen eri käyttötarkoitukseen. Tässä työssä suunnitellaan invertteripääteaste mittalaite- ja virtalähdesovelluksiin. Suunnittelussa otetaan huomioon muunneltavuus, valmistuskustannukset ja mitat. Näiden kriteerien lisäksi pääteaste suunnitellaan niin, että se täyttää mittalaite- ja virtalähdesovelluksien vaatimat standardit. Pääteasteen teho rajoittuu 500 VA:iin, mutta vaatimukset lähtöjännitteen erimuotoisuudelle aiheuttavat suunnittelulle omat vaikeutensa. Työssä täytyy tutkia, minkälainen tuloaste, invertteri, suodin ja lähtöaste sopivat parhaiten pääteasteen toteutukseen. Sopivien topologioiden löydyttyä pääteaste simuloidaan tietokoneella, jonka jälkeen voidaan suunnitella prototyyppi käytännön testauksia varten. Suunnittelussa päädyttiin seuraaviin topologioihin: Tuloasteeksi valittiin PFC-piiri, joka on nykyaikana pakollinen invertterikäytössä, koska verkkoon palaavat harmoniset yliaaltokomponentit täytyy suodattaa. Invertteritopologiaksi valittiin kokosiltainvertteri, jolla saadaan parhaiten muutettua lähtöjännitteen taajuutta ja amplitudia. Suodintopologiaksi valittiin LC-suodin, jolla saadaan tehokkaasti suodatettua invertterin aiheuttamat harmoniset yliaallot. Lähtöön sijoitetaan muuntaja, jonka muuntosuhdetta muuntamalla saadaan lähtöjännite halutuksi eri käyttötarkoituksia varten.


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The aim of the thesis is to investigate the hybrid LC filter behavior in modern power drives; to analyze the influence of such a du/dt filter on the control system stability. With the implementation of the inverter output RLC filter the motor control becomes more complicated. And during the design process the influence of the filter on the motor should be considered and the filter RLC parameters should be constrained.


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This master’s thesis is focused on power supply network disturbances and their effects on the frequency converter – one of the components of modern process crane electrical system. The most critical disturbance types, their causes and the effect they bring to crane electrical system was determined in this work. Variety of protective devices used for mitigation of disturbances is investigated. Device protection solutions for the frequency converter used in crane applications are presented. Analyses of the power supply requirements for frequency converter and various components of crane electrical system were carried out and as a result the crane power supply requirements list that guarantees normal crane operation was built. This list is to be included in crane projects for troubleshooting purposes in order to determine potentially dangerous network.


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The increasing power demand and emerging applications drive the design of electrical power converters into modularization. Despite the wide use of modularized power stage structures, the control schemes that are used are often traditional, in other words, centralized. The flexibility and re-usability of these controllers are typically poor. With a dedicated distributed control scheme, the flexibility and re-usability of the system parts, building blocks, can be increased. Only a few distributed control schemes have been introduced for this purpose, but their breakthrough has not yet taken place. A demand for the further development offlexible control schemes for building-block-based applications clearly exists. The control topology, communication, synchronization, and functionality allocationaspects of building-block-based converters are studied in this doctoral thesis. A distributed control scheme that can be easily adapted to building-block-based power converter designs is developed. The example applications are a parallel and series connection of building blocks. The building block that is used in the implementations of both the applications is a commercial off-the-shelf two-level three-phase frequency converter with a custom-designed controller card. The major challenge with the parallel connection of power stages is the synchronization of the building blocks. The effect of synchronization accuracy on the system performance is studied. The functionality allocation and control scheme design are challenging in the seriesconnected multilevel converters, mainly because of the large number of modules. Various multilevel modulation schemes are analyzed with respect to the implementation, and this information is used to develop a flexible control scheme for modular multilevel inverters.


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Centrifugal pumps are widely used in industrial and municipal applications, and they are an important end-use application of electric energy. However, in many cases centrifugal pumps operate with a significantly lower energy efficiency than they actually could, which typically has an increasing effect on the pump energy consumption and the resulting energy costs. Typical reasons for this are the incorrect dimensioning of the pumping system components and inefficiency of the applied pump control method. Besides the increase in energy costs, an inefficient operation may increase the risk of a pump failure and thereby the maintenance costs. In the worst case, a pump failure may lead to a process shutdown accruing additional costs. Nowadays, centrifugal pumps are often controlled by adjusting their rotational speed, which affects the resulting flow rate and output pressure of the pumped fluid. Typically, the speed control is realised with a frequency converter that allows the control of the rotational speed of an induction motor. Since a frequency converter can estimate the motor rotational speed and shaft torque without external measurement sensors on the motor shaft, it also allows the development and use of sensorless methods for the estimation of the pump operation. Still today, the monitoring of pump operation is based on additional measurements and visual check-ups, which may not be applicable to determine the energy efficiency of the pump operation. This doctoral thesis concentrates on the methods that allow the use of a frequency converter as a monitoring and analysis device for a centrifugal pump. Firstly, the determination of energy-efficiency- and reliability-based limits for the recommendable operating region of a variable-speed-driven centrifugal pump is discussed with a case study for the laboratory pumping system. Then, three model-based estimation methods for the pump operating location are studied, and their accuracy is determined by laboratory tests. In addition, a novel method to detect the occurrence of cavitation or flow recirculation in a centrifugal pump by a frequency converter is introduced. Its sensitivity compared with known cavitation detection methods is evaluated, and its applicability is verified by laboratory measurements for three different pumps and by using two different frequency converters. The main focus of this thesis is on the radial flow end-suction centrifugal pumps, but the studied methods can also be feasible with mixed and axial flow centrifugal pumps, if allowed by their characteristics.


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Transportation of fluids is one of the most common and energy intensive processes in the industrial and HVAC sectors. Pumping systems are frequently subject to engineering malpractice when dimensioned, which can lead to poor operational efficiency. Moreover, pump monitoring requires dedicated measuring equipment, which imply costly investments. Inefficient pump operation and improper maintenance can increase energy costs substantially and even lead to pump failure. A centrifugal pump is commonly driven by an induction motor. Driving the induction motor with a frequency converter can diminish energy consumption in pump drives and provide better control of a process. In addition, induction machine signals can also be estimated by modern frequency converters, dispensing with the use of sensors. If the estimates are accurate enough, a pump can be modelled and integrated into the frequency converter control scheme. This can open the possibility of joint motor and pump monitoring and diagnostics, thereby allowing the detection of reliability-reducing operating states that can lead to additional maintenance costs. The goal of this work is to study the accuracy of rotational speed, torque and shaft power estimates calculated by a frequency converter. Laboratory tests were performed in order to observe estimate behaviour in both steady-state and transient operation. An induction machine driven by a vector-controlled frequency converter, coupled with another induction machine acting as load was used in the tests. The estimated quantities were obtained through the frequency converter’s Trend Recorder software. A high-precision, HBM T12 torque-speed transducer was used to measure the actual values of the aforementioned variables. The effect of the flux optimization energy saving feature on the estimate quality was also studied. A processing function was developed in MATLAB for comparison of the obtained data. The obtained results confirm the suitability of this particular converter to provide accurate enough estimates for pumping applications.


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Tämän pro gradu– tutkielman tavoitteena oli testata täytettyjen taukojen (er ja erm) esiintymistiheyttä, sijaintia kieliopillisessa rakenteessa sekä funktioita Kjellmerin (2003) korpus-tutkimuksessa. Materiaalina käytin viiden yhdysvaltalaisen poliitikon puhetta keskusteluohjelmasta Larry King Live. Tutkimuksessani sovelsin Kjellmerin tutkimusmenetelmiä, joita muokkasin huomattavasti suppeampaan materiaaliini sopiviksi. Lähestymistapani oli täten induktiivinen toisin kuin testatussa tutkimuksessa. Materiaalini oli tarkoituksellisesti rajattu, sillä halusin selvittää, kuvaavatko Kjellmerin laajaan materiaaliin perustuvat tutkimustulokset myös täytettyjen taukojen käyttöä suppeammassa materiaalissa. Materiaalini (kokonaisuudessaan 101 minuuttia) transkriboin ortografisesti. Analyysissäni arvioin täytettyjen taukojen esiintymistiheyden puhujakohtaisesti ja koko ryhmälle suhteuttamalla täytettyjen taukojen lukumäärän kokonaissanamäärään. Tämän jälkeen tein perinteisen kielioppianalyysin rakenteista, joita edeltää tai joissa esiintyy täytetty tauko, ja täytettyjen taukojen sijainnin perusteella luokittelin ne sana-, lauseke-, ja lausetasolle. Lopuksi analysoin täytettyjen taukojen käyttöä soveltaen Kjellmerin ehdottamia funktioita (hesitaatio, vuorottelujäsennyksen merkitseminen, huomion herättäminen ja kontaktin luominen, korostus ja korjaus) ja niiden piirteitä omaan materiaaliini. Tutkimukseni perusteella täytetyt tauot esiintyvät tutkitun viiden poliitikon puheessa suhteellisen usein. Puhujakohtaiset eroavaisuudet olivat kuitenkin huomattavat. Kieliopillisen luokitteluni mukaan sana-, lauseke- ja lausetasot eivät täysin kuvaa täytettyjen taukojen sijoittumista, sillä täytetyt tauot edelsivät mm. määre-lauseita, jotka eivät vastaa lausetasoa englannin kielessä. Materiaalini funktioanalyysi osoitti, että täytetyt tauot yleensä vastaavat yhtä tai useampaa Kjellmerin ehdottamaa funktioita. Lisäksi tutkimukseni mukaan täytetyillä tauoilla on ainakin yksi rakenteellinen funktio. Analyysini perusteella Kjellmerin tutkimustulokset ovat siis pääosin sovellettavissa suppeampaan materiaaliin. Puutteiksi hänen tutkimuksessaan osoittautuivat funktioanalyysille tärkeän kontekstuaalisen informaation puute sekä keskittyminen täytettyihin taukoihin, jotka esiintyvät vain tietyissä kielioppirakenteissa. Yleisesti voin tutkimukseni pohjalta todeta, että täytetyt tauot ovat vielä vajaasti tunnettuja ja että kieliopillisen sijoituksen ja funktioiden lisätutkimus on tarpeellista.


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Sähköautojen tulemista on odotettu jo pitkään ja ne ovat potentiaalisia fossiilisilla polttoaineilla toimivien polttomoottoreiden korvaajia. Hybridiautoja on tullut markkinoille entistä enemmän ja ne osaltaan auttavat vähentämään fossiilisten polttoaineiden käyttöä. Sähköautot ovat toistaiseksi jääneet taka-alalle. Tässä työssä on tehty konversiosähköauton mitoitussuunnitelma museoikäiseen autoon. Työssä on mitoitettu kolme sähköisen voimansiirron pääkomponenttia sähkömoottori, taajuudenmuuttaja ja akusto. Mitoitussuunnitelma toimii hyvänä pohjana, jonka avulla konversiota voidaan alkaa rakentamaan.


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Communications play a key role in modern smart grids. New functionalities that make the grids ‘smart’ require the communication network to function properly. Data transmission between intelligent electric devices (IEDs) in the rectifier and the customer-end inverters (CEIs) used for power conversion is also required in the smart grid concept of the low-voltage direct current (LVDC) distribution network. Smart grid applications, such as smart metering, demand side management (DSM), and grid protection applied with communications are all installed in the LVDC system. Thus, besides remote connection to the databases of the grid operators, a local communication network in the LVDC network is needed. One solution applied to implement the communication medium in power distribution grids is power line communication (PLC). There are power cables in the distribution grids, and hence, they may be applied as a communication channel for the distribution-level data. This doctoral thesis proposes an IP-based high-frequency (HF) band PLC data transmission concept for the LVDC network. A general method to implement the Ethernet-based PLC concept between the public distribution rectifier and the customerend inverters in the LVDC grid is introduced. Low-voltage cables are studied as the communication channel in the frequency band of 100 kHz–30 MHz. The communication channel characteristics and the noise in the channel are described. All individual components in the channel are presented in detail, and a channel model, comprising models for each channel component is developed and verified by measurements. The channel noise is also studied by measurements. Theoretical signalto- noise ratio (SNR) and channel capacity analyses and practical data transmission tests are carried out to evaluate the applicability of the PLC concept against the requirements set by the smart grid applications in the LVDC system. The main results concerning the applicability of the PLC concept and its limitations are presented, and suggestion for future research proposed.


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The power rating of wind turbines is constantly increasing; however, keeping the voltage rating at the low-voltage level results in high kilo-ampere currents. An alternative for increasing the power levels without raising the voltage level is provided by multiphase machines. Multiphase machines are used for instance in ship propulsion systems, aerospace applications, electric vehicles, and in other high-power applications including wind energy conversion systems. A machine model in an appropriate reference frame is required in order to design an efficient control for the electric drive. Modeling of multiphase machines poses a challenge because of the mutual couplings between the phases. Mutual couplings degrade the drive performance unless they are properly considered. In certain multiphase machines there is also a problem of high current harmonics, which are easily generated because of the small current path impedance of the harmonic components. However, multiphase machines provide special characteristics compared with the three-phase counterparts: Multiphase machines have a better fault tolerance, and are thus more robust. In addition, the controlled power can be divided among more inverter legs by increasing the number of phases. Moreover, the torque pulsation can be decreased and the harmonic frequency of the torque ripple increased by an appropriate multiphase configuration. By increasing the number of phases it is also possible to obtain more torque per RMS ampere for the same volume, and thus, increase the power density. In this doctoral thesis, a decoupled d–q model of double-star permanent-magnet (PM) synchronous machines is derived based on the inductance matrix diagonalization. The double-star machine is a special type of multiphase machines. Its armature consists of two three-phase winding sets, which are commonly displaced by 30 electrical degrees. In this study, the displacement angle between the sets is considered a parameter. The diagonalization of the inductance matrix results in a simplified model structure, in which the mutual couplings between the reference frames are eliminated. Moreover, the current harmonics are mapped into a reference frame, in which they can be easily controlled. The work also presents methods to determine the machine inductances by a finite-element analysis and by voltage-source inverters on-site. The derived model is validated by experimental results obtained with an example double-star interior PM (IPM) synchronous machine having the sets displaced by 30 electrical degrees. The derived transformation, and consequently, the decoupled d–q machine model, are shown to model the behavior of an actual machine with an acceptable accuracy. Thus, the proposed model is suitable to be used for the model-based control design of electric drives consisting of double-star IPM synchronous machines.