51 resultados para one story barns


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Business actions do not take place in isolation. Complementary competencies and capabilities are the most important resources in the exponential knowledge growth. These resources are partially accessed via business partners. A company needs partners and the capability to cooperate, but also the awareness of the competitive tension, when operating in the market with multiple actors. The co-opetition research studies the occurrence and the forms of simultaneous cooperation and competition between companies or their units. Public sector’s governmental and municipal organs have been transformed into companies over the past years. Despite of their non-profit nature, public sector and public companies are adopting business doctrines from private sector towards efficient business operations. This case study aims to show, how co-opetition concept can be observed within public sector companies and in their operations with others, how public companies cooperate but also compete with others and why this happens. This thesis also explicates advantages and disadvantages of the co-opetition phenomenon.


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Several bioaffinity assays are based on the detection of an analyte which is bound on a solid substrate via biochemical interaction. These so called solid phase assays are based on the adhesion of the primary binding partner on a solid surface, which then binds the analyte to be detected. In this thesis work a novel solid phase based assay technology, known as spot technology, was developed. The spot technology is based on combination of high-capacity solid phases, concentrated in a spot format, utilising modified streptavidin molecules and recombinant antibody fragments. The reduction of the solid phase binding surface to a size of a spot enabled denser binding of the target molecules, providing improved signal intensities and signal-to-background ratio when applied in different solid phase immunoassays. Streptavidin-biotin interactions are commonly utilised in numerous different bioaffinity assays and the ultimate nature of streptavidin to bind biotin is among the strongest non-covalent interaction reported between two biomolecules. In this study native core streptavidin was chemically modified to provide polymerised streptavidin molecules with altered adsorption properties. These streptavidin conjugates, when coated onto polystyrene surface, provided enhanced biotin binding capacity and surface stability when compared to a reference coating constructed with native streptavidin. Furthermore, the combination of chemically modified streptavidin, sitespecifically biotinylated antibody fragments and the spot coating technology provided highly dense solid phase coating with improved binding properties. The performance of the spot assay technology was further demonstrated in different immunoassay configurations. Human thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and human cardiac troponin I (cTnI) were used as model analytes to show the applicability of the highly sensitive spot-based solid-phase immunoassay for detection of very low levels of analytes. It was demonstrated that the spot technology provided an assay concept with enhanced sensitivity and short turn-around times, characteristics that are highly suitable for point-of-care applications.


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Turun yliopiston arkeologian oppiaine tutki Raision Ihalan historiallisella kylätontilla, ns. Mullin eduspellolla, asuinpaikan, josta löydettiin maamme oloissa harvinaisen hyvin säilyneitä rakennusten puuosien jäännöksiä. Löytö on ainutlaatuinen Suomen oloissa ja sillä on kansainvälistäkin merkitystä, koska hyvin säilyneet myöhemmän rautakauden ja varhaisen keskiajan maaseutuasuinpaikat, joista tavataan puujäännöksiä, ovat harvinaisia erityisesti itäisen Itämeren piirissä. Rakennukset on ennallistettu käyttäen tiukkaa paikallisen analogian (’Tight Local Analogy’) metodia, erityisesti suoraa historiallista analogista lähestymistapaa. Tätä tarkoitusta varten muodostettiin aluksi arkeologinen, historiallinen ja etnografinen lähdemalli. Tämä valittiin maantieteellisesti ja ajallisesti relevantista tutkimusaineistosta pohjoisen Itämeren piiristä. Tiedot lounaisen Suomen rakennuksista ja rakennusteknologiasta katsottiin olevan tärkein osa mallia johtuen historiallisesta ja spatiaalisesta jatkuvuudesta. Lähdemalli yhdistettiin sitten Mullin arkeologiseen aineistoon ja analyysin tuloksena saatiin rakennusten ennallistukset. Mullista on voitu ennallistaa ainakin kuusi eri rakennusta neljässä eri rakennuspaikassa. Rakennusteknologia perustui kattoa kannattaviin horisontaalisiin pitkiin seinähirsiin, jotka oli nurkissa yhdistetty joko salvoksella tai varhopatsaalla. Kaikissa rakennuksissa ulkoseinän pituus oli 5 – 7 metriä. Löydettiin lisäksi savi- ja puulattioita sekä kaksi tulisijaa, savikupoliuuni ja avoin liesi. Runsaan palaneen saven perusteella on mahdollista päätellä, että katto oli mitä todennäköisimmin kaksilappeinen vuoliaiskatto, joka oli katettu puulla ja/tai turpeella. Kaikki rakennukset olivat samaa tyyppiä ja ne käsittivät isomman huoneen ja kapean eteisen. Kaikki analysoitu puu oli mäntyä. Ulkoalueelta tavattiin lisäksi tunkioita, ojia, aitoja ja erilaisia varastokuoppia. Rakennukset on ajoitettu 900-luvun lopulta 1200-luvun lopulle (cal AD). Lopuksi tutkittiin rakennuksia yhteisöllisessä ympäristössään, niiden ajallista asemaa sekä asukkaiden erilaisia spatiaalisia kokemuksia ja yhteyksiä. Raision Ihalaa analysoidaan sosiaalisen identiteetin ja sen materiaalisten ilmenemismuotojen kautta. Nämä sosiaaliset identiteetit muodostuvat kommunikaatioverkostoista eri spatiaalisilla ja yhteisöllisillä ta¬soilla. Näitä eri tasoja ovat: 1) kotitalous arjen toimintoineen, perhe ja sukulaisuussuhteet traditioineen; 2) paikallinen identiteetti, rakennus, rakennuspaikka, asuinpaikan ympäristö ja sen käyttö, (maa)talo ja kylä; 3) Raision Ihalan kylä laajemmassa alueellisessa kontekstissaan pohjoisen Itämeren piirissä: kauppiaiden ja käsityöläisten kontaktiverkostot, uskonnollinen identiteetti ja sen muutokset.


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Digitoitu 14. 1. 2009


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From the world of fiction literature into multi-cultural Finland. Anticipatory story as an educational tool in teaching of literature and multiculturalism The research clarifies the relationship between reading fiction literature and multicultural value education in basic education. The research focuses on the subject didactics of mother tongue and literature and on the literature teaching in particular. The objective is to develop a method that is easily transferable into a teaching context so as to intensify the educational discussion based on fiction literature. In essence, understanding fiction literature and the ethical and moral thinking resemble one another, because both of them aim at empathizing with the thinking of a person or with a situation foreign to oneself. For this reason fiction literature is ideally suited for the discussion on ethical and moral values within a subject entity in the basic education. The empirical unit of the research consists of two parts. The first part explains how youth novels published in the years 1993 – 2007 describe multiculturalism in Finnish society. Books on multiculturalism are still few in number within youth literature, and people with a foreign background are mainly minor or background characters in such literary works. Nevertheless, youth novels serve well as a starting point for an educational discussion about multicultural issues. More often than not characters in youth novels are stereotypes and even opposite to each other. The juxtaposing makes a young reader question the stereotypes associated with immigrants. Besides the stereotype, reference to a prototype or a model is possible. The second part tests the usefulness of an anticipatory story based on a fictive text for an educational discussion about multicultural issues. The empirical material was collected from the eighth-grade teaching groups in basic education as follows: one teaching group was an immigrant group, the second one a group of Finns with experience of immigrants while the third group of students had hardly any experience of immigrants. The anticipatory stories were written on the basis of extracts from youth novels with multicultural themes. The material collected for a total of 120 anticipatory stories was analysed by using meaning cue analysis. Using the meaning cue analysis, the anticipatory stories were divided into three groups: stories with predominantly positive meaning cues of interculturalism, ambivalent stories with both positive and negative meaning cues of interculturalism and the stories with predominantly negative meaning cues of interculturalism. The meaning cues produced by girls and boys differ from one another, in particular, by the negative meaning cues of interculturalism. For girls, the predominant meaning cue is fear whereas for boys, it is that of violence. It would also seem that the students, in particular, boys with little experience of immigrants produce more negative meaning cues of interculturalism than do immigrants or Finnish students with experience of immigrants. Further still, it seems that active reading of fiction literature affects the meaning cues of interculturalism in an ambivalent direction. In the way of youth novels this is understandable, because youth novels in general are made up of opposite characters and meaning cues. The less the student takes an interest in reading, the more he used meaning cues from outside the parent text for his anticipatory story. No doubt it would be possible to use fiction literature in the literature education to a much higher extent than it is being used today whereby the literature could be used in basic education for reviewing subject entities or study contents of other study subjects. By way of an anticipatory story and the meaning cue analysis, it is possible to intensify the educational discussions based on fiction literature. However, using fiction literature in the literature education requires consideration of the specific genre of fiction literature.


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Tutkin kandidaatin tutkielmassani yhteiskuntavastuuviestintää suomalaisten pörssiyhtiöiden vuosikertomuksissa 2004. Tutkimus osoitti, että viestintä on hyvin eritasoista eri yrityksissä. Valveutuneet yhteiskuntavastuuviestijät käyttivät kolmen pilarin mallia kategorioidessaan toimintaansa. Selkeästi oli havaittavissa myös toimialakohtaisia eroja. Tässä tutkimuksessa jatkan samalla aihepiirillä selvittämällä sitä, kuinka Helsingin pörssissä listattujen yhtiöiden yhteiskuntavastuuviestintä on muuttunut kun verrataan vuoden 2004 ja 2008 vuosikertomuksia toisiinsa. Tutkimusmetodi on kvalitatiivinen. Diskurssianalyysin keinoin selvitän miten yritykset viestivät vastuullisuudestaan. Tutkimus osoittaa, että yhteiskuntavastuuviestintä ei ole edelleenkään jokaisen yhtiön intresseissä. Yrityksistä noin kaksi kolmesta viestii jotain yhteiskuntavastuun alueeseen liittyvää. Ward on hieman vähentynyt vuodesta 2004. Näistä yrityksistä vastaavasti noin kahdella kolmesta yhteiskuntavastuutoiminta on johdettua ja tavoitteellista tämä näkyy korkealaatuisena yhteiskuntavastuuviestintänä. Taantuma vuosikertomuksissa näkyi etenkin taloudellisen vastuun lisääntyneenä raportointina.


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Cellular automata are models for massively parallel computation. A cellular automaton consists of cells which are arranged in some kind of regular lattice and a local update rule which updates the state of each cell according to the states of the cell's neighbors on each step of the computation. This work focuses on reversible one-dimensional cellular automata in which the cells are arranged in a two-way in_nite line and the computation is reversible, that is, the previous states of the cells can be derived from the current ones. In this work it is shown that several properties of reversible one-dimensional cellular automata are algorithmically undecidable, that is, there exists no algorithm that would tell whether a given cellular automaton has the property or not. It is shown that the tiling problem of Wang tiles remains undecidable even in some very restricted special cases. It follows that it is undecidable whether some given states will always appear in computations by the given cellular automaton. It also follows that a weaker form of expansivity, which is a concept of dynamical systems, is an undecidable property for reversible one-dimensional cellular automata. It is shown that several properties of dynamical systems are undecidable for reversible one-dimensional cellular automata. It shown that sensitivity to initial conditions and topological mixing are undecidable properties. Furthermore, non-sensitive and mixing cellular automata are recursively inseparable. It follows that also chaotic behavior is an undecidable property for reversible one-dimensional cellular automata.


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Developed from human activities, mathematical knowledge is bound to the world and cultures that men and women experience. One can say that mathematics is rooted in humans’ everyday life, an environment where people reach agreement regarding certain “laws” and principles in mathematics. Through interaction with worldly phenomena and people, children will always gain experience that they can then in turn use to understand future situations. Consequently, the environment in which a child grows up plays an important role in what that child experiences and what possibilities for learning that child has. Variation theory, a branch of phenomenographical research, defines human learning as changes in understanding and acting towards a specific phenomenon. Variation theory implies a focus on that which it is possible to learn in a specific learning situation, since only a limited number of critical aspects of a phenomenon can be simultaneously discerned and focused on. The aim of this study is to discern how toddlers experience and learn mathematics in a daycare environment. The study focuses on what toddlers experience, how their learning experience is formed, and how toddlers use their understanding to master their environment. Twenty-three children were observed videographically during everyday activities. The videographic methodology aims to describe and interpret human actions in natural settings. The children are aged from 1 year, 1 month to 3 years, 9 months. Descriptions of the toddlers’ actions and communication with other children and adults are analyzed phenomenographically in order to discover how the children come to understand the different aspects of mathematics they encounter. The study’s analysis reveals that toddlers encounter various mathematical concepts, similarities and differences, and the relationship between parts and whole. Children form their understanding of such aspects in interaction with other children and adults in their everyday life. The results also show that for a certain type of learning to occur, some critical conditions must exist. Variation, simultaneity, reasonableness and fixed points are critical conditions of learning that appear to be important for toddlers’ learning. These four critical conditions are integral parts of the learning process. How children understand mathematics influences how they use mathematics as a tool to master their surrounding world. The results of the study’s analysis of how children use their understanding of mathematics shows that children use mathematics to uphold societal rules, to describe their surrounding world, and as a tool for problem solving. Accordingly, mathematics can be considered a very important phenomenon that children should come into contact with in different ways and which needs to be recognized as a necessary part of children’s everyday life. Adults working with young children play an important role in setting perimeters for children’s experiences and possibilities to explore mathematical concepts and phenomena. Therefore, this study is significant as regards understanding how children learn mathematics through everyday activities.


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This research is a phenomenological-hermeneutic case-study based on the methods of action research in which narrative methods are used to examine a process drama carried out in a day-care centre, focusing on its dialogicality and possibilities of offering children and adults ethical problems to examine and solve. A process drama built around a story was carried out in a Finnish day-care centre in 1999 with the aim of bringing ethical education to the level of conscious consideration and action. The research consists of two case-studies. The first focuses on Risto, one of the children who participated in the process, his actions in group situations, his commitment to the rules set by the leaders, his attitude towards the group and its members as well as the common agreements concerning the group, and his solutions to fictive dilemmas in relation to Lawrence Kohlberg’s and Carol Gilligan’s concepts of justice and care. On this basis conclusions are made on how drama can be applied to dealing with ethical dilemmas with children aged four to seven. The second case-study searches for ethical themes and signs of dialogicality in the story that was created together by the children and leaders, and in the action that took place in the drama sessions. The subjects of this study consist of two groups participating in the process drama, both consisting of seven children aged four to seven. Narratives were written on each child based on his/her participation in four drama sessions selected to be used in this study. The narratives include the writer’s interpretations of the dialogicality of the drama and the ethical themes observed and recognised in the videos and in the transcriptions of the video recordings. The description and interpretation of the dialogicality and the ethical themes observed in the drama sessions is based on the researcher’s dialogue with the writings of Georg Henrik von Wright, Martin Buber and Mihail Bahtin, as well as Nicholas C. Burbules’ definitions of the basic conditions for dialogical teaching. As a result of the study, drama activity proved to be a means by which dialogically abstract ethical questions and conflicts could be dealt with even with young children and which revealed the zone of proximal development of both children and adults. Drama became a stage for ethical growth and dialogicality, and the common play of children and adults could be seen as an indicator of deep dialogicality. On the basis of this study, it can be said that drama is a very suitable way of establishing a shape and form of ethical education in which it is possible to make planned, target-oriented progress and which can be consciously observed by following the development of both the child and the educator.


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The purpose of the research project The poetics of the talking book is to contribute to the knowledge about patterns of understanding in young adults’ reception of fiction, which they listened to through audio books. The problem explored was: How do different groups of listeners receive fictive text presented as a talking book with variations regarding use of voice, engagement and sound effects? The problem formulation rendered four specific research questions: 1. What patterns can be identified in the listeners’ answers regarding story structure and cognitive content in a comparative perspective comprising different reading styles in the taped versions of the text? 2. What patterns of understanding in interpretative reading can be identified in different listeners? 3. Which thoughts do the listeners have about what the talking book should sound like? 4. What affordances for young adults with the functional disability of mild mental retardation can be made visible through guided literature conversations? The theoretical frame of reference was formed by text–reader-oriented literary theory, psychological schema theory, and research regarding voice quality and communication. The project was carried out in two steps. The first phase was to produce the audio books with two variations of reading practice of three short stories with an existential theme in each text. The second step comprised interviewing of 32 young adults (a special group with a reading handicap in form of mild mental retardation, and a reference group with no handicap). The interviews formed as literary conversation were carried out three times during one year. The phenomenological-hermeneutic approach focused on the life worlds of the participants as meaning seeking beings. The analysis was carried out using method triangulation, mainly using phenomenological meaning concentration. The double hermeneutics in use when interpreting the interpretations of the participants revealed a capacity for aesthetic reading of fiction in the special group as well as in the reference group. The aesthetic qualities were found sufficient in all variations of reading by the professional readers of the audio book they listened to. The young adults also could describe how they wanted the audio book to sound: just as if you were reading yourself. A model describing the analytical steps and concepts in use was a result that can serve as an outline of a poetics for the talking book. Unexpected research results were how important the guided literary conversation turned out to be in order to realise the affordances given by the texts regarding exploration of existential themes in the young adults’ life worlds. Thus the result of the research project can be positioned as a piece of emancipatory research stressing the importance of including this group of young adults in the society’s conversation about culture and meaning.


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The aim of the study was to create and evaluate an intervention programme for Tanzanian children from a low-income area who are at risk of reading and writing difficulties. The learning difficulties, including reading and writing difficulties, are likely to be behind many of the common school problems in Tanzania, but they are not well understood, and research is needed. The design of the study included an identification and intervention phase with follow-up. A group based dynamic assessment approach was used in identifying children at risk of difficulties in reading and writing. The same approach was used in the intervention. The study was a randomized experiment with one experimental and two control groups. For the experimental and the control groups, a total of 96 (46 girls and 50 boys) children from grade one were screened out of 301 children from two schools in a low income urban area of Dar-es-Salaam. One third of the children, the experimental group, participated in an intensive training programme in literacy skills for five weeks, six hours per week, aimed at promoting reading and writing ability, while the children in the control groups had a mathematics and art programme. Follow-up was performed five months after the intervention. The intervention programme and the tests were based on the Zambian BASAT (Basic Skill Assessment Tool, Ketonen & Mulenga, 2003), but the content was drawn from the Kiswahili school curriculum in Tanzania. The main components of the training and testing programme were the same, only differing in content. The training process was different from traditional training in Tanzanian schools in that principles of teaching and training in dynamic assessment were followed. Feedback was the cornerstone of the training and the focus was on supporting the children in exploring knowledge and strategies in performing the tasks. The experimental group improved significantly more (p = .000) than the control groups during the intervention from pre-test to follow-up (repeated measures ANOVA). No differences between the control groups were noticed. The effect was significant on all the measures: phonological awareness, reading skills, writing skills and overall literacy skills. A transfer effect on school marks in Kiswahili and English was found. Following a discussion of the results, suggestions for further research and adaptation of the programme are presented.