30 resultados para Psychological consequences
Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on kuvata ja ymmärtää myyjien organisaatioon sitoutumista Alko Oy:ssä, sitä kuinka myyjät ovat sitoutuneita organisaatioon ja sitoutumiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Tarkoituksena on selvittää ja ymmärtää esimiehen vaikutusta sitoutumiseen sekä sitä kuinka esimies voi edistää myyjien sitoutumista. Lisäksi tavoitteena on kartoittaa ja ymmärtää sitoutumisen seurauksia. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys muodostuu organisaatioon sitoutumisen tutkimuksesta ja johtajuuden tutkimuksesta, erityisesti transformationaalisesta johtajuudesta ja sen vaikutuksesta sitoutumiseen. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan laadullinen ja pääasiallisena tutkimusmetodina on käytetty teemahaastattelua. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin haastattelemalla 22 myyjää ja seitsemää esimiestä. Haastattelut nauhoitettiin ja litteroitiin. Haastattelujen lisäksi myyjille tehtiin kysely. Aineistoa analysoitiin teemoittain ja empiirisen aineiston analyysin tulkinta perustuu tutkimuksen teoreettiseen viitekehykseen. Tutkimustulosten mukaan myyjien sitoutuminen kohdeorganisaatiossa on hyvällä tai vähintään kohtuullisella tasolla ja se pohjautuu voimakkaimmin affektiiviseen ulottuvuuteen. Lisäksi sitoutuminen perustuu osittain jatkuvuuteen perustuvaan komponenttiin sekä pieneltä osin myös normatiiviseen. Affektiiviseen sitoutumiseen vaikuttavat merkittävimmin työn monipuolisuus, haastavuus ja mielekkyys, onnistumisen ja merkityksellisyyden tunteet sekä ilmapiiri. Jatkuvuuteen perustuvaan sitoutumiseen vaikuttavat eniten palkitseminen ja siihen liittyen osa-aikaisuus, joka jakoi myyjiä kahtia. Lisäksi työn monipuolisuudella, varmuudella sekä työllistymisvaihtoehdoilla ja perhesyillä on vaikutusta jatkuvuusperusteiseen sitoutumiseen. Normatiiviseen sitoutumiseen vaikuttavat voimakkaimmin positiivinen vapaaehtoinen vastavuoroisuus organisaatiota kohtaan sen toimintaan ja tekemiin investointeihin liittyen. Lisäksi normatiiviseen sitoutumiseen vaikuttavat sosialisaatio kasvatuksen myötä ja psykologinen sopimus odotuksineen. Esimiehen vaikutus sitoutumiseen korostuu tuloksissa ja esimiehen toiminnalla on merkittävin vaikutus affektiiviseen sitoutumiseen. Keskeisimpiä esimiehen vaikutuskeinoja myyjien sitoutumiseen ovat vastuun antaminen ja osallistaminen, palaute, avoin vuorovaikutus ja tiedonkulku sekä tasapuolisuus ja oikeudenmukaisuus toiminnassa. Myös esimiehen kannustavuus ja myyjien yksilöllinen huomiointi, osaamisen kehittämisen tukeminen sekä esimerkillinen toiminta ovat keskeisiä. Sitoutumisen seurauksista merkittävimpiä ovat vähäinen vaihtuvuus sekä työsuorituksen ja asiakaspalvelun laatu. Lisäksi organisaatiokansalaisuuskäyttäytymiseen liittyvät seikat, kuten parhaansa tekeminen, joustavuus ja itseohjautuvuus ovat keskeisiä sitoutumisen seurauksia.
The question of the trainability of executive functions and the impact of such training on related cognitive skills has stirred considerable research interest. Despite a number of studies investigating this, the question has not yet been solved. The general aim of this thesis was to investigate two very different types of training of executive functions: laboratory-based computerized training (Studies I-III) and realworld training through bilingualism (Studies IV-V). Bilingualism as a kind of training of executive functions is based on the idea that managing two languages requires executive resources, and previous studies have suggested a bilingual advantage in executive functions. Three executive functions were studied in the present thesis: updating of working memory (WM) contents, inhibition of irrelevant information, and shifting between tasks and mental sets. Studies I-III investigated the effects of computer-based training of WM updating (Study I), inhibition (Study II), and set shifting (Study III) in healthy young adults. All studies showed increased performance on the trained task. More importantly, improvement on an untrained task tapping the trained executive function (near transfer) was seen in Study I and II. None of the three studies showed improvement on untrained tasks tapping some other cognitive function (far transfer) as a result of training. Study I also used PET to investigate the effects of WM updating training on a neurotransmitter closely linked to WM, namely dopamine. The PET results revealed increased striatal dopamine release during WM updating performance as a result of training. Study IV investigated the ability to inhibit task-irrelevant stimuli in bilinguals and monolinguals by using a dichotic listening task. The results showed that the bilinguals exceeded the monolinguals in inhibiting task-irrelevant information. Study V introduced a new, complementary research approach to study the bilingual executive advantage and its underlying mechanisms. To circumvent the methodological problems related to natural groups design, this approach focuses only on bilinguals and examines whether individual differences in bilingual behavior correlate with executive task performances. Using measures that tap the three above-entioned executive functions, the results suggested that more frequent language switching was associated with better set shifting skills, and earlier acquisition of the second language was related to better inhibition skills. In conclusion, the present behavioral results showed that computer-based training of executive functions can improve performance on the trained task and on closely related tasks, but does not yield a more general improvement of cognitive skills. Moreover, the functional neuroimaging results reveal that WM training modulates striatal dopaminergic function, speaking for training-induced neural plasticity in this important neurotransmitter system. With regard to bilingualism, the results provide further support to the idea that bilingualism can enhance executive functions. In addition, the new complementary research approach proposed here provides some clues as to which aspects of everyday bilingual behavior may be related to the advantage in executive functions in bilingual individuals.
The behavioural finance literature expects systematic and significant deviations from efficiency to persist in securities markets due to behavioural and cognitive biases of investors. These behavioural models attempt to explain the coexistence of intermediate-term momentum and long-term reversals in stock returns based on the systematic violations of rational behaviour of investors. The study investigates the anchoring bias of investors and the profitability of the 52-week momentum strategy (GH henceforward). The relatively highly volatile OMX Helsinki stock exchange is a suitable market for examining the momentum effect, since international investors tend to realise their positions first from the furthest security markets by the time of market turbulence. Empirical data is collected from Thomson Reuters Datastream and the OMX Nordic website. The objective of the study is to provide a throughout research by formulating a self-financing GH momentum portfolio. First, the seasonality of the strategy is examined by taking the January effect into account and researching abnormal returns in long-term. The results indicate that the GH strategy is subject to significantly negative revenues in January, but the strategy is not prone to reversals in long-term. Then the predictive proxies of momentum returns are investigated in terms of acquisition prices and 52-week high statistics as anchors. The results show that the acquisition prices do not have explanatory power over the GH strategy’s abnormal returns. Finally, the efficacy of the GH strategy is examined after taking transaction costs into account, finding that the robust abnormal returns remain statistically significant despite the transaction costs. As a conclusion, the relative distance between a stock’s current price and its 52-week high statistic explains the profits of momentum investing to a high degree. The results indicate that intermediateterm momentum and long-term reversals are separate phenomena. This presents a challenge to current behavioural theories, which model these aspects of stock returns as subsequent components of how securities markets respond to relevant information.
Bullying can be viewed as goal-oriented behavior in the strive for dominance and prestige in the peer group (Salmivalli, 2010). To ensure the effectiveness of their power demonstrations, bullies often choose targets from among their vulnerable peers (Salmivalli, 2010; Veenstra et al., 2007). A large number of studies have also shown that victimization has severe consequences for the victims’ psychosocial adjustment (Reijntjes, Kamphuis, Prinzie, & Telch, 2010; Ttofi, Farrington, Lösel, & Loeber, 2011). In this thesis I investigate – based on three empirical studies – whether similar dynamics on the risk factors and consequences apply to same- and other-sex victimization. In the empirical studies, we used the data from the randomized control trial of the KiVa antibullying program for the elementary school grades 4–6 (2007–2008), and for the middle school grades 7–9 (2008–2009). We measured same- and other-sex victimization, and victims’ defending relationships by dyadic questions: “By which classmates are you victimized?” and “By which classmates are you supported, comforted, or defended?” In addition, we used self-reports and peer reports to measure adjustment and social status. The findings imply that other-sex victimization may be challenging for antibullying work. First, although targets of bullying seemed to be selected from among vulnerable peers for the most part, perceived popularity increased the risks of other-sex victimization. Popularity of these victims may falsely lead to an impression that the victims are doing well. Second, the consequences considering victims’ later psychosocial adjustment were alarming concerning girls bullied by boys. Thus, despite the fact that the targets may be perceived as popular, other-sex victimization can have even more severe consequences than same-sex victimization. Third, we found that defending relationships were mostly same-sex relationships, and consequently, we may ask whether defending is effective against other-sex bullies. Finally, the KiVa antibullying program was less effective against other-sex victimization in the adolescent sample. The findings altogether emphasize the importance of taking into account the sex composition of the bully-victim dyad, both considering future research on bullying and in the antibullying work with children and adolescents.
Despite over 50 years of investigation, the precise cause of infant colic crying remains unresolved and the long-term consequences unrevealed, and an effective treatment is lacking. Indeed, a more profound understanding of the complex nature of infants’ excessive crying is needed. The purpose of this series of studies was to investigate the association between gut microbiota composition and infant crying, to evaluate the impact of colic crying on children’s later health and to study the possibilities of treating and preventing excessive crying with pro- and prebiotics. The material comprised three on-going, prospective randomized controlled trials of the probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (ATCC 53103, LGG) or a mixture of prebiotics administered in early infancy. The study populations consisted of term infants (n=89), preterm infants (n=94) and term colic infants (n=30). Early crying was found to be inversely associated with the number of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus. Furthermore, at the age of 13 years functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGID) were manifested more frequently among children with previous colic crying than in those without. In preterm infants pro- and prebiotic supplementation during the first months of life reduced the frequency of excessive crying when compared to placebo. In parallel, probiotic LGG in tandem with a cow’s milk elimination diet and behavioral counseling reduced the daily crying amount among term colic infants when compared to placebo. In conclusion, the composition of the gut microbiota is associated with infant crying and colic, and probiotic LGG might provide a safe and effective treatment or preventive option to alleviate excessive crying in early infancy in term and preterm infants. Furthermore, early colic crying might be associated with the later development of FGID.
The purpose of this research was to provide a deeper insight into the consequences of electronic human resource management (e-HRM) for line managers. The consequences are viewed as used information system (IS) potentials pertaining to the moderate voluntaristic category of consequences. Due to the need to contextualize the research and draw on line managers’ personal experiences, a qualitative approach in a case study setting was selected. The empirical part of the research is loosely based on literature on HRM and e-HRM and it was conducted in an industrial private sector company. In this thesis, method triangulation was utilized, as nine semi-structured interviews, conducted in a European setting, created the main method for data collection and analysis. Other complementary data such as HRM documentation and statistics of e-HRM system usage were utilized as background information to help to put the results into context. E-HRM has partly been taken into use in the case study company. Line managers tend to use e-HRM when a particular task requires it, but they are not familiar with all the features and possibilities which e-HRM has to offer. The advantages of e-HRM are in line with the company’s goals. The advantages are e.g. an transparency of data, process consistency, and having an efficient and easy-to-use tool at one’s disposal. However, several unintended, even contradictory, and mainly negative outcomes can also be identified, such as over-complicated processes, in-security in use of the tool, and the lack of co-operation with HR professionals. The use of e-HRM and managers’ perceptions regarding e-HRM affect the way in which managers perceive the consequences of e-HRM on their work. Overall, the consequences of e-HRM are divergent, even contradictory. The managers who considered e-HRM mostly beneficial to their work found that e-HRM affects their work by providing information and increasing efficiency. Those managers who mostly perceived challenges in e-HRM did not think that e-HRM had affected their role or their work. Even though the perceptions regarding e-HRM and its consequences might reflect the strategies, the distribution of work, and the ways of working in all HRM in general and can’t be generalized as such, this research contributed to the field of e-HRM and it provides new perspectives to e-HRM in the case study organization and in the academic field in general.
Hermostoon vaikuttavien lääkkeiden käyttö on yleistä iäkkäässä väestössä. Erityisen yleistä käyttö on pitkäaikaisessa laitoshoidossa asuvilla iäkkäillä. Hermostoon vaikuttavien lääkkeiden haittavaikutuksia on tutkittu paljon, ja useat hermostoon vaikuttavat lääkeaineryhmät on tunnistettu murtumien riskitekijöiksi. Aikaisemmin ei ole kuitenkaan tutkittu usean hermostoon vaikuttavan lääkkeen yhteiskäytön yhteyksiä murtuman riskiin 65 vuotta täyttäneillä. Väitöskirjatutkimuksessa havaittiin, että usean hermostoon vaikuttavan lääkeaineen yhtäaikainen käyttö oli hyvin yleistä Porin kaupunginsairaalan viidellä pitkäaikaisen laitoshoidon osastolla (n = 154) vuosien 2004 ja 2005 vaihteessa. Kolmasosa tutkituista käytti säännöllisesti kolmea tai useampaa hermostoon vaikuttavaa lääkettä samanaikaisesti. Kun huomioitiin myös tarvittaessa otettavat lääkkeet, vastaava luku oli 53 %. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin myös viitteitä lääkkeiden epäasianmukaisesta käytöstä, kun potilaiden käyttämiä lääkkeitä verrattiin heidän kognitiiviseen ja fyysiseen suorituskyynsä sekä asetettuihin diagnooseihin. Liedon kunnassa 1990-luvulla toteutettuun väestöpohjaiseen Liedon Iäkkäät -seurantatutkimukseen osallistui 1177 lietolaista 65 vuotta täyttänyttä. Lääkitystietoja sekä seuranta-aikana tapahtuneita murtumia analysoimalla havaittiin, että kahden tai useamman bentsodiatsepiinin sekä kahden tai useamman psykoosilääkkeen käyttö oli yhteydessä murtuman riskiin 65 vuotta täyttäneillä miehillä. Opioidin ja psykoosilääkkeen yhteiskäyttö sekä opioidin ja bentsodiatsepiinin yhteiskäyttö oli yhteydessä iäkkäiden miesten murtuman riskiin. Naisilla vastaavia tilastollisesti merkitseviä yhteyksiä ei havaittu. Väitöskirjatutkimuksen uusin osa-aineisto perustui Porissa vuosina 2009–2010 toteutetun Satauni-tutkimuksen aineistoon. Tutkimuksessa osoitettiin 89 potilaan aineistossa, että hallittu, yhden kuukauden aikana lääkärin ja hoitajan tuella toteutettu bentsodiatsepiinivieroitus paransi merkitsevästi 55 vuotta täyttäneiden naisten käden puristusvoimaa kuuden kuukauden seuranta-aikana. Vastaavaa yhteyttä ei havaittu miehillä. Bentsodiatsepiinivieroituksella ei ollut yhteyttä osallistujien tasapainotestin tulosten paranemiseen kuuden kuukauden seurantaaikana. Murtumilla on vakavia seurauksia sekä yksilötasolla että yhteiskunnallisesti iäkkäässä väestössä. Murtumien ehkäisy on hyvin tärkeää. Siinä tulee kiinnittää huomiota potilaan käyttämään lääkitykseen ja arvioida erityisesti usean hermostoon vaikuttavan lääkkeen yhteiskäytön tarpeellisuutta.
Collective Action in Commons: Its Diverse Ends and Consequences explores new ways in which collective action theories can contribute to our understanding of natural resource management, especially the management of common-pools. Combining classical collective action theories and lessons from earlier empirical works, the study shows that cooperation among resource users is not only a possible solution to “the tragedy of the commons”, but it can be a part of the problem as well. That is, successful cooperation may increase the likelihood of resource depletion, for example, through more effective resource utilization or collusion against sanctioning and monitoring systems. The study also explores how analytic narratives can be used to tell the story behind problems of resource use and their solutions, including the diverse roles of cooperation.
Extant research on exchange-listed firms has acknowledged that the concentration of ownership and the identity of owners make a difference. In addition, studies indicate that firms with a dominant owner outperform firms with dispersed ownership. During the last few years, scholars have identified one group of owners, in particular, whose ownership stake in publicly listed firm is positively related to performance: the business family. While acknowledging that family firms represent a unique organizational form, scholars have identified various concepts and theories in order to understand how the family influences organizational processes and firm performance. Despite multitude of research, scholars have not been able to present clear results on how firm performance is actually impacted by the family. In other words, studies comparing the performance of listed family and other types of firms have remained descriptive in nature since they lack empirical data and confirmation from the family business representatives. What seems to be missing is a convincing theory that links the involvement and behavioral consequences. Accordingly, scholars have not yet come to a mutual understanding of what precisely constitutes a family business. The variety of different definitions and theories has made comparability of different results difficult for instance. These two issues have hampered the development of a rigorous theory of family business. The overall objective of this study is to describe and understand how the family as a dominant owner can enhance firm performance, and can act a source of sustainable success in listed companies. In more detail, in order to develop understanding of the unique factors that can act as competitive advantages for listed family firms, this study is based on a qualitative approach and aims at theory development, not theory verification. The data in this study consist of 16 thematic interviews with CEOs, members of the board, supervisory board chairs, and founders of Finnish listed-family firms. The study consists of two parts. The first part introduces the research topic, research paradigm, methods, and publications, and also discusses the overall outcomes and contributions of the publications. The second part consists of four publications that address the research questions from different viewpoints. The analyses of this study indicate that family ownership in listed companies represents a structure that differs from the traditional views of agency and stewardship, as well as from resource-based and stakeholder views. As opposed to these theories and shareholder capitalism which consider humans as individualistic, opportunistic, and self-serving, and assume that the behaviors of an investor are based on the incentives and motivations to maximize private profits, the family owners form a collective social unit that is motivated to act together toward their mutual purpose or benefit. In addition, socio-emotional and psychological elements of ownership define the family members as owners, rather than the legal and financial dimensions of ownership. That is, collective psychological ownership of family over the business (F-CPO) can be seen as a construct that comprehensively captures the fusion between the family and the business. Moreover, it captures the realized, rather than merely potential, family influence on and interaction with the business, and thereby brings more theoretical clarity of the nature of the fusion between the family and the business, and offers a solution to the problem of family business definition. This doctoral dissertation provides academics, policy-makers, family business practitioners, and the society at large with many implications considering family and business relationships.
Background: A positive association has been suggested to exist between physical activity and psychological wellbeing. However, the association between physical fitness, especially muscle fitness and psychological wellbeing, has not yet been fully elucidated. Aims: The objective of the present thesis was to assess the relationship between physical activity and physical fitness with stress symptoms, mental resources and workability among young men and working adults. Subjects and methods: Volunteers of young men (n=831, mean age 25-y (±4.0)), underwent a cardiorespiratory (CRF) and muscle fitness (MFI) test and completed leisure time physical activity (LTPA) and Occupational Stress Questionnaires (OSQ). The participants were divided into tertiles according to LTPA, CRF and MFI. A 12-month exercise intervention evaluated 371 working adults (exercise group, n=338, mean age 45-y (±8.8)); control group, n=33, mean age 41-y (±6.9)).The exercise group underwent a 12-month exercise program followed by a 12-month follow-up. The OSQ, Workability Index (WAI) and CRF were evaluated at baseline and at 4, 8, 12 and 24 months. Results: Physically inactive subjects reported more stress and less available mental resources than the subjects who reported high physical activity levels. Improved physical fitness was associated with less stress and more mental resources among normal weight men, but not in overweight men. After a 12-month exercise intervention, employees in the exercise group increased their physical activity, improved workability, decreased stress symptoms and improved their physical fitness and mental resources. After the follow-up year, workability and stress were improved compared to baseline. Conclusions: In this thesis, good physical fitness was associated with improved psychological wellbeing among young men and working adults.
The present investigation looks into the attitudes toward death in Paul’s authentic letters, and puts them in relation to modern theories of psychological coping. Drawing on psychologically-oriented hermeneutic theory, and theories about psychological coping in particular, I argue that each case of psychological coping must be understood in its historical situation as strategies emanating from a specific person’s subjective appraisal (cf. Pargament, Lazarus and Folkman). Paul’s letters frequently refer to persecution and violent death. To aid in psychological coping is often integral to the purpose of the letters, which makes the perspective of psychological coping akin to their genre. In the course of a tentatively assumed chronological order of 1 Thessalonians, Galatians, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Romans, Philippians, and Philemon, Paul moves from the perception of Jesus dying for the faithful to the understanding of dying with Jesus. His coping strategies concerning death are gradually transformed from conservative and deferring coping styles, to a more self-directing coping style, to collaborative and transformative coping styles, and finally to a new sense of deferring coping style in prison. The last case of deferring coping carries the traits of generosity and flexibility even in the face of death, which is in contrast to his previous letters. Through his correspondence, we see Paul’s attitude toward death transformed from denial to reaction, to processing, to acceptance (cf. Lindemann, Kübler-Ross, Bowlby, Parkes, among others). His strategies also shift in accordance with these understandings. Denial is accompanied by diversion, threat by aggression, processing by rumination, and acceptance by joy. The study shows the hermeneutic benefits of reading Paul’s letters as the rhetorically framed expressions of a person in a particular historical situation. The letters open small windows through which we can glimpse the coping process of a person of antiquity. In adopting the method of psychological exegesis, the study shows that the variety of attitudes toward death in Paul’s letters makes sense from the perspective of psychological coping. The psychological aspect of these letters is an underexamined richness that can extend into areas of contemporary individual and group identity, and from there to public policy and ethics.
The aim of this study was to examine community and individual approaches in responses to mass violence after the school shooting incidents in Jokela (November 2007) and Kauhajoki (September 2008), Finland. In considering the community approach, responses to any shocking criminal event may have integrative, as well as disintegrative effects, within the neighborhood. The integration perspective argues that a heinous criminal event within one’s community is a matter of offence to collectively held feelings and beliefs, and increases perceived solidarity; whereas the disintegration perspective suggests that a criminal event weakens the social fabric of community life by increasing fear of crime and mistrust among locals. In considering the individual approach, socio-demographic factors, such as one’s gender, are typically significant indicators, which explain variation in fear of crime. Beyond this, people are not equally exposed to violent crime and therefore prior victimization and event related experiences may further explain why people differ in their sensitivity to risk from mass violence. Finally, factors related to subjective mental health, such as depressed mood, are also likely to moderate individual differences in responses to mass violence. This study is based on the correlational design of four independent cross-sectional postal surveys. The sampling frames (N=700) for the surveys were the Finnish speaking adult population aged 18–74-years. The first mail survey in Jokela (n=330) was conducted between May and June 2008, approximately six months from the shooting incident at the local high-school. The second Jokela survey (n=278) was conducted in May–June of 2009, 18 months removed from the incident. The first survey in Kauhajoki (n=319) was collected six months after the incident at the local University of Applied Sciences, March– April 2009, and the second (n=339) in March–April 2010, approximately 18 months after the event. Linear and ordinal regression and path analysis are used as methods of analyses. The school shootings in Jokela and Kauhajoki were extremely disturbing events, which deeply affected the communities involved. However, based on the results collected, community responses to mass violence between the two localities were different. An increase in social solidarity appears to apply in the case of the Jokela community, but not in the case of the Kauhajoki community. Thus a criminal event does not necessarily impact the wider community. Every empirical finding is most likely related to different contextual and event-specific factors. Beyond this, community responses to mass violence in Jokela also indicated that the incident was related to a more general sense of insecurity and was also associating with perceived community deterioration and further suggests that responses to mass violence may have both integrating and disintegrating effects. Moreover, community responses to mass violence should also be examined in relation to broader social anxieties and as a proxy for generalized insecurity. Community response is an emotive process and incident related feelings are perhaps projected onto other identifiable concerns. However, this may open the door for social errors and, despite integrative effects, this may also have negative consequences within the neighborhood. The individual approach suggests that women are more fearful than men when a threat refers to violent crime. Young women (aged 18–34) were the most worried age and gender group as concerns perception of threat from mass violence at schools compared to young men (aged 18–34), who were also the least worried age and gender group when compared to older men. It was also found that concerns about mass violence were stronger among respondents with the lowest level of monthly household income compared to financially better-off respondents. Perhaps more importantly, responses to mass violence were affected by the emotional proximity to the event; and worry about the recurrence of school shootings was stronger among respondents who either were a parent of a school-aged child, or knew a victim. Finally, results indicate that psychological wellbeing is an important individual level factor. Respondents who expressed depressed mood consistently expressed their concerns about mass violence and community deterioration. Systematic assessments of the impact of school shooting events on communities are therefore needed. This requires the consolidation of community and individual approaches. Comparative study designs would further benefit from international collaboration across disciplines. Extreme school violence has also become a national concern and deeper understanding of crime related anxieties in contemporary Finland also requires community-based surveys.
The parents of premature infants, especially the mothers, are at increased risk for distress. Infants born prematurely are at risk for developmental problems. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the psychological well-being of both parents is associated with child development in very low birth weight (VLBW, ≤1500g) children. The burden of prematurity-related morbidity to the children and to the family was also assessed. A cohort of 201 VLBW infants born during 2001–2006 in the Turku University Hospital, Finland, and their parents were studied (I–IV). One study included a control group (n=166) of full-term infants (IV). The psychological well-being of the parents was evaluated by assessments of depressive symptoms, parenting stress, the sense of coherence and general family functioning. Cognitive, behavioral, and socio-emotional development, and the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of the children were determined when the children were 2 to 8 years old. The psychological well-being of the parents was associated with the cognitive, behavioral and social development of the VLBW children. The VLBW infants with prematurity-related morbidities had a poorer HRQoL and the general functioning of the family was inferior compared to the control children and their families. 64.5% of the VLBW children survived without morbidities. Most of the VLBW children did not have significant behavior problems (93%), had normal social skills (63%), had no emotional problems (64%), and had no problems in executive functioning (62%). Only 3% of the surviving VLBW infants had significant cognitive delay. In conclusion, the depressive symptoms and stress of the parents can be risk factors for disadvantageous child development, while a strong sense of coherence can be protective. Parents of the premature children with developmental delays might also experience more depressive symptoms and stress than other parents. Prematurity-related morbidities were a burden to the VLBW child as well as to the family.
In marine benthic communities, herbivores consume a considerable proportion of primary producer biomass and, thus, generate selection for the evolution of resistance traits. According to the theory of plant defenses, resistance traits are costly to produce and, consequently, inducible resistance traits are adaptive in conditions of variable herbivory, while in conditions of constant/strong herbivory constitutive resistance traits are selected for. The evolution of resistance plasticity may be constrained by the costs of resistance or lack of genetic variation in resistance. Furthermore, resource allocation to induced resistance may be affected by higher trophic levels preying on herbivores. I studied the resistance to herbivory of a foundation species, the brown alga Fucus vesiculosus. By using factorial field experiments, I explored the effects of herbivores and fish predators on growth and resistance of the alga in two seasons. I explored genetic variation in and allocation costs of resistance traits as well as their chemical basis and their effects on herbivore performance. Using a field experiment I tested if induced resistance spreads via water-borne cues from one individual to another in relevant ecological conditions. I found that in the northern Baltic Sea F. vesiculosus communities, strength of three trophic interactions strongly vary among seasons. The highly synchronized summer reproduction of herbivores promoted their escape from the top-down control of fish predators in autumn. This resulted into large grazing losses in algal stands. In spring, herbivore densities were low and regulated by fish, which, thus,enhanced algal growth. The resistance of algae to herbivory increased with an increase in constitutive phlorotannin content. Furthermore, individuals adopted induced resistance when grazed and when exposed to water-borne cues originating from grazing of conspecific algae both in the laboratory and in field conditions. Induced resistance was adopted to a lesser extent in the presence of fish predators. The results in this thesis indicate that inducible resistance in F. vesiculosus is an adaptation to varying herbivory in the northern Baltic Sea. The costs of resistance and strong seasonality of herbivory have likely contributed to the evolution of this defense strategy. My findings also show that fish predators have positive cascading effects on F. vesiculosus which arise via reduced herbivory but possibly also through reduced resource allocation to resistance. I further found evidence that the spread of resistance via water-borne cues also occurs in ecologically realistic conditions in natural marine sublittoral. Thus, water-borne induction may enable macroalgae to cope with the strong grazing pressure characteristic of marine benthic communities. The results presented here show that seasonality can have pronounced effects on the biotic interactions in marine benthic communities and thereafter influence the evolution of resistance traits in primary producers.