29 resultados para Polarization-entangled photons


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Interest in recovery of valuable components from process streams has increased in recent years. Purpose of biorefinery is to utilize components that otherwise would go to waste. Hemicelluloses, for example, could be utilized in production of many valuable products. One possible way to separate and fractionate hemicelluloses is membrane filtration. In the literature part of this work membrane fouling in filtration processes of pulp and paper process- and wastewaters was investigated. Especially purpose was to find out the possible fouling compounds, after which facilities to remove or modify such components less harmful were studied. In the experimental part different pretreatment methods, mainly to remove or degrade lignin from wood hydrolysate, were studied. In addition, concentration of hemicelluloses and separation from lignin were examined with two ultrafiltration membranes; UFX5 and RC70PP. Changes in feed solution, filtration capacity and fouling of membranes were used to evaluate the effects of pretreatment methods. Changes in hydrolysate composition were observed with different analysis methods. Filtration of hydrolysate proved to be challenging, especially with the UFX5 membrane. The more hydrophilic RC70PP membrane did not seem to be fouled as severely as the UFX5 membrane, according to pure water flux measurements. The UFX5 membrane retained hemicelluloses rather well, but problems arose from rapid flux decline resulting from concentration polarization and fouling of membrane. Most effective pretreatment methods in the case with the UFX5 membrane proved to be prefiltration with the RC70PP membrane, activated carbon adsorption and photocatalytic oxidation using titanium dioxide and UV radiation. An additional experiment with PHW extract showed that pulsed corona discharge treatment degraded lignin quite efficiently and thus improved filtration capacity remarkably, even over six times compared to the filtration with untreated extract.


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Cutin and suberin are structural and protective polymers of plant surfaces. The epidermal cells of the aerial parts of plants are covered with an extracellular cuticular layer, which consists of polyester cutin, highly resistant cutan, cuticular waxes and polysaccharides which link the layer to the epidermal cells. A similar protective layer is formed by a polyaromatic-polyaliphatic biopolymer suberin, which is present particularly in the cell walls of the phellem layer of periderm of the underground parts of plants (e.g. roots and tubers) and the bark of trees. In addition, suberization is also a major factor in wound healing and wound periderm formation regardless of the plants’ tissue. Knowledge of the composition and functions of cuticular and suberin polymers is important for understanding the physiological properties for the plants and for nutritional quality when these plants are consumed as foods. The aims of the practical work were to assess the chemical composition of cuticular polymers of several northern berries and seeds and suberin of two varieties of potatoes. Cutin and suberin were studied as isolated polymers and further after depolymerization as soluble monomers and solid residues. Chemical and enzymatic depolymerization techniques were compared and a new chemical depolymerization method was developed. Gas chromatographic analysis with mass spectrometric detection (GC-MS) was used to assess the monomer compositions. Polymer investigations were conducted with solid state carbon-13 cross polarization magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (13C CP-MAS NMR), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and microscopic analysis. Furthermore, the development of suberin over one year of post-harvest storage was investigated and the cuticular layers from berries grown in the North and South of Finland were compared. The results show that the amounts of isolated cuticular layers and cutin monomers, as well as monomeric compositions vary greatly between the berries. The monomer composition of seeds was found to differ from the corresponding berry peel monomers. The berry cutin monomers were composed mostly of long-chain aliphatic ω-hydroxy acids, with various mid-chain functionalities (double-bonds, epoxy, hydroxy and keto groups). Substituted α,ω-diacids predominated over ω-hydroxy acids in potato suberin monomers and slight differences were found between the varieties. The newly-developed closed tube chemical method was found to be suitable for cutin and suberin analysis and preferred over the solvent-consuming and laborious reflux method. Enzymatic hydrolysis with cutinase was less effective than chemical methanolysis and showed specificity towards α,ω-diacid bonds. According to 13C CP-MAS NMR and FTIR, the depolymerization residues contained significant amounts of aromatic structures, polysaccharides and possible cutan-type aliphatic moieties. Cultivation location seems to have effect on cuticular composition. The materials studied contained significant amounts of different types of biopolymers that could be utilized for several purposes with or without further processing. The importance of the so-called waste material from industrial processes of berries and potatoes as a source of either dietary fiber or specialty chemicals should be further investigated in detail. The evident impact of cuticular and suberin polymers, among other fiber components, on human health should be investigated in clinical trials. These by-product materials may be used as value-added fiber fractions in the food industry and as raw materials for specialty chemicals such as lubricants and emulsifiers, or as building blocks for novel polymers.


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In this dissertation, active galactic nuclei (AGN) are discussed, as they are seen with the high-resolution radio-astronomical technique called Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI). This observational technique provides very high angular resolution (_ 10−300 = 1 milliarcsecond). VLBI observations, performed at different radio frequencies (multi-frequency VLBI), allow to penetrate deep into the core of an AGN to reveal an otherwise obscured inner part of the jet and the vicinity of the AGN’s central engine. Multi-frequency VLBI data are used to scrutinize the structure and evolution of the jet, as well as the distribution of the polarized emission. These data can help to derive the properties of the plasma and the magnetic field, and to provide constraints to the jet composition and the parameters of emission mechanisms. Also VLBI data can be used for testing the possible physical processes in the jet by comparing observational results with results of numerical simulations. The work presented in this thesis contributes to different aspects of AGN physics studies, as well as to the methodology of VLBI data reduction. In particular, Paper I reports evidence of optical and radio emission of AGN coming from the same region in the inner jet. This result was obtained via simultaneous observations of linear polarization in the optical and in radio using VLBI technique of a sample of AGN. Papers II and III describe, in detail, the jet kinematics of the blazar 0716+714, based on multi-frequency data, and reveal a peculiar kinematic pattern: plasma in the inner jet appears to move substantially faster that that in the large-scale jet. This peculiarity is explained by the jet bending, in Paper III. Also, Paper III presents a test of the new imaging technique for VLBI data, the Generalized Maximum Entropy Method (GMEM), with the observed (not simulated) data and compares its results with the conventional imaging. Papers IV and V report the results of observations of the circularly polarized (CP) emission in AGN at small spatial scales. In particular, Paper IV presents values of the core CP for 41 AGN at 15, 22 and 43 GHz, obtained with the help of the standard Gain transfer (GT) method, which was previously developed by D. Homan and J.Wardle for the calibration of multi-source VLBI observations. This method was developed for long multi-source observations, when many AGN are observed in a single VLBI run. In contrast, in Paper V, an attempt is made to apply the GT method to single-source VLBI observations. In such observations, the object list would include only a few sources: a target source and two or three calibrators, and it lasts much shorter than the multi-source experiment. For the CP calibration of a single-source observation, it is necessary to have a source with zero or known CP as one of the calibrators. If the archival observations included such a source to the list of calibrators, the GT could also be used for the archival data, increasing a list of known AGN with the CP at small spatial scale. Paper V contains also calculation of contributions of different sourced of errors to the uncertainty of the final result, and presents the first results for the blazar 0716+714.


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The drug discovery process is facing new challenges in the evaluation process of the lead compounds as the number of new compounds synthesized is increasing. The potentiality of test compounds is most frequently assayed through the binding of the test compound to the target molecule or receptor, or measuring functional secondary effects caused by the test compound in the target model cells, tissues or organism. Modern homogeneous high-throughput-screening (HTS) assays for purified estrogen receptors (ER) utilize various luminescence based detection methods. Fluorescence polarization (FP) is a standard method for ER ligand binding assay. It was used to demonstrate the performance of two-photon excitation of fluorescence (TPFE) vs. the conventional one-photon excitation method. As result, the TPFE method showed improved dynamics and was found to be comparable with the conventional method. It also held potential for efficient miniaturization. Other luminescence based ER assays utilize energy transfer from a long-lifetime luminescent label e.g. lanthanide chelates (Eu, Tb) to a prompt luminescent label, the signal being read in a time-resolved mode. As an alternative to this method, a new single-label (Eu) time-resolved detection method was developed, based on the quenching of the label by a soluble quencher molecule when displaced from the receptor to the solution phase by an unlabeled competing ligand. The new method was paralleled with the standard FP method. It was shown to yield comparable results with the FP method and found to hold a significantly higher signal-tobackground ratio than FP. Cell-based functional assays for determining the extent of cell surface adhesion molecule (CAM) expression combined with microscopy analysis of the target molecules would provide improved information content, compared to an expression level assay alone. In this work, immune response was simulated by exposing endothelial cells to cytokine stimulation and the resulting increase in the level of adhesion molecule expression was analyzed on fixed cells by means of immunocytochemistry utilizing specific long-lifetime luminophore labeled antibodies against chosen adhesion molecules. Results showed that the method was capable of use in amulti-parametric assay for protein expression levels of several CAMs simultaneously, combined with analysis of the cellular localization of the chosen adhesion molecules through time-resolved luminescence microscopy inspection.


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Att övervaka förekomsten av giftiga komponenter i naturliga vattendrag är nödvändigt för människans välmående. Eftersom halten av föroreningar i naturens ekosystem bör hållas möjligast låg, pågår en ständig jakt efter kemiska analysmetoder med allt lägre detektionsgränser. I dagens läge görs miljöanalyser med dyr och sofistikerad instrumentering som kräver mycket underhåll. Jonselektiva elektroder har flera goda egenskaper som t.ex. bärbarhet, låg energiförbrukning, och dessutom är de relativt kostnadseffektiva. Att använda jonselektiva elektroder vid miljöanalyser är möjligt om deras känslighetsområde kan utvidgas genom att sänka deras detektionsgränser. För att sänka detektionsgränsen för Pb(II)-selektiva elektroder undersöktes olika typer av jonselektiva membran som baserades på polyakrylat-kopolymerer, PVC och PbS/Ag2S. Fast-fas elektroder med membran av PbS/Ag2S är i allmänhet enklare och mer robusta än konventionella elektroder vid spårämnesanalys av joniska föroreningar. Fast-fas elektrodernas detektionsgräns sänktes i detta arbete med en nyutvecklad galvanostatisk polariseringsmetod och de kunde sedan framgångsrikt användas för kvantitativa bestämningar av bly(II)-halter i miljöprov som hade samlats in i den finska skärgården nära tidigare industriområden. Analysresultaten som erhölls med jonselektiva elektroder bekräftades med andra analytiska metoder. Att sänka detektionsgränsen m.hj.a. den nyutvecklade polariseringsmetoden möjliggör bestämning av låga och ultra-låga blyhalter som inte kunde nås med klassisk potentiometri. Den verkliga fördelen med att använda dessa blyselektiva elektroder är möjligheten att utföra mätningar i obehandlade miljöprov trots närvaron av fasta partiklar vilket inte är möjligt att göra med andra analysmetoder. Jag väntar mig att den nyutvecklade polariseringsmetoden kommer att sätta en trend i spårämnesanalys med jonselektiva elektroder.


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Asthma and allergy are common diseases and their prevalence is increasing. One of the hypotheses that explains this trend is exposure to inhalable chemicals such as traffi c-related air pollution. Epidemiological research supports this theory, as a correlation between environmental chemicals and allergic respiratory diseases has been found. In addition to ambient airborne particles, one may be exposed to engineered nanosized materials that are actively produced due to their favorable physico-chemical properties compared to their bulk size counterparts. On the cellular level, improper activity of T helper (Th) cells has been connected to allergic reactions. Th cells can differentiate into functionally different effector subsets, which are identifi ed according to their characteristic cytokine profi les resulting in specifi c ability to communicate with other cells. Th2 cells activate humoral immunity and stimulate eradication of extracellular pathogens. However, persistent predominance of Th2 cells is involved in a development of number of allergic diseases. The cytokine environment at the time of antigen recognition is the major factor determining the polarization of a naïve Th cell. Th2 cell differentiation is initiated by IL4, which signals via transcription factor STAT6. Although the importance of this pathway has been evaluated in the mouse studies, the signaling components involved have been largely unknown. The aim of this thesis was to identify molecules, which are under the control of IL4 and STAT6 in Th cells. This was done by using system-level analysis of STAT6 target genes at genome, mRNA and protein level resulting in identifi cation of various genes previously not connected to Th2 cell phenotype acquisition. In the study, STAT6-mediated primary and secondary target genes were dissection from each other and a detailed transcriptional kinetics of Th2 cell polarization of naïve human CD4+ T cells was collected. Integration of these data revealed the hierarchy of molecular events that mediates the differentiation towards Th2 cell phenotype. In addition, the results highlighted the importance of exploiting proteomics tools to complement the studies on STAT6 target genes identifi ed through transcriptional profi ling. In the last subproject, the effects of the exposure with ZnO and TiO2 nanoparticles was analyzed in Jurkat T cell line and in primary human monocyte-derived macrophages and dendritic cells to evaluate their toxicity and potential to cause infl ammation. Identifi cation of ZnO-derived gene expression showed that the same nanoparticles may elicit markedly distinctive responses in different cell types, thus underscoring the need for unbiased profi ling of target genes and pathways affected. The results gave additional proof that the cellular response to nanosized ZnO is due to leached Zn2+ ions. The approach used in ZnO and TiO2 nanoparticle study demonstrated the value of assessing nanoparticle responses through a toxicogenomics approach. The increased knowledge of Th2 cell signaling will hopefully reveal new therapeutic nodes and eventually improve our possibilities to prevent and tackle allergic infl ammatory diseases.


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This thesis summarizes studies of a class of white dwarfs (WDs) called DQ WDs. White dwarfs are the remnants of ordinary stars like our Sun that have run out of nuclear fuel. WDs are classified according to the composition of their atmosphere and DQ WDs have an atmosphere made of helium and carbon. The carbon comes in either atomic or molecular form and in some cases the strong spectral absorption features cover the entire optical wavelength region. The research presented here utilizes spectropolarimetry, which is an observational technique that combines spectroscopy and polarization. Separately these allow to study the composition of a target and the inhomogeneous distribution of matter in the target. Put together they form a powerful tool to probe the physical properties in the atmosphere of a star. It is espacially good for detecting magnetic fields. The papers in this thesis describe efforts to do a survey of DQ white dwarfs with spectropolarimetry in order to search for magnetic fields in them. Paper I describes the discovery of a new magnetic cool DQ white dwarf, GJ841B. Initial modeling of molecular features on DQ WDs showed inconsistencies with observations. The first possible solution to this problem was stellar spots on these WDs. To investigate the matter, two DQ WDs were monitored for photometric variability that could arise from the presence of such spots. Paper II summarizes this short campaign and reports the negative results. Paper III reports observations of the rest of the objects in our survey. The paper includes the discovery of polarization from another cool DQ white dwarf, bringing the total of known magnetic cool DQs to three. Unfortunately the model used in this thesis cannot, in its present state, be used to model these objects nor are the observations of high enough spectroscopic resolution to do so.


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Activated T helper (Th) cells have ability to differentiate into functionally distinct Th1, Th2 and Th17 subsets through a series of overlapping networks that include signaling and transcriptional control and the epigenetic mechanisms to direct immune responses. However, inappropriate execution in the differentiation process and abnormal function of these Th cells can lead to the development of several immune mediated diseases. Therefore, the thesis aimed at identifying genes and gene regulatory mechanisms responsible for Th17 differentiation and to study epigenetic changes associated with early stage of Th1/Th2 cell differentiation. Genome wide transcriptional profiling during early stages of human Th17 cell differentiation demonstrated differential regulation of several novel and currently known genes associated with Th17 differentiation. Selected candidate genes were further validated at protein level and their specificity for Th17 as compared to other T helper subsets was analyzed. Moreover, combination of RNA interference-mediated downregulation of gene expression, genome-wide transcriptome profiling and chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by massive parallel sequencing (ChIP-seq), combined with computational data integration lead to the identification of direct and indirect target genes of STAT3, which is a pivotal upstream transcription factor for Th17 cell polarization. Results indicated that STAT3 directly regulates the expression of several genes that are known to play a role in activation, differentiation, proliferation, and survival of Th17 cells. These results provide a basis for constructing a network regulating gene expression during early human Th17 differentiation. Th1 and Th2 lineage specific enhancers were identified from genome-wide maps of histone modifications generated from the cells differentiating towards Th1 and Th2 lineages at 72h. Further analysis of lineage-specific enhancers revealed known and novel transcription factors that potentially control lineage-specific gene expression. Finally, we found an overlap of a subset of enhancers with SNPs associated with autoimmune diseases through GWASs suggesting a potential role for enhancer elements in the disease development. In conclusion, the results obtained have extended our knowledge of Th differentiation and provided new mechanistic insights into dysregulation of Th cell differentiation in human immune mediated diseases.


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Context: BL Lacs are the most numerous extragalactic objects which are detected in Very High Energy (VHE) gamma-rays band. They are a subclass of blazars. Large flux variability amplitude, sometimes happens in very short time scale, is a common characteristic of them. Significant optical polarization is another main characteristics of BL Lacs. BL Lacs' spectra have a continuous and featureless Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) which have two peaks. Among 1442 BL Lacs in the Roma-BZB catalogue, only 51 are detected in VHE gamma-rays band. BL Lacs are most numerous (more than 50% of 514 objects) objects among the sources that are detected above 10 GeV by FERMI-LAT. Therefore, many BL Lacs are expected to be discovered in VHE gamma-rays band. However, due to the limitation on current and near future technology of Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescope, astronomers are forced to predict whether an object emits VHE gamma-rays or not. Some VHE gamma-ray prediction methods are already introduced but still are not confirmed. Cross band correlations are the building blocks of introducing VHE gamma-rays prediction method. Aims: We will attempt to investigate cross band correlations between flux energy density, luminosity and spectral index of the sample. Also, we will check whether recently discovered MAGIC J2001+435 is a typical BL Lac. Methods: We select a sample of 42 TeV BL Lacs and collect 20 of their properties within five energy bands from literature and Tuorla blazar monitoring program database. All of the data are synchronized to be comparable to each other. Finally, we choose 55 pair of datasets for cross band correlations finding and investigating whether there is any correlation between each pair. For MAGIC J2001+435 we analyze the publicly available SWIFT-XRT data, and use the still unpublished VHE gamma-rays data from MAGIC collaboration. The results are compared to the other sources of the sample. Results: Low state luminosity of multiple detected VHE gamma-rays is strongly correlated luminosities in all other bands. However, the high state does not show such strong correlations. VHE gamma-rays single detected sources have similar behaviour to the low state of multiple detected ones. Finally, MAGIC J2001+435 is a typical TeV BL Lac. However, for some of the properties this source is located at the edge of the whole sample (e.g. in terms of X-rays flux). Keywords: BL Lac(s), Population study, Correlations finding, Multi wavelengths analysis, VHE gamma-rays, gamma-rays, X-rays, Optical, Radio


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Since the discovery of the up-conversion phenomenon, there has been an ever increasing interest in up-converting phosphors in which the absorption of two or more low energy photons is followed by emission of a higher energy photon. Most up-conversion luminescence materials operate by using a combination of a trivalent rare earth (lanthanide) sensitizer (e.g. Yb or Er) and an activator (e.g. Er, Ho, Tm or Pr) ion in a crystal lattice. Up-converting phosphors have a variety of potential applications as lasers and displays as well as inks for security printing (e.g. bank notes and bonds). One of the most sophisticated applications of lanthanide up-conversion luminescence is probably in medical diagnostics. However, there are some major problems in the use of photoluminescence based on the direct UV excitation in immunoassays. Human blood absorbs strongly UV radiation as well as the emission of the phosphor in the visible. A promising way to overcome the problems arising from the blood absorption is to use a long wavelength excitation and benefit from the up-conversion luminescence. Since there is practically no absorption by the whole-blood in the near IR region, it has no capability for up-conversion in the excitation wavelength region of the conventional up-converting phosphor based on the Yb3+ (sensitizer) and Er3+ (activator) combination. The aim of this work was to prepare nanocrystalline materials with high red (and green) up-conversion luminescence efficiency for use in quantitative whole-blood immunoassays. For coupling to biological compounds, nanometer-sized (crystallite size below 50 nm) up-converting phosphor particles are required. The nanocrystalline ZrO2:Yb3+,Er3+, Y2O2S:Yb3+,Er3+, NaYF4:Yb3+,Er3+ and NaRF4-NaR’F4 (R: Y, Yb, Er) materials, prepared with the combustion, sol-gel, flux, co-precipitation and solvothermal synthesis, were studied using the thermal analysis, FT-IR spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, EDX spectroscopy, XANES/EXAFS measurements, absorption spectroscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, as well as up-conversion and thermoluminescence spectroscopies. The effect of the impurities of the phosphors, crystallite size, as well as the crystal structure on the up-conversion luminescence intensity was analyzed. Finally, a new phenomenon, persistent up-conversion luminescence was introduced and discussed. For efficient use in bioassays, more work is needed to yield nanomaterials with smaller and more uniform crystallite sizes. Surface modifications need to be studied to improve the dispersion in water. On the other hand, further work must be carried out to optimize the persistent up-conversion luminescence of the nanomaterials to allow for their use as efficient immunoassay nanomaterials combining the advantages of both up-conversion and persistent luminescence.


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This thesis is about development broadband feed for two-mirror antenna system that match following requirements: beamwidth from 45 to 90 degrees at -3 dB level, circular polarization, absence of radiation to the lower hemisphere area. Literature review was done in the areas of the UWB antennas creation. During the work attempts were made to create a feed in a form of the quad ridged horn and "eleven" antennas. The latter is introduced as the most effective feed among all antennas discussed in thesis. Radiation patterns and other results for "eleven" antenna were obtained. Results were saved as far field sources and placed slightly below focal point into the two-mirror antenna system, because phase center of the “eleven” antenna is predominantly shifted upwards. Directivity patterns for the two-mirror system were obtained and the conclusions about the work results have been made


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This study explores variegated means through which ports have become increasingly entangled in the planning logic of neoliberal innovation-driven economy. The research topic belongs to the academic disciplines of economics and human geography. The aim of the thesis is to analyse how the notion of innovation, adopted in a variety of supranational and national port policy documents, is deployed in operational port environment in two different ports of the Baltic Sea Region: the port of Stockholm, Sweden, and the port of Klaipeda, Lithuania. This novel innovation agenda is visible in several topics I examine in the study, that is, port governance, environmental issues, and seaport – port-city interface. The gathered primary source material on port policy documents, strategies, development planning documents and reports is analysed by utilizing the qualitative content analysis research method. Moreover, the empirical part of the case study, that is, tracing innovation practices in mundane port activities is based on collected qualitative semi-structured interviews with port authorities in Klaipeda and Stockholm, researchers and other port experts. I examine the interview material by employing the theoretical reading research method. In my analysis, I have reframed port-related policy development by tracing and identifying the port transformation from “functional terminals” to “engines for growth”. My results show that this novel innovation-oriented rhetoric imprinted in the narrative “engines for growth” is often contested in daily port practices. In other words, my analysis reveals that the port authorities’ and other port actors’ attitudes towards innovations do not necessarily correspond to the new narrative of innovation and do not always “fit” within a framework of neoliberal economic thinking that glorifies the “culture of innovations”. I argue that the ability to develop innovative initiatives in the ports of Klaipeda and Stockholm is strongly predetermined by local conditions, a port’s governance model, the way port actors perceive the importance of innovations per se, demand factors and new regulations.


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Rare-earth based upconverting nanoparticles (UCNPs) have attracted much attention due to their unique luminescent properties. The ability to convert multiple photons of lower energy to ones with higher energy through an upconversion (UC) process offers a wide range of applications for UCNPs. The emission intensities and wavelengths of UCNPs are important performance characteristics, which determine the appropriate applications. However, insufficient intensities still limit the use of UCNPs; especially the efficient emission of blue and ultraviolet (UV) light via upconversion remains challenging, as these events require three or more near-infrared (NIR) photons. The aim of the study was to enhance the blue and UV upconversion emission intensities of Tm3+ doped NaYF4 nanoparticles and to demonstrate their utility in in vitro diagnostics. As the distance between the sensitizer and the activator significantly affect the energy transfer efficiency, different strategies were explored to change the local symmetry around the doped lanthanides. One important strategy is the intentional co-doping of active (participate in energy transfer) or passive (do not participate in energy transfer) impurities into the host matrix. The roles of doped passive impurities (K+ and Sc3+) in enhancing the blue and UV upconversions, as well as in influencing the intense UV upconversion emission through excess sensitization (active impurity) were studied. Additionally, the effects of both active and passive impurity doping on the morphological and optical performance of UCNPs were investigated. The applicability of UV emitting UCNPs as an internal light source for glucose sensing in a dry chemistry test strip was demonstrated. The measurements were in agreement with the traditional method based on reflectance measurements using an external UV light source. The use of UCNPs in the glucose test strip offers an alternative detection method with advantages such as control signals for minimizing errors and high penetration of the NIR excitation through the blood sample, which gives more freedom for designing the optical setup. In bioimaging, the excitation of the UCNPs in the transparent IR region of the tissue permits measurements, which are free of background fluorescence and have a high signal-to-background ratio. In addition, the narrow emission bandwidth of the UCNPs enables multiplexed detections. An array-in-well immunoassay was developed using two different UC emission colours. The differentiation between different viral infections and the classification of antibody responses were achieved based on both the position and colour of the signal. The study demonstrates the potential of spectral and spatial multiplexing in the imaging based array-in-well assays.


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Global climate change and intentional climate modification, i.e. geoengineering include various ethical problems which are entangled as a complex ensemble of questions regarding the future of the biosphere. The possibilities of catastrophic effects of climate change which are also called “climate emergency” have led to the emergence of the idea of modifying the atmospheric conditions in the form of geoengineering. The novel issue of weather ethics is a subdivision of climate ethics, and it is interested in ethical and political questions surrounding weather and climate control and modification in a restricted spatio-temporal scale. The objective of geoengineering is to counterbalance the adverse effects of climate change and its diverse corollaries in various ways on a large scale. The claim of this dissertation is that there are ethical justifications to claim that currently large-scale interventions to the climate system are ethically questionable. The justification to pursue geoengineering on the basis of considering its pros and cons, is inadequate. Moral judgement can still be elaborated in cases where decisions have to be made urgently and the selection of desirable choices is severely limited. The changes needed to avoid severe negative impacts of climate change requires commitment to mitigation as well as social changes because technical solutions cannot address the issue of climate change altogether. The quantitative emphasis of consumerism should shift to qualitative focus on the aspiration for simplicity in order to a move towards the objective of the continuation of the existence of humankind and a flourishing, vital biosphere.