62 resultados para Organic produce


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Selostus: Alsike-, puna- ja valkoapilan vaikutus laitumen tuottoon luonnonmukaisessa tuotannossa


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Työssä selvitetään kompostointilaitoksen lopputuotteen erilaisia käyttömahdollisuuksia. Yleisten käyttökohteiden pohjalta on luotu malli Vapo Oy Biotech:n toimittaman Himangan kompostointilaitoksen kompostin hyödyntämiselle. Laitos sijaitsee Himangan kunnassa Keski- Pohjanmaalla. Laitoksella kompostoidaan pääasiassa Himangan ja ympäröivien kuntien jätevesilietteitä turkiseläinlantaa. Jätehuolto Suomessa ja koko EU:n alueella elää voimakasta muutoskautta. Orgaanisten jätteiden vienti kaatopaikoille pyritään tulevaisuudessa lopettamaan kokonaan, mikä on lisännyt niiden käsittelyä mm. kompostoimalla. Kompostoinnin lopputuotteena saadaan ravinteikasta, humuspitoista ainesta. Kompostoinnin yhtenä tavoitteena on tuottaa hyötykäyttöön soveltuvaa tuotetta, joten käyttökohteen löytäminen kompostille on laitoksen toiminnan kannalta erittäin tärkeää. Kompostin käyttömahdollisuuksiin vaikuttavat lainsäädäntö, kompostin ominaisuudet sekä paikalliset olosuhteet. Käyttökohteet on työssä jaettu ei-energiakäyttöön ja energiakäyttöön. Ei-energiakäyttöön kuuluvat maanparannuskäyttö, lannoitekäyttö, käyttö kasvualustassa, maisemointi ja julkinen rakentaminen sekä joitakin erityissovelluksia. Energiakäytön puolella on tarkasteltu kompostin soveltuvuutta erilaisille polttotekniikoille sekä vertailtu kompostia muihin kiinteisiin polttoaineisiin. Kompostien soveltuvuutta eri kohteisiin on arvioitu kompostin analyysi- ja kasvatuskoetulosten pohjalta. Kompostin ei-energiakaytössa on saatu eri tutkimuksissa lupaavia tuloksia. Kompostin on todettu soveltuvan erittäin hyvin mm. perunanviljelyyn, viljan ja nurmikasvien viljelyyn ja erilaisiin maisemointikohteisiin sekä kotipuutarhakäyttöön. Kompostin käyttöä polttoaineena ei ole vielä kokeiltu missään. Kompostin polton suurimmat ongelmat ovat korkea tuhka-, rikki- ja typpipitoisuus sekä epätasainen laatu.


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Substances emitted into the atmosphere by human activities in urban and industrial areas cause environmental problems such as air quality degradation, respiratory diseases, climate change, global warming, and stratospheric ozone depletion. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are major air pollutants, emitted largely by industry, transportation and households. Many VOCs are toxic, and some are considered to be carcinogenic, mutagenic, or teratogenic. A wide spectrum of VOCs is readily oxidized photocatalytically. Photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) over titanium dioxide may present a potential alternative to air treatment strategies currently in use, such as adsorption and thermal treatment, due to its advantageous activity under ambient conditions, although higher but still mild temperatures may also be applied. The objective of the present research was to disclose routes of chemical reactions, estimate the kinetics and the sensitivity of gas-phase PCO to reaction conditions in respect of air pollutants containing heteroatoms in their molecules. Deactivation of the photocatalyst and restoration of its activity was also taken under consideration to assess the practical possibility of the application of PCO to the treatment of air polluted with VOCs. UV-irradiated titanium dioxide was selected as a photocatalyst for its chemical inertness, non-toxic character and low cost. In the present work Degussa P25 TiO2 photocatalyst was mostly used. In transient studies platinized TiO2 was also studied. The experimental research into PCO of following VOCs was undertaken: - methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) as the basic oxygenated motor fuel additive and, thus, a major non-biodegradable pollutant of groundwater; - tert-butyl alcohol (TBA) as the primary product of MTBE hydrolysis and PCO; - ethyl mercaptan (ethanethiol) as one of the reduced sulphur pungent air pollutants in the pulp-and-paper industry; - methylamine (MA) and dimethylamine (DMA) as the amino compounds often emitted by various industries. The PCO of VOCs was studied using a continuous-flow mode. The PCO of MTBE and TBA was also studied by transient mode, in which carbon dioxide, water, and acetone were identified as the main gas-phase products. The volatile products of thermal catalytic oxidation (TCO) of MTBE included 2-methyl-1-propene (2-MP), carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and water; TBA decomposed to 2-MP and water. Continuous PCO of 4 TBA proceeded faster in humid air than dry air. MTBE oxidation, however, was less sensitive to humidity. The TiO2 catalyst was stable during continuous PCO of MTBE and TBA above 373 K, but gradually lost activity below 373 K; the catalyst could be regenerated by UV irradiation in the absence of gas-phase VOCs. Sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and water were identified as ultimate products of PCO of ethanethiol. Acetic acid was identified as a photocatalytic oxidation by-product. The limits of ethanethiol concentration and temperature, at which the reactor performance was stable for indefinite time, were established. The apparent reaction kinetics appeared to be independent of the reaction temperature within the studied limits, 373 to 453 K. The catalyst was completely and irreversibly deactivated with ethanethiol TCO. Volatile PCO products of MA included ammonia, nitrogen dioxide, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide and water. Formamide was observed among DMA PCO products together with others similar to the ones of MA. TCO for both substances resulted in the formation of ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and water. No deactivation of the photocatalyst during the multiple long-run experiments was observed at the concentrations and temperatures used in the study. PCO of MA was also studied in the aqueous phase. Maximum efficiency was achieved in an alkaline media, where MA exhibited high fugitivity. Two mechanisms of aqueous PCO – decomposition to formate and ammonia, and oxidation of organic nitrogen directly to nitrite - lead ultimately to carbon dioxide, water, ammonia and nitrate: formate and nitrite were observed as intermediates. A part of the ammonia formed in the reaction was oxidized to nitrite and nitrate. This finding helped in better understanding of the gasphase PCO pathways. The PCO kinetic data for VOCs fitted well to the monomolecular Langmuir- Hinshelwood (L-H) model, whereas TCO kinetic behaviour matched the first order process for volatile amines and the L-H model for others. It should be noted that both LH and the first order equations were only the data fit, not the real description of the reaction kinetics. The dependence of the kinetic constants on temperature was established in the form of an Arrhenius equation.


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The pulsed dielectric barrier discharge (PDBD) and pulsed corona discharge (PCD) were compared for their efficiency to degrade phenol in water solution. Results show that PCD has higher efficiency than PDBD to degrade phenol. When initial pH of water solution was elevated, phenol degradation in the PCD reactor was significantly enhanced, although no considerable effect was seen in the PDBD reactor. The PCD reactor was also able to degrade lignin significantly, both in synthetically prepared solution and in pulp and paper mill wastewater. Water temperature did not affect phenol degradation; however, lignin was better oxidized at lower temperature.


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Liquid-liquid extraction is a mass transfer process for recovering the desired components from the liquid streams by contacting it to non-soluble liquid solvent. Literature part of this thesis deals with theory of the liquid-liquid extraction and the main steps of the extraction process design. The experimental part of this thesis investigates the extraction of organic acids from aqueous solution. The aim was to find the optimal solvent for recovering the organic acids from aqueous solutions. The other objective was to test the selected solvent in pilot scale with packed column and compare the effectiveness of the structured and the random packing, the effect of dispersed phase selection and the effect of packing material wettability properties. Experiments showed that selected solvent works well with dilute organic acid solutions. The random packing proved to be more efficient than the structured packing due to higher hold-up of the dispersed phase. Dispersing the phase that is present in larger volume proved to more efficient. With the random packing the material that was wetted by the dispersed phase was more efficient due to higher hold-up of the dispersed phase. According the literature, the behavior is usually opposite.


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The pre-treatment step has a significant influence on the performance of bioenergy chains, especially on logistics. In nowadays conditions it is important to have technologies allowing to convert biomass at modest scales into dense energy carriers that ease transportation and handling. There are such technologies as charring and torrefaction. It is a thermal treatment of organic waste (only woody biomass is considered as a raw material in this work), which aims to produce a fuel with increased energy density. Wood processing is attractive under meaning of green house gas emissions. Charring and torrefaction are promising technologies due to its high process efficiency. It may be also attractive in the future as a renewable fuel with improved storage properties, increased energy density (compared to raw wood) for co-combustion and/or gasification.


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Identification of product requirements and quality, together with the management of production are key issues in chemical engineering. Quality control of crystalline products is part of the quality of many industrially manufactured products like paper, paintings, medicines and fertilizers. In most crystallization cases, quality is described with the size, polymorph, shape and purity of the crystal. The chemical composition, hydrodynamics and driving force, together with the operating temperature are in a key position when the properties of a crystalline product are controlled with the crystallization process. This study concentrates on managing the identified properties of a crystalline product with the control of a driving force. The controlling of the driving force can be based on the change of solubility or the change of concentration. Solubility can be changed with temperature, pressure and an antisolvent. The concentration of crystallizing compound, the solute can be changed with the evaporation of the solvent and with the addition of a reagent. The present study focuses on reagent addition and temperature change as methods of changing the level of the driving force. Three control structures for direct control of supersaturation are built, one for cooling crystallization and two for reactive crystallization. Closed loop feedback control structures are based on the measurement of the solute concentration with attenuated total reflection - Fourier transform infrared spectrometer. The details of the reagent feed are analyzed with experimental studies and with results of computational fluid dynamic simulations of the inert particle pulse in the premixer and inert particle injection to the mixing tank. Nucleation in conditions of controlled reactive crystallization is analyzed with Nielsen’s equation of homogeneous nucleation. The resulting control systems, based on regulation of supersaturation, can be used to produce the desired polymorph of an organic product. The polymorph composition of product crystals is controlled repeatably with the decision of a set value of supersaturation level.


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Indigo on väriaine, jota valmistetaan petrokemianteollisuuden välituotteena syntyvästä aniliinista. Indigolla on kuitenkin pitkä historia. Sitä on valmistettu perinteisesti eri viljelykasveista, joista Euroopassa merkittävin on ollut morsinko. Luonnonmukaisten tuotteiden suosion kasvaessa on ryhdytty selvittämään morsingon viljelyn potentiaalia. Viljelyn kannattavuuden kannalta olennaista on kasvin lehdissä esiintyvien indigon esiasteiden mahdollisimman täydellinen eristäminen. Indigoa tuotetaan uuttamalla indigon esiasteet veteen. Esiasteet hajoavat synnyttäen indoksyyliä, josta hapen vaikutuksella muodostuu indigoa. Syntynyt indigo saostuu ja laskeutuu pohjalle. Samalla kuitenkin tapahtuu epätoivottuja sivureaktioita, jotka vähentävät indigon saantoa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli laboratorio- ja kenttäkokeiden avulla löytää indigon saantoa parantavat uutto-olosuhteet. Kokeiden perusteella havaittiin, että indigon saantoon vaikuttavat positiivisesti pH:n laskeminen, lämpötilan nostaminen, morsingon lehtien pilkkominen ja uuttoliuoksen sekoittaminen. Uuttoliuoksen suolapitoisuuden havaittiin puolestaan vaikuttavan indigon saantoon negatiivisesti. Laboratoriokokeiden perusteella havaittu pH:n laskemisen vaikutus indigon saantoon todistettiin myös kenttäolosuhteissa. Kokeiden havaintojen perusteella esitettiin olosuhteiden indigosaantoa parantavien vaikutusten johtuvan kahdesta tekijästä: indoksyylin stabiloitumisesta happamassa ympäristössä, jolloin sivureaktioiden osuus vähenee, sekä aineensiirron paranemisella sekoituksen, faasien rajapinnan kasvamisen ja etenkin lehtien vahakerroksen rikkoutumisen kuuman veden ja hapon vaikutuksesta.


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Adsorption is one of the most commonly used methods in water treatment processes. It is attractive due to it easy operation and the availability of a wide variety of commercial adsorbents. This doctoral thesis focuses on investigating and explaining the influence of external phase conditions (temperature, pH, ionic strength, acidity, presence of cosolutes) on adsorption phenomena. In order to cover a wide range of factors and phenomena, case studies were chosen from various fields where adsorption is applied. These include the adsorptive removal of surface active agents (used in cleaning chemicals, for example) from aqueous effluents, the removal of hormones (estradiol) from drinking water, and the adsorption of antibiotics onto silica. The latter can beused to predict the diffusion of antibiotics in the aquatic system if they are released into the environment. Also the adsorption of living cells on functionalized polymers to purify infected water streams was studied. In addition to these examples, the adsorptive separation of harmful compounds from internal water streams within a chemical process was investigated. The model system was removal of fermentation inhibitors from lignocelluloses hydrolyzates. The detoxification of the fermentation broth is an important step in the manufacture of bioethanol from wood, but has not been studied previously in connection with concentrated acid hydrolyzates. New knowledge on adsorption phenomena was generated for all of the applications investigated. In most cases, the results could be explained by combining classical theories for individual phenomena. As an example, it was demonstrated how liquid phase aggregation could explain abnormal-looking adsorption equilibrium data. In addition to the fundamental phenomena, also process performance was of interest. This aspect is often neglected in adsorption studies. It was demonstrated that adsorbents should not be selected for a target application based on their adsorption properties only, but regeneration of the spent adsorbent must be considered. It was found that using a suitable amount of organic co-solvent in the regeneration can significantly improve the productivity of the process.