51 resultados para Material process
Tämä diplomityö tehtiin osana Componenta Cast Componentsin kolmivuotista toimitusketjujen kehitysprojektia. Työn tavoitteena oli kuvata tyypillinen yrityksen sisäinen toimitusketjuprosessi ja tehdä alustava suorituskykyanalyysi valimon ja konepajan väliseen logistiseen prosessiin liittyen. Tarkoituksena oli myös löytää kehityskohteita materiaali- ja tietovirtojen hallinnassa näiden tuotantoyksiköiden välillä. Logistiikkaan, toimitusketjujen hallintaan ja toimitusketjun suorituskyvyn mittaamiseen liittyvän kirjallisuustutkimuksen sekä käytännön perusteella valittiin sopivat analyysimenetelmät. Näitä menetelmiä hyödynnettiin tilaustoimitus – prosessin kuvaamisessa sekä suorituskyvyn analysoinnissa yrityksen sisäisessä toimitusketjussa. Luonnollisena jatkona kehitettiin ja pantiin käytäntöön toimitusketjua synkronoiva imutyyppinen tuotannon- ja materiaalinohjausmenetelmä. Diplomityöprojektin aikana kehitettiin myös apuvälineet käyttöönotetun menetelmän asianmukaista hyödyntämistä varten. Diplomityöprojektissa otettiin ensimmäiset askeleet kohti integroitua sisäistä toimitusketjua. Uuden tuotannon- ja materiaalinohjausmenetelmän standardisointi muihin menetelmiin yhdistettynä, sekä toimitusketjun avainmittarien jatkokehitys on jo alkanut. Läpimenoaikoja lyhentämällä ja synkronoidun, läpinäkyvän kysyntä-tarjontaketjun avulla integroitumisen astetta voidaan nostaa edelleen. Poikkiorganisatorinen kehitys ja johtaminen toimitusketjussa on avainedellytys menestykseen.
Paperin ja kartongin kierrätys lisääntyy taloudellisten intressien ja ympäristöhygieenisten tavoitteiden takia jatkuvasti. Lisääntyvän kierrätyksen myötä myös paperin ja kartongin epäpuhtauksien määrä kasvaa, mikä huonontaa kierrätysraaka-aineen laatua. Tämän työn tarkoituksena on antaa perustietoa eräästä kartongin päällystyksessä käytettävästä hydrofobisesta materiaalista, epäpuhtaan kartongin kierrätyksestä sekä ongelmista, joita epäpuhtaan kartongin kierrätyksestä syntyy. Kierrätyskuidun fraktiointi on yksinkertainen prosessi aallotuskartongin, testilainerin ja taivekartongin valmistuksessa. Kierrätysprosessin ensisijaisia tehtäviä ovat kuidutus ja epäpuhtauksien poisto sekä näiden epäpuhtauksien vaikutusten eliminointi, jotta kierrätysmassan laatuvaatimukset täyttyvät. Lisääntynyt epäpuhtauksien määrä raaka-aineessa asettaa vaatimuksia lajitteluprosessin kehittämiseksi. Nykyaikaisilla kierrätyslaitoksilla ei pystytä käsittelemään ylettömiä määriä epäpuhtauksia. Epäpuhtaudet aiheuttavat ongelmia ajettavuuteen ja heikentävät tuotteen laatua kierrätysprosessissa. Epäpuhtauksien poistoon on olemassa useita teknisiä ratkaisuja, mutta minkään niistä ei ole todettu täysin poistavan kaikkia ongelmia. Työn kokeellisessa osassa kartongin päällystykseen käytettävää hydrofobista materiaalia analysoitiin erilaisin menetelmin. Tutkittiin myös erilaisten olosuhteiden vaikutusta tämän materiaalin poistoon.
Tämän diplomityön päätavoitteena oli parantaa kehitetyn kustannusperusteisen siirtohinnoittelutyökalun ominaisuuksia osastokohtaisen kustannusarviointiprosessin käyttöön. Työ on vaikeutunut lähimenneisyyden heikosta hintakyselyiden vastauskyvystä. Työn pääongelmana oli kerätä luotettavaa tuotannonohjausjärjestelmän kustannusaineistoa osittain vanhentuneista vakioventtiilien koneistus- ja materiaalitiedosta. Tutkimuksessa käytetyt tärkeimmät tutkimusmenetelmät voidaan jakaa siirtohinnoittelu- ja kustannusarvioprosessien kirjallisuustutkimukseen, kenttäanalyysiin ja nykyisen Microsoft Excel –siirtohinnoittelutyökalun kehittämiseen eri osastojen rajapinnassa. Siirtohinnoittelumenetelmät ovat yleisesti jaettu kustannus-, markkina- ja neuvotteluperusteisiin malleihin, jotka harvoin sellaisenaan kohtaavat siirtohinnoittelulle asetetut tavoitteet. Tämä ratkaisutapa voi johtaa tilanteisiin, jossa kaksi erillistä menetelmää sulautuvat yhteen. Lisäksi varsinaiseen siirtohinnoittelujärjestelmään yleensä vaikuttavat useat sisäiset ja ulkoiset tekijät. Lopullinen siirtohinnoittelumenetelmä tulisi ehdottomasti tukea myös yrityksen visiota ja muita liiketoiminnalle asetettuja strategioita. Työn tuloksena saatiin laajennettu Microsoft Excel –sovellus, joka vaatii sekä vuosittaista että kuukausittaista erikoisventtiilimateriaalien hinta- ja toimitusaikatietojen päivittämistä. Tämä ratkaisutapa ehdottomasti parantaa kustannusarviointiprosessia, koska myös alihankkijatietoja joudutaan tutkimaan systemaattisesti. Tämän jälkeen koko siirtohinnoitteluprosessia voidaan kehittää muuntamalla kokoonpano- ja testaustyövaiheiden kustannusrakennetta toimintoperustaisen kustannuslaskentamallin mukaiseksi.
In this research work, the results of an investigation dealing with welding of sheet metals with diverse air gap using FastROOT modified short arc welding method and short circuit MAG welding processes have been presented. Welding runs were made under different conditions and, during each run, the different process parameters were continuously monitored. It was found that maximum welding speed and less HAZ are reached under specific welding conditions with FastROOT method with the emphasis on arc stability. Welding results show that modified short arc exhibits a higher electrode melting coefficient and with virtually spatter free droplet transition. By adjusting the short circuit duration the penetration can be controlled with only a small change in electrode deposition. Furthermore, by mixing pulsed MIG welding with modified arc welding the working envelope of the process is greatly extended allowing thicker material sections to be welded with improved weld bead aesthetics. FastROOT is a modified short arc welding process using mechanized or automated welding process based on dip transfer welding, characterized by controlled material deposition during the short circuit of the wire electrode to the workpiece.
Chemical-looping combustion (CLC) is a novel combustion technology with inherent separation of the greenhouse gas CO2. The technique typically employs a dual fluidized bed system where a metal oxide is used as a solid oxygen carrier that transfers the oxygen from combustion air to the fuel. The oxygen carrier is looping between the air reactor, where it is oxidized by the air, and the fuel reactor, where it is reduced by the fuel. Hence, air is not mixed with the fuel, and outgoing CO2 does not become diluted by the nitrogen, which gives a possibility to collect the CO2 from the flue gases after the water vapor is condensed. CLC is being proposed as a promising and energy efficient carbon capture technology, since it can achieve both an increase in power station efficiency simultaneously with low energy penalty from the carbon capture. The outcome of a comprehensive literature study concerning the current status of CLC development is presented in this thesis. Also, a steady state model of the CLC process, based on the conservation equations of mass and energy, was developed. The model was used to determine the process conditions and to calculate the reactor dimensions of a 100 MWth CLC system with bunsenite (NiO) as oxygen carrier and methane (CH4) as fuel. This study has been made in Oxygen Carriers and Their Industrial Applications research project (2008 – 2011), funded by the Tekes – Functional Material program. I would like to acknowledge Tekes and participating companies for funding and all project partners for good and comfortable cooperation.
The objectives of this Master’s Thesis were to find out what kind of knowledge management strategy would fit best an IT organization that uses ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) framework for IT Service Management and to create a knowledge management process model to support chosen strategy. The empirical material for this research was collected through qualitative semi-structured interviews of a case organization Stora Enso Corporate IT. The results of the qualitative interviews indicate that codification knowledge management strategy would fit best for the case organization. The knowledge management process model was created based on earlier studies and a literature of knowledge management. The model was evaluated in the interview research and the results showed that the created process model is realistic, useful, and it responds to a real life phenomenon.
The transformation of a traditional pulp mill into an integrated forest biorefinery utilizing wood-derived biomass presents a promising opportunity for enterprise revival of the pulp and paper industry by offering new sources of revenue and significantly improved industry profitability. One proposed next generation process step for an integrated forest biorefinery is the extraction of hemicelluloses, allowing the co-production of pulp and ethanol or chemicals. The extraction of hemicelluloses, however, will likely have downstream effects on pulp quality. In the literature survey an overview of the integrated forest biorefinery and possible next generation technologies implementable in such facility were reviewed. Moreover, some hemicellulose extraction methods suitable for the co-production of pulp and hemicellulose products were looked into in more detail. Also, an overview on the significance of pulp’s hemicellulose content on papermaking properties of pulp fibers was made. In the literature it is stated that the hemicellulose content of pulp affects on many papermaking properties of pulp fibers, hornification and paper strength properties in particular. In the experimental part the goal was to investigate what effects alkaline hemicellulose extraction after bleaching has on the papermaking properties of birch Kraft pulp. It was discovered that tested pulps, normal and hemi-poor birch Kraft pulp, were different in many ways regarding to pulp properties. Differences were observed in both physical and chemical characteristics. Furthermore, clear distinctions were seen in tested paper properties, especially in strength properties, between the handsheets made from hemi-poor or normal birch Kraft pulp. Hemi-poor and normal birch Kraft pulps were also compared as a raw material of laboratory made copy paper. Based on this comparison, usage of hemi-poor birch pulp as the raw material of copy paper does not drastically deteriorate its quality.
Chemical looping combustion (CLC) provides a promising technology to help cut carbon dioxide emissions. CLC is based on separated oxidation and reduction processes. Oxygen carrier, which is made from metal and supporting material, is in continuous recirculation between the air and fuel reactors. The CLC process does not require separation unit for carbon dioxide. The fuel reactor can produce an almost pure carbon dioxide feed which decrease costs of carbon capture and storage (CCS). The CLC method is one of the most promising ones for energy efficient carbon capture. A large amount of literature was examined for this study and from it the most promising methods and designs were chosen. These methods and designs were combined as reactor system design which was then sized during the making of this thesis. Sizing was done with a mathematical model that was further improved during the study.
The overriding aim of this drama educational case study is to deepen the understanding of meaning making in a creative intercultural youth theatre process and to examine it in the context of the 10th European Children's TheatreEncounter. The research task is to give a theoretical description of some key features of a creative drama process as the basis for theory about meaning makingin physical theatre. The first task is to illuminate the culture-historical connections of the multilayered practice of the EDERED-association. The second taskis to analyse and interpret theatrical meaning making. The ethnographical research site is regarded as a theatrical event. The analysis of the theatrical eventis divided into four segments: cultural contexts, contextual theatricality, theatrical playing and playing culture. These segments are connected with four research questions: What are the cultural contexts of a creative drama process? How can the organisation of the Encounter, genres, aesthetic codes and perception ofcodes be seen to influence the lived experiences of the participants? What are some of the key phases and characteristics in a creative practice? What kind of cultural learning can be interpreted from the performance texts? The interpretative question concerns identity and community (re)construction. How are the categories, `community´ and `child´ constructed in the Encounter culture? In this drama educational case study the research material (transcribed interviews, coded questionnaire answers, participant drawings, videotaped process text and performance texts) are examined in a multi-method analysis in the meta-theoretical framework of Dewey's naturalistic pragmatism. A three-dimensional research interest through a combination of lived experiences, social contexts and cultural-aesthetical practices compared with drama-educational practices required the methodological project of cultural studies. Furthermore, the critical interpretation of cultural texts is divided into three levels of analyses which are called description, structural analysis and theoretical interpretation. Dialogic validity (truthfulness, self-reflexivity and polyvocality) is combined with contextual validity (sensitivity to social context and awareness of historicity) and with deconstructive validity (awareness of the social discourses). My research suggests that itis possible, by means of physical theatre, to construct symbolic worlds where questions about intercultural identity and multilingual community are examined and where provisional answers are constructed in social interaction.
Cultural heritage has become something of an in-word in recent times. Intangible cultural heritage, however, is a category that has received relatively little attention. This folkloristic study focuses on intangible cultural heritage as concept and as process. Folkloristics as a scholarly branch emphasizes non-material culture. Consequently, there is a big potential in bringing existing knowledge of folklore together with current scholarly theories concerning cultural heritage in order to expand the understanding of intangible cultural heritage. In this thesis cultural heritage is regarded as a symbolic construct, which is spoken of and discussed in specific ways. The study of intangible cultural heritage (Swe. kulturarv) as concept focuses on this area. For a cultural component to be experienced as intangible cultural heritage it is, however, not enough to discuss it in those terms. Instead, cultural heritage status needs to be acted out during lengthy processes. This is demonstrated by the study of intangible cultural heritage as process. As a consequence performativity appears crucial to an understanding of cultural heritage – when a sufficient number of people speak and act as if a cultural component has a special status, it will also be perceived as cultural heritage. In this dissertation intangible cultural heritage is studied through cultural analysis, more specifically through discourse analysis. The usage of the concept intangible cultural heritage within cultural organizations, in scholarly use and in the Swedish-speaking press in Finland is examined. Traditional music in the Swedish-speaking districts of Finland is used as a case study of intangible cultural heritage as process. The examination concerns how traditional music, an intangible cultural component, has been discussed, transformed, standardized and objectified in a cultural heritage process. Cultural heritage is generally used as a token of value so that certain cultural components, both intangible and tangible, which are discussed in terms of cultural heritage are perceived to be valuable and should therefore be safeguarded. Intangible cultural heritage depends on performance, that is practitioners use their bodies to act out their traditional knowledge through song, handicraft, storytelling and so on. Intangible cultural components can be transmitted to other individuals in a performance situation, and they can also be documented. In Finland documentation and subsequent filing in archives have been associated with safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage. If the aim of safeguarding is to uphold traditional practices, which is the case for among others UNESCO’s programs aimed at intangible cultural heritage, other efforts are called for: forms of safeguarding that support performance and transmission.
Climate change has given an impetus to research and developed new technologies to reduce significantly carbon dioxide emissions in energy production in the developed countries. The major pollution source, fossil fuels, will be used as an energy source for many decades, which provides the demand for carbon capture and storage technologies. Over recent years many new technologies has been developed and one of the most promising is calcium-looping in post-combustion carbon capture process, which use carbonation-calcination cycle to capture carbon dioxide from the flue gas of a combustion process. First pilot plant for calcium-looping process has been built in Oviedo, Spain. In this study, a three-dimensional model has been created for the calciner, which is one of the two fluidized bed reactors needed for the process. The calciner is a regenerator where the captured carbon dioxide is removed from the calcium material and then collected after the reactor. Thesis concentrates in creating the calciner 3D-model frame with CFB3D-program and testing the model with two different example cases. Used input parameters and calciner geometry are Oviedo pilot plant design parameters. The calculation results give information about the process and show that pilot plant calciner should perform as planned. This Master’s Thesis is done in participation to EU FP7 project CaOling.
The Repair of segmental defects in load-bearing long bones is a challenging task because of the diversity of the load affecting the area; axial, bending, shearing and torsional forces all come together to test the stability/integrity of the bone. The natural biomechanical requirements for bone restorative materials include strength to withstand heavy loads, and adaptivity to conform into a biological environment without disturbing or damaging it. Fiber-reinforced composite (FRC) materials have shown promise, as metals and ceramics have been too rigid, and polymers alone are lacking in strength which is needed for restoration. The versatility of the fiber-reinforced composites also allows tailoring of the composite to meet the multitude of bone properties in the skeleton. The attachment and incorporation of a bone substitute to bone has been advanced by different surface modification methods. Most often this is achieved by the creation of surface texture, which allows bone growth, onto the substitute, creating a mechanical interlocking. Another method is to alter the chemical properties of the surface to create bonding with the bone – for example with a hydroxyapatite (HA) or a bioactive glass (BG) coating. A novel fiber-reinforced composite implant material with a porous surface was developed for bone substitution purposes in load-bearing applications. The material’s biomechanical properties were tailored with unidirectional fiber reinforcement to match the strength of cortical bone. To advance bone growth onto the material, an optimal surface porosity was created by a dissolution process, and an addition of bioactive glass to the material was explored. The effects of dissolution and orientation of the fiber reinforcement were also evaluated for bone-bonding purposes. The Biological response to the implant material was evaluated in a cell culture study to assure the safety of the materials combined. To test the material’s properties in a clinical setting, an animal model was used. A critical-size bone defect in a rabbit’s tibia was used to test the material in a load-bearing application, with short- and long-term follow-up, and a histological evaluation of the incorporation to the host bone. The biomechanical results of the study showed that the material is durable and the tailoring of the properties can be reproduced reliably. The Biological response - ex vivo - to the created surface structure favours the attachment and growth of bone cells, with the additional benefit of bioactive glass appearing on the surface. No toxic reactions to possible agents leaching from the material could be detected in the cell culture study when compared to a nontoxic control material. The mechanical interlocking was enhanced - as expected - with the porosity, whereas the reinforcing fibers protruding from the surface of the implant gave additional strength when tested in a bone-bonding model. Animal experiments verified that the material is capable of withstanding load-bearing conditions in prolonged use without breaking of the material or creating stress shielding effects to the host bone. A Histological examination verified the enhanced incorporation to host bone with an abundance of bone growth onto and over the material. This was achieved with minimal tissue reactions to a foreign body. An FRC implant with surface porosity displays potential in the field of reconstructive surgery, especially regarding large bone defects with high demands on strength and shape retention in load-bearing areas or flat bones such as facial / cranial bones. The benefits of modifying the strength of the material and adjusting the surface properties with fiber reinforcement and bone-bonding additives to meet the requirements of different bone qualities are still to be fully discovered.