28 resultados para Make-or-buy-or-cooperate decisions


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The aim of this study was to develop a theoretical model for information integration to support the deci¬sion making of intensive care charge nurses, and physicians in charge – that is, ICU shift leaders. The study focused on the ad hoc decision-making and immediate information needs of shift leaders during the management of an intensive care unit’s (ICU) daily activities. The term ‘ad hoc decision-making’ was defined as critical judgements that are needed for a specific purpose at a precise moment with the goal of ensuring instant and adequate patient care and a fluent flow of ICU activities. Data collection and research analysis methods were tested in the identification of ICU shift leaders’ ad hoc decision-making. Decision-making of ICU charge nurses (n = 12) and physicians in charge (n = 8) was observed using a think-aloud technique in two university-affiliated Finnish ICUs for adults. The ad hoc decisions of ICU shift leaders were identified using an application of protocol analysis. In the next phase, a structured online question¬naire was developed to evaluate the immediate information needs of ICU shift leaders. A national survey was conducted in all Finnish, university-affiliated hospital ICUs for adults (n = 17). The questionnaire was sent to all charge nurses (n = 515) and physicians in charge (n = 223). Altogether, 257 charge nurses (50%) and 96 physicians in charge (43%) responded to the survey. The survey was also tested internationally in 16 Greek ICUs. From Greece, 50 charge nurses out of 240 (21%) responded to the survey. A think-aloud technique and protocol analysis were found to be applicable for the identification of the ad hoc decision-making of ICU shift leaders. During one day shift leaders made over 200 ad hoc decisions. Ad hoc decisions were made horizontally, related to the whole intensive care process, and vertically, concerning single intensive care incidents. Most of the ICU shift leaders’ ad hoc decisions were related to human resources and know-how, patient information and vital signs, and special treatments. Commonly, this ad hoc decision-making involved several multiprofessional decisions that constituted a bundle of immediate decisions and various information needs. Some of these immediate information needs were shared between the charge nurses and the physicians in charge. The majority of which concerned patient admission, the organisation and management of work, and staff allocation. In general, the information needs of charge nurses were more varied than those of physicians. It was found that many ad hoc deci-sions made by the physicians in charge produced several information needs for ICU charge nurses. This meant that before the task at hand was completed, various kinds of information was sought by the charge nurses to support the decision-making process. Most of the immediate information needs of charge nurses were related to the organisation and management of work and human resources, whereas the information needs of the physicians in charge mainly concerned direct patient care. Thus, information needs differ between professionals even if the goal of decision-making is the same. The results of the international survey confirmed these study results for charge nurses. Both in Finland and in Greece the information needs of charge nurses focused on the organisation and management of work and human resources. Many of the most crucial information needs of Finnish and Greek ICU charge nurses were common. In conclusion, it was found that ICU shift leaders make hundreds of ad hoc decisions during the course of a day related to the allocation of resources and organisation of patient care. The ad hoc decision-making of ICU shift leaders is a complex multi-professional process, which requires a lot of immediate information. Real-time support for information related to patient admission, the organisation and man¬agement of work, and allocation of staff resources is especially needed. The preliminary information integration model can be applied when real-time enterprise resource planning systems are developed for intensive care daily management


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Tämän pro gradu tutkielman tarkoitus on rakentaa Make, buy or partner työkalu julkisen sektorin tietointensiivisten palveluiden ulkoistuksiin liittyviin päätöksentekotilanteisiin. Tutkielman teoreettinen viitekehys muodostetaan transaktiokustannusteoriasta johdetusta Make, buy or partner analyysista, jota täydennetään palvelutuotannon kontekstiin sopivaksi palvelun ja tiedon erityisluonteilla. Näin ollen saadaan kokonaisvaltaisempi näkemys työkalun pohjaksi. Tutkielman empiirinen osuus suoritetaan kvalitatiivisena tapaustutkimuksena julkisen sektorin organisaatiossa. Teorian ja empirian valossa muodostetaan kohdeorganisaatiolle työkalu ulkoistamisen päätöksenteon tueksi. Työkalun ansiosta kohdeorganisaatio pystyy tekemään laadukkaampia ja pitkäjänteisempiä päätöksiä.


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The molecular functions of the non-cell cycle-related Cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5) have been of primary interest within the neuroscience field, but novel undertakings are constantly emerging for the kinase in tissue homeostasis, as well as in diseases such as diabetes and cancer. Although Cdk5 activation is predominantly regulated by specific non-cyclin activator protein binding, additional mechanisms have proved to orchestrate Cdk5 signaling in cells. For example, the interaction between the intermediate filament protein nestin and Cdk5 has been proposed to determine cellular fate during neuronal apoptosis through nestin-dependent adjustment of the sensitive balance and turnover of Cdk5 activators. While nestin constitutes a crucial regulatory scaffold for appropriate Cdk5 activation in apoptosis, Cdk5 itself phosphorylates nestin with the consequence of filament reorganization in both neuronal progenitors and differentiating muscle cells. Interestingly, the two proteins are often found coexpressed in various tissues and cell types, proposing that nestin-mediated scaffolding of Cdk5 and its activators may be applicable to other tissue systems as well. In the literature, the molecular functions of nestin have remained in the shade, as it is mostly exploited as a marker protein for progenitor cells. In light of these studies, the aim of this thesis was to assess the importance of the nestin scaffold in regulation of Cdk5 actions in cell fate decisions. This thesis can be subdivided into two major projects: one that studied the nature of the Cdk5-nestin interplay in muscle, and one that assessed their role in prostate cancer. During differentiation of a myoblast cell line, the filament formation properties of nestin was found to be crucial in directing Cdk5 activity, with direct consequences on the process of differentiation. Also the genetic knockout of nestin was found to influence Cdk5 activity, although differentiation per se was not affected. Instead, the genetic ablation of nestin had broad consequences on muscle homeostasis and regeneration. While the nestin-mediated regulation of Cdk5 in muscle was found to act in multiple ways, the connection remained more elusive in cancer models. Cdk5 was, however, established as a significant determinant of prostate cancer proliferation; a behavior uncharacteristic for this differentiation-associated kinase. Through complex and simultaneous regulation of two major prostate cancer pathways, Cdk5 was placed upstream of both Akt kinase and the androgen receptor. Its action on proliferation was nonetheless mainly exerted through the Akt signaling pathway in various cancer models. In summary, this thesis contributed to the knowledge of Cdk5 regulation and functions in two atypical settings; proliferation (in a cancer framework) and muscle differentiation, which is a poorly understood model system in the Cdk5 field. This balance between proliferation and differentiation implemented by Cdk5 is ultimately regulated (where present) by the dynamics of the cytoskeletal nestin scaffold.


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Startup-yritykset ovat olleet esillä viimeaikaisessa tutkimus- ja liiketoimintakirjallisuudessa sekä niiden taloudellisen potentiaalin että uudenlaisen yrityskulttuurinsa vuoksi. Niistä on povattu uudenlaisen 2000-luvun liiketoiminnan luojaa ja niiden yrityskulttuuri on pitkälti vastakohta byrokraattisille ja jäykille yrityskulttuureille. Startup-yrityksen toiminnan tutkiminen voi tarjota mielenkiintoista uutta näkökulmaa siitä, miten uudenlaisella johtamisella ja yrityskulttuurilla luodaan menestyviä yrityksiä. Tämä tutkimus tarkastelee startup-yrityksen toimintaa identiteetin johtamisen kautta. Case-yrityksenä on suomalainen teknologia-alan startup-yritys, jota voidaan pitää menestyneenä, sillä se on viisivuotisen toimintansa aikana kasvanut paljon sekä henkilöstömäärällisesti että liikevaihdollisesti. Tutkimuksen kirjallisuuskatsauksessa tutustutaan yritysidentiteettiin ensin ilmiönä, jonka jälkeen tarkastellaan yritysidentiteetin johtamisen teoriaa. Tutkimuksen päätutkimuskysymys on: Millä keinoilla perustajat johtavat yritysidentiteettiä, ja alatutkimuskysymykset ovat: Mistä osa-alueista yrityksen identiteetti koostuu perustajien näkökulmasta ja Miten startup-kulttuuri näkyy yrityksen identiteetissä. Tutkimuksen aineistonkeruumetodina on teemahaastattelu ja haastateltaviksi valittiin yrityksen perustajat, sillä heillä on varsinkin yrityksen alkuvaiheessa iso vaikutus yrityksen identiteettiin. Aineiston analyysimenetelmä on teemoittelu. Tutkimusaineiston perusteella voidaan todeta, että startup-kulttuurilla on iso vaikutus case-yrityksen perustajien keinoihin johtaa yrityksen identiteettiä. Startup-kulttuuri merkitsee heille ennen kaikkea vastakkainasettelua isojen byrokraattisten yritysten kanssa, ja heidän tavoitteena on luoda yritykselleen sellainen identiteetti, jonka keskiössä on matala hierarkia, avoimuus ja rentous. Haastatteluaineiston perusteella he kokevat yrityksen tärkeimpien identiteetin osa-alueiden olevan yrityskulttuuriin sopivat työntekijät, avoimuus ja viihtyisä toimisto. He johtavat yritysidentiteettiä ennen kaikkea omalla esimerkillään, ja kokevat sen olevan startup-yrityksen perustajan tärkein tehtävä. Perustajat eivät koe arvojen tai vision kirjaamista ylös tärkeänä, sillä he näkevät esimerkillä johtamisen olevan paras keino merkitysten viestimiseen työntekijöille. Kysymykseksi jää, miten perustajien nykyiset johtamiskeinot toimivat yrityksen kasvaessa, sillä henkilöstömäärän kasvaessa omalla esimerkillä johtaminen muuttuu vaikeammaksi


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Pro gradu-tutkielman päätavoite on mallintaa toimintolaskennan ja sen tulosten hyödyntämisen mahdollisuuksia Kelan johtamisessa. Tutkielma on empiirinen työ ja sen tutkimusmenetelmänä on case-tutkimus. Tutkielman doktriini koostui eritoten julkishallinnon toimintolaskentaa jatoimintojohtamista koskevasta kirjallisuudesta. Tutkielman empiirinen aineisto kerättiin haastatteluin, dokumentteja tutkimalla sekä havainnoimalla työskentelyä Kelan päätoimitalossa Helsingissä. Tutkielman perusteella Kelalla on laajat mahdollisuudet hyödyntää toimintolaskentaa johtamisessa. Hyödyntämisen mahdollisuudet voidaan ryhmitellä sisäisen laskennan tehtävien mukaisesti. Tehtävät ovat raportointi ulkoisille sidosryhmille ja tiedon tuottaminen strategiseen ja operatiiviseen johtamiseen. Ulkoisiin sidosryhmiin liittyviä mahdollisuuksia ovat tulosten raportointi, rahoituksen uudistaminen, lainmuutoskustannusten arviointi sekä muilta organisaatioilta ja asiakkailta veloitettavien palveluiden hinnoittelu ja hintojen perusteleminen. Strategiseen ohjaukseen liittyviä mahdollisuuksia ovat tulosohjauksen kehittäminen, investointilaskelmat sekä ulkoistamispäätökset. Operatiiviseen ohjaukseen liittyviä mahdollisuuksia ovat puolestaan prosessien analysointi ja kehittäminen, benchmarking, sisäinen hinnoittelu ja tulosten viestiminen henkilöstölle. Sekä strategiseen että operatiiviseen ohjaukseen liittyviä hyödyntämisen mahdollisuuksia ovat resurssien käytönseuranta ja tehostaminen, työn tasauksen kehittäminen sekä suorituksen mittaaminen.


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The objective of the thesis is to structure and model the factors that contribute to and can be used in evaluating project success. The purpose of this thesis is to enhance the understanding of three research topics. The goal setting process, success evaluation and decision-making process are studied in the context of a project, business unitand its business environment. To achieve the objective three research questionsare posed. These are 1) how to set measurable project goals, 2) how to evaluateproject success and 3) how to affect project success with managerial decisions.The main theoretical contribution comes from deriving a synthesis of these research topics which have mostly been discussed apart from each other in prior research. The research strategy of the study has features from at least the constructive, nomothetical, and decision-oriented research approaches. This strategy guides the theoretical and empirical part of the study. Relevant concepts and a framework are composed on the basis of the prior research contributions within the problem area. A literature review is used to derive constructs of factors withinthe framework. They are related to project goal setting, success evaluation, and decision making. On the basis of this, the case study method is applied to complement the framework. The empirical data includes one product development program, three construction projects, as well as one organization development, hardware/software, and marketing project in their contexts. In two of the case studiesthe analytic hierarchy process is used to formulate a hierarchical model that returns a numerical evaluation of the degree of project success. It has its origin in the solution idea which in turn has its foundation in the notion of projectsuccess. The achieved results are condensed in the form of a process model thatintegrates project goal setting, success evaluation and decision making. The process of project goal setting is analysed as a part of an open system that includes a project, the business unit and its competitive environment. Four main constructs of factors are suggested. First, the project characteristics and requirements are clarified. The second and the third construct comprise the components of client/market segment attractiveness and sources of competitive advantage. Together they determine the competitive position of a business unit. Fourth, the relevant goals and the situation of a business unit are clarified to stress their contribution to the project goals. Empirical evidence is gained on the exploitation of increased knowledge and on the reaction to changes in the business environment during a project to ensure project success. The relevance of a successful project to a company or a business unit tends to increase the higher the reference level of project goals is set. However, normal performance or sometimes performance below this normal level is intentionally accepted. Success measures make project success quantifiable. There are result-oriented, process-oriented and resource-oriented success measures. The study also links result measurements to enablers that portray the key processes. The success measures can be classified into success domains determining the areas on which success is assessed. Empiricalevidence is gained on six success domains: strategy, project implementation, product, stakeholder relationships, learning situation and company functions. However, some project goals, like safety, can be assessed using success measures that belong to two success domains. For example a safety index is used for assessing occupational safety during a project, which is related to project implementation. Product safety requirements, in turn, are connected to the product characteristics and thus to the product-related success domain. Strategic success measures can be used to weave the project phases together. Empirical evidence on their static nature is gained. In order-oriented projects the project phases are oftencontractually divided into different suppliers or contractors. A project from the supplier's perspective can represent only a part of the ¿whole project¿ viewed from the client's perspective. Therefore static success measures are mostly used within the contractually agreed project scope and duration. Proof is also acquired on the dynamic use of operational success measures. They help to focus on the key issues during each project phase. Furthermore, it is shown that the original success domains and success measures, their weights and target values can change dynamically. New success measures can replace the old ones to correspond better with the emphasis of the particular project phase. This adjustment concentrates on the key decision milestones. As a conclusion, the study suggests a combination of static and dynamic success measures. Their linkage to an incentive system can make the project management proactive, enable fast feedback and enhancethe motivation of the personnel. It is argued that the sequence of effective decisions is closely linked to the dynamic control of project success. According to the used definition, effective decisions aim at adequate decision quality and decision implementation. The findings support that project managers construct and use a chain of key decision milestones to evaluate and affect success during aproject. These milestones can be seen as a part of the business processes. Different managers prioritise the key decision milestones to a varying degree. Divergent managerial perspectives, power, responsibilities and involvement during a project offer some explanation for this. Finally, the study introduces the use ofHard Gate and Soft Gate decision milestones. The managers may use the former milestones to provide decision support on result measurements and ad hoc critical conditions. In the latter milestones they may make intermediate success evaluation also on the basis of other types of success measures, like process and resource measures.


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Centrifugal compressors are widely used for example in refrigeration processes, the oil and gas industry, superchargers, and waste water treatment. In this work, five different vaneless diffusers and six different vaned diffusers are investigated numerically. The vaneless diffusers vary only by their diffuser width, so that four of the geometries have pinch implemented to them. Pinch means a decrease in the diffuser width. Four of the vaned diffusers have the same vane turning angle and a different number of vanes, and two have different vane turning angles. The flow solver used to solve the flow fields is Finflo, which is a Navier-Stokes solver. All the cases are modeled with the Chien's k – έ- turbulence model, and selected cases are modeled also with the k – ώ-SST turbulence model. All five vaneless diffusers and three vaned diffusers are investigated also experimentally. For each construction, the compressor operating map is measured according to relevant standards. In addition to this, the flow fields before and after the diffuser are measured with static and total pressure, flow angle and total temperature measurements. When comparing the computational results to the measured results, it is evident that the k – ώ-SST turbulence model predicts the flow fields better. The simulation results indicate that it is possible to improve the efficiency with the pinch, and according to the numerical results, the two best geometries are the ones with most pinch at the shroud. These geometries have approximately 4 percentage points higher efficiency than the unpinched vaneless diffusers. The hub pinch does not seem to have any major benefits. In general, the pinches make the flow fields before and after the diffuser more uniform. The pinch also seems to improve the impeller efficiency. This is down to two reasons. The major reason is that the pinch decreases the size of slow flow and possible backflow region located near the shroud after the impeller. Secondly, the pinches decrease the flow velocity in the tip clearance, leading to a smaller tip leakage flow and therefore slightly better impeller efficiency. Also some of the vaned diffusers improve the efficiency, the increment being 1...3 percentage points, when compared to the vaneless unpinched geometry. The measurement results confirm that the pinch is beneficial to the performance of the compressor. The flow fields are more uniform with the pinched cases, and the slow flow regions are smaller. The peak efficiency is approximately 2 percentage points and the design point efficiency approximately 4 percentage points higher with the pinched geometries than with the un- pinched geometry. According to the measurements, the two best geometries are the ones with the most pinch at the shroud, the case with the pinch only at the shroud being slightly better of the two. The vaned diffusers also have better efficiency than the vaneless unpinched geometries. However, the pinched cases have even better efficiencies. The vaned diffusers narrow the operating range considerably, whilst the pinch has no significant effect on the operating range.


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In March 2010, Chinese State Councillor, Dai Bingguo, in a private meeting with US Deputy Secretary of State, James Steinberg, allegedly referred to the South China Sea (SCS) as one of the country’s ‘core interests’, a term normally only used to refer to regions like Taiwan, Tibet and Xinjiang upon whose sovereignty Beijing will make no compromises. This alleged wording by Mr Dai caused a strong global reaction, with many countries around the world expressing a fear that China, on the back of its rise to the status of the world's second largest economic power, was now about to implement a more assertive foreign policy more in keeping with its new status of global superpower. As the use of the term ‘core interest’ took place in a private meeting and appears to have been subsequently leaked, it is impossible to prove what was said or meant, yet in 2011, with China and the US continuing to eye each other with suspicion, the adverse repercussions of people trying to deduce what was meant are undeniable. By analysing the views of experts and the evolution or otherwise of Chinese rhetoric and policy towards the SCS, this thesis will show how the alleged use of a term in a private meeting can have consequences that far exceed what was originally intended. It will also show that it is highly unlikely that China’s maritime policy is becoming more assertive as, at China's present stage of social and economic development, it simply cannot afford the ill will and adverse consequences that would result from an act of international aggression. It will show how easy it seems to be for a country like the US to project a misleading image of another country’s intentions, which can in turn serve partially to mask its own intentions. Finally, it will show that the China’s stance on the SCS is starting to be seen by the world as a litmus test for the assertiveness of overall Chinese foreign policy.


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The most outstanding conceptual challenge of modern crisis management is the principle of consent. It is not a problem only at the operational level - it challenges the entire decision-making structures of crisis management operations. In post-cold war times and especially in the 21st century, there has been a transition from peacekeeping with limited size and scope towards large and complex peace operations. This shift has presented peace operations with a dilemma. How to balance between maintaining consent for peace operations, whilst being able to use military force to coerce those attempting to wreck peace processes? To address such a dilemma, this research aims to promote understanding, on what can be achieved by military crisis management operations (peace support operations) in the next decade. The research concentrates on the focal research question: Should military components induce consent or rely on the compliance of conflicting parties in crisis management operations of the next decade (2020 – 2030)? The focus is on military – political strategic level considerations, and especially on the time before political decisions to commit to a crisis management operation. This study does not focus on which actor or organisation should intervene. The framework of this thesis derives from the so called ‘peacebuilding space’, the scope of peace operations and spoiler theory. Feasibility of both peace enforcement and peacekeeping in countering future risk conditions are analysed in this framework. This future-orientated qualitative research uses the Delphi-method with a panel of national and international experts. Citation analysis supports identification of relevant reference material, which consists of contemporary literature, the Delphi-questionnaires and interviews. The research process followed three main stages. In the first stage, plausible future scenarios and risk conditions were identified with the Delphi-panel. In the second stage, operating environments for peace support operations were described and consequent hypotheses formulated. In the third stage, these hypotheses were tested on the Delphi-panel. The Delphi-panel is sufficiently wide and diverse to produce plausible yet different insights. The research design utilised specifically military crisis management and peace operations theories. This produced various and relevant normative considerations. Therefore, one may argue that this research; which is based on accepted contemporary theory, hypotheses derived thereof and utilising an expert panel, contributes to the realm of peace support operations. This research finds that some degree of peace enforcement will be feasible and necessary in at least the following risk conditions: failed governance; potential spillover of ethnic, religious, ideological conflict; vulnerability of strategic chokepoints and infrastructures in ungoverned spaces; as well as in territorial and extra-territorial border disputes. In addition, some form of peace enforcement is probably necessary in risk conditions pertaining to: extremism of marginalised groups; potential disputes over previously uninhabited and resource-rich territories; and interstate rivalry. Furthermore, this research finds that peacekeeping measures will be feasible and necessary in at least risk conditions pertaining to: potential spillover of ethnic, religious, ideological conflict; uncontrolled migration; consequences from environmental catastrophes or changes; territorial and extra-territorial border disputes; and potential disputes over previously uninhabited and resource-rich territories. These findings are all subject to both generic and case specific preconditions that must exist for a peace support operation. Some deductions could be derived from the research findings. Although some risk conditions may appear illogical, understanding the underlying logic of a conflict is fundamental to understanding transition in crisis management. Practitioners of crisis management should possess cognizance of such transition. They must understand how transition should occur from threat to safety, from conflict to stability – and so forth. Understanding transition is imperative for managing the dynamic evolution of preconditions, which begins at the outset of a peace support operation. Furthermore, it is pertinent that spoilers are defined from a peace process point of view. If spoilers are defined otherwise, it changes the nature of an operation towards war, where the logic is breaking the will of an enemy - and surrender. In peace support operations, the logic is different: actions towards spoilers are intended to cause transition towards consent - not defeat. Notwithstanding future developments, history continues to provide strategic education. However, the distinction is that the risk conditions occur in novel futures. Hence, lessons learned from the past should be fitted to the case at hand. This research shows compelling evidence that swaying between intervention optimism and pessimism is not substantiated. Both peace enforcement and peacekeeping are sine qua non for successful military crisis management in the next decade.


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European luxury brands have an image of manufacturing their products in the same country where the brands originate. However, in the past years many luxury brands have shifted their manufacturing to countries outside Europe. China is now a common manufacturing country for European luxury brands despite the country’s poor image as a manufacturer. Chinese manufacturing is often associated with bad quality, bad labour conditions, mass production, and counterfeits. The image of China does not quite match the image luxury brands enjoy including characteristics such as high end quality, craftsmanship, details, design, or premium price. A negatively perceived country-of-manufacture may have an effect on a brand’s image and consumers’ purchase decisions. This thesis is focused on European luxury brands manufacturing in China, and how this effects the brand image and purchase decisions among luxury consumers. The empirical part of this thesis is based on focus group research, which is a popular method in the field of qualitative research. The main focus group is female luxury consumers in Finland. This main group has been divided into three categories: 1) the university students, 2) the young career women, 3) the experienced luxury consumers. This categorization has been done based on their different stages in luxury consumption. All in all, the empirical research consisted of 11 interviews and 29 participants. The main contribution of this thesis was that there is a difference between the opinions of the younger groups (university students and young career women) and the experienced luxury consumers when discussing the effect of country-of-manufacture on brand image and purchase decisions of luxury brands. The younger participants thought that manufacturing luxury products in China might affect the brand image, but their purchase decisions would not be that much affected by the country-of-origin. The experienced luxury consumers had quite a different view on the country-of-origin of luxury brands – they found it an important decisive factor prior making purchases. The majority of experienced luxury consumers would not buy luxury products made in China, and they would always check where these products are made in.


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Health Innovation Village at GE is one of the new communities targeted for startup and growth-oriented companies. It has been established at the premises of a multinational conglomerate that will promote networking and growth of startup companies. The concept combines features from traditional business incubators, accelerators, and coworking spaces. This research compares Health Innovation Village to these concepts regarding its goals, target clients, source of income, organization, facilities, management, and success factors. In addition, a new incubator classification model is introduced. On the other hand, Health Innovation Village is examined from its tenants’ perspective and improvements are suggested. The work was implemented as a qualitative case study by interviewing GE staff with connections to Health Innovation Village as well as startup entrepreneurs and employees’ working there. The most evident features of Health Innovation Village correspond to those of business incubators although it is atypical as a non-profit corporate business incubator. Strong network orientation and connections to venture capitalists are common characteristics of these new types of accelerators. The design of the premises conforms to the principles of coworking spaces, but the services provided to the startup companies are considerably more versatile than the services offered by coworking spaces. The advantages of Health Innovation Village are that there are first-class premises and exceptionally good networking possibilities that other types of incubators or accelerators are not able to offer. A conglomerate can also provide multifaceted special knowledge for young firms. In addition, both GE and the startups gained considerable publicity through their cooperation, indeed a characteristic that benefits both parties. Most of the expectations of the entrepreneurs were exceeded. However, communication and the scope of cooperation remain challenges. Micro companies spend their time developing and marketing their products and acquiring financing. Therefore, communication should be as clear as possible and accessible everywhere. The startups would prefer to cooperate significantly more, but few have the time available to assume the responsibility of leadership. The entrepreneurs also expected to have more possibilities for cooperation with GE. Wider collaboration might be accomplished by curation in the same way as it is used in the well-functioning coworking spaces where curators take care of practicalities and promote cooperation. Communication issues could be alleviated if the community had its own Intranet pages where all information could be concentrated. In particular, a common calendar and a room reservation system could be useful. In addition, it could be beneficial to have a section of the Intranet open for both the GE staff and the startups so that those willing to share their knowledge and those having project offers could use it for advertising.