65 resultados para Incentive theory
In this thesis I argue that the psychological study of concepts and categorisation, and the philosophical study of reference are deeply intertwined. I propose that semantic intuitions are a variety of categorisation judgements, determined by concepts, and that because of this, concepts determine reference. I defend a dual theory of natural kind concepts, according to which natural kind concepts have distinct semantic cores and non-semantic identification procedures. Drawing on psychological essentialism, I suggest that the cores consist of externalistic placeholder essence beliefs. The identification procedures, in turn, consist of prototypes, sets of exemplars, or possibly also theory-structured beliefs. I argue that the dual theory is motivated both by experimental data and theoretical considerations. The thesis consists of three interrelated articles. Article I examines philosophical causal and description theories of natural kind term reference, and argues that they involve, or need to involve, certain psychological elements. I propose a unified theory of natural kind term reference, built on the psychology of concepts. Article II presents two semantic adaptations of psychological essentialism, one of which is a strict externalistic Kripkean-Putnamian theory, while the other is a hybrid account, according to which natural kind terms are ambiguous between internalistic and externalistic senses. We present two experiments, the results of which support the strict externalistic theory. Article III examines Fodor’s influential atomistic theory of concepts, according to which no psychological capacities associated with concepts constitute them, or are necessary for reference. I argue, contra Fodor, that the psychological mechanisms are necessary for reference.
Pääomasijoittaminen on Suomessa verrattain uusi ilmiö. Tutkielman tarkoitus on ollut tarkastella pääomasijoittajan irtautumista kohdeyhtiöstä juridisesta näkökulmasta. Tutkielman ydin on ollut selvittää pääomasijoittamisen toimijoiden roolien ja niistä johtuvien intressien ristiriitojen vaikutusta irtautumiseen sekä sitä, miten intressiristiriitoja vähennetään erityisesti pääomasijoittajan näkökulmasta. Teoreettisena viitekehyksenä on käytetty päämies-agenttiteoriaa sekä teoriaa asymmetrisestä tiedosta ja moraalisesta uhkapelistä. Toisena tutkimusongelmana on selvitetty pääomasijoittamisen sijoittumista eri oikeudenalojen yhtymäkohtaan sekä luotu katsaus yleisesti pääomasijoittamista koskevaan lainsäädäntöön. Keskeisenä tavoitteena on ollut selvittää, aiheuttaako amerikkalaiseen sopimusmalliin perustuva sopimuskäytäntö ongelmia suomalaisessa juridisessa ympäristössä. Tutkimus on oikeustaloustieteellinen ja tutkimuskohteeseen on tutustuttu alan koti- ja ulkomaisen tutkimuksen ja kirjallisuuden lisäksi teemahaastatteluin. Tutkielman loppupäätelmä on, että pääomasijoittajan irtautumisen turvaamiseksi käytetään juridisesti tehokkaita menetelmiä, joista osakassopimuksen ehdot ovat ennemminkin ennaltaehkäiseviä kuin korjaavia. Intressiristiriitaa vähentämään käytetään myös kannustinjärjestelmä (osakeomistusta, optio-oikeuksia). Tutkimuksessa ei havaittu merkittäviä ongelmia amerikkalaisen sopimusmallin soveltamisessa suomalaiseen käytäntöön.
In this thesis the X-ray tomography is discussed from the Bayesian statistical viewpoint. The unknown parameters are assumed random variables and as opposite to traditional methods the solution is obtained as a large sample of the distribution of all possible solutions. As an introduction to tomography an inversion formula for Radon transform is presented on a plane. The vastly used filtered backprojection algorithm is derived. The traditional regularization methods are presented sufficiently to ground the Bayesian approach. The measurements are foton counts at the detector pixels. Thus the assumption of a Poisson distributed measurement error is justified. Often the error is assumed Gaussian, altough the electronic noise caused by the measurement device can change the error structure. The assumption of Gaussian measurement error is discussed. In the thesis the use of different prior distributions in X-ray tomography is discussed. Especially in severely ill-posed problems the use of a suitable prior is the main part of the whole solution process. In the empirical part the presented prior distributions are tested using simulated measurements. The effect of different prior distributions produce are shown in the empirical part of the thesis. The use of prior is shown obligatory in case of severely ill-posed problem.
Luettelointi kesken
Luettelointi kesken
Scientific studies regarding specifically references do not seem to exist. However, the utilization of references is an important practice for many companies involved in industrial marketing. The purpose of the study is to increase the understanding about the utilization of references in international industrial marketing in order to contribute to the development of a theory of reference behavior. Specifically, the modes of reference usage in industry, the factors affecting a supplier's reference behavior, and the question how references are actually utilized, are explored in the study. Due to the explorative nature of the study, a research design was followed where theory and empirical studies alternated. An Exploratory Framework was developed to guide a pilot case study that resulted in Framework 1. Results of the pilot study guided an expanded literature review that was used to develop first a Structural Framework and a Process Framework which were combined in Framework 2. Then, the second empirical phase of the case study was conducted in the same (pilot) case company. In this phase, Decision Systems Analysis (DSA) was used as the analysis method. The DSA procedure consists of three interviewing waves: initial interviews, reinterviews, and validating interviews. Four reference decision processes were identified, described and analyzed in the form of flowchart descriptions. The flowchart descriptions were used to explore new constructs and to develop new propositions to develop Framework 2 further. The quality of the study was ascertained by many actions in both empirical parts of the study. The construct validity of the study was ascertained by using multiple sources of evidence and by asking the key informant to review the pilot case report. The DSA method itself includes procedures assuring validity. Because of the choice to conduct a single case study, external validity was not even pursued. High reliability was pursued through detailed documentation and thorough reporting of evidence. It was concluded that the core of the concept of reference is a customer relationship regardless of the concrete forms a reference might take in its utilization. Depending on various contingencies, references might have various tasks inside the four roles of increasing 1) efficiency of sales and sales management, 2) efficiency of the business, 3) effectiveness of marketing activities, and 4) effectiveness in establishing, maintaining and enhancing customer relationships. Thus, references have not only external but internal tasks as well. A supplier's reference behavior might be affected by many hierarchical conditions. Additionally, the empirical study showed that the supplier can utilize its references as a continuous, all pervasive decision making process through various practices. The process includes both individual and unstructured decision making subprocesses. The proposed concept of reference can be used to guide a reference policy recommendable for companies for which the utilization of references is important. The significance of the study is threefold: proposing the concept of reference, developing a framework of a supplier's reference behavior and its short term process of utilizing references, and conceptual structuring of an unstructured and in industrial marketing important phenomenon to four roles.
Power electronic converter drives use, for the sake of high efficiency, pulse-width modulation that results in sequences of high-voltage high-frequency steep-edged pulses. Such a signal contains a set of high harmonics not required for control purposes. Harmonics cause reflections in the cable between the motor and the inverter leading to faster winding insulation ageing. Bearing failures and problems with electromagnetic compatibility may also result. Electrical du/dt filters provide an effective solution to problems caused by pulse-width modulation, thereby increasing the performance and service life of the electrical machines. It is shown that RLC filters effectively decrease the reflection phenomena in the cable. Improved (simple, but effective) solutions are found for both differential- and common-mode signals; these solutions use a galvanic connection between the RLC filter star point and the converter DC link. Foil chokes and film capacitors are among the most widely used components in high-power applications. In actual applications they can be placed in different parts of the cabinet. This fact complicates the arrangement of the cabinet and decreases the reliability of the system. In addition, the inductances of connection wires may prevent filtration at high frequencies. This thesis introduces a new hybrid LC filter that uses a natural capacitance between the turns of the foil choke based on integration of an auxiliary layer into it. The main idea of the hybrid LC filter results from the fact that both the foil choke and the film capacitors have the same roll structure. Moreover, the capacitance between the turns (“intra capacitance”) of the foil inductors is the reason for the deterioration of their properties at high frequencies. It is shown that the proposed filter has a natural cancellation of the intra capacitance. A hybrid LC filter may contain two or more foil layers isolated from each other and coiled on a core. The core material can be iron or even air as in the filter considered in this work. One of the foils, called the main foil, can be placed between the inverter and the motor cable. Other ones, called auxiliary foils, may be connected in star to create differential-mode noise paths, and then coupled to the DC link midpoint to guarantee a traveling path, especially for the common-mode currents. This way, there is a remarkable capacitance between the main foil and the auxiliary foil. Investigations showed that such a system can be described by a simple equivalent LC filter in a wide range of frequencies. Because of its simple hybrid construction, the proposed LC filter can be a cost-effective and competitive solution for modern power drives. In the thesis, the application field of the proposed filter is considered and determined. The basics of hybrid LC filter design are developed further. High-frequency behaviour of the proposed filter is analysed by simulations. Finally, the thesis presents experimental data proving that the hybrid LC filter can be used for du/dt of PWM pulses and reduction of common-mode currents.
The main objective of this thesis is to show that plate strips subjected to transverse line loads can be analysed by using the beam on elastic foundation (BEF) approach. It is shown that the elastic behaviour of both the centre line section of a semi infinite plate supported along two edges, and the free edge of a cantilever plate strip can be accurately predicted by calculations based on the two parameter BEF theory. The transverse bending stiffness of the plate strip forms the foundation. The foundation modulus is shown, mathematically and physically, to be the zero order term of the fourth order differential equation governing the behaviour of BEF, whereas the torsion rigidity of the plate acts like pre tension in the second order term. Direct equivalence is obtained for harmonic line loading by comparing the differential equations of Levy's method (a simply supported plate) with the BEF method. By equating the second and zero order terms of the semi infinite BEF model for each harmonic component, two parameters are obtained for a simply supported plate of width B: the characteristic length, 1/ λ, and the normalized sum, n, being the effect of axial loading and stiffening resulting from the torsion stiffness, nlin. This procedure gives the following result for the first mode when a uniaxial stress field was assumed (ν = 0): 1/λ = √2B/π and nlin = 1. For constant line loading, which is the superimposition of harmonic components, slightly differing foundation parameters are obtained when the maximum deflection and bending moment values of the theoretical plate, with v = 0, and BEF analysis solutions are equated: 1 /λ= 1.47B/π and nlin. = 0.59 for a simply supported plate; and 1/λ = 0.99B/π and nlin = 0.25 for a fixed plate. The BEF parameters of the plate strip with a free edge are determined based solely on finite element analysis (FEA) results: 1/λ = 1.29B/π and nlin. = 0.65, where B is the double width of the cantilever plate strip. The stress biaxial, v > 0, is shown not to affect the values of the BEF parameters significantly the result of the geometric nonlinearity caused by in plane, axial and biaxial loading is studied theoretically by comparing the differential equations of Levy's method with the BEF approach. The BEF model is generalised to take into account the elastic rotation stiffness of the longitudinal edges. Finally, formulae are presented that take into account the effect of Poisson's ratio, and geometric non linearity, on bending behaviour resulting from axial and transverse inplane loading. It is also shown that the BEF parameters of the semi infinite model are valid for linear elastic analysis of a plate strip of finite length. The BEF model was verified by applying it to the analysis of bending stresses caused by misalignments in a laboratory test panel. In summary, it can be concluded that the advantages of the BEF theory are that it is a simple tool, and that it is accurate enough for specific stress analysis of semi infinite and finite plate bending problems.
Tutkielmassa eritellään Norman Faircloughin kriittisen diskurssianalyysin teoriaa ja siihen kohdistettua kritiikkiä. Pyrkimyksenä on sovittaa näitä erilaisia näkemyksiä keskenään ja tarjota ratkaisuja yhteen kiriittisen diskurssianalyysin keskeiseen ongelmaan eli emansipaation (sosiaalisten epäkohtien tunnistamisen ja ratkaisemisen) puutteellisuuteen. Teoriaosuudesta esiin nousevia mahdollisuuksia sovelletaan tekstianalyysiin. Tutkimuksen kohteena on teksti Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century ja jossain määrin sen tuottanut järjestö Project for the New American Century. Näitä tarkastellaan ennen kaikkea sosiaalisina ilmiöinä ja suhteessa toisiinsa. Faircloughin mallin suurimmiksi ongelmiksi muodostuvat perinteinen käsitys kielestä, jonka mukaan kielen järjestelmän abstraktit ja sisäiset suhteet ovat tärkeimpiä, sekä ideologinen vastakkainasettelu kritiikin lähtökohtana. Ensimmäinen johtaa kielellisten tutkimustulosten epätyydyttävään kykyyn selittää sosiaalisia havaintoja ja jälkimmäinen poliittiseen tai maailmankatsomukselliseen väittelyyn, joka ei mahdollista uusia näkemyksiä. Tutkielman lopputulema on, että keskittymällä asiasisältöön kielen rakenteen sijasta ja ymmärtämällä tekstin tuottaja yksittäisenä, rajattuna sosiaalisena toimijana voidaan analyysiin saada avoimuutta ja täsmällisyyttä. Kriittiinen diskurssianalyysi kaipaa tällaista näkemystä kielellisten analyysien tueksi ja uudenlaisen relevanssin löytääkseen.
Pro gradu -tutkielmassa tutkitaan julkisissa hankinnoissa käyttöön otettavien uusien sähköisten menettelyjen, sähköisen huutokaupan ja dynaamisen hankintajärjestelmän, yritysvaikutuksia. Ydintutkimustehtävänä on tutkia, millaisia taloudellisia vaikutuksia sähköisillä menettelyillä tulee olemaan yrityksiin niiden tarjotessa palveluita tai tavaroita julkiselle sektorille ja mitkä ovat sähköisten menettelyjen käytön motiivit. Tutkielman teoriaosa on pohja empiiriselle tutkimukselle, jossa aineistona on käytetty suppeaa kyselytutkimusta, haastatteluja ja lisäksi materiaalia on tuotettu analysoimalla hallinnollisten kustannusten määrää sähköisissä hankintamenettelyissä. Yritysvaikutusten arvioinnissa tarkasteltiin sähköisten hankintamenettelyjen käytön motiiveja. Motiiveiksi tunnistettiin tehokkuuden tavoittelu, kustannussäästöt, ajankäytön ja henkilöresurssien käytön tehostaminen sekä avoimuus. Tutkimuksessa onnistuttiin todentamaan edellä mainittuja tekijöitä taloudellisilla malleilla. Määrälliset ja laadulliset tutkimustulokset osoittavat kokonaisuudessaan tuloksellisella tavalla sähköisten hankintamenettelyjen käytön motiiveita ja vaikutuksia yrityksiin. Sähköisillä hankintamenettelyillä voidaan perustellusti tehostaa hankintaprosessia ja saavuttaa kustannussäästöjä. Monia yleisiä yritysten julkisiin hankintoihin pääsyn esteinä pitämiä seikkoja voitaisiin vähentää tai poistaa käyttämällä sähköisiä hankintoja. Sähköistä huutokauppaa ja dynaamista hankintajärjestelmää koskevan lainsäädännön luodessa puitteet menettelyiden käytölle, tulee menettelyjen käyttöönoton motiivien ja kannustimien riittävyyttä seurata. Hallinnollisten kustannusten väheneminen ja muiden esteiden pieneneminen ei välttämättä synnytä pysyvää kannustinvaikutusta, vaan hankintaprosessia tulee pyrkiä sähköistämään kokonaisvaltaisesti myös muissa hankintalain mukaisissa hankintamenettelyissä ja kilpailuttamisen ulkopuolisissa hankinnan osa-alueissa kuten laskuttaminen, maksatus ja tilaus.